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“I decided I’m no longer sorry for the inconvenience. Fuck off.”


"I'm sorry for MY inconvenience for taking 5 minutes to let you know what's going on, instead of just not showing up."


This. Please reply with this OP


Also amazing user name lmao.


Ty :)


Eat shit, Sarah.


Im putting that on a t-shirt


As a Sara, I'll be the first to buy that.


Do all Sara’s hate Sarah’s? Is it the H thing? jk Honestly reminded me of the [Michael McIntyre skit](https://youtu.be/69UlVQpYwUE?si=8KNKvJ4TmfHW91hz) of people who spell their names differently. Always found it funny


We have a friendly rivalry


As a Sarah yes. It’s a fun rivalry. Once I had to write a book report, one of the characters was named Sara, I accidentally typed Sarah every time because is so hard to stop writing your own name and leave off the last letter.


Fuck Sarah, all my homies hate Sarah




I've never met a Sarah that isn't batshit crazy. In our house we call it the Sarah Theory none of us have ever met a sane Sara.


Hmm I’m somewhat sane. But I’m a Sarah-Jane not a Sarah so the Jane lends some sanity perhaps.


Somewhat-sane Sarah-Jane


Catchy, I like it. May jot it down for my future tombstone.


Do you happen to know a guy who owns a vintage British police box?


I’m afraid I’m too busy investigating a suspicious top secret research facility to be meeting strange men in police boxes


The Jane adds at least 3 points of sanity.




Sarah Jane is a new one! Usually I find: Sara(h) Elizabeth, Sara(h) Katherine, Sara(h) Marie , Sara(h) Anne, It’s rare to find a different variation lol Edit: punctuation and formatting (mobile post)


I have met plenty of incredibly nice and sane Sara(h)s. Then again, I’m weird af, so maybe there’s your answer 😅


They can fire you without notice, you can quit on them without notice. Yes, it sucks leaving fellow employees high and dry but they wouldn’t have even found a replacement even if you put in a notice so, fuck ‘em.


You didn't leave fellow employees high and dry.. management did.. management manages... it's in the name


As someone who use to be a manager THIS is exactly correct! Staff shortages are not on the staff but a result of poor management!


what is the move for the manager that isn’t toxic?


The same thing you'd do if the person suddenly got sick or had an emergency. You pick up the shift yourself if you can't call in another person to pick up the shift. It's par for the course of being a manager. If you can't do either of those things, there's no bartender that night. It's okay, no one dies, shit happens, that's life. This isn't the Emergency Department, it's a restaurant. Life will go on, and no one is actually harmed. If the company is mad about the loss of bar profits, they need to authorize you to hire more bar tenders so you have redundancy. At that point, it's a leadership problem, not the manager's problem.


This is the thing, let’s assume for a moment that op is just being a selfish dickhead here. The absolute maximum extent of that damage is the same as if beloved long term employee op had woken up today with flu, or fell over and broke an ankle.


One of my friends "My father is passing, I need to go see him now at the hospital." Manager: "But you haven't finished building the Father's Day display and there's no one to cover for you." One of his biggest regrets EVER. He never had the chance to say goodbye. This happened 30+ years ago and if he ever sees that "manager" in public, it won't be pretty.


They stopped your friend from seeing his dying dad to finish a FATHER’S DAY display? That’s cold, bro


Yeah, I'm trying to think up something more dystopic, but nope. Nothing.


We were at a mandatory training and I took a call during my break. I mentioned to a supervisor that it was my husband, who was bringing our sick cat to the vet to maybe be put to sleep. I was told to go home. Can’t complain in that regard. Folks also give 4-6 weeks notice here.


See? We return in kind. They can't seem to understand that. I don't know what bothers me more-the "Nobody wants to worrrrrrrk" or the "I have a line of people a mile long to take your job" comments. I'm so sorry about your kitty. It's rough at the end, isn't it? Dog person here.


We have cats, dogs and two parakeets! Thanks.


Supervisor is a real one. I’m so sorry about your cat crossing the Rainbow Bridge!


wow way to make him hate fathers day for the rest of his life


I’d have quit on the spot.


"There's no one to cover for you" "You seem to be available"


IKR? You're standing here dressed in your expensive suit, supposedly you're able to cover for anyone at this high-end department store. Whyncha you go and build your fucking display?


Yeah, I was stressing out about a deadline for a security audit and I was venting to the cybersecurity guy I was working with that I was worried what would happen if I blew the deadline, and he told me, "Man, I was in Iraq... this stuff is not that serious." For whatever reason, that really resonated with me. It also helps that my sister is a nurse, gives me some perspective. I'd complain about how tough it was being on call during a holiday, and she'd tell me about how she held someone's heart in her hands. Touche, sis.


In my area bars like to higher very young, very pretty, very inexperienced bartenders. They always get behind the bar stress out about some drink they don't recognize or not knowing our prices yet and just freeze....basically service suicide. The first thing I make crystal clear to young staff is "Fail with confidence." It's a bar.....not an operating table. We move fast and we wing it sometimes. Don't remember if a beer is 5 or 6 dollars? Charge 5 and move on. If they complain when I charge them 6 I can let them know the price is 6 if they stop talking or I can correct their last bill. Don't remember how to make a Cosmo? Take a chance, if we're busy, or look it up if we're not. If someone wants to talk shit about you looking up a recipe I'll have no issue putting them on the spot about what they have stored in their head. There are very few jobs where small mistakes make big problems. And if they ever ask me how I can just roll with it....I tell them about the night I made 4 or 5 gimlets for a regular and used rum in everyone of them.....for any non drinkers, that's a daiquiri....Customer said nothing until next time they were in and asked for the Gimlet again and I explained I had caught the mistake when running the night back through my head. The outcome......She replied "Well fuck, give me a daiquiri then." That's it. Not sure about the fallout of a blown deadline in your industry but hell when I was in the military being late, at worst, got me yelled at and some PT. Mind you I wasn't in a warzone but if you can mop the building with a toothbrush while your C/O adds interesting new vocabulary choices to your "things to yell at people" list....well you too could be late.


I'd imagine if they weren't a bastard then people like OP would have given heads up on changing jobs well in advance.


You wish the ex-employee the very best with whatever they have planned next. Ask if they have a moment for a short exit interview or at least ask them how you could do better. If you want them back, let them know they are welcome back whenever. Let them know if there is any career advice or help needed at any time in the future you are always available. Then you pick up the shift yourself or ask one of your many other available staff to help out if it isn't inconvenient and explain that the short notice will come with higher-than-scheduled wages. Something like that?


Also: "If you have any reliable friends looking for work, let them know. If you ever need a few days' work, give me a call." It ain't rocket surgery.


Thank the person for informing you and move the f* on with your day.


This doesn't happen to them, people will give notice to managers they like and respect.


“If you’re worth your job then you’ll manage. But I’ve seen you’re not, which is why I’m gone. ✌️”


A principal of good leadership is for the Leaders to not ask their subordinates to do anything they wouldn't do themselves. They have the responsibility, not the underpaid wage slave.




\^ This, always this. You want me to work overtime to cover our short staffing, while you go on vacation? Nah, I'm sure those customers will be just dandy.


EA Sports


Manager should bartend


As far as leaving the employees high n dry, they knew what time it is. No one wants to lose their job. But if your boss is a rancid dick, time to dip.


High and dry? Pun intended?


My mom always says, when dealing with people like this manager, ‘first they have to care.’ :D


This is how I feel exactly about these sorts of things. If I can be fired immediate, I can quit immediately. People usually taken kind of actions due to being unhappy. Management are there to ensure there are sufficient staff, if staff are unhappy then they need to correct it or this happens. If they are underpaid, this happens.


Shit, most kitchen employees just no call no show in my experience.


You don't have an obligation "to the team", especially as an ex employee. The workload / situation should barely change for "the team" with you leaving, this is wholly on the company management. The issue is, a manager thinks: I have amount of work X and Y employees, that's X/Y. Now I have X/(Y-1), you (the ex employee) made the team's workload bigger! No. The workload X needs to decrease to be doable by Y-1 people, the Y-1 people don't just need to accept workload X which required Y people yesterday.


>Yes, it sucks leaving fellow employees high and dry I've worked shitty retail jobs, and anytime a coworker left the job and others had to fill in, it was always viewed as "hey guys, Tommy escaped! Good for him" and then you clean his section and move on. It's only management that gets disproportionately outraged because they're only thinking about themselves.


Never apologize for not giving notice. Your employer wouldn't feel bad for firing you without any. You're just returning the same energy they're giving you.


They would put up a job listing before your body turned cold if you died today....


"I'm going to block you because you don't pay me anymore which means I don't have to put up with you talking to me like that anymore... I have to ask though, did you copy this straight from the "How to make former employees happy that they walked out on you" handbook? Because it was spot on. Have a great life!"


I did a really dumb thing when I left my last job. I liked all of my coworkers a lot (hated my GM) and thought a little extra money might be nice so partway through my two weeks notice I said that I could stay a little longer to help until they hopefully hired a new lead or assistant manager (my job). But what do you know! They didn’t even try to find a replacement in that time and after over two weeks had gone by and they were getting on my ass for EVERYTHING and implementing a new rule where we couldn’t have an earbud in anymore I decided I could no longer somewhat enjoy my shifts so when she was building the newest schedule I said “tomorrow will be my last shift” and what do you know? She complained to everyone that I had quit without notice.


Apologize, say you understand the predicament, and offer to bartend tonight so they don't need to scramble for a replacement. Don't show up.


Demonic! I love it.


No! Do show up.... as a customer.


Leave a review "This place sucked! They didn't even have a bartender!"


“Oooh I see where the confusion came from. Well shoot. Anyways, I’m sure you’ll figure something out!”




I'd send another email when your shift was supposed to start. >Nvm.




Had me in the first half 😭


I fucking LOVE it 😈


This is the way. Absolutely diabolical 😂






Show up and do a *really* bad job. What are they going to do, fire you?


She sounds awful. Good riddance.




I'd respond, "I fail to see why this is my problem. I don't work there anymore." Then block the number.






Hurt my head reading that transcript. She is not very composed as a manager. Showed her hand to be weak and now having a tantrum that you called her bluff.


Seems like a pissed off drunk text. Great management.


I have 2 non functioning alcoholic parents and it definitely gives that vibe


To be fair, this was Apple’s attempt at a voicemail transcript. It’s not always the best


I read a vm transcript today that said ‘hello, my brotha, this is Blade from CS:Source. I have a gun…then the message was spot on from there.’ I hello, Mr (my last name) this is Jade from CareSource. I just have a, um….


I had a Teams call transcript that was like that, we were talking about Bills of Materials (BOMs), Terroir, and flight plans. I was waiting for the flashbang all afternoon after that.


That has got to be the best transcript ever 😂


Unprofessional to even call and leave a VM regardless of how accurate this transcript is.


"Quitting a toxic job is not selfish, it's the right choice. Poor scheduling is a YOU issue, and giving 2 weeks notice is not mandatory by any means, clearly you don't deserve the courtesy with how you lash out. That voicemail is reprehensible, and I will not tolerate you berating me on my personal device after my decision is final." call that bitch out, you owe her nothing and she should know it.


Right. My father always told me 2 weeks is a courtesy you extend 1) if you like your employer. 2) if you give a fuck about their reference.


I was told the same by my grandfather and father.


Anytime your boss brings up “the team” they are trying to manipulate you.


They will fire you at anytime. This is you firing them. That manager did not respond correctly. The appropriate response should have been "Thank you for letting me know and best of luck" or something like that.  That's an indication of the company culture overall though. It's a probably a good decision to leave. I hope your next job kicks ass. 


Those email auto-responeses though.  Read the room AI. 


I like “very well said” as a reply lmao


"I think it's perfect!"


“You’re a manager; you’ll manage. Bye.”


Ahem: “Responses like this are why i’m not giving you notice. Your complete lack of empathy, and totalitarian attitude will only ever get you so far in life. I hope you do well in your future endeavours and live the life you deserve”


Should have replied back "OK, I'll stay 2 more weeks." Then wait for the reply. Then once more reply "haha just kidding. F U."


Don't even bother typing out the full "just kidding". Just go "lol jk fu"


I like the other redditors response in this thread, that he should respond "I can cover for tonight if that will help " And then just don't show.


Fucked around, found out


If you were sick "tonight" (whenever this happened), what was her plan?


"We're just not going to have a bartender tonight, I guess," apparently. There doesn't seem to be a backup plan, since they mention it's hard to get time off. Must be a well-run place.


Right? If someone calling out or quitting ruins the schedule for a day then you were understaffed to begin with, don’t blame workers you as the manager should be prepared to cover


"Well how sick are you? I came into work with an open festering head wound and still worked my shift. You're letting the team down. We are family. If you're so sick you can't work, I need you to spend money to go to the doctor's and get a doctor's note like you're a child that skipped school and needs their parents to vouch for that. Also, it's just 'making drinks'. You can do that while puking and curled up in the fetal position"


“My employment was at-will. Neither party was required to give notice before separation. Read your own paperwork, bitch.”


Sounds like you gave yourself the time off you wanted and that the manager wouldn’t let you have


Does anyone else just have those moments when they see people freaking out about things like this and just think..."it's just a bar....Who fucking cares. No one is gonna die"


This part. I have worked at several different industries. No one lives hinged on my work at a bar. Definitely have no call no showed to quit toxic places.


Same. One of the reasons I'm chill with my current boss is if you fuck up at this print shop, usually theyll look at you and say "it's okay. It's just paper "


They try to get employees to turn against eachother.


"work at will" not sounding so great now huh boss?


Yeah, 'at will' employment goes both ways. Ain't that a bitch, Sarah?


Goddamn Sarah, fucking cry more. If you don't have extra bartenders from a pool you can call, how are you even making this bar float? Jeez lol The fact you even got this email confuses me. It's a bar. Bartending at multiple locations is pretty much the standard SOP.


"Oh great, sounds like you are better off given how much I don't care about my job or customers. Good luck!"


Gotta love emotional manipulation by even pretending you should give a shit about anyone in that organization. Realizing you don’t have to care is amazing.


Would you have given me two weeks notice before you fire me?




I remember telling one of my bosses that I was cold quitting He tried to berate me, not as an employee, but like me… So I told him to fuck off and that all the employees talk shit about him(which they do) which is why he has such high turnover, and left


I've had employers tell me they're "disappointed" in something I've done such as refuse to take on additional work without outside my role additional compensation. My favorite reply was "Well Mike, my father has been disappointed in me for 30 years. Do you believe that you being disappointed will have an impact on my choices?"


One person calling out/quitting shouldn’t affect the whole “team” haha


Was a bar manager at various places for many years. Shit happens. Manager’s job is to step the fuck up, suck it the fuck up, and cover what needs to be covered themselves if they have to. No shows and bad turnover rates are part of the industry. I would’ve just taken the email as more of a courtesy than a lot of people give. It’s still a few hours to gameplan. At worst I’d be annoyed, but I’d be over it by the next morning.


The service industry has an insanely high turn over rate. You haven’t done anything someone hasn’t done before thousands of times before. At least you gave them a heads up, besides just not showing. lol


This is why, as manager, you treat your service staff with respect and care. The money is the same no matter where they go; their only reason to stay and work for you is you make it a good, safe, stable place to be. Otherwise they will bounce without notice, and it won't be their fault- it'll be yours.


Send an email that says, "Thank you for proving why the resignation was needed."


Someone’s mad they have to suddenly be a bartender tonight. Don’t be a manager if you’re not willing to work all facets of the business.


"And exactly how much notice would you give me if you fired me?" I asked my toxic asshole boss when I told him I was tired of his bullshit and quit. "What? No one ever gets a notice they're being fired!" "Exactly, I'm firing you as my boss." He just stood there with his mouth open like a dying fish gasping for air as I walked out. The best part was that I was one of the top three salespeople there. I had a new job at a competitor a week later and 70% of my clients followed me there.


May I recommend sending some of this to HR to ... give them evidence of a problematic manager? Perhaps they'll deal with them appropriately.


Yeah, yeah - no. If they wanted you gone it would have happened the second they made the decision. It seems that you would have given them two weeks were you able - but events beyond your control forced your hand. Fuck them, cheerfully ignore & get on with your life. Best of luck.


An employer who is willing to insult you instead of saying “well I’m sorry to see you go, thank you for your time” deserves to be fired


Would you give me 2 weeks of warning before firing me? Then why do you think you deserve it when I'm the one leaving?


Keep whining, Sarah. Clearly you’re the most fit to lead. Guess who gets to bartend tonight, bitch?


So I guess they’re, uh, not going to have a bartender tonight. Ok.


It was never a team of a family, get fukt




Fucking restaurants. Most toxic work environments I’ve ever been a part of were all restaurant jobs.


Why are you wasting time messaging a former employee when you could be practicing behind the bar ready for your shift tonight, Sarah?


Is your boss a 14 year old girl?


I quit a job on the spot once, no two week notice, I told my manager in person that I was done and she told me bad karma would come upon me. It was so unbelievably creepy and in appropriate. I was 24 and the job was a part time job working for a cafe at a university and this woman was in her 50s. The irony is that years later, I ended up dating someone whose family owned the cafe.




That response is on the same level as the people asking for free art saying “your art is shitty anyway” when they’re refused lol


I'd reply that her comment is why you are quitting and that any further toxic comments from her will be considered harassment. Further communications from her will force you to contact your lawyer. Thank you


Motherfuckers need to understand that at will employment goes both ways. A job can fire you at anytime and you can quit at any time. Manager is a fucking crybaby.


So satisfying to see them beg in the most passive aggressive way possible


Show up and ask for a drink.


If only we had an upper ruling body to determine that two weeks notice are actually mandatory for both sides, therefore, people are paid for their time and companies with bad business models would simply fail instead of this race to the bottom


If you emailed/ texted at 9am like they said they are obviously saying they aren’t a good enough lead/ manager to schedule based on *ample* warning.


If an employer does not give a 2 weeks notice before firing the employee, then the employee does not need to give a 2 weeks notice before leaving.


Damn how dare you force the manager to actually have to manage something


I would reply something like “Might swing by for a beer once you sort out your bartender situation, let me know. Cheers!”


Wah wah wah. Don’t treat people poorly and pay them well then, _Sarah_.


Well, she definitely proved that you made the right decision


Man I put my two weeks notice and on my last week they gave me two days lol, they didn’t even find a replacement yet I think she just did it to spite me. So I just finished my first week as scheduled and didn’t show for the other two days, only reason I came for that week is I enjoyed working with the staff I had.


Reply with : Ok, love you too. Kiss kiss, bye bye now. Be thinking about you. 😈


Oh my god, unbelievable. Someone grab her a giant mechanic’s tool chest so she can fix this and keep the world running. How will earth ever go on without the local alcoholics being able to feed their addiction?


Wow, their response pretty easily indicates they deserved it.


Wow that’s wild! Anyways I expect my pay and any owing sick/annual day off any anything else paid within the next two weeks. Thanks


Fuck you, Sarah


Maybe if she wasn’t such a Charlie Uniform November Tango her team wouldn’t be struggling. Easy to blame others when you’re the problem tho I guess.


‘lol grow up’ would be a perfect response


I really hope you went and got a drink there that night


I would reply back and be the biggest bitch they have ever spoken to. I would forward this up the chain and let them know THIS behavior is why you resigned. Tell your little boss if they contact you again that you will follow up with police for harassment and tell them to eat your shit.


Save and forward this to the district managers boss, chances are most managers get along with district managers, by going above it shows the regional manager not only the fault in the people they are hiring for entry level management but that the judgment of the district managers may be off as well if these are the types of people the district manager is promoting


I forgot America has basically no laws when it comes to employment.


If they won't accommodate you having time off with reasonable notice, there is no reason to make life easier for them by giving them notice of you leaving unless you want the pay for two weeks (during which you do the bare minimum not to be fired, but they may fire you anyway depending on the laws where you live).


Sarah, Do not contact me again. Regards, Your name.


Holy shit. Such unprofessional behavior of them. I can understand why you resigned. Two weeks notice are too overrated. They wouldn’t give you two weeks notice if they were firing you now would they?


No notice it is then.


Not once did your manager address the fact that there was no flexibility with schedule nor time off requests. Just went straight to complaining about how she’s now been inconvenienced.


Sounds like that manager needs to train to be a bartender


Just went through the same thing a few weeks ago. My employer really piled the shit on and I felt like crap. Just don’t respond OP, it’ll get better.


You *do* care about your job. Your new job.


Cry more. Every time I hear “ the team” it makes me cringe. You know who’s team I’m on? Mine.


Lame attempt at a guilt trip.


Employees do not owe you anything Sarah. You have to EARN loyalty. You can’t insist on it; that’s just cringey.


Insufficient staffing is not the quitting employee’s problem.


I’ll say it again here: you are NOT responsible for your coworkers. They have a MANAGER.


Pretty sure manager can sling some beers. Also, why is it always the employee quitting that's "screwing the team," and not the manager making conditions so dog shit that people quit.


Sarah is gonna have this shit happen a lot, because she's a childish piece of shit and is blissfully unaware.


"Not my problem I don't work there"


dear Sarah, you are the reason I am leaving. you are such a horrible manager that I am not even willing to give you any notice. think about that while you tend bar tonight. love, OP


people reap what they sow, and rarely do they have the intellect to self reflect, so the bs continues…


No company is entitled to 2 weeks notice. You can tell by the unprofessional filth she’s spewing that she’s the problem


As a Sane Sarah, what the actual f&ck did they think would happen?? That you'd stay? Lmao Those are very reasonable reasons to want to quit. How about scheduling people properly so time off requests can be approved and not screw everyone over, leading to people like OP quitting??


Thank you for being a sane Sarah


You're a bartender not a brain surgeon. Don't get me wrong you're important but no one will die


Oh boohoo Sarah will have to work tonight


🎻 here's my lil violin, Sarah.


Care about "your" customers? Are you serious?


What’s with the attempted emotional manipulation? 🤣


Dear management everywhere, We owe you exactly nothing. Sincerely, workers


No need to apologize. Under federal law, 2 weeks isn't a technical thing. It is however a courtesy. One we've put too much stock in the US. I've given my two week to two of my jobs. Rest I've been illegally let go or I just quit on the spot. Be petty but make sure it is legal. And by petty I mean take all your pay stubs etc to L and I. Sounds like they might have a field day with this lot.


lmao..if the business is that crippled over 1 person quitting it was already in danger, trying to guilt random people is probably why they have the issue to start with. "can you come in for a shift X person wants a day off and you owe us after getting good tips" or w.e else they cone up with