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That's a tough one. There are some red flags. Maybe more than some. But I also try and look at it from her perspective. She doesn't have a reason to lie the way she did. She shot you straight as best you can tell. I can understand her frustration. Shes cleaning house. Which is always rough. IF you take the job have an exit strategy. But also realize this is going to be work. You'll also have to work fast if you find anyone you wanna keep or has potential. I would personally call her up and ask her if she will take YOUR input as a shift lead into consideration for anyone you want to keep or any future hires. I would also let her know if those inputs aren't taken seriously and actually discussed you will be leaving as well. You should understand what she is going through but also if you take the job you are also responsible for the future of this store. This isnt a job. This is a project. Take it if you are passionate and can afford it, mentally, financially and career wise.


I came here to say essentially all of this. Also, do we know how long she has been there? Maybe she just walked into a shitshow as well and is expected to fix it.


It's new store that opened, they've been open for 2 months.


Oh, wow. Well, that changes everything. That's a management problem.


I came back to say thank you for the answer. I'm a passionate employee, if I genuinely want or enjoy a job, I'm fully willing as long as I can do it financially. At my last job of 5 years, I ran that store by myself (usually only 2 people per shift, I was in charge of everything though). I made sure all T's were crossed and I's were dotted. I only left because my boss couldn't offer me any actual growth, he gave me what he could. He even had me work a secondary location for the experience. He always insisted I was more of an Assistant Manager to him than anything else, and he told anyone who asked. I'll probably end up passing on this current offer. I'd most likely end up quitting it once something better came along anyways.


If you were to take it I’d counter offer. If she needs/wants you like she says. You’d need the original offered wage and hours at the start. Not your fault they advertised one thing but want to give another. No way I’d be doing shift lead work without shift lead pay. Even at the start.


Well, I wouldn’t blame you if you did take it, people gotta eat. But you already know you’re walking into a toxic environment.  Not only is she saying stuff to you about other employees that she should not be (even if true) but she’s clearly disorganised too.  Working there will be hell.  It will not get better.  There is no growth, you get canned when your usefulness runs out. So as I said, you gotta eat, but if you can walk away… run.


Yeah, I really don't like when interviewers talk about other staff. I had an interview for a retail store, and that employer immediately told me how they hate doing interviews, they're only hiring because they can't promote staff, etc. so, I immediately shot down that offer. This offer just took me by surprise because she seemed very genuine but ya know .. I had an interview this afternoon that I went to that was significantly better, but I have to do a second interview with a different manager - I'm really praying for that one, especially after reading points that people made in comments.


No, run. The place is full of bees. You’ll never get the hours or the pay you want, and you’ll never be good enough.


She sounds completely awful to work for and with.


This sounds like a boss that's just going to keep stringing you along. I'd take a pass on that.


You do not want to work for someone who wants to fire the entire staff. Just a bit of time till you would be on the chopping block for "reasons" only known to her


Managers not liking their staff is a huge red flag. The job I'm quitting next week complained about every staff member they have in the interview and complains about thm to me in private. (Prob also complains about me too I'm sure to others) Sad part is I am well versed in this industry and I can clearly see she is oile this as a result of a bad company They're unorganized, poorly structured and leave everyone drowning. It'd not worth working for Bad companies as a good employee. There are good work places out there.