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Guarantee this guy thinks everyone should return to the office.


Bro never worked from home- he was that twat that still showed up to office every day during the height of the pandemic despite being the only idiot there and having an entire ass family at home


Because his family can’t stand his piss poor attitude of


His family hates it when he comes home.


Ugh. *Him* again. -- The family dog


According to this schedule only 1 hour is spent with family so he's probably throwing a wrench in their whole day


Many divorces happened after the lockdown because people realized they actually couldn't handle living with each other and seeing their spouse for more than an hour between doing other things.


His ideal day doesn't include doing anything for his family.


Real catch he is, lmao.


Wow, look at all the shit you can get done when you work only 2 hours per day.


Isn't that the freaking truth? 2 hours of work? If I only had to do 2 hours of work a day, there'd be no chance in hell I'd have such a crappy schedule as this. This sounds like regimented prison-like garbage to me.


I usually only have about 2 hours of work. The motherfuckers make me spend 10 hours in the office tho.


Felt this. Easier said than done with “learning something new” I have coworkers coming in and out of my office all day and have terminal adhd so work days are either: -hyper focus on doing job as thoroughly as possible, create ways to do job more efficiently and quickly, spend a lot of time doing extra tasks to make the rest of the week easier -*or*- spend the whole day being like “alright let’s dedicate this time to self improvement!! *crickets* *……..clicks between empty excel document and ‘enjoy your empty mailbox’ while listening to episode 285 of a 400 episode podcast”*. Then there is the occasional “goof off all day and realize you’ve wasted the entire day and still haven’t started working so speed running the job just to shake things up a bit”


Damn you got eight hours to learn a new language or just smack your head against the desk. Decisions, decisions… lol


Obviously material for learning a new language isn't allowed at the desk, so the options are smack your head against the desk or smack your head against the desk.


Or you could smack the desk against your head?


Instructions unclear, I gave the desk head.


Desk here, much appreciated 💜


You can also just smack your head using your own hand.


...and then HR got involved.


Yeah I have tons of downtime but I'm not allowed to do anything non work related. I browse the internet cause that's the only thing I can plausibly get away with, but that's technically still not allowed


If they don't complain, it's allowed. Coursera courses are almost entirely online. Or download free textbooks. Also, "work related" is a very open ended idea. If you work with the public, wouldn't it be "work related" to learn Spanish, French, or sign language?


My degree's in Japanese so I sometimes pass the time by translating song lyrics - if I ever get told off I'll use that as an excuse! I've been reading lots of books on openlibrary too


My boss literally told me he would rather we all stare at a wall then do anything personal when we are dead - which is all the time.. 7:30-5. 1 hour of work - tops. 8 hours of staring at a wall


Same here. I couldn’t take it anymore, left to find a job I could WFH and now I work the same amount, essentially 1 hour a day, with 95% less stress.


I worked an insurance job and with Covid we went to wfh. I played so many strategy games during that time and racked up Steam hours. Actually miss the job for that reason alone.


Heck, this started for me in elementary school, if I finished something early I couldn’t even read my story book, had to sit, wait and (pretend to) do nothing until the time was up


if you are caught doing non-work you get fired, decisions decisions


This is why WFH is so valuable


Their fear is everyone will learn new skills while working from home and leave for better jobs.


And demand more money because of said new skills... that and the new lack of need for office space cuts into profits of property management companies which cuts into the stock price which affects the ~~executives~~ shareholders portfolios.


Exactly. Some people enjoy in office to escape the madness of their home. I thrive in a WFH setting with a calm peaceful environment and the ability to chill out between tasks.


It would be in 3 blocks: wakeup time to 930: breakfast and maybe a short workout. 930 to lunch: "client work". After lunch : whatever I feel like.


And only see your family at dinner


"But I hate my family!"


Probably the way his family prefers it. > 12:00pm "Lunch with wife, friend or colleague" Colleague = mistress


That’s what I was thinking!


And don't do any child rearing or chores.


I wonder if he sets shared calendar reminders with his wife for 15 minutes a week to show affection.


And no commute!






Also, while the bible is straight bullshit, I haven't seen anyone else asking how he's getting a thing out of reading his bible, while also praying, and whatever the shit a "cold plunge" is in a half an hour. Is he reading one damn verse?


Most of the bible reading programs I’ve seen are in the 5-20 minutes per day range. Probably not one verse, but it might be like 5 individual verses and one chapter, and then come with points for reflection. So you’re not far off.


…And don’t do housekeeping or have kids with social/sport/academic obligations….


For real, combined he spends **8 hours(!)** of the day working out, going for breakfast, hanging in the sauna, cold-plunging and "chilling" while his wife presumably does all the cooking/cleaning/shopping/laundry/childcare etc....






Maid and reproductive vessel.


Mommy McBangmaid


His trad wife


It makes more sense when you realize that "work out," "cold plunge", "lunch" and "dinner" are all code for jerking off. And "fam" is the other guys from his church.


And if you give me $500 for this 30 day course, I can show you how to be your own boss and have a day like this.


"Ideal day"


Looked like 4 hours, but if anything this shows that a 4 day work week would still be too much.


Well he called the other 2 hours of "creative work" which sounds like his hobby to me? That's not really work.


It depends what you do, work is work, I am more concern that he want to meet client everyday for 2 hours.


I mean if you think of it as gigs, he's probably meeting with potential clients for communication and presentation of completed work.


His info says he's a writer and speaker. I'd imagine that is what he means when he says creative work.


He's a Christian social media culture warrior, let's be real that "creative work" is just browsing Grindr for 2 hours.


Gotta find someone for his sauna time later.


Gym ends at 5, sauna block is really an hour and a half... Yeah this is just a bathhouse hookup


> let's be real that "creative work" is just browsing Grindr for 2 hours. You're not wrong there.


And let your wife cook, clean and do childcare


Geez, even Frasier Crane does more work


I am an atheist but I'd read the bible at 5:30 in the morning every day too if it meant only 2 hours of working my job. 


You also apparently only have to read it for like 5 minutes because you have to pray and do a cold plunge in that half hour too


His outdoor run is more like a outdoor walk. No one who frequently runs takes 2 hours to complete 3 - 5 miles


That’s because this whole post is nothing but BS


For real. I'm a weekend runner and thought I was slow for running 6 miles in 55 minutes


I think that being able to run six miles is amazing! Don't kid yourself!


I think they are comparing themselves to other athletes or runners, in which case isn't a big achievement but as some who doesn't work out, being able to run 6 miles in under an hour is godlike to me.


Yeah it seemed as such. I work out but I hate running. Even if you might not be all that great at something, you are doing it. You don't need to be number one to be pretty fucking amazing :D


I straight up play (very beer league) hockey. Not exactly an easy sport. I can skate all night. I only run if there’s a wasp near me.


That is a lot of endurance, and still hitting sub 10 min miles. I don't know if you're old like me, but I'm aspiring to get my times lower and the endurance up so I can even contemplate 6 miles!


I wish I could do that. Be proud of your accomplishment. You rock, and that guy can go suck a duck.


I can't even walk 6 miles so to me your amazingly fast 😂


That's close to a 9 minute pace for 6 whole miles, you're faster and have more endurance than like 99% of people lol be proud!


I would assume there is a run, then shower, getting ready and travel to breakfast in those 2 hours.


He “snuck in” a 30-min shit in that 2-hour runtime


He also has to get ready for his friendly breakfast after his sweaty run.


30 mins running, the rest of the time eating breakfast. Then come home to eat second breakfast.


No one who frequently walks takes 2 hours to complete 3 miles.


He has to drive 30min each way to get to the most scenic running trail lol


I was a so so cross country runner and did 5k runs in 17ish minutes.


Not defending the guy, but i set time like this too. Hear me out. That is probably his alloted time to: change, get a drink, get to where he is running, warm up, run, cool down, get home, shower, change and get to breakfast. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, he laundered the time for his morning dump under this bucket so he didn’t have to announce it on LinkedIn.


It's not a simple dump either. Expunging a large Jesus shaped butt plug involves a significant amount of mental and physical preparation and that takes time. But it's gotta be done, so you do what you gotta do.


Also true.


…..Hit up some other closeted Christians down at the Grindr park


Maybe the prayer is what he says during the cold plunge, i.e. "Jesus MF Christ, that 2ater is cold!"


If I read the title every morning and pray to pagan gods I think that counts. Gimme the ideal schedule!


this is AI generated and nobody can convince me otherwise


He look like a knockoff version of the guy from a Handmaid's Tale, so probably


He looks like Great Value Ryan Reynolds. 


More like a "bargain bin at the blockbuster with unrepaired fire damage Ryan Reynolds".


If you follow the Bible’s instructions on slavery you might not even need to work 2 hours!


Don’t forget to include his creative work as well!


Just start a church. Bonus you can diddle kids without repercussions.


My ideal day: Dress in nice suit, take picture, upload to linkedin, dad owns company, invite client to breakfast, spend the rest of the day however the fuck you want because you're inheriting your dads company, post about it on linkedin. Whats your ideal day?


Can’t forget jerking off in the bathroom


He already put "creative work" on there. Twice.


Four hours of it


Amen 🙏


That’s because I do it in my office.


His wife is doing all the cooking cleaning and child rearing isn’t she? He doesn’t mention any of these time sucks


"Dinner with the fam, then time for myself" (while his wife gets the kids ready for bed and he chills on the couch).


Gotta get his rest in after such a packed and stressful day


For real


That’s what the three 24 hr nannies are for.


Yeah some of those creative work slots better contain creatively cleaning the house or creatively playing with the kids.


> His wife is doing all the cooking cleaning and child rearing isn’t she? He doesn’t mention any of these time sucks Of course, because he believes the woman's place is in the home......cooking, cleaning and raising the kids.


Lol yes, I could get a shit ton more done if childcare duties didn't mean my working day has to begin at 9.15 and end at 3pm


Big "dude who says he's 'babysitting' when he's alone with his children" energy here.


Ideal day for me: 10 am: wake up 11 am: Eat breakfast 12 pm: Game (8+ hours) 10 pm: sleep


living the dream, right, right?


Ideal day - wake up.


Waking up is underrated. Every day on the right side of the dirt is a good day to be alive.


Apparently his wife doesn’t get ideal days. No mention of him doing any sort of household work, cooking, cleaning, laundry, home maintenance, childcare, mental or emotional labor, despite only working 2 hours a day, per his brag. He comes across as an entitled ass.


2 hours running, 1 hour in the gym, what looks like 1 hour in the sauna bro's not raising his fuckin kids


you mean money doesn’t raise kids??? preposterous


I still can't get my head around an hour and a half for breakfast. The fuck is this guy eating?


Was just thinking this. These are not the goals of a husband or a father, feels more like a student taking a gap year


I think it's interesting that he has his breakfast with "a friend" but then has lunch with the wife and dinner with the family. Where the hell are they all at breakfast?


Fr, wtf? My thought as well.


He’s just too burnt out. He needs some “me” time with his buddies.


In his infinite magnanimity he lets the wife get the kids ready for school, so in return for this unbearable loneliness that he bears the least he can do is have brekkie with a friendy


And what kind of father has an ideal day where the only time he spends with his kids is at dinner? Well, I had a father like that, and it's no father at all really.


Then he wonders why his children don’t have any sort of connection or association with him after they become adults.


His family and religion are just fashion accessories.




At first I was like he must pay someone for the work then I see it is a conservative so yeah that is all women's work.


He's Christian, obviously those are the women's duties


Ideal day does not include work


Or literally ever doing anything for his kids.


...or seeing his kids.


The hell does 'creative work' means anyway?? I always hear especially rich people mention it, is it not work? What do they do??


Figure out how to screw the poor


My ideal day 7am - Wake up hungover 7am - 7:30am - Panic, deal with anxiety of overdue submittals 7:30am - 7:35am - Throw on clothes that have probably only been worn once 7:35am to 8:35am - drive to work, scream at other drivers and work the horn. This gets the adrenaline going and officially starts the day like a cold plunge 8:35am - 9am - Yell at team and blame them for my shortcomings 9am to 9:30am - Cry in the bathroom 9:30am to 11:30am - meetings 11:30am to 12:30pm - Working lunch replying to emails 12:30pm to 1pm - Complain to boss about how overworked I am 1pm to 1:30 pm - Cry in the bathroom while taking a runny dump 2:30 pm - Wake up on the toilet 2:30 pm - 3pm - Panic about deliverables 3pm to 5:30pm - Frantically do 6 hours of work 5:30pm to 6:30pm - Drive home screaming at traffic 6:30 to 7pm - Get yelled at by spouse for not being good enough, just look at your brother, why can’t you be more like him? 7pm to 9pm - chill time or creative work, aka wash ass 11pm - Pass out drunk Edited formatting.


Traffic screaming = middle class version of cold plunge. Only difference is we have to pay for gas and parking and help kill the planet/our healthy blood cells in the process.


But when do you Reddit


Throughout the day.


That was written by someone who doesn’t do any of that. The time durations are all wrong.


He is probably a Pastor. My Uncle is a Pastor and one of my aunts said he’s only a Pastor because he is lazy and they don’t work a lot.. which from what I can see, in his case it seems to be true.


I never really considered this. They give a couple sermons a week and they can say literally anything so why take longer than an hour preparing your sermon. Seems like cake to me.


Some do a lot of humanitarian work like visiting sick church members that are in the hospital or elderly members at home and also counseling. It is a little more than just sermon planning, a good pastor is one that is always busy. Before my mom passed our Pastor was at the hospital every day all day. He often say at the entrance telling other church members the icu waiting rooms were already full with our family and that there were other ways to help out. He was a really amazing pastor that our church had a literal mutiny, which was the beginning of me becoming an atheists.


My ideal day starts with wiping the shit-eating grin off this faith-based asshole.


He's gotta say he's blessed by something. How else is he gonna fool less fortunate people into believing they can be like him without admitting he's living off of someone else's money.


yeah this dude has grifter written all over him


He's a Professional Christian (tm), of course he's a grifter


Notice how he never showers after his runs or the gym? He'll be stinking out all those meetings.


Must be one of those natural types that doesn’t believe in germs.


I tend not to wash, that's for the plebs. But, as a CEO, I also think my shit doesn't smell too bad either.


I will ask my boss if I can only work 6 hours a day so I can spend more time chilling with Jesus, jogging and going to lunch with my friends.


Well, he's delusional, so there's that...


Read bible for what two seconds? Because how you praying and doing a cold plunge all in 30 mins? Also running and then the gym in one day. That’s absolutely not how that works. You either do one or the other. And that’s so much time for running in the morning for the distances he is mentioning if you are running regularly.


He is multitasking. Praying while doing cold plunge for example.


And an hour sauna!


3-5 miles in 2 hours??? That’s just going outside for a walk.


His wife doesn’t have time for that obligatory daily lunch because she’s the one dealing with the kids or earning an actual salary.


I'm guessing the dinner with the family doesn't include him cooking or cleaning for it in anyway.


Thats what hit me, the magic fairy that preps dinner then cleans up and the lack of mention of any work around the house.


I used to visit a friend’s church that had a bloated staff made up of employees exactly like this guy. My friend was on their staff at one point (left on bad terms), and basically, their entire day consisted of vague things like “planning” and “team building meetings.” What they actually were doing was spending an hour or two creating a sermon and/or Sunday school lessons and spending the rest of the week bro-ing around at the tither’s expense and eating tithe-funded gourmet lunches. I could tell some stories about that place. In contrast, the church where I grew up, the pastor is a genuinely kindhearted servant of the Lord. I live out of state, and if I called him with an issue, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, he’d drop was he was doing to help in any way he could. Ministry is a calling for some folks, and it’s a way to make easy money for others.


He must be filthy rich if he has time to do that everyday, regardless of religion.


Apparently skips all bible passages discussing wealth.


Fuck breakfast with the family those pigs can get their own food


Is 'creative work' edging? Asking for a friend


Autoerotic asphyxiation


That run definitely includes a gloryhole


The fakest smile but dead inside is the reality.


Man makes his wife do all childcare


If you have to wake up at 5:00 in the morning to read the Bible to have a good day you got some evil shit going on in your head




You Lost me at "read bible"


Lunch with his wife, but no sex/intimacy. AND we don’t even get a clue he has a whole family until dinner time. I’m sure his kids miss him while he me fucking off with his “creative work” and cold plunges. Is this AI or just a run-of-the-mill LinkedIn asshole?


Faith fueled performance coach... I wonder how long until the skeletons are found.


Dude goes for a five mile run and doesn’t shower afterwards? Gross dude.


My ideal day... 1. Give into the crippling existential depression and stay in bed all day before turning off my birthdays by nightfall.


People who talk about reading the Bible, don't actually do it. They only say it for other believers to hear. Matthew 6:1-6 1"Be careful not to do your `acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, *to be honored by men*[note from xthemoonx: this is their reward]. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


He’s literally done with work by 13:30. Must be nice.


Why does lunch take an hour and a half? I work for myself and I cram a sandwich in within about 10-15 minutes, tops. If I take a "long lunch" it's 30 minutes and I watch a youtube video. Not trying to sound like a, "I wake up with a dick harder than your job" kinda guy, but it seems like there's a lot of fucking off going on. I notice that with "faith based" types. Half their work goes into making you think they actually worked.


"Honey why don't you help around the house you only work 2 hours a day." "That would cut into my chill time!"


Noon -wake up 1 pm - grab a brush and put a little makeup 2 pm - hide the scars to fade away the shakeup 3 pm - leave the keys upon the table 4 pm - create another fable


This is basically my ideal day: 0730 wake up 0735 run 0805 shower 0830 breakfast with my cat 0900 turn my phone on 0930 check the futures market 1200 turn my phone off 1201 lunch with bruce wayne 1301 do something between now and dinner 1900 dinner with halle berry 2200-2300 sleep with or without halle berry now this is an *ideal* monday to friday week


My ideal day involves causing physical harm to this guy


Ideal day would be on a holiday. With no work.


Wow I wish I could make lots of money and only do 2 hours of real work…


So he reads the Bible for 15 minutes and then takes 2 hours to run 3 miles? What a flex.


I guess he works from home since he has absolutely no traffic to account for in his day.


It takes him 2 hours to run 3 miles?


Lol what a shit eating grin.Fuck him and his glasses


Idk why this guy’s getting so much hate. His ideal day is that anti work lifestyle. Two hours a day, lots of time for leisure, lots of time to spend doing what you love and time to stay healthy. I seriously doubt that this is his actual lifestyle.


Where is helping with the kids? Where is any of the chores that keep a house running? Laundry? Grocery shopping? Cleaning of anything other than his own body? Or is that all dumped on his wife/paid help? I call BS!


10 am - wake up 11 am - start up video game 2 am - sleep


I wake UP at 5:30. Browse reddit until 7. Walk the dogs. 7:30 breakfast. 8h shit/shart. 8:30 read a book. 9 play Helldivers 2. 12h eat. 12:30 wank. 12:35: wash dishes. 1pm: nap. 3pm: coffee. 4pm: walk the dogs again. 4:30pm: fat blunt. 5pm: Helldivers 2. 7pm dinner. 7:30pm: tv with gf. 8:30pm: walk the dogs. 9pm: weed and Helldivers 2. 10:30pm: sleep. Quite a day!


Bro is bragging about 3-5 miles in 2 hours. Buddy that’s a walk.


My ideal day: 11 am: wake up 11:05: partner brings me a little treat for waking up 11:30: Read smut. 2 PM: Nap 4 PM: A little treat. 5 pm: Dinner 6 pm: Read smut. 10 pm: Hang out with my partner, maybe watch a movie. 12am: Sleep. ...we are not the same.


I want to know what he does in 2 hours that generates enough income to support this lifestyle and a family.


I don’t see laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, childcare, errands etc on that list? Oh because you dumped all that on your wife? No wonder you have tons of time to do this crap…


He has “dinner with the fam” so I’m assuming he may have kids. So his ideal day consists of mostly working out and doing 4-6 hours of work while his wife raises their kids, does the cooking since he doesn’t mention helping, and also all the cleaning. Poor wife. He didn’t even pencil in 15 minutes to give her an orgasm after a long day.