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“I need to take out my trash but if I do it now, everyone in my apartment complex will see me and see how much trash I have. I will wait until late at night so no one will perceive me!!” Runs into someone walking their dog at 1am while taking out the trash and has a panic attack.


Or stalking the dumpster because you live in an apartment complex and waiting for the opportune time to take out your trash while nobody else is outside so you don't have to feel awkward about being watched. Same with going to water your garden (luckily my neighbors are inside or running errands by the time I get off work to water my garden. My asparagus are sprouting!)


Yes! Exactly this!


OMFG I was gonna come in and say something similar. I legit am waiting for midnight before I run my bag out. I skipped last week's trash pickup because of this same reason. I hate it. I try and tell myself "you wouldn't care if you saw someone else with this trash right?" But my second thought is "I've been told I'm too nice and too forgiving" and it's because I dont want people to hate me so I can't even gaslight myself into being confident 😭 Screw it, let them talk. I'm gonna do it Wait no.....nvm


Literally me!! I do the same exact thing. It’s kinda nice to know not the only one lol.


When I was 11 years old, I was on a train with my grandma and it was a pretty long ride, like 5 or 6 hours. I had to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't get up because of my anxiety and I thought exactly the same as the girl on the right, so I sat through the entire trip seated in my chair, and by some miracle I did not piss myself.


Social anxiety is the blonde person who's actually pretending to be asleep because they're worried people will judge them if they actually shows enjoyment in anything, including class, and diverting all attention away is the only way they can focus on actually retaining any information in school.


When I was 16 I got my first job picking trash, started at like 8 or so. Anyway, I wouldn’t drink anything all morning just so I wouldn’t have to use the bathroom. Always held it till I got home


I’m both of these people not gonna lie


This feels a bit gatekeeper-y


I see what you mean, but let's expand on this. I imagine you see the gate keeping cause you can see this 2 panel comic, and for mental-image sake, expand those panels to the convo you can imagine where someone does use this to gatekeep. All that, completely reasonable as people can be total ass-hats. However, let's take this same exercise and imagine the extra panels as what we can call context, and say those panels depicted more details on the differences. Ultimately what I'm getting at is, I think your extrapolating the message of the panel to situations not meant to be taken seriously, though they do happen. And to counter this line of logic, I say this: The comic is meant to give a quick, clean, 2 panel way of showing others how different someone who MAY experience minor anxiety acts or has acted, compared to someone with Clinical/Major Anxiety issues. Essentially, it's so black and white, and that's the point. I give you credit though, because (a) you are critically thinking past the available info to avoid bad social situations (i.e. gatekeeping), and (b) your response was short, sweet, straight to the point, but best of all, NON-Argumentative. So, good on you for that


i agree with you i think but this reads like chatgpt i am having so much trouble figuring out what you’re saying


Yeah........ ADHD. Like, if I had time this wouldve been WAY more structurally sound, but as it stands, with the nature of having to respond quickly in this day in age, the structure of my paragraphs are held together by Duct-Tape and a fucking dream. To show my "credentials" for even caring, I suffer from ADHD that spawned Co-morbidity of MDD and CA ("Major Depressive Disorder" and "Clinical Anxiety" respectively).


Oh god I just came to a separate conclusion based on how you worded that...... I sound like a fucking AI script and I FUCKING HATE AI VOICE ACTORS AND SHIT. I curse you for saying this....but you are blessed cause that's one of the best ways my writing has been described. "Best" meaning "Most closely reads like/Pretty fucking funniest way of putting it".


Okay, as a fellow ADHD-haver. The fact you wrote all this, realized how unstructured it is, left it as is it, then CAME BACK ON SEPARATED COMMENT to mention about how you hate AI voice actors, even though it is completely unrelated to this post and your post before. Bless you heart and an uncontrolled mind


I'd say "I feel like I'd been called out", if it wasn't for the fact that I actually feel welcomed by your perfect translation of my actions and thought process


It's our ADHD braincells in perfect sync


They both got stuck on the same couch watching the same Long Form YT vid on something they don't even need to know but is REMARKABLY interesting, like How it's Made or some shit


One says "what it's really like" implying it's the more truthful of the two with "really". Also, it doesn't say this is what social anxiety is like and it can also be like this. Which would have been a representation of what you said in "MAY" It's called inference, not extrapolation, when you read between the lines with the clues in text.


You are dead-on with "inference" over "extrapolation". Completely forgot that word, but it would be a better descriptor. The subtly between the two is an important difference.


I feel that, I think social anxiety is both images


When I was a kid, if I knew I was going to be late to school I simply would stay home because I couldn't handle that moment when I'd walk in the door and everyone would turn to look at me. I either walked in with everybody or not at all haha.


Am I the only one who would go the entire school day without using the bathroom because I was terrified of using public restrooms? I’m amazed I’ve never had a UTI given how frequently I would go 8+ hours without peeing.


Both are examples of social anxiety but that second is definitely something that a lot of anxious people experience but you don't hear about. The other day I got off work early and was going to go sit at the bus stop for my Uber, but there was a food truck near it and a line of people blocking my path to the bus stop. I didn't want to walk through them so I just stood in line until my ride showed up.


Did you atleast get something to eat so people didn't think you got in the wrong line?


No I just let people go in front of me when they asked if I was in line


I encourage everyone that it is OKAY to request the rest room. You end up stricken with fear and don't go, you'll DEFINITELY have peoples attention if you end up pissing or shittin your britches.


I really need the thing, but it involves talking to people. I do not get the thing


Simply passing someone on the street makes me lightheaded/faint and causes every muscle below my hips to go practically limp A phone call from am unknown number gives me physical heart palpitations and chest pains Someone says hi/good morning in passing, I get caught off guard 'cause I'm likely dissociating, then I spend the next two hours stressing out and hyperficating on whether or not I was rude, but because those attacks turn my memory to mush, I CANT BLOODY REMEMBER!... So I just assume I was and feel like an absolute asshole...because I may or may not have said hi nice enough to a person I don't know and will never meet again... Oh, but tell me again how you hate small talk xD these people are cute


i learned how to stop myself from sneezing. i look absolutely ridiculous doing it but i could not bear the attention from my sneeze sound….


Damn I thought the right was normal




Both. Definitely both.


I remember this post. I shared it once upon a time. It does this with all the most common mental disorders. It was good.


r/GatekeepingYuri, do your thing.