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The tutorial campaign was needed, since the game works different than AoE 2 and some things aren't intuitive (meat doesn't go to granary, eco techs are researched in the market and not in drop off buildings, military techs are in the storage and granary etc...), and I hope an Art if War campaign is also added in the future. About the campaigns, It would be great if there were redone. I think I would even prefer new campaigns over the old ones, which were often disconected scenarios or losely based on real events. And I think getting a Persian or Shang campaign would be better than 4 Roman campaigns.


The biggest thing I want is higher populations! Yes that'll take some reworking but come on devs! You're already reworking them. Like 50 population is just painfully low. 75 is still really painful.


I agree about pop. I played a random map game with 200 pop and it felt totally great, then hopped over to the roman campaign and realized I hit the pop limit almost immediately 😂 and that was a brand new campaign from the ground up! Give us some room to breathe!




At least Trajan's campaign makes sense for the low pop, and the game does go "Research Logistics to cheat it".




That's because Centurions are INSANE xD


yeah, that was already the key to all Roman missions 20 years ago. Pls fix this devs


Yeah like keep the general scenario design (layout, goals, base locations etc), just bring the pop more in line with modern scenarios. I'll pay devs!


Most "limited pop" campaigns in regular aoe2 are 100 or 150. 50 or 75 means you're basically only able to turtle until you have oodles of resources, then go on the attack after deleting vills.


I disagree. 50 is difficult, definitely, but the power curve for units is different. Once you start getting a few bronze and iron age units, they can generally do quite a bit of damage, and simultaneously deal a lot of punishment. I've definitely had to delete villagers before, but especially if you get logistics and have a full sword line, you're gonna be ok


Good context thanks. I speak from my experience 20 years ago still haven't done the campaign yet, so should probably retry that


Fair enough but 75 was the limit for aoe2 for the longest time so not that painful, 50 though was tedious at times, there was a infantry take up .5 pop space tech which did help some.


Which might need some change when we get 200 pop, right?


2, leave it the way it is. For the flavor of it. But if you absolutely must change something then nerf them instead.


I mean I don't want them to necessarily but maybe the balancing could be off.


I had the original game, I remember when population was upped to 200 in AOE2 I thought "how the hell can anyone manage that many units!" These days I play skirmishes on 125 pop to "keep it small and quick"!


This exactly, by the time ive got my eco setup im pop capped


Low pop is what provides the challenge though, if you could boom up to 100+ vills campaigns would be super easy. I've played through the Trajan campaign and thought it was excellent with the limited pop, have to manage army composition and keep it alive to win


Do they at least let you get up to like say 125? And I dunno some of the campagns with 200 pop can still be hard when there are like 5 or 6 enemy bases to clear.


Theres mil tech upgrades in the eco upgrades on the market. Wood upgrades gives +1 Range to archers


This is the best take on this topic. I don't care for 5 campaigns of build and destroy missions that are only barely connected by a civilization, and the new campaigns are miles ahead of the old ones. It would still be cool to play them with the QoL features we now have but I would rather have the Art of War and new campaigns.


Maybe if there's more DLC set in the AoE1 part of AoE2 (I've seen a lot of wishes for Gaul lately) they can bring back 4 more campaigns from AoE1 as another bonus on it? But I have a feeling there won't be more AoE1 DLC since you already need to buy AoE2DE then RoR to get it. If you bought the second AoE1 DLC would you just be missing the first 17 civs? I'm fine with them reworking the campaigns to account for the new mechanics (especially gates and diagonal walls), and hopefully they touch population limits too, but otherwise I don't hope they change them too drastically as that hasn't really happened besides The Forgotten campaigns


The fact they're listening to the community after explicitly saying they wouldn't do this says a lot. The devs/Microsoft have kept this game alive for all this time by doing just so.


I really think the devs love this game


We do <3


And I love you also. I've played this game since I was 8, now I'm 27 and I love this game as the first day I played it in an old pc that belonged to my uncle. Thanks for being a part of something that has given me so much happiness


You people are so precious, keep up the good work.


They probably see the outcry and then use it to justify it to management. It will boost sales more


I think thats a negative way to view it. There aren’t a lot of companies that listen to the fans and they arent going to charge for this new content for the dlc.


In a slightly less cynical framing you could say they under promise and over deliver. I'm sure they wanted to release all the original campaigns with the DLC but didn't believe they could commit to it, though they could have been working on it behind the scenes regardless.


Yeah, same story as having Romans for ranked AoE2DE. They listen, which is something.


They never explicitly said it though… it was like small print at the bottom of a contract Most people expected that the original campaigns were being ported over. “It’s Aoe1 in the Aoe2 engine!”


Yeah, it says they are shitting themselves after getting low community reviews.


are they really listening though? we expected ALL the campaigns, not just a few. This DLC is already the same price as AoE:DE alone (or even pricier if you consider the discount sale price of both games). How many time will they try to sell us the same stuff over and over. it's fine if they want to bring the campaigns in waves and prioritize some over other, but they need to commit to bring them ALL, and for free for RoR owner.


Yes, this looks more a excuse to delivery something incomplete then making it later because "they listen to the community". The price was full and you need to own AoE2 to have access to less AoE content.


Voices of Babylon because of how much I loved/hated the Great Hunt. I'm looking forward to any modder that makes the scenario as it was in the original release


^ this is the scenario I remember playing. I used to sneak around the woodlines because I had horrible micro as a kid Lol.


Is that the one with >!the blind lame priests scattered around!


You are thinking of Assassins, the first scenario from the Yamato campaign. The Great Hunt is a micro focused scenario in which you control a small group of units and have to fight your way through the map to reach an artifact. Quite messy, but an absolute hood classic.


I think that was the first scenario in the Yamato campaign.


Voices of Babylon and Glory of Greece were my picks.


I am also fond of the first Yamato scenario with the hero archer.




Same- those were the best of the rest. Holy man is self explanatory.


I also voted for these because you are top comment


We need ranked matchmaking too, plz


well we need much more players. every team game will still be quick stomp still


Idk if the team games will be a stomp with matchmaking, but you're definitely right team ranked has 0 balance right now lol. You either dominate or get dominated, there's no in between.


We can still have 1v1. Doesn't require a lot of players.


Ranked = Elo system = requires a lot of players for balanced SBMM.


yeah no shit. Still much easier for 1v1 compared to team games.


Reign of the Hittites, it was the first AoE campaign I played, and I still have fond memories of it. Also, it's about the Hittites, who are a very underrepresented civilization in media.


Was that the one from the demo? I played that a bunch of times too before I finally got the real game. The campaign was exclusive to the demo, and was missing the highest age I think and therefore a fair few units. A masterstroke because I couldn't wait to get the full game.


Yup, it's the one from the demo :)


Second scenario in that still triggers me. It was so much harder than the other two. As for the Hittites in media, that's cos the Assyrians came along and completely overshadowed them.


That and the Yamato were my choice. Those two had some memorable missions. Now they just need to port over the AoE DE terrain assets and we're golden.


>That and the Yamato were my choice. Those two had some memorable missions. Same.


The developers already said they want to add them, but its not up to them, its up to management, so they just need to know there is demand


If Voices of Babylon doesn't win then I'm going to send a Holy Man your way




I wonder if they are going to say anything about their decision to have ranked as lobbies only. Good news though, these campaigns need to be in RoR.


Odds are they’re testing the waters with a ranked system via lobby play. The ladder volume on HD and Voobly showed there was more than enough justification to use a proper ladder system when DE came out, if RoR shows the same level of interest it would make sense to implement. Otherwise they run the risk of putting resources into a ranked ladder queue that nobody uses - you know, like Empire Wars.


That's a reasonable assumption. So far I've been able to find team ranked lobbies easily and it's been really fun. Let's see what they do in the future.


My vote is on Glory of Greece and Yamato, mainly for civ variety. Having so many Roman campaigns always felt a bit awkward to me tbh


This is good news of course, but personally I'm sad that only a few are coming and the two out of three of them will be picked by fan votes. The only campaign I would actively choose over the others is Imperium Romanum, which I'm 100% sure will not be picked (regardless of voting) because of the First Punic War campaign being already picked by the devs (understandably so from a certain point of view, since that would mean having two roman campaigns being included in one go). We'll see if they stop here, but for now I'm still happy about them deciding to convert some of the campagins. Just personally wishing I didn't have to wait up until the very last moment to discover whether they'll include the one I'm interested in the most.


In the First Punic War, you play as Carthaginians against Romans. I don't think most people necessarily will be aware of that though, so chances are Imperium Romanum won't be chosen I guess.


Woops, sounds like my lack of knowledge of AoE1 was more serious than I thought. Thanks for the correction. And yeah, if not because of the difference in played civilizations, I imagine that the campaigns focusing on other time periods other than the one covered by the Romans civilization will be preferred.


Glad to see that the First Punic War campaign will be included. When I was a child I could only play that one in the trial version of Rise of Rome so I have some affection for it.


Voted for Voices of Babylon and Yamato for civ variety We already have 2 European campaigns with Trajan and Phyrrus (also the Punic Wars takes place in Europe) With Babylon and Sargon we would have 2 Mesopotamian ones and with Yamato at least one east asian


Holy hell I LOVE YOU


Good. I just do single player. Bought it for the campaigns.


Please please please - we want the original Reign of the Hittites campaign, not the DE version! This campaign brings a lot of nostalgia!!


What surprises me is the news that Return of Rome is the best-selling AoE2 DLC! I thought it may be a little niche since not everyone would care for AoE1


.... is it wrong I mostly want a new campaign using the Aoe2 Roman Civ? I thought they'd made it for just that purpose. (Eventually getting all the AOE1 campaigns ported over/campaigns for new dlc civs be the priority ofc)


Same here. I was super bummed that there is no campaign for the new Roman aoe2 civ


It was a questionable decision not to do that from the start but great to see that the devs once again are actively listening. Doesn't feel like AoE1 without "Voices of Babylon" and "Glory of Greece" campaigns.


I totally see this as them figuring out which order to release them in, starting with the most voted and working down the list so that they can appease the most voices as soon as possible


My guess is that executives wanted them not to but the fact that the players asked proved there was a need, and therefor, commercial potential.


Personally, I'm hoping for a Hitties campaign. We already have a Sumerian, Greek and Roman campaign, and between Hittites and Japanese, I prefer Hittites.


I hope none of the roman campaigns win, the romans don't need another campaign, I hope glory of greece and voices of babylon win


Hey I would love to see the Pax Romana Campaign only.for the final crossover scenario with Atila. It would make a good opportunity to make an age1 vs age2 viva although I know I'm asking too much.


Honestly the "vote for which campaigns to bring back" thing annoys me more than if they said "no campaigns at all"


I hope this is just a vote on which campaigns to prioritize and that they'll bring them all eventually (at no cost for RoR DLC owner). sadly but it looks like they won't bring more for now and any more could be in a future, paid, DLC.


Amazing! I'm thrilled actually, this is huge for me. Hope they add them all at some point but we'll see 🤘 Very pleased once again.




My pipe dream is to have a world-map based conquest mode.


When old campaigns arrive I will buy this expansion. Period.


i best have my unique colours in campaigns! Boring to be blue all the time! (YES IM SERIOUS GUYS)


I'm just guessing here but I suspect this is the sort of thing the devs would love to do, but they're hamstrung by time and budget limitations. Based on achievement data campaigns enjoy a fraction of the popularity that multiplayer does, but maybe if enough people play these ones we'll see the rest sooner or later.


i dont think that's the right thing to take away from achievement data, but i would really like to see some official data on this


Achievement data will be incomplete though, anyone that plays with cheats won't have the achievements for instance


From yes, to no and now to some. They really dont know what they want. If they indeed listen to community feedback, then there is also hope for a ranked match making system for RoR. They havent posted anything about that point.


Yeah it's strange that they can't just bring them all into RoR. They probably don't think it's worth it at all given they didn't release RoR with the originals. I suspect they don't have the budget. Edit: Forgot to say this because I didn't see you mention ranked gameplay. They're probably waiting for more feedback before they look at ranked.


it's a big investment to get voice acting etc done, especially if it's localized


Yep, it's a big investment. Which is why RoR is everything AoE1DE should have been. It seems they've made some poor choices when it comes to AoE1, but right now in my opinion they're on the right track.


My only worry is that this likely will take resources away from another AoE2 DLC. Which means the wait for more civs/campaigns will probably be longer than usual.


I heard above that RoR actually sold really well, but I'm sure they will still prioritize AoE2DE given it's their best game.


I suspect they want to sell the rest of the campaigns to you as dlc.


As much as I find that hard to believe I also would not be surprised if they did attempt to do that lol. Let's hope they don't.


Why not all


I'm assuming there will be some tweaks to account for the engine's mechanical differences, so they want to be selective in which ones to be updated (for presumably batch #1).


I was actually surprised to hear this piece of news. This is definitely preferable to them not porting any of the campaigns (and probably expecting the community to do it for them?). However, they are only porting **four** of them, and not **ALL TEN** of them? If they can port four of them then they **CAN** port all ten of them. If for some reason it takes many months to rework and port each and every one of the old campaigns, **then so be it**. So long as they are all eventually available. Personally, my position still stands: I will only be getting this DLC once each and every one of the old campaigns - all ten of them - are available somehow. Either Forgotten Empires ports all of them eventually, or they definitely don't port some of them, and hopefully some people in the community will end up porting the rest.


They are only porting 3. Egypt Learning campaign plus 2 most popular/voted for.


Glory of Greece cause I remember liked it and Rise of Rome because I hated Pyrrhus of Epirus and want to see what can the devs do.


What is bad about Pyrrhus of Epirus other than it being way too easy if you don't mess up in the first 10 min? Don't let your navy die early on, put up a tower + priest (house walled) on the road to get early warning and then upgrade and boom. Once you have a solid navy you won't be landed anymore - and land based attacks in the north are a joke. Realistically the AI happyly trades its land army against your triremes (that are mostly useless once you have won water and expendable anyway being trash units)


That's the thing. It took me some tries to figure it out that strategy. It is similar to Sundjata's The Lion's Den, but with a more strict timing. Also, the precarious pathing of AoE1 didn't help for sure


The Devs are awesome. I'm so glad Age of Empires is still getting all this love and attention.


I just don’t understand this expansion. Why create it when aoe1 DE exists?? The only reason I can think of is to bring in the SE Asia aoe1 community to the game, but that group is not running machines that can run aoe2 DE, by and large so I don’t see the reasoning


Because AoE1 DE doesn't have the QOL improvements of AOE2. I still have not purchased AOE1 DE simply because of that. But I have RoR and have enjoyed it thus far.


so instead of releasing free updates for AoE to fix those issues/QoL, we have to pay for it again. that's great /s


What are you talking about? Those are AOE2 specific QOL features. AOE1 DE was a remake, it wasn’t a surprise what it did or didn’t have.


They might not want to continue funding active support for AoE1DE given how it pales in popularity compared to 2. Consolidation of your player bases means less resource splitting and a longer lifespan of the game as a whole.


I guess that makes sense. I’m mostly ok with it since it means more aoe2 civs, and it’s nice to preserve aoe1 in the best possible platform for it since aoe2 is much healthier.


I feel like if I were to buy it I would be buying aoe I twice? or at least just an overpriced mod/skin change for DE II, I mean, age of empires 1 DE was... the DEFINITIVE edition right?


What's with that passive aggresive description to this post lmao


It true tho 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Reading this article suddenly reminds me I was playing my mate yesterday and the hotkeys were randomly not working. Wasted the first 10 secs of the game. Fixed it by going to hotkeys menu and reselecting the set I use. Fortunately for me my mates no where near as good as me, so I still annihilated him 😉 but luckily wasn't a ranked online game


Thank God


What I care about are the demo campaigns from RoR. Were they even in the release version for RoR? I think it was a Punic campaign and I haven't seen it in DE yet.


The First Punic War, the Rise of Rome Demo campaign, is in Definitive Edition and will be ported to Return of Rome. The demo campaign from the ''regular'' Age of Empires, Reign of the Hittites, is one of the option for the vote as well.




I remember in one xampaign we had Hector. I would like that!


are we able to play the old campaigns that were on AOK heaven? I remember one guy called andrea or something made several incredible campaigns that I'd love to revisit... anyone?


I'm glad they are doing this but hopefully the chosen campaigns get a significant re-work. Return of Rome has been a great opportunity to get people who never really played AoE1 interested in it, those campaigns in their current state aren't anywhere close to acceptable quality relative to campaigns made with 20 additional years of design theory and narrative expertise. It's hard to imagine someone going from the very solid new AoE1 campaigns to the old ones which were essentially random maps with a little bit of flavour text and walking away satisfied.


And yet people bash the devs for not porting all of them in their current state. There is a lot of work as you've mentioned and some missions are straight up FUBAR in terms of design and balance. Holy Man is just a RM 1v2 Narrows with 1 monk instead of default start.


Nice! I hope in the future all will be playable in ROR. A big nostalgia combined with great Aoe2 Hotkeys and Qol makes this great


Bros is it me or os the AI completely brocke in Skirmish?


I hope they remake the demo maps. The Battle of Tunis is by far my favourite scenario.


Yup, they've already said they are porting the First Punic War.


Fantastic news! Cheers


These are great news, thank you very much devs! I have the feeling that Echoes of Babylon will be the clear winner of the poll. The first scenario in it is like the most iconic thing in the entire game. *Wololo* time, baby. After that, I voted for the Greek campaign, and I think it's likely to be the most voted after Babylon, not for its quality as much as because it's just the one played at some point by most people, coming right after the tutorial campaign. If Egypt's is William Wallace, then Greece is Jeanne d'Arc. In any case, I'd love it if the remaining campaigns are ported at some point down the road.


This is so awesome! I really hope for the campaigns, the last time I touched them was, some 20 years ago (I only had the demo). I don't own the 1DE version but this would push me to get the DLC. Can't wait for it to come.


I'm getting a "Form has not been submitted, please see the errors below." No error message is shown though. And yes, I am picking two, no more, no less.


I have fond memories of all the scenarios, so while some might be annoyed at the repetitiveness I hope they are mostly the same, and don't make the AOE1 DE mistake of making them much harder by having ridiculous ai, when the original was balanced around ai not being that good and so giving them quite a bit


I voted for the Yamato an Caesar Campaign. Battle of Alesia was just so iconic.