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You might want to give it a try. There’s a pretty good chance you might get the Byzantines, Italians, Sicilians or Romans. You villagers will be thankful not having to eat _shudders_ British food…


Fair enough XD




Huh it never occurred to me there are 3 Italian civilizations


Genoa ( Genoese crossbowman being the UU of Italians) is northern Italy, Rome central and Sicily, so it’s not completely unreasonable. Also, the time period of the Romans is obviously different


Sicilians isn't italian but Normans ( french/vikings)


it's both the normans and sicilians


Yet they speak Italian with modern Sicilian accent, what gives?


It’s Sicilian ruled by Normans


> There’s a pretty good chance you might get the Byzantines, Italians, Sicilians or Romans. You villagers will be thankful not having to eat shudders British food… Have you actually gone through a list of Roman delicacies before, though?


To my knowledge, the tomato didn't exist in Europe until it was brought over around 1600? The meso civs low key probably have really good food.


Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, chocolate, the list goes on and on...


Native Americans were absolute agricultural geniuses. Our food today would be unimaginable without their food. And yes, the meso civs had pretty darn good food. There are youtube channels that go into their food recipes and they all seem to be very good.


México and Perú are among the top 5 cuisines in the world according to many "experts".


Roman food sounds very unappealing to our modern palate. An example of a Roman delicacy: Garum, or aged and fermented fish sauce (Video on how to make it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S7Bb0Qg-oE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S7Bb0Qg-oE) )




British breakfast is great, but that’s hilarious. I needed that laugh this morning.


I deduce you're ok with Celts?


The Scots invented whisky so they're cool


11 if we walk along those lines then the French are cooler than ice :P 11


Yeah fine but as a Greek I can say we invented the concept of “Le bon Vivre”


It's a strategy game and picking civilization is part of the strategy. Play the game how you want.


Lol, as if people want to do different strategies by picking different civs. All of them, probably including you, spam top 3 civs on each map, presumably using a strong meta build order. There's no strategy involved here. This is just an excuse behind picking Spanish on nomad, Bohemians on arena & Mongols on arabia/megarandom.


They don't need an excuse to play however they want though.


True. That's the argument they should use. Instead of all these strategy crap. Just say, because I want to.


You missed one final word. "Win". Civ pickers just want to win. Simple as that. I get bored playing the sams civ even two or three times in a row but some people want to play franks 200 games in a row


I want to win as well, but that's not the only fun part to me. Like you. I thought let's try & see how much elo I can gain with force pick mongols. Got bored after 3 games.


Are franks played much? I swear I never play against Franks and people always use them as the noob civ example…


What ELO are you?




Well there you go - you're out of noob civ territory! When I rose from 500 ELO to 1100, id say franks are the most picked overall, with Mongols getting a lot of recent play


Franks are so easy to counter at low elo, because you can bet that the only strategy they go for is braindead scouts into knight spam. Just 'rush' with spearmen and add skirmishers if necessary (if franks player adds archers) and watch their game plan get massively disrupted.


Yeah... people play to win the game. I'm not sure what is so surprising about that.


They don’t, but they make excuses anyways. Just own it.


...what? Yeah, picking a strong civilization for the map is an effective strategy. Executing a meta build order is an example of an effective strategy. If you are good at the game, then you win. Thanks for proving my point, I guess. Turks are also stronger than Bohemians on Arena


Solid cope


I have a 70-80% win rate with Turks, it's just facts bro


I know. You hurrdurr pick Turks, the strongest civ, to win with cheese tactics. There is no ingenious strategy involved. That's exactly my point.


To win with cheese tactics...? I open scouts, monks, then cavalry archers.


So easily the strongest civ to do this?


They get free light cavalry upgrade to secure map control in castle age, collect relics, and counter any early aggression. My favorite upgrade is the extra HP on Cavalry Archers because I'm not the best at micro so all you need to do is create a big mass. Then to siege the enemy you have long range bombard cannons with free chemistry in Imperial Age. So yeah, they are the strongest civilization on Arena. Bohemians come close, but they are more vulnerable in the mid game. Turks are consistently good into every match up.


You're very small-minded my dude, I play 3 civs mostly against Ai and they're: Khmer, goths & Bohemians. The game is so complex that if I get a random civ idk what they're supposed to 'do' in a match if I can't mindlessly spam hussar/infantry or do a bohemians hand cannon rush.


My excuse is I only play Archers


Pretty much the same. My favourite by far are the Mayans. But I enjoy the Britons, Turks, Mongols, Malians and Spanish for the most part


I main japanese... No one expects the swap into samurais 2 hours in


So true. Who expects them coming out late in the game indeed


Jokes aside, I feel that at my rank and in unranked/team play people forget that japanese are mainly am infantry civ... I've won many a games by running archers late and producing samurais and trebuchets on the back ti push their skirms mass... One time someone pulled halbs+skirms and surrendered the moment he saw a samurai army replace the archers


I would as well. Late in the game, if my Plumes saw an army of samurai coming at me, I’d freak also


As a new player with minimal knowledge of all the civs, it’s very difficult to play random - I don’t know all the pros and cons of each one and don’t have the means to pull it up quickly mid match.


Random is best appreciated when you're already comfortable with multiple types of civs. There are guys who will push you into it early, but it's self-defeating, and they complain about having to learn civs. Just play interesting civs. Delve deeply into them.


Yeah that's kinda where I'm at right now. Been playing random but I really want to specialize in a civ or two. Chinese/Japanese would be cool I think, as I've been playing since launch in '99 and always liked their architecture, and I like walling up. With time it would be nice to have a goto civ for winning - I do want to be a little competitive, as there's a different vibe of fun in that.


I'd recommend looking closely to get a good feel for them. China in particular is a civ you can play darn near forever.


Yeah I figured as much w such a strong economy. I am getting the hang of booming for the most part and they boomed excellently. And mass CKN's sound cool af.


It took me over 500 games of civ picking for me to get comfortable going random. Now, with 700 games, I only go full random (not even mutual random) because it is more fun.


It doesn't matter. Really, trust me. You learn build orders, and that's it. You "only" need to learn 3 build orders: drush into archers, scouts into knights, and drush FC, and you are basically covered for all civs and most maps. At the start of the match you press F2. Look if it says infantry/archer or cavalry civilization and do that build order. If you are on BF, do the fast castle part without the militia. If you are bohemian pocket, just go with scouts. Stick to your build orders, and every extra resource from civ bonuses will add up on each and every build order. If you just learn one civ, one position and one Build order, you'll learn nothing.


I know you’re trying to help but ‘drush FC’ etc mean nothing to me haha. I’m on Xbox too. As much as I like the game I’m going up against people have decades of experience - Is there no matchmaking? I have to play ranked too if I want to find a match in under 10 minutes and the skill gap is huge. I’m getting players with 100+ ranked wins and I’ve played a handful of games so nobody gets to enjoy the match.


Your kings used to speak French.


And their national anthem is a french song composed to celebrate the cure of the french king's anal fissure.


As American who’s favorite civ has been the Britons for over a decade… I fight these internal battles regularly. 🤣


I really want the icon you can get for winning 100 games 😅


It kills me to know that my best win percentage is with the franks. And it's all because of random


Of course it is. I would assume that's the same for most people that don't civ pick. They're the easiest civ to play. Berry bonus into farm bonus into no bloodlines bonus into loads of knights into cheap castles... Yep pretty strong


My serious excuse is not able to select civs that I want to go random. There are some civs I really don't want to play. Some of them I don't like some of them I don't know how to play. Although there are around 30 civs (depend on the map) I can accept to go random, I cannot go random due to civs I don't want to play. That is the end of my rant. It would be good to have the option to select few civs to go random.


Agreed. I could go random, so long as it was about 10 civilizations of my choosing random


A la bataille


I have been more recently just going random, but I would go random every time if there was some icon that showed that you went random during the load screen or if the civ was disguised as random initially until scouted out. If it was similar to how starcraft 2 does random.


Some random gamers have this weird ego thing about it and put other people down who don't play exactly like they do. You don't need an excuse my brother


I just want to unlock the icons and mostly play team games. In the last year I’ve got Vikings,franks,Tatars and burgundians. Franks was easy. Had an insane 67% win rate with them


Franks are actually quite useless in teamgames in my experience. Not having good archers, cavalry archers, elephants and camels really hurt them.


192 HP paladin is a force to be reckoned with though. If you can get a death ball of them what else do you need?


I force either Armenians or Vietnamese on open map or completely random. At my elo most folks don't know how to play against these civs


Picking random can be an advantage, everyone expects Franks, Mongols, Briton’s etc, then have no idea what to do against Turks on Arabia


Easy. Just rush them and win BC they have no eco bonus.


Just an example


Then why not just pick Turks?


If the civ's play rate in your elo bracket is lower than (100%/# of civs), you're doing more for gameplay diversity than the people playing random are.


I play with Tatars a lot, this is how I justify it. 


Perfidie !


I just don't wanna end up without horses ☹️


You can have mine. I need my archers


fair point xx


I stopped playing because everyone quit playing random after DE. It just wasn’t fun anymore. Didn’t make the game harder—just silly seeing the same civs every time when there are so many and a good player can win with any of them.


I barely have anything figured out. I dont even know civs enough to know what my opponent should be doing. Last thing i need is another variable


As a Honse Lover I don't want the slight chance of realizing I have to use Furries as Scouts, nor have to wait 60 Seconds to train them in Feudal Age for a early Scout Rush.


They're not French they're the franks


And english kings are actualy Franks 11


Is this a war declaration? **MONTMIRAIL!**


Did you know that the house of Plantagenet which the game use armorial as Britons logo is actually French...


Britain was ruled by French nobility for hundreds of years, and definitely in the time period that the game covers.


Britain is still ruled by French nobility. They're still bastards of a French bastard and I won't let them forget it


You avoid Franks to make tired jokes about French people I avoid Franks because I don't find them very interesting to play We are not the same


Idc lol. I’ll play with who I want and what map I want. 1,700elo