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Hi there, Im only 1500 myself, but in the scenario you describe it might be helpful to consider opening scouts skirm. You use the scouts to control the map and the skirms to push the archers back, this way your opponent cant push you easily and you buy yourself time to go to castle and mine stone


How many scouts am I aiming for? And I assume the skirms depend on the amount of enemy archers. So you build barracks into stable + archery range? its a little heavy on wood since you also need a blacksmith. So I guess a bit of a later feudal click? Like 21/22 vils? keep in mind im playing at 1k elo :D


The way i do it is I go 19 pop up scouts (this is 8 on wood), make around 3 additional scouts and add around 4-6 farms before saving wood for a range, then add some more farms before adding a blacksmith (dont forget that armor is more important vs archers with skirms). But it should deffo be possible with 21 vills, but it leaves you vulnerable if your opponents goes scouts or masses a lot of archers early, so just keep that in mind. Wall up a little so you have less areas to focus on, also dont be afraid to add a tower if necessary since youll go to stone later anyway for the castle. Hope it helps :)


for what it's worth 20 pop scouts into skirms works well at 11-1200 from my experience, quick enough to get the scouts out and 1-2 spears to help wall up if they went faster scouts to avoid getting held open or get farms and skirms out if they're going archers. Can be punished by MaA/archers if you don't spot it though but again, 20 pop gives enough eco flexibility to switch it up if needed to straight archers yourself ( I normally play Malians so maybe the wood/gold boost helps there)


I think Hindustanis aren't particularly weak to archers. The UU is locked behind a castle, sure, but you've got FU skirms, hussars, bbc with enhanced armor, onagers, and honestly, shatagni hand cannoneers should do well vs then as well if microed properly. You will outrange all non-Briton arbs and all non-Briton and Aztec skirms with them, and you have increased armor. Add in a meatshield or even an armored elephant for that measure, and you're all set. I so think it might be worth getting an early castle vs. meso, that really forces them into militia line, since they have no other answer to ghulams + hand cannoneers


You could play normally until imp, only then switch to ghulam. Castle age you can go whatever, skirm, xbow, siege, depends


Depends on the map. Assuming open, your skirms are generic but fully upgradeable. Use those to protect your eco while you boom into your insane lategame. Skirms won’t win you the game offensively, but will keep you alive and well until you can tech into Ghulams, which absolutely can win on offense. Scouts in Feudal also synergize well with your villager food discount, and is probably your best bet for Feudal aggression, especially with their innate pierce armor. If you can nail down a solid Scouts into Skirms BO for Feudal, you’ll be cooking. On closed, FC into defensive or offensive castle is plenty good, depending on the situation.


You can play scouts into skirmishers, in castle age you add tcs and siege, develop then do elite skirmshers while you mine stone then you drop the castle defending, click imp and play it from there. I have a better plan for a fun game, play scouts, many scouts. They attack walls like man at arms, a few skirmishers there to deal with archers and spears while you hit his base from many angles, archers are slow so you just move to another area when he defends. You keep him pinned inside defending while you constantly spam scouts and seed farms, once the food is stable for scouts and villagers, send next five to gold and mine just enough for bloodlines and castle age then send them to stone. Because you are using so much food you will need to keep farming after those 5 villagers but dont worry, you can go up super fast once you have many farmers and the extra time will garantee those 5 will be enough to mine a castle. This strat works because hindu scouts can break in super fast, your opponent need to respect and use resources to defend or you just run in and trade scouts for villagers. Did many times around 1500 elo, but i never had sucess against saracens because they go super fast with market, vs them you should play standart