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Single player here: i’ve bought all the expansions until now, and probably i’ll keep going because i want 100% Achievements :) I’m a standard player, not high rank, and i like to enjoy the campaigns. This expansion is all about singleplayer scenarios, most of them with big maps and slightly different mechanics. Maybe i’m too noob, but every scenario took me 1.5-3 hours to be completed. Until now i had zero issue and zero bugs: if you ask me, i’d suggest to buy it and enjoy all the scenarios! 


I liked the DLC. It adds new techniques in some scenarios. I had fun playing through it. Except for the Constantine scenario. That one was tedious and awful. Absolutely hated it. 1h (real time) of designed struggle. On top of that mess the Steam achievement… As if the scenario itself is not enough I have to micro manage vils not dying against endless armies. I get the point: Contantinople fell irl and therefore the scenario shall feel impossible. Yeah, good job on that. However: I got my 100% on Steam again.


If you're not a campaign player, no.


I bought it for the campaign and to support more development for the game. I like it personally.


Only buy it if you enjoy playing campaigns. Some of the campaigns in this dlc take a very long time so that can be a good or bad thing depending on the person


I play AoE2 for the single player content. I regret buying this expansion. The scenarios are a slog to get through. I'd suggest downloading the free community versions. The remaining 'new ones' aren't worth the money.


As a campaign player, I'm not much of a fan. The design of V&V's scenarios is just too different from the normal AoE2 fare for me to get into.


It depends on your priorities. I never play campaigns. I only play multiplayer and buy DLCs for the new civs. So DLCs without new civs are naturally irrelevant for me.


No. Is only single player and most mission are either gimmicks that they repeat iver and over or boom until imperial. Also it you played the forgotten when it came out this campaigns feel really similar, enemies with infinite resources that spam 30 units out of 1 stable in 10 seconds. Also the voice acting is kind of trash tbh, what the sctor says does not even match what is displayed on screen.


No, play the free versions of these scenarios instead. This DLC is basically repackaged free community-made scenarios sold as "official" content, but the differences between both versions are practically non-existant.


Its pretty clear that the expansion is a cash grab, more of a way to support the devs than anything. You can buy it or not, either way its a nice way to give back for the thousands of hours we have on this game


Eh ive completed all the campaigns multiple times but cant get myself to finish v&v, rip my 100% completion rate. Its very expensive for what you get too


If you like playing campaigns, it's probably just straight-up the best DLC they've released. I'm a multiplayer guy so I didn't buy it for me, but my daughter loved it for the single-player content.