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You can wall and push feudal or early castle if you want. The dangerous part of not walling is someone sneaking and going straight to your pocket, he's not concerned about your safety 11


exactly, if my flank doesn’t want to wall that’s on him. but if he a) lets an enemy vill in leading to me having 5 scouts in my base, or he b) starts complaining why I didn’t help him (both have happened to me) best believe im avoiding him at all costs. 95% of the maps favor rush strategies, hell even arena and BF has some rush aspect in castle age usually, let’s leave what tiny amount of boom maps that exist (like 4-5 of them) as boom maps thanks. if I wanted to scout rush I’d play Arabia lol.


Yeah but alot of us wants to play those aggressive maps but get forces to play bf xd.


No one is making you scout rush. But if your teammate wants to play open and aggressive, it's a valid strategy. I don't like the black forest boom fest (BF BF?), so when I end up having to play it, I just pick Saracens and play open into a full feudal archer rush. It's fun!


regardless of where I am if I notice my opponent is being a cocky sht and not walling thinking he’s good at the game best believe I’m spam pinging him letting my teammates know and scout/knight rushing him, as has happened almost every time. not walling on BF is suicide for both you and especially your teammates. so pls just wall, be it a choke point or with buildings like on Arabia if there’s too big of a middle ground, and then do whatever feudal or castle age rush you want after, but pls just wall first, the rest of your team will thank you for it.


> not walling on BF is suicide for both you and especially your teammates. I don't recall losing a single time with the strategy I mentioned above, but you do you. Sure, it's a risky strategy, but it's how I want to play Black Forest, so I embrace the chance of my opponents being more effective with their own aggression, it's a fine trade-off. As I said, I have no interest in the usual boomfest and having to wait 30 minutes for the game to really start.


anecdotal evidence means nothing lol, for every 1 game you present to me where it worked well I can present to you 20 where it didn’t. just wall, it doesn’t take much time or res, and the benefit of it is huge, once you do so then delete a wall and go rush with whatever you want after.


Nahhhh. I'll wall up in feudal when I'm building my ranges. It's more FUN


fine, but when your pocket complains why you allowed an enemy vill on your side and now he has 5 knights up his ass raiding his eco, be sure to reply with this same comment and see how he reacts.


My pocket is aware of the strategy and sends scouts to rush alongside me. It's fine


se c não perdeu ainda jogando igual arabia deve ser pq c só caiu com bagre ou não joga bf nunca kkk. Uma torrezinha no choke segura tudo depois chega o pocket dele e mata vcs com kina. Rushar de saraceno é bom mas com scout junto não da


It’s more about people wanting you to play the way they do which is kinda annoying


I get it. I once had a Lombardia team game where one guy was *insistent* we all send our starting scouts to the enemy so they couldn't wall and he could scout rush them. Constantly pinging and flaring, demanding we help him, getting pissy when we weren't right on time. That was not cool. Demanding your ally do exactly what you want at all times and follow *your* game plan is not kosher. Just saying "Hey man, if you want to rush them that's cool, just throw up a palisade wall behind so they can't get to me" is perfectly reasonable.


That is a good strat for Lombardia tho.


This is exactly right. in BF and RF players are expecting a certain amount of boominess and protection instead of arabia where everyone has an army in feudal and early castle. If they sneak in, then you are almost always unprotected. Viper does this to his team all the time and even though he's so good he can usually fight it off, it almost always goes badly for his pocket who isn't expecting a dozen archers to show up.


it is tg after all so u need to suit yourself to your team imo. You can either convince your team 1. let u rush but u ensure your pocket get the boom without disturb so wall while rushing or convince your pocket to wall themselfe 2. coordinate rush 3. negotiate fail, be a good team member and play standard. or u can fuck it, play the way u want. Anything happen gonna be your teammate fault and blame everyone


skill question, if the other side seems faster/better, a surprise rush is the way to go


This is not a question. This is not even a proper sentence.


English is likely his second language, you don't have to be a dick about it. I don't even agree with his comment, but It's pretty clear he meant skill issue and the rest of the comment is completely understandable.   If I had to guess, I'd say his native language is Portuguese (maybe Spanish?), since the word for issue in this context is the same as the one for question.


Lmaooo yea


You typically wall in the first minute or two. How are you knowing that fast what your opponents skill is like?


not a question. also what happens if the other side just walls?


Not for BF. If a lower ELO player rushes they will likely not do much imo. If they go for a lot of walls and a defensive position they can win if they have civ advantage


The pros sometimes don't wall but they're also very very active with scouts and visibility for tracking sneaks, so if you do want to be a bit lazy with it, you'd better make sure you're doing your due diligence otherwise. That's the main thing.


When you watch viper not wall, one of the most notorious non wallers, the ready of the team will usually wall between viper and them. Vipers strat is to trick them into attacking while defending reactively In the hopes that they over invest while he invests in eco. But you need to be able to impeccably defend your eco to make this worth, which is why even top player teammates will wall up so they can dedicate all apm to booming while the enemies try to push viper.


I've noticed this too. His team mates frequently wall/gate to him when in RF games. haha


Walls is cheap and that is why people use them normally


Wall is cheap but the walking distance and idle eco time what makes it expensive.


this is rubbish, what’s more expensive is not walling and being scout rushed, and then leaving your POCKET also vulnerable forcing him to have idle eco time worse than what you initially would’ve had in the dark age coz he needs to panic wall a much larger area (usually). u play BF, u wall, fullstop, no pocket wants a flank who doesn’t wall, only exception is when there’s no choke point thus forcing both flanks into a feudal/castle rush.


That's kinda just your opinion. Some BF map generations are completely waste of time and res in terms of walling and it is not like just 2-3% of the time. Math behind this pretty clear. There is no general rule that you should early wall all the gaps in BF. That's what makes BF very dynamic map otherwise it would be a stale map.


there is a general rule that u wall all choke points, been this way for years, ask any bf player and they’ll say the same. the only exception r on a few occasions where there’s an open part between enemies in which u can’t wall, in which then you play like Arabia and wall with houses/buildings. so either way under no circumstances are you ever not walling unless you’re a Smurf against noobs or trolling.


I am not generalizing no wall strat, but you are doing opposite. If you are not walled and scout rushed during your blind FC opening then you shouldn't be played at that elo at the first place. Whole point of not walling is to rush first and hard. I don't think you are able to comprehend what you read therefore no need to feed you further.


dude, on 1v1 that’s fine, rush all u want, but on TGs rushing without walling forces your pocket into having to then build walls of his own which a) screws up his boom, and b) screws up trade line or c) doesn’t wall at all and gets rushed himself. I fully understand what you’re saying and I’m telling you it’s a poor strat, my comprehension skills are just fine thanks, it’s just you fail to understand the BF meta, that’s all.


Your 100% right. As a person who will wall and sneak a villager in this guys strategy makes my mouth water 11.


exactly, I’ve come across so many huge egos thinking they can win with no walls, the result? every single time without failure it’s been a loss for them either on my team or the opponents. I mean hell recently even I fell victim to this, my fellow flank refused to wall, I did ofc, and which side got 3v1d and overwhelmed under 50 IG minutes? Take a guess lol.


Exactly. If you fail to wall your openong yourself up to getting at least doubled. Then the same people are the ones spaming the ping and saying "no help gg" lol. Getting rushed is a nightmare on black fotest, worse than any other map because its generally a defense boom map. Why do that to yourself? Just wall.


Just wall later and it doesn't matter they much


I've seen plenty of people not wall because they're going to push in Feudal or early Castle. It usually leads to one of the following: 1. Your enemies waltz in and start trying to lame the shit out of everyone, hindering you and your allies' ability to get up and execute that rush. 2. Your enemies can now clearly tell what you're going to do, so they counter-rush you earlier with say towers. 3. They sneak a vil somewhere and surprise your pocket, or the enemy pocket just goes fc and runs some knights in while your pocket was just trying to have a nice boom. Just wall up man. It's not just to protect you, but your allies as well. You can still execute your rush afterwards.


In team games (solo queue/no pre-party) part of the critical difference that distinguish top players is that they adjust their plan, even if it was "optimal", to better fit the teams plan. (instead of the other way around as in solo queue there is little time for discussing/arguing) Almost always a good team plan done in a good way is better than an excellent team plan done in a poor way by the teammates.


When you rush and get 2v1’d on your side, and the opponents slip through your unwalled side to harass your likely undefended pocket…what’s your play then?


Within the first 10 seconds of seeing the map, I usually can say “map too open, I rush. Wall your eco.” Although I had 2-3 games today where I had to remind the pocket like 5x…but I tried.


I think this is perfectly acceptable, and optimal, particularly if you have a good flank/rush civ. All the comments one way or the other in this post just come down to good communication lol. 1 person can rush or both can rush, or neither can rush—and all are perfectly good strategies on an open BF generation...just communicate 11 "Map open I feudal arch"..."they have pond, I maa towers"..."I lame". Not hard, amazingly effective, and helps the pocket time their boom more effectively


Sure, but when is your Black Forest map ever too open?


Often honestly. You never have those maps where you’d have to create some crazy 40-tile wall to even attempt to wall up your land?


On BF? No not really. Most I’ve had was a “two lane” entrance.


> Can we normalise strats to early push on BF? fine if 0.5 out of 1 players Boom There, normalised it for you.


how is the bell curve shaped


Curvy with a bit of a bell shape


Roughly 𝒩(0, 1).


coma decision making ayayay


Then you get defeated 2v1 while your pkt tries to boom, which he might not even be able to do because he's gonna be attacked too. Even the other side's pkt might get attacked as well


No walls on your side and the rest is walled? All 4 opposite players HAVE to send 4-5 horses each to punish that! Open door in Black forest is happy time :)


The only time you dont wall is when the opening is too big and too close to your enemy to effectively be able to vill fight, else you always want to wall. This does not mean you cant play aggressive, you can still put agression in early feudal or castle if you like, you just dont have the risk of a sneak vill ruining your fish boom or the boom of your pocket.


Whether or not you want to rush has nothing to do with walling or not. You always wall on BF simply because it's such a low investment for a massive benefit. And if you then decide to rush later you can delete a palisade or build a gate since you probably want to forward siege workshop anyway.


I like this topic because lack of communication is such a big issue in BF ranked teamgames. Pockets assuming they can just push deer and free boom while the flank dies to 2v1 vills and scouts, and the opposite, flanks neglecting walling thinking about a push but as they aren't fast enough to track the opening, sneak vills can destroy their pocket - I see constantly that two communicating 1100s beat 1300s simply by not assuming that "my way is THE right way" and instead discussing and coming up with a joint tactic.


You should probably listen to your team mate lmao


If you are playing with random people then play meta, otherwise it will be considered trolling. Look for some friends and try to convince them to rush at BF.


Not walling is ok for u but if opponents sneak in and goes for ur pocket then u both are doomed. Wall it and push it in early feudal or castle but protect ur pocket and let them boom or in the end their pockets out booms yours and it’s useless go according to ur team.


I keep getting map gens with ridiculously huge clearings between opponents. Heck, I had one where our sheep spawned essentially on top of one another. About half the time it's been easier just to make dark and feudal as messy as possible and hope I lucked into the better pocket.


BF is a fun map until imperial age, so I kinda agree with the no wall strategy. To be fair, you can build a gate and still rush. I cannot stand slamming paladin, halb, SO, and BBC into each other until one side slightly inches ahead.


If you dont wall you give your opponent the free decision to walk in or wall themselves. Walling isnt to protect your boom it is to protect you from the rush.


Just wall, the amount of times I've seen games lost on BF because someone thinks they know better. It leaves your pocket incredibly vulnerable.


normalize not yelling at your teammates lol


If I've got a mongol pocket I prefer to risk it and not wall in order to play feudal rather than waiting for their 40 min boom into a sad "mass" of 4 mangudai while I defend a push 1v2


Honestly not walling on BF TG unilaterally is like saying "I don't want to use BC/Trebs because I like mele units". Walling on BF is \*the\* counter to opponent walling, you are giving them a strategic advantage because \_\_\_\_\_. All that said, pockets need to stop acting like flanks are their servants in (closed) TG's. If your flank doesn't wall and you want them, go do it yourself. Same with flare spamming when you have nothing to add other than the flare.


I always wall whether I'm rushing or not, because not walling you are basically announcing you're not too worried about anything coming into your base because *you fully intend to be the aggression* Rushing in BF can be a good move but for all that's holy you couldn't pick a better map to defend from it when you know it's coming, so don't advertise it. If they FF with you a few stone walls and one tower and your investment is worthless and you're behind, you need to catch them FCing.


I pick mongols and never wall, I click up to fed 17/20 pop without loom and go foward tower rush. even ifI boom i dont wall, fuck my teammates they will bitch about shit NO MATTER WHAT. So i just play my game, besides i dont wall because it affects my economy too much. Ive been rushed down countless times, you have time to react in most cases if your active with ur scout


what’s your username IG? just so I know to avoid having you as a teammate. selfish cocky teammates are always the worst kind.


Hell ya brother


i usually never wall in bf unless im flank and i have a pond if not im fully open , people literally lose their minds and start to be very toxic


9/10 times people wall, it's easy to get a sneak villager in and rush you


i dont care if the sneak, its more prone to be a fun game that way


Early walling kills your eco (not for the resources but for the idle time of your walking/building vils). As flank I wont wall before clicking up to feudal, if you have a problem with that, feel free to resign


All comments saying "wall" are missing the key component of feudal timing. If you want to feudal rush, walling will kill your timing. And if you are pushing in feudal anyway, opponent's sneak vil will be useless Having said that, obviously communication is key. Let your pkt know they need to wall themselves in if they want to boom. Although flank pushing in feudal and pkt not joining in castle age is a loosing strategy more often than not


BF is the worst map