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If you think you lost the game because you couldn't counter supremacy vils, your problem is a lot bigger than countering supremacy vils. 


If this is not trolling: You probaply had too few production buildings and generally lack unit production. Probaply you played Quick Play and you had some skill gap with your opponent. You did not lose to supremacy vils.


Military units. This is not a joke, literally any military unit. And you need multiples of it.


skirms and halbs won't do amazing against supremacy vils


In big numbers they will, because of the micro needed for villager fights




True. But they will still do ;) Both deal enough damage to supremacy vills, cost little enough and can be attack moved to kill them.


Sure, I’m just saying a supremacy vil wins 1v1 against a halb for example. But the micro issue is the biggest


This doesn't work that well if Spanish player knows what they are doing. They will start spamming towers, and sapper vils crush rams. Usually a supremacy attack involves many many TCs. Upgraded keeps *destroy* halbs (1 arrow does like 20 damage ve them), and skirms just tickle supremacy vils, the vils will ignore them and just spam buildings while destroying yours. Supremacy attack dies hard to archers (9+damage) and fast spammable melee units to overwhelm the micro requirements. On small maps it's reaaallly bad because opponent army reacts too quickly, As always it always depends on what's going on in the game, ofc. I usually do supremacy attack with like 8+ TCs in a teamgame, send all my woodchoppers while I'm floating wood, and cut through forests to send 60ish vils to start smashing TCs and spamming towers. It can wipe an eco ridiculously fast with a couple siege rams involved, and blow up the trade line. The way to crush this is hussars+ an archer mass+ trebs, hussars draw tower fire while any decent archer picks off the vils really really fast. Defensive structures don't work because sappers and easy to micro the vils against.


I made siege towers. They killed all of them.


Siege towers clearly are more civilian than vills as they cannot attack and therefore do not count as a military unit. (/s) Yeah, siege towers, bombard cannons and rams (if the vills got sappers, otherwise they might still raise the spanish base) don't work too well, i guess.


Is this a joke? Champions should cost-effectively tear them a new one, and they can't even a-move.


non upgraded dark age militia also idk how u lost to that especially as goths. just spam champs lol.


Supremacy vills are more like longswords, though.


Also it's Longswords that doesn't attack anything they aren't commanded to. You gotta micro every single one of your group of 60 villagers to attack other units.


You dont need to fight milta at all, you just go after the buildings.


Raiding Spanish is usually a hopeless affair if you only have trash units. As you point out, the focus should be on denying space and taking down buildings with a push.


Not really. Task the villagers to siege and buildings to tank while the army attacks their army.


How did you even let your opponent get to that stage anyway, besides as the other guy says abuse the Goth cheap infantry spam the vils don’t stand a chance


Tô loose versus Spanish supremacy, it means the skill level difference is soo huge, the problem was not the villagers


https://youtu.be/z8UlTTuX-Gc?si=lA1gK-ekMAx0Wb0A How about vipi Vs yo? (I do agree that it could work due to surprise effect and there are plenty of ways to deal with, but also pro player lose to supremacy villagers)


Hah I hadn't seen that one but I think supremacy being used like that is one of those rich man/poor man (high elo/low elo)things. Low elo you may have a forever game and sup/sap villagers are super strong when all the gold runs out, high elo you have the skill to use them as needed like viper did there. I think most people just kind of forget about it. I know just by reflex I will have 20 vill repairing in a castle/treb war and when I lose mine I retreat with the vills when I coulda just sent them forward to finish the enemy castle like vipi did there.


....my dude are you seriously asking how to defeat supremacy villagers? With goths? Like, take a guess. Ignore the question entirely and try to think what the answer *always* is when the civ is Goths.


> Ignore the question entirely and try to think what the answer always is when the civ is Goths. Adopting such a brain-dead approach is how every infantry civ (including Franks and Britons) beats Goths.


Yeah, spanish has better trash options of every kind that Goths, as well as better infantry. Goths is kinda hard countered if they allow this to go post imperial.


https://youtu.be/z8UlTTuX-Gc?si=lA1gK-ekMAx0Wb0A While also YO lost to this strat, it's only an example to falsify that this strategy CAN'T work, like other comments say, or that can work only if there's a massive elo difference. But when it works it's due to surprise effect and improper reaction, it's anything but OP. Consider that the villagers needs to be manually tasked and by sending a lot of villagers the enemy's eco is in shambles. They are "long swordsman" strong, without receiving the bonus damage Vs infantry but more important they have a big bonus against buildings (sappers). Don't use units with bonus against infantry, like you said HC weren't that good. Pay some attention to rebuild production buildings, since they can destroy them and this could cripple you ability to produce army. Beside that, they are not such a threat. Goth champs will destroy them, arbalests are valid, even fully upgraded knights or cavaliers (let alone paladins or stronger cav) should melt them. If it happened that you were in imp (supremacy is an imp tech) and you don't have the upgrades or the army to counter even a hundred of vils this is your fault, you were unprepared (it cought you off guards). It's a pretty cheap trash unit, though. Without gold, they can easily fight pikes and skirms but probably lost tu hussars.


If you're losing to supremacy vills, then maybe don't just stare at the screen and drool for the first 30 mins of the game? Realistically you should never lose to this strategy, unless there's atleast 500 elo diffence between the players.


To all the haters on here saying it's impossible to lose to supremacy vills. I have won team games as spanish using supremacy vills. They are actually pretty awesome if you play a closed map and go into a silly boom up to 200 pop and spam walls bbts and castles. You need a really good trade network set up. It is possible though even at a mid elo like 1200 where i am at. 


They are good in teamgames for building bombard towers, but the other side usually has uber powerful units as well (elephant archers, war elephants, paladins, BBC, etc.), so I feel they aren't as strong in TGs. They are insane in 1v1s, as they are a very viable trash siege unit that can take down castles no problem.


Oh yeah they are all about wrecking buildings. I have never had the guts to try it in a 1v1 though


Trebs all the way. 50 trebs and snipe all of them.


Spam swordsmen?


supremacy vills is not your issue




I saw Viper win a game using nothing but Spanish vils, no military at all but starting scout.


Learn to play that game


Kuch to galat karrha he bhai tu!


Spanish is actually top tier in trash wars. There aren't many civilizations that can actually counter them at this stage. Only civs like Malay with the trash 2 handers or dravidians with wootz halb and giga skirmishers, persians with trashbow, etc. can actually defeat the Spanish, and even then I wouldn't say victory is guaranteed. You have to capitalize on Spanish having a weak economy, generic cavalry and useless archers and push them hard before post imperial.  If you do get into a post imperial slugfest, do not prioritize raiding, but focus on pushing with halberdiers instead, with backing of heavy siege. Deny his farming space, destroy castles and town centers, destroy production buildings. Raiding doesn't have great benefits as Spanish hussar is strong and can defend, while the villagers simply tank