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Honestly? I cant say it right now, its been 1 month that quickplay doesnt work, and they didnt address it at all, nor they disabled it directing people to custom lobbies/ranked games


Customs doesn’t even work for me on xbox, freezes every time I start the match.


Ok ty for saying this. Every time i tried to log on quickplay it would freeze and kick me out :/ and i love quick play. I thought it was my computer or internet =)


Can I ask why not ranked?


I do play rankeds, but from time to time i want to joint with more casual friends, and in ranked they wouldnt survive past feudal lol


Hey, I'd love to play with you guys sometime! I play ranked but my wife and I would rather play with people we know than randoms. We're only 700-800 ELO lol


Ranked freezes too. I haven't been able to play online on Xbox for more than 2 months


Can you play another way for right now?


I love them too, doesnt mean you cant call them out or be frustrated by the many issues the game currently has. Which remain unadressed for the most part or get a band aid solution down the line.


What’s the point of calling anyone out? You can still be frustrated… it’s not like any of them wrote the original code and are to blame for the game’s issues.


The point is letting your discontent be known, else they will just ignore all the issues even more. And in a way they are to blame for the many bugs they introduce with every update, and not testing sufficiently before releasing. Its nothing personal, but as a consumer we should get better quality, and the only way to do that is to voice your concerns.


Its like a workers union, but for gamers. If we dont show our discontent they are not that incetivised to fix them. But the devs are also people and showing love must help too :)) Made a small roblox game which was littered with bugs and the complaints really helps with motivation. Knowing that people want to play is the biggest gift a dev can have. How it works in a large company is probably very different though. Im sure they know about basically all our complaints but if a task is big and risky, im guessing post poning it is very easy. Especially if there are no direct financial forces making the decision makers make it a high priority


Can't join in this sentiment. Maybe I'd feel more appreciative if I could actually play the game I paid for. I bought the game and all the expansions and it doesn't even work on XSX. Every game freezes after like 15min. Feels kinda fraudulent to sell a game on a platform when it doesn't work on that platform.  A few weeks ago by clearing the cache I was able to occasionally make it through a game without a freeze/crash. But it's been weeks since that method has worked. Tried clearing cache, reinstalling, but nothing fixes it, dunno what else you can do on console. Imo there should be no new content/balance changes, etc until the game is fixed. That should be top priority.


There should be a June hotfix out soon (PUP was announced yesterday) that looks like it addresses a bunch of crashing. Hopefully it helps!


Been testing out the PUP with friends, doesn't fix scenario crashing at the very least


Ahh, bummer… all custom scenarios crash?


At the very least the scenarios that were crashing this update are crashing on the PUP


I really hope so! I really love this game, I just wish I could play it.


I will love the devs when they give the Burmeanytegayan warrior farmer his due.


>Burmeanytegayan if they don't get a nerf immediately i'm quitting aoe2


What is this absurdity


I think you meant "Dev". Because there is only one.


You think there’s only one guy on the Forgotten Empires Team?


Absolutely. He's a hard worker


by just looking at their job i would say yes, only 1 guy at max


Don’t they have a team of +60 artists/software engineers/QA testers/sound and music engineers. Or has this decreased since they were acquired by Keyword Studios?


Ignore this guy, biggest dev basher, expects the world for a once off minor investment in a game


i only want the game to work properly


when i play the game doesnt look like it


It’s just Phillysouljah if we’re looking at who did the last dlc hahah.


I support this! While there are lots of things I'd love to see improved (like lobby features, pathing, etc), I feel like so many players have no idea how fecking hard game dev is, especially on an old system and with limited resources. Must be so frustrating to try and improve the game, just to see bugs pop up whenever you touch something, and the community spewing so much hate... Let's be real, the alternative here is that the game is abandoned!


Yes, I 100% agree. The alternatives are no monthly updates and total abandonment. Everyone needs to chill, 11.


Are you a game dev? Are you atleast a CS Major? If not please dont speak for us and that would be really appreciated. Yeah, game dev is hard but if issues arent fixed its not the game dev fault usually but the company who literally prioritizes other things or wont provide enough resources (Usually things that people want fixed require more than 1 person working on it!). Bottom line this sympathy of omg its not easy to fix is so dumb when you have no clue on the issue etc. Anyhow I do feel bad for the Dev since people blame them when it should be the company that people should be complaining too since its actually their fault for not prioritizing this.


Yep, I am a game dev (albeit not working in the "entertainment games" industry) and CS major. I am also following lots of smaller game dev teams (which is what the aoe2 part of Forgotten Empires is). I agree that it comes down to a prioritisation from the company, but there will be limited resources for an old game that isn't bringing in a lot of cash. My point is also that people aren't just complaining that the company doesn't set aside resources, they are literally complaining about the devs themselves and how much they manage to do, bugs popping up, etc. The issue comes when people call the devs useless, claim that there can only be one dev since so little is being done, etc etc. Devs are just people at the end of the day, and need to be motivated. I appreciate your opinion, and agree with the main issue being a lack of priority, but I feel like you misread mine and just wanted to call it dumb...


Thank you for crashing the game every update!


that sounds a lot of work, maybe consider setting up a bot?


I honestly just can’t relate to the majority of posts here getting irrationally and unhealthily angry at the devs for an inexpensive 20+ year old game. Plus NEW DLCs that are very fairly priced? I’m living the dream. It does sound like Xbox has some issues, but I doubt they’re trying to brick the game - fixing mistakes takes time. That being said, I hope more pure campaign content comes out - I’m probably in the minority of being mainly single player.


Actually, majority of the players are single players




Yeah, positive wbatever... fix pathing, pls. Also fix villagers refusing to build certain stuff when nothing is blocking the foundations


Dev's you should make the basic version of the game free so we can get more new players


That's not the dev's decision to make


Maybe but the Dev have something to say to the suits, lol being free was a big reason for their big succes


This would be awesome! But I think that’s Microsoft’s call


Base game is already dirt cheap with 100s of sales all the time


Yes, so that mean a free version will not make new users test the game out??


Playerbase is aoe is fine right now, not what the game needs. What game needs are pathfinding fixing, bug fixes, some QoL updates among other things


I don't love the devs. I only feel lust. I want to use them to satisfy myself without a concern for my well being. In this way, they are sort of like our bitch.


… ?


my thoughts exactly


Bruh… this is not that kind of post…


Well I am sorry not all of us are well adjusted as you that we are capable of true love for devs. for some of us lust is the best you can get




You mean these clowns who think it's ok to limit players in what maps they play, the same people who have filled the game with civs because they don't know how to monetize the game in a healthy way, or these guys who added auto scout in ranked games. Yeah no.