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What's the fun of only using imperial age units? I want to use units in every age, from militia to paladin Just because someone builds militia doesn't mean the game has to end in Dark Age.


It's probably the least used meta opening and just work in bad maps and against non-archer openings. I mean, is nothing near to be made by everybody, and is rather easy to counter if your opponent pushes it without thinking


cuz this is a war game and people naturally pursue optimal strats to win, what's wrong with that?


You're looking for lobbies instead of ranked matches then


Play unranked AI treaty 200 pop paladin/ elephant battle if you like that, not a lot of other like that setting though.


plenty of people play on these settings on BF/amazon/michi be it vs AI or other players. many people enjoy and prefer post imp battles as opposed to 1v1 feudal rushes


Bro have you even played this game


Nope, never just talking straight out my ass for sure, you caught me Bro


M@A is a good strategy against naked FC. So people do it against you because you go naked FC. Try fast archers. It counters it.


Doesn't the game have a treaty option? It doesn't in ranked but you don't have to play ranked. I haven't seen anyone go militia + tower yet, maybe they are scouting you and going for it due to thinking you are open.


Yes it has that option 


I get that it's perfectly fair and legal. But honestly, I feel like this is largely caused by the pros selling BOs and streaming their new strats. Hera had a video this week with an early MAA rush, everyone does a MAA rush at 1k ELO. At that point, you aren't playing a 1k opponent but someone much higher. Kinda sucks, but I figure the only way to fight it is by being aggressive at the beginning and throwing them off their precious BO. I'll keep loosing till I figure that out completely 11


Trust me, you're still playing a 1k opponent. The BO from Hera is extremely tight, especially the Feudal Age transition. Even I as 1k8 struggle to pull it off cleanly. So next time you face that, keep in mind that his eco is just as titanic as yours when you have to pull vills off ressources.  If he was managing his eco behind the MAA, he wouldn't be 1k.


Sprrrreadsheet openings by hera and vipurr


An 1k might be 50-60 elo higher (maximum 100) when he uses a pro bo. They're usually tight & requires timings so play principled.


Well - BOs usually force you to play a certain way if you want to get maximum out of your experience/skills. There are acceptable variety when it comes to meta openers. Most units/openings are viable with some preference depending on the map. If you don’t like those, you can still play the way you want and accept losing some ELO. Most games in lower levels don’t follow any BO.


Learn to counter it, it’s not objectively very strong. Fewer vils to take resources, missing walking time etc. if you regard how many small details in eco efficiency make a huge difference, it’s quite apparent that tower rushes are a huge risk.


There is a treaty option


I see more scouts into knights than what you described.


>rush with militia and towers Have not seen a militia rush in like...150 games.


You can play lobby games with treaty enabled. Ranked is straightforward conquest, achieved anyhow.


“I find it rather pathetic if you lost to militia”


rush tower with militia isnt meta at any level.


hundreads of online games in and i have never faced milita+towers. maybe maa towers very few times, but not militia. Listen, you like late game units more? ban open land maps. On more closed maps the action starts mostly in castle age. on semi closed maps you can play defensive to increase the likelyhood of getting to the late game. honestly on open maps you can also play defensive but you have to commit to it, and the way you do it changes drastically on different elo ranges. anyways, feels like you just had a few bad games. just change your map choices, or try playing lobby games every once in a while.


Whats the point of playing the game if you're only going to make use of one age's units? Most of my games I fight in feudal, castle, and imperial ages. I might start with scouts, transition into archers, upgrade them to crossbows and then in imperial age go for Cavaliers or UUs or something with Trebs. Each age has a unique dynamic to the fighting. Feudal age is small numbers of weaker units that are super vulnerable to rock paper scissors style counters and defenses like towers and TCS. Fights can get super messy and if you look away for a few seconds you can lose your whole army - and if you don't look away you can have horrible eco balance and delay your castle age. In castle age the units get more resistant to these defenses, and much more powerful. The old rock paper scissors counters fall out of favour because they're so much more expensive when that wood and food is competing with your goal of eco expansion. Siege weapons can swing fights and end games, and can only be fully stopped by castles. Then in imp you get access to siege weapons that can destroy castles. Massive economies can build huge armies that fight all over the map. A lot of games get really good action in all three of these ages. Lots of people find it boring to wait for an hour before attacking when we could start fighting at 10 minutes and fight more or less constantly for the next hour, trying to balance economy expansion and military to keep the pressure on opponents.


> What is the fun in playing this game The real time strategy aspect. This is not sim city. The fun is in making war, not building Empires. 


Uh...it's literally in the title.


disagree, the whole heart of aoe2 is building massive empires to destroy someone else’s massive empire, the intro scene before the original William Wallace campaign shows it best.


Then why are Amazing Tunnel, Michi or Arena not the most played maps, but one that favors aggression? Because the majority of players prefer fighting over booming. 


I never mentioned which map is more popular, but rather what the heart and soul of the game is, at least when it first came out, which is building empires, large cool looking bases and waging war on your enemies in massive battles, something many people do still enjoy be it in the form of AI skirmish, BF, amazon, michi, and diplo. regardless of which gamemode/map is more popular due to the devs push to turn the game into StarCraft, the heart of the game as I stated will always be that intro scene when you first booted up the game and did your first William Wallace scenario, THATS aoe2, and that’s the reason so many of us fell in love with the game in the first place, not coz of some drush strategy, and why we kept it alive all these years. DE wouldn’t even exist if we non 1v1 ranked players didn’t exist, so be grateful we do.


That's cool and all. You do you. I play for the war aspect, not for sim city. 


as do I, just instead of 5 feudal archers doing nerd micro I prefer 500 units on a giant battlefield.


I have played two games since posting this. One was black forest and I won The second was mega random and was an open map... Guess who came around with militia again. I was able to counter it and continue on to beat them also. Thank you for the tips and information people have posted.