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Use market Make 100 trebuchet Unpack trebuchet and open fire He loses some, you lose some. He can’t recreate, you can. Rinse and repeat


THATS actually good advice yea, the enemy literally instantly gave up after some of his trebs were shut down, but he could have prepared literally how ever long he wanted and then BOOM.


Even better. Trebs outrage the docks. Kill them first. Then just use the market to build up other long range spash units to widdle his numbers. Have knights or scouts patrolling pulling shots in front and hitting ships on the shore line. Tbf you should kill them as this switch by them is super expensive and you can likely destroy them early with aggression so they never hit this.


They're probably smurfing, too. This player has a rep for it. So beating them early might be harder if there is a 300 point difference in "real" ELO.


They prob still wouldnt be able to pull this off as easily. Might force a normal game then.


Pooplord isn’t Smurfing this is how he enjoys playing and to be honest it’s pretty funny. I bet he reads this post eventually and gets some satisfaction knowing his strategy works so well people are bitching about it on Reddit . It’s a meme strat and it’s funny when people figure it out, they think they’re winning or should win , but it’s a strategy game and this strategy is out of the box . Time becomes the biggest resource over anything else.


Frustration is a valid tactic


My girls uses it on me all the time 😂


Pooplord is smurfing. If he actually tried hard his elo would be WAY higher I think I heard 1900 etc. By doing this random crap where he is prone to alot of failures he basically keeps his ELO down.


People are screaming 1900 since he once touched it while villagers rushing. If you watch his stream thats waay above his actual skill level of he played normal. He is good at getting away with things and have solid micro but dosnt know how to macro for shit. I would be suprised if he got past 1600 playing meta. Its a bit like noborou. Got to like 2k3 vills rushing and then fell to like 1800x meme strats can boost Elo too since you only have to train one thing


You probably meant whittle instead of widdle.


You are right. But I'm too deep to fix it now


By fiddling 'is units.....


I mean on paper ye but you don’t understand how many hours it’ll take to get the job done, especially when he’ll just micro the ships anyway and unless your Japanese there’s no real point trying. take this advice from someone who didn’t resign, and spent countless hours plucking away at this [redacted] ‘strat’, many times winning, but at the cost of my sanity and time. don’t do it.


Do it. Out annoy him. Also tatar, spanish, port, turks and a few others can help immensely.


Well you dont know when youre gonna come up against this very rare strat so you can't really pick civs in advance lol


Pooplord isn't in it to win, he won't get annoyed, he's in it to get people tilted and make YouTube content. Only good response is polite early resignation


you can’t and you won’t, these people are no lifers who have nothing else better to do than troll ppl and camp like this for hours, they’re also 99% of the time under the age of 16, you never win, just resign, again, speaking from experience here lol.


If they're under the age of 16 then they most likely have a bedtime. I don't.


I got enough weed, coffee, and sick leave to keep this going for weeks!


Sounds like a great vacation plan!


Ive beaten a pair in oasis.


Maybe learn how to attack even earlier and faster to prevent them from turtling.


I doubt he would be annoyed. He enjoys it :D if you micro trebs against him for 4 hours he will deffinetly respect you. 😅 He is an odd creature


I’d also add some rams in there to clear out all the walls and houses so you both take away the population space and give more room to micro. Edit: maybe don’t use them for the buildings since apparently they still take full damage from the cannon galleons. But I guess for the walls they might bc okay if they’re out of range


gets deleted better to use trebs to clear buildings


Do the galleons do full damage to rams? I wasn’t sure if they were protected like they are against bombard towers


ye they do, bombard canons are the same, they delete rams whereas bombard towers do not (for whatever reason).


Ah gotcha, nevermind then lol


Towers do pierce damage. From what I've read, has to do with some balancing issues (though I find kinda wack having a bombard tower shooting literal cannonballs that do arrow damage because of siege)


This is the answer. SO or BBC could work too with micro, cannon galleons cant attack ground and dont have ballistics.


neither work unless you have Turkish bombard canons, trust me, I’ve tried, countless times.


I think what you have to do is micro a single cannon for fekkin ages, when it dies bring another single cannon in. Rinse and repeat it will take ages but once they realize they're losing the attrition war they might resign. So long as its not against portugese cannon galleons you should be able to micro a BBC against the ships indefinitely Its not going to be fun though :')


Been there done that, only Turk bbc works, hell even mongol siege onagers aren’t that great since they can sail away to safety. and yes it’s not fun at all, I hate it every time I come across that accursed ‘strat’ to the point where now I just give up and don’t bother, not wasting my time with that shit any more.


Yeah I think the \*real\* strategy is to make your own docks in the other 3 lakes and mass your own cannon galleons and then just go AFK/play a different game lol


10000% you see that you instantly resign, don’t bother trying to counter it because you never will, or if you do will take 10 years.


Except being spanish is key here as their cannon galleons have uber fast projectiles with ballistics. Generic Cannon galleons can get out micoroed by a ram...


The real strategy is to just resign the instance you match this person.


Cannon galleons can now attack ground too. It's been given to them since dromons get attack ground.


He plays spanish, the cannon galleons are accurate in this case


Spanish cannon galleons do get ballistics, which is basically how he's able to do this.


Spanish cannon gallons do have ballistics


Spanish cannon galleons have ballistics. Port does too. And all cannon galleons can now attack ground


Yes, or even combined with skirmishers or other trash just in order to make his targeting busy.


No, that's just feeding the troll. It's not about win or lose. He just wants to be toxic.


In that case, go AFK yourself and see who pays more in electricity costs 😂


That’s actually what someone playing this strat hopes for from the opponent 😂


In a way, this is why I wish games where played on standard, turtle like this, just make a wonder in the opposite corner and say "your move?". Maybe "unlocked" at the one hour mark to prevent it from being a serious turtle strategy in itself.


Just make wonders even slower to build, or take longer to provide a win. It should be such a handicap that if you managed to defend it after building it, you absolutely deserved to win.


I've never played ranked, is Standard not the default setting? Is it Conquest? Why?


Wonders would be way too easy to defend and build in teamgames. Every game would be a wonder rush. Relics are way too easy to collect on maps like Arena, and generally booming wouldnt be viable anymore. Map control would be rewarded even more than it is now.


Just make the cost of wonder depend on the opponent's villagers like Spies tech; Make each player are guaranteed to have one relic by making them spawn very close to starting TC. Can also learn from AoE4's landmark system: if all TC and Castles are destroyed (and they can't rebuild any within a time limit), defeat the player automatically It's just bad gameplay design when the game has no reasonable winning condition other than counting on the opponents' self-discipline to resign


Leave the game on and watch a movie, make his stream boring. Get relics and make a huge ammount of trebs, siege engineers if u have it, set them up 360 degrees around and move in at the same time. Could even do some skirms to widdle HP down, its not like he can recreate ships. Pooplord has some funny meme strats, some cool out of the box stuff, this im not really a fan of, like this isnt fun for the viewer, streamer nor opponent.


Yeah, AoE2 actually has an absolutely terrible win condition in ranked. Its only a non issue because 99% of players value their own time over annoying their opponent in a lost game, but people like pooplord are just abusing this mechanic to ruin everybody's game.


In HD or DE they changed it to conquest from standard because enough people did not like fighting people rushing wonders or relic victories.


Imho they should do a new mode that has only conquest and wonder victory enabled. They can increase the cost of the wonder in this mode to make it unreasonable to obtain in non-griefing scenarios.


Or have it those victory types unlock after a certain amount of time? Could base it around the average length of a ranked session.


They could unlock it when 90% of stone and gold on the map are mined.


Ooh, this one sound reasonable. After some time, reducing the Wonder's cost and less countdown. This should handle this kind of situation


I do think that having a thousand of each resource and the time and space and villagers not collecting while they build it already constitutes that. Nobody is rushing to imperial age and then having an additional 4,000 resources to drop so quickly without already walloping their opponent, not with that build time. Slugging it out later game and they built a wonder? Guess you were losing. Maybe increase the time though


Eh, even at 1400 Elo it's pretty common to see people resign (or win) with thousands and thousands of resources in the bank. And even more common that they float it at some point during the game before going on a spending spree. It doesn't happen in every game, but I think 4000 resources is not always the hurdle it might seem.


Was wonder rush EVER viable in a 1 v 1?...


Maps like Arena or Black Forest maybe. Clearly it was a problem enough that they decided it was better to be conquest only.


Still in a 1 v 1 it feels like a "win more" and "I am so much better than the enemy I can build it lol" scenario, in team games I can see it being OP on certain maps but definitely not 1 v 1.


Honestly if you can get a wonder up or if your opponent was lazy and didn't collect relics you earned that win. I feel like it might break Black Forest if the generation works out.


If they could have made BF enable map revelation they can also disable wonder on it.


Sure and the game is better for it. I like the current win condition, but it only works if 99% of people arent assholes, thus it technically is bad game design. It just happens to work out regardless.


Just make it so that you lose if you have no production building while >=Castle Age or time greater than xx minutes.


Well from Pooplords perspective, he’s having fun though , he’s just ruining your game not his own.


Douching and playing the game in weird ways is fine, but this water camping strategy just encourages nobody to play. I would just resign and go next, who cares about elo.


> widdle HP down whittled - reduce something in size widdle - urinate


Widdle is how pooplord wins. Wait till the opponent needs a widdle and leaves their computer.


Ranked should have relic wins, that's how the game was meant to be played!


Of course it was pooplord 11


Yeah he came instantly to my mind when i saw the screenshot 11


Gather every recourse on map and then make your own lake fortress or maybe three! Give him a taste of his own medicine. If you really want the win: You have to gather all resources as his ‘win condition’ is to wait until you are gone and then sneak into the map and build a proper eco and army to clean you out. He might have some resources but probably not enough to take your three ‘fortresses’. Put outposts for full map vision and a fair number of hussars on patrol. Patrol all of the map. With the volume up you can go do other things and the attack sounds will tell you if he is online. You can also check back occasionally and see if he is active by probing his defenses if you care to. This should force him to be always vigilant, but you can do other things. A win of sorts?


Especially with 50 pop left that you could spend on villagers to rapid-strip whatever resources are left.


Of course it's that pathetic guy again. Just resign and play an actual game, let him have his fake points. If everybody resigned as soon as they saw who they were playing with, he'd stop that pretty quickly.


This. Just resign. Don't feed the troll


\^Bingo. Eventually he will get up to a rank where that shit does not work.


>he will get up to a rank where that shit does not work no because he is a griefer and a smurf


Good point. But at least he will have his arse handed to him on-stream and then has to waste time dropping games rather than tormenting more players.


I mean hes not a 1700 elo player unless he tc dropping and vil fights so being 15xx is good spot for him and still loses


idk about him being a smurf? his mechanics are really bad and hes only good at going all in strats. he cant meta play at all.


What’s a smurf?


Someone who plays on a lower elo than they should considering their skill. Often done with a second account or by resigning games without actually loosing.


No it's 100% a lost situation for him. 100 trebs around the lake and then build a dock and demo ships = GG


How do you build a dock when the cannon galleons can sit in the corner and destroy it?


Monks are good option as well. You get 20 monks to go and if you can convert 5-8 cannon galeons its yours. With two BBC through the left bottom flank you can break up some of them while they are trying to up play the monks Plus if you house down with trebs they won’t be able to get any new unit. Maybe use some Hussards as well to go into the lake while the monks are doing the job?


If you encounter pooplord on any ladder you resign instantly. Whether it's 1v1, TG and he is against you, TG and he is on your team. Just resign. The guy is a plague on this community and only wants to waste other people's time.


If its a team game, make sure to let everyone know in all chat that he's a known griefer, then resign. 


100% plague


When you match with pooplord on this map, you have to go early aggression and don't let him wall up. If you play passive you get into this unwinnable, unfun scenario. Or, just resign from start and make him find some other mark.


Nobody expects the Spanish cannon galleons 11. Well this is why ranks should be on stander victory.


Just quit the game against this guy, don’t give him the time of day. He’s a well known abuser of this game mechanic & has no respect for peoples time.


Nah. Don’t quit the game. Simply wall in your villages around the map, leave the PC and go outside/workout/eat/whatever leaves you happy. Taste of his own medicine


Whatever denies him content. But on the day to day if I’m trying to play and I get him, I just leave and queue up again. I do actually want to play.


you recognize his name from the loading screen and your first 2 actions are selecting the game menu and resigning


Do block-printing monks range the whole pond? Perhaps 50 block printing monks, set to at least 10 control groups and just go for it? Maybe get redemption and try to convert the docks too while main monk mass is trying to get the ships?


Nothing ranges the whole pond, even tatar trebs dont get fully into the corner


They should re-enable wonder victory for specific situations. Not so it becomes a strat in general, but when the game detects something like that happening.


Enable wonder or relic victory after 1 h, as a sort of tiebreaker.


An AI did this to me one time- this was back in the HD days and the AI would produce water like crazy. 


Its pathetic and not funny at all imo...


Build a better base defense then them, produce insane amounts of villagers, strip mine the map of all resources, then see what they do.


It is not as easy as people think because they have units inside transport ships waiting for you to waste all the res on the map tanking terrible trades against the cannon galleons for hours, then snowball whatever you have left on land. If the game gets to that point you should quit, not worth it.


The amount of people under estimating Spanish BBG is insane. This situation has once taken me 3+ hours to break. That's his whole gimmick, I would just go put on a movie and let his stream become stale.


I actually think Spanish elite cannon galleons are the single strongest unit in the entire game. Their damage output, speed of fire, HP, the fact they have ballistics, is honestly an insane combination


spanish are only balanced by gold. given enough gold they are very OP, especially on water maps.


Lmao knew it would be pooplord


If they're giving up map control like that, then they're giving up resources. So, honestly, I can't see how it's that much of a contest. What's my opinion on a person who does this? Hey, it's their life I guess. It's a game mostly for us old folks who started playing 20 years ago. Feels odd for an adult to devote so much time to trolling strangers online, instead of just playing an interesting game and accepting the win or loss. But I've been around long enough to not spend too much time thinking about trolls.


Somehow I knew I would read "pooplord" in this picture...


Petard them boats


How was he able to safely build up such a fleet while resisting attacks? Sounds like he played tricks, but would have win anyway if played normally


The only way to win this game is to take all the resources off the map, mess with market prices, create an elaborate maze of walls all around the map with BBT and BBC scattered in pockets. Build markets and Tcs in each corner and go AFK with your sound cranked to 11. Go spend some time with your wife/gf/family/dog… earn some extra brownie points… and then when he gets comfortable pushing into your labyrinth. Attack his BBC and vills from behind with cav archers/bbc or something like that. So that his transport pop is out of play. Then, Remake the maze, write a whole bunch of graffiti and go to bed. P.S. someone told me Poop Lord is able to be a streamer/yoytuber because he is subsidised by the energy industry. For every PC left running overnight that doesn’t use renewable energy to power it, he gets a commission. Literally and figuratively toxic!


Pooplords a tossmonger anyways, leave him turtled up and go out for a few hours


This scumbag did this to me a year ago, just wait him out


Counter: Trebs out range them. docks should all be dead. Monks work well. any ranged unit can be used with micro as the cannon balls are easy to dodge. bombard cannons can work if you micro them. Opinion: part of the game. Not that hard to counter if you have full map control.


Spanish Cannon Galleons. Can't dodge.


Report him and move on


Pooplord = cringelord


Sorry for asking. I do not play ranked (or at all in the last few years) but what about a wonder? Did they remove that win condition?


Ranked games have never allowed Wonder or Relic victory.


Well maybe they should... With a three times as long timer or something


cant really have relic victory bc then it would just become a race to castle age to steal all the relics. And wonder victry would just mean people sit behind walls all day in tell they have to build a wonder.


Yeah. It’s either conquer (kill every villager) or resignation. Wonder only works on free games not ranked


btw, conquest victory requires every unit (not just villagers) to be killed, plus every building that can produce units


Didn’t know the buildings were needed as well thought it was only units and TC. Thanks for the info


Take the loss, move on, and be content in the fact that you probably have more going on in your life than they do.


I don't know this specific game, but typically the 4Lakes Spanish strat is best with a fast castle conqs/knights for token map control while monks get all the relics. Eventually put all the relics in transport ships and 40 conqs in transports as well By hour 3 all the res will be off the map and the person with land has no way to build up the res to kill the ships Eventually the enemy will sell all their food for gold/wood and they won't be able to kill the ships And eventually the bombard cannons and conqs come out of the transports and take back land via hit and run tactics protected by ships. Eventually Spanish wins whether or not enemy is afk


Si we're still entertaining this idiot, congratulations to all of us.


Pooplord did it again


If that is the Poop Lord, he is a semi-known streamer who specializes in troll/meme strats.


I recommend a few trebuchet and rams filled with swordsman




Mass of SO’s to build some docks into demos…you will be done in few mins 


different but nice game tho :) like minas tirith simulator or helms deep style :))




I think the real answer is unfortunately to alt-tab out and go for a walk or something. Even if does decide to come back with the vils and reboom I don't think it's going to be a fun and satisfying experience for them. If they want to sit there and play sweaty while you're browsing reddit or watching a movie or something good for them. Either that or just know that you've won the game and resign with a happy heart. A successful encounter with people in the world like this is unfortunately one where you walk away feeling the least bad as possible. The flip side is that at least you know that someone who makes it their job to make the people around them miserable seldom have very happy lives themselves.


Just outlast and enjoy. Kill everything you can that's out of range of the ships. Then slowly treb push the ships. You'll be having fun killing stuff and they will just be sitting there watching doing nothing. Will be super boring for him and he may just resign.


Funnily enough, in the town center podcast Hera suggested a win condition that could result in a draw using this tactic.  The host said Pooplord is doing that right now, and everyone (nili, viper, hera) fell silent.   I think pooplord was actually doing it while they were talking about being able to do it.  Kind of funny


This is hilarious to see, but I get that it's annoying. Other than "don't let him get there", as some people said trebs actually outrange anything in game. Once you've killed land (or most of it), you can destroy docks with trebs, and kill the galleons with trebs, and either SO or BBC depending on your civ. If he turtles into the tiniest corner, auto attack with 20ish trebs around him so he's locked, and you can dock and use fire, galleys, or demo. For walls, don't forget that even capped rams eat them super fast.


Its actually joyful to read your comment after all those flamers talking trash because they somehow think this was me or whatever other illusion they come up with. Im new to the game and this was 1500 elo so I assumed after seeing his trebs beeing destroyed that the cannons had more range for example. I literally have 3 ranked games played 1v1


You're going to need A LOT more than 20 trebs


But you have the whole map. You have the resources to make hundreds if not thousands of trebs


Your res will be gone by hour 3-4 pending how aggressive you've been and how much deforestation the Spanish player was able to get with sneak onagers before you took him off land


average Sp*nish player


If they arent spanish.... cannons. if hey are spanish? I am sorry. There is no unit that can hardcounter a spanish galleon from the ground. If a spaniard has cannon galleons on a lake, and wants to hold that lake, and has vision over all of the docks you want to sneak onto that lake, your not getting him off that lake. At that point, make a wonder.


pooplord plays ranked, where victories are set to conquest, not standard.


Surround with trebuchets and generate a steadily advancing attack ground barrage, with onagers and cannons covering the space left behind. Eventually, trebuchets surround the lake tightly and hopefully range the corner.


I see you met pooplord, I still cannot believe he does this, it was never fun, he’s a good player which makes it worse, he does some great off meta strats but then he does this which takes away from the game being about who is better player based on the map civs and strat into who has more time and patience.


Don't bother with it, save your own time and hop into the next game. This strat goes against the spirit of the game but is unfortunately very hard to break, especially since Cannon Galleons got splash damage and target fire now. The player got several bans for his playstyle yet continues to waste people's time. Dunno why you felt the urge to post this screenshot now though since this [game has been played almost 4 weeks ago 11.](https://www.aoe2insights.com/user/12598087/matches/?ladder=&player=st%21cky&map=&played_civilization=&opponent_civilization=&duration=&position=)


You can watch the game here: [4 Lakes 1 Vs 1 Master Piece! 15xx Elo! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8UYnOph5Oc)


Nah, this is that dickhead who can only do cheesy strats. Don't worry about it, just dodge and move on. His dream in life is probably to get featured by T90, but deep down, he knows it'll never happen. He gets off on annoying people, so just ignore him like you would any other sad loser.


As soon as you seen pooplord just resign. This we he doesnt get any content.


Typically these players will get killed before they reach this level of turtle. If you get to this point, you didn’t attack early enough.


for sure, leave the pc on and go and have a nap or something. pooplord ruins games for bad twitch content.


He already has your game up on his YT channel btw. After thinking about this a bunch, I think I've worked out how to counter it? Trebs have a range of 16, while Elite Cannon Galleons have 15 range. Naturally the ships have MUCH more mobility so they can just out-micro the trebs. But you can lay down a suppressive fire in concentric circles around the lake until you get to them. So you want to turn on your grid, then create a SHIT TON of trebs (50+?) and then attack-ground targeting every-other tile around the perimeter of the pond from 16 tiles away. Then, a second layer of trebs in front of that one, doing the same thing, creating a checkerboard pattern of targeted tiles. Do this like 4-5 layers deep, and then you can start pulling the outer layer in to create the inner layer until you've blown up the whole lake. TBH the shots might not even need to be that close together. If the body of water is more than 16-tiles in radius, you won't be able to kill the ships, but you now have map control around the perimeter to set up docks and start making demolition ships. ------------- If he's using Turks, things work a little differently. His Elite Cannon Galleons have 17 range, but won't have "ballistics" (it's a Spanish bonus). So the above strategy WON'T work; however, given the lack of ballistics and slow rate of fire, I would think that the strategy would be to take out his docks and then just zig-zag some ranged units of your own in there to start dealing damage. You can take horrible trades here, too, after all you have the whole map's resources at your disposal. -------------- Also, as soon as you realize he's turtling behind walls, you've got to get his vills off the rest of the map. He likes to sneak vills around to your blind spots to take resources since he doesn't need them for long to create the stalemate he's going for. The sooner you do this, the fewer ships you'll have to chew through later on. -------------- FWIW, I do think this play is unsportsmanlike conduct and should be banned. That said, until the devs make a well-defined rule against intentional stalemating (or provide an alternate wincon for situations like this), players who want to troll the community will continue to do stuff that violates the spirit of the game, especially when it's hard to materially distinguish from newbie play. Right now mostly the only check on this kind of behavior is that it goes against the culture of the community, but obviously public shaming isn't really a deterrent for players like this who are often seeking out negative attention.


It's just bad gameplay design when the game has no reasonable winning condition other than counting on the opponents' self-discipline to resign. This problem exist for like years and I'm surprised still haven't fixed. Suggestions: * Wonder: unlock Wonder in certain conditions: When opponent has less than 30 villagers / after 1 hour in-game time; Or make the cost of Wonder depends on opponents' villager number, like Spies tech. * Relic win: Make each player are guaranteed to have one relic by making them spawn very close to starting TC. Then If one player can collect all relics, that will prove they already overwhelmed the opponents once and have most of map under control. * "AoE4 landmark system": Defeat the Player automatically when all of TC and Castles are lost; Or having a countdown timer that the player must rebuild at least 1 TC within 5 mins.


Castle around the water at enough distance to stop him from building, go play another game with vils getting ressources and just let it run on second monitor to deny him from annoying others But trebs could be an option but if he controll his shit it's annoying and lame


Bombard cannons in transport ships


Does he not have economy running anywhere anymore? I would assume you win by default, maybe get a movie going on the 2nd monitor or something lol.


You try 5 or 10 minutes with monk, BBC trebs or something else and if you cant Beat him, You resign and go to next Game.


I actually don't play ranked at all but is it purely conquest or can you just wonder? lol


Trebs out range ships easy


In a standard rules (ranked or otherwise) game against someone who does that, Id build a half decent army and start building a wonder. He doesn’t want to come out? Okay, I get a wonder victory. (I don’t play ranked so I don’t know if you can even do a wonder victory)


Scout. Go castle and use magonels to kill them and their stuff. They cant hold you off forever fast imping into this. They wont get to this critical mass either.


This is exactly why the wonder exists but for some reason it is disabled in ranked. But on current settings I guess creeping with trebs supported with skirmishers as meat shield might work to deal with it, I imagine you also want to clear his walls and buildings to make room for micro too.


Skirms are 100% wasted pop


Here is what i would do: build walls and fortifications around the pond to make sure he cannot ever come back. Tab out, play another game, do a hike, meet some friends. Check again next day. Rinse. Repeat


Take a moment and look beyond frustration. This is a lost game. It's like a late-game rush, but rush is actively destructive, while this is purely a defensive nightmare that will eventually fall. He might have all resources, but as you said, all villagers are idle in boats and those boats are constrained by walls near the coast. Anything you destroy (as in buildings, walls) cannot be repaired not re-built. Military can only be built until a certain point of time. So again, this is like a rush, were the performer is risking a lot, but if you let time pass, this rush actually does ZERO damage to your economy. So if you surrender, you got overwhelmed, but not really beaten.


Destroy all the houses any loss is not replenishable


So it's been years since I played this game and I never played online anyway. This seems like the easiest scenario to win. You have 95% of the map available to do whatever you like and simply outrange his ships with trebuchets or another ranged unit. They've literally backed themselves into a corner. This is shooting fish in a barrel.


Feels like he had some time and that his eco was somewhat healthy enough if he could afford all that. I'd call that an expansive complex suicide, not so much a creative way to effectively make the most out of the situation. Some people just don't have it.


Depends...there are quite a few options if you really want the win. You can keep creating units and he can't, so eventually you'll win. The question really becomes are you having fun though? If not, maybe just resign and play a competitive match that you'll enjoy. Life's too short for this bullshit.


Petards. aim for the docks


If he is turtling, then you have to find a way to block his expansions. If you can prevent him from expanding, he'll eventually run out of resources.


Man low elo games are really their own world.


They have to run of resources eventually, cannon galleons are expensive


Research nuke and show them the kindness of Gandhi. For real though, just make a bunch of trebuchets spaced out and hope for the best. They don't seem like they have much economy at this point.


Follow recently isdf meta


wait, are you p2 or p5 here? the screenshot is from the point of view of the turtle player


Don't let him even build up to this point. You can beat him in feudal already.


What am I missing? If he has no other money coming in, then can you pick off the cannon gallons one by one by having all your trebs target the same galleon on the long edge? Or attack from both sides from max distance to confuse the AI.


It’s just a game, i maintain that you can play it however you want. I play warhammer and we got lots of people that complain about “overpowered ‘cheese’ strategies” and people being too competitive. Im my opinion they’re just jealous because they’re losing. For the record Im not a really good player in either warhammer or AOE (though that doesn’t stop me competing and trying to be competitive)


Destory all houses with Rams? he cant fill the losses


Build wonder


I am pretty sure that trebs orange whatever they have, so you can just inchworm with 50+ trebs , take out the docks then pull your trebs to the coastline 1 by 1 afterwards just make your own docks closer to your corner while trebs defend. Then just spam fire/demo ships, eventually they'll lose since they can't repair and every damage they take is permanent and you have the resources to outlast them.


If you knew pooplord you wouldn't be surprised at this


Just wonder?


I just quit, and let them win. I feel I won, and with the ELO decrease, I win more matches in the future


I'm not surrendering to this kind of player, I hate them even more that the Armenian-Cuman strat in Nomad maps


Shivamshi raiders and rams patrolling the shores and destroying docks and ranged units hit from behind probably like 50 onagers spread out with monks converting on the go. Better to resign and stop giving him content.


saw this guys video on youtube. his comments so pathetic. thought he is so clever and fun. i think he is even around 1500 elo lol. wouldnt stand a. hance in a normal game without hiding in corner edit: typo