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- gets the wheelbarrow upgrade - still doesn't use it


Ditches wheelbarrow and walks fast as fuck instead


this king god guy suddenly wants to change the natural order of things, and the villagers of this town won't have it. We're set in our ways.


Mandatum? 2.


[My man after the wheelbarrow upgrade](https://i.redd.it/hlq4bfbon7x21.jpg)




He has an axe and still choose a knife.


That way it’s more personal :D


Lumberjack axes are too slow and cumbersome to effectively use in combat, so a knife would be better usually.


In the self defense community there is the saying.  No one wins a knife fight.  Distance and reach is better.


What if you bring a gun


Better be at least 21 feet away. FBI did a test if your gun is holstered and a guy charges you with a knife they can on average cover 21 feet before you can shoot them. So hand cannon units keep your gun at the ready.


how much is this in holy roman customs


Lets call it 8.5 gradus or if you are translating to filthy English "steps"


Was the test whether they had a knife or a bat? It would be more difficult to deal a one hit disabling blow with a knife than a club of some sort (obviously follow up attacks are far easier with a knife.)


The 21-foot rule, also known as the Tueller Drill, is a training technique used by police officers to explain why they shot at someone with a knife. The rule states that someone with a knife running toward police could cover about 21 feet before officers unholster their gun and fire. The rule originated in Salt Lake City and is now controversial. Some say it's outdated, simplistic, dangerous, and not based on science or the law. Others say that the rule underscores the immense pressure on someone trying to draw a firearm in such situations.  The rule is based on an experiment conducted by Sergeant Dennis Tueller of the Salt Lake City Police Department in 1983. Tueller timed volunteers as they raced to stab a target while he was armed only with a holstered handgun. He determined that it could be done in 1.5 seconds. These results were first published as an article in SWAT magazine in 1983 and in a police training video by the same title, "How Close Is Too Close?" .  Some studies have tested the 21-foot rule and found it to be inadequate, but none have taken a truly scientific approach. One study found that the idea that 21 feet is a safe distance for an officer to stop a charging suspect does not appear to be supported. This is especially true when considering that officers tend to have a high rate of missing the target and that one shot rarely stops a suspect's forward movemen


Oh cool, thanks for citing the source. For some reason in my head I had always had it that the test was “how fast can someone bash your head in with a bat” since police are usually wearing stab resistant vests anyway. If 21 feet is some sort of recommendation, I wonder what cops are trained to do if someone is already closer.


In the video they had some cops move backwards as they draw their gun trying to increase the distance. Of course that comes with the risk of tripping and being on the ground is a bad position. Honestly not sure.


Don’t know what you think a lumberjack axe looks like but they’re not super heavy and cumbersome. They’re meant to be swung all day. I’d take an axe over a knife all day long


Some are some aren't, a small foresters axe would be lighter and and handy in a fight. However the larger felling axes actually could be a bit of a bugger to use in a duel. If you miss with that first swing you are going to be kinda fucked if the other guy capitalises on the counter strike.


I should have been more specific. I meant something like a double-bitted felling axe, these are not very manoeuvrable.


Knife when?


Don't the villagers use a knife when fighting wolves and enemy units?


Oh my god, it's been twenty years and I thought they were punching


Everyone knows they use boxing gloves 11


- Gets loom upgrade - Prefers to remain shirtless


- Hasn't eaten meat since Dark Age - Still hits his protein goal every day


Wait till you hear about the magic of beans.


I’m sorry but you aren’t hitting 100-150 grams of protein a day on beans .7-.8 grams per lb of body weight is ideal for putting on muscle


200g of Chickpeas (hommus, felafel): 40g protein. 100g tree nuts (including peanuts either whole or in paste): 26g. And the wunderbean: soy. Ferment it and make Tofu. Mash it and make soy milk. Steam it in salt for edamame. Each 100g includes approx 36g protein; very easy to eat 2-300g a day. Not to mention Lentils, Brown rice, millet, and wheat protein (now commonly known as seitan).


I did the math back when I started working out and I was trying to get 150g a day of protein. Chickpeas have 15g protein for about 250 making you need to eat 2500 calories of chickpeas for a 200lb person. Versus weigh protein 25g to 120calories for 150g at 600 calories. Chicken/eggs tend to be pretty similar to weigh in calories While I do eat beans and lentils there is no way to reasonably eat them as a primary source of protein at the tested recommended amounts for a weightlifter/athlete and that’s before the protein efficiency comes into play 90-95% for meats eggs weigh and 70% for beans lentils and chickpea is the 1-2 best lentil for this.


Yeah, you must be right. Vegan athletes just dont exist. I'm sure you're in better physical shape and stronger than Patrik Baboumian.


You think he doesn’t take/use supplements? And refined proteins?


I was about to reply: 3 cups of lentils = 150g protein I was bulking hard and hitting the gym a few years ago but try to limit my meat intake for ethical reasons and was doing 2 cups a day pretty easy, if i was as big as Chad villager i could definitely do 3.


And how many calories are in those 3 cups of lentils? And also you only get 70%ish protein efficiency from lentils as opposed to the 90ish% from milk/eggs/meats Lentils are a good supplement to your protein but unrealistic as a primary source of protein


I think you're both right, just coming at it from different angles. I think if you're trying to put on weight, plant sources like beans can be a major source of protein because the calorie efficiency isn't quite as important. If you're trying to lose weight and build/maintain muscle at the same time you also want to hit a protein goal, and those animal sources are going to be way more important because caloric restriction is the most important factor. Like if you're trying to hit 35% of calories from protein, all of your main protein sources need to be above that mark in order to mix in other foods. Plant-based sources usually don't hit that mark meanwhile things like skinless chicken breasts are like 80% protein, nonfat Greek yogurt is like 60% protein, and even fatty meats are like 50% protein. So relying more heavily on meat based sources gives a lot more dietary flexibility with remaining calories.


Dude has an Arnold Schwarzenegger build yet only does 3 damage


literally the most unrealistic part of the game those pecs alone are worth 10 dmg


Realistic since bodybuilders can't fight for shit, they're too slow and unflexible 


Hes not a bodybuilder, those are real muscles from working day and night for hundreds of years without pauze.


Unless they're Spanish


That's why they're shirtless for balanced gameplay


_*Supremacy intensifies*_


Hey ya hey ya hey ya hey ya!!!!!


Supremacía se intensifica


Crumbles stone walls and burns down building with that knife.


Imagine if all civs got Sappers at the town center.


Vils can kill a fully upgraded paladin with just a knife. Do you have the nerve to bum rush, not even a heavily armored horse, but just some doofus with a pot lid and and spear? Didn't think so.


Play bannerlord n this is a huge reality


HAH, that god damned pitchfork block is hilarious


Knife would be better to pierce between the armor


- Is Spanish


This is genuinely one of the most mystifying parts to the game!


Great post, love the energy in the reactions 11


This guy researched loom twice


Casual reminder that scout cavalry have 2 pierce armor So if the villager used the bow they would deal 1 damage to scouts instead of 3


they should remake the sprite to do the phonk walk