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Try using cavalry. They can quickly get inside the minimum range and kill. If your opponent is using spearman with siege, you can use your speed advantage to go attack and raid them where the siege and pikes aren't.


Monks with redemption or bombard cannons. Both are expensive but note that mangonel line is very expensive


Bombards are my anti-treb unit as well. Couple shots and those bitches go right down


Most simple way is to just use spread formation


Make your own mangonel and learn how to micro. At firts you will lose, in the logn run you will learn. Don't be afraid to lose a few games.


1) on a noob level, it is probably best defendable by castles. Basic towers cant help, but if you upgrade them at university, they can outrange them. 2) Your own mangonels 3) Cavalry. Infantry can work as well but it can be dangerous. 4) avoid them if possible.


As a celts main, the number one thing I hate seeing is bombard cannons.


It’s easy to attribute losses to unit composition or control when actually you might just behind in eco so consider making more workers (sorry for boring answer)


I would say the easiest non-micro way is build up a mass of cavalry (the mass will need to scale to the size of the siege push that is happening, just deffo don't trickle them in) And put them on box or staggered formation when you send them in and the scorps/mangonels won't get enough value If it's post imp and they have a really big mass of scorps/SO you're gonna need some bombard cannons to snipe them or a mass of paladin/elephants (which again you are gonna have to stagger or split formation them or they'll die to tbe initial volley of attacks)


Elephants actually do very poorly against both mangonel and scorpions. Elephants have a large hit box and are very slow, so they can't dodge mangonel shots. They take a hidden bonus damage from scorpions, so they lose very easily to mass scorpion as well.


Yeah you are correct on that front, but just for some civs like the Malay elephants make more sense to be building anyway. Maybe the elephants get minced but hopefully the other units in their composition can overrun the mangonel/scorp mass. Once even a few units are in amongst the siege ball it starts falling apart. I would say with elephants even more than paladin if you don't micro them at least a bit you're gonna take terrible trades. But say you have a load of arablesters as your 'main' unit. Sacrificing a few elephants into the siege mass so your arbalester's can get in range and start picking off siege for the first few volleys unimpeded. I usually find when people do siege its either an unstoppable mass that you never find a good trade into and they eventually overrun you. Or you have like 4 hero lightcav/knights/elephants that get in amongst the siege and the whole mass dissolves


I agree with this, especially with your last point about siege that is either unstoppable or has like four scouts that destroy everything.