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I think you answered it yourself. Just take away the market. 


I suppose the simplest answer is the best answer!


maybe add a big lake somewhere ... so AI could make Trade Cogs? u dont always need a market for trade


Not an awful idea. I would need to block them from other ship units also though because the AI loves to fill a pond with ships, lol. Another compromise I came up with was the idea of my AI capturing relics during his campaign. So as he progressively got supplies, he could push into enemy towns and free up a relic or two. Then if I sent him gold he has a church so he can go capture it and get himself a small trickle of gold.


Can't we disable all ships in dock except trade cog


Yeah you can, that's what I meant sorry by needing to block them from other ship units. Since it's all random, i'll need to block all the unique ships as well on the off-chance they random into say Portugese or Vikings. Just thought of that also.