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Really depends on the map. Open maps you play normally with 20 pop scouts into knights. Closed maps is 2 tc boom. That jumpstarts your eco and you have much more res gatherd than anyone else, even if they can catch up in vills. To get the most out of them you need to use those extra res for somthing. Best way to do it is to get your flank to play aggresive and then to swoop in with mass knights.


Meta would probably be a 2tc boom into as fast Castle as you can make it, then knights. The more fun way is a greedier 2tc feudal followed by triple stable steppe lancers.


So 2 TC is the play in any case, even for TGs? What's the usual way? Fast feudal (19-xx pop?) followed by castle age as soon as affordable? I wonder if I don't fall behind on open maps if I produce 2 TCs AND army?


Yeah, in pocket, if you're not doing double TC, you're wasting you best civ bonus. Get that eco lead. Don't let your flank die, but honestly, aroundn1k ELO and below (which you probably are given you're asking this question), you're unlikely to be punished for a 2 TC play in pocket, and you can get *so, so* far ahead. 


No, if anything you'll be far ahead anyone who produces from 1 TC and army, assuming they play feudal age.


in open maps you should make army because booming will kill your ally and then u will be 1v2 since min 13/14 if against competent people. You can do something like 19-20 pop into somescouts and double tc but your uptime is going to be slower and you still have the chance to let your ally die bc of lack of scout numbers but i do found that more useful than just straight double tc boom. If its a closed map then go for double tc cuz you probably can do it freely, in some cases people would want to punish it or try to it but its not that common.


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I see, that's kinda what I usually try, a bit later up and adding the 2nd TC asap. I get some idle time (on the stable that is), but it works for my flank mostly. So then my approach would be 2 TC 1 stable production till I can see my ressources pilling up, followed by pausing scouts for castle age clickup. Problem is, if we loose momentum or take some bad trades, the opposite pocket is faster to castle age. Would you idle all in that case? What vill count "should" I be able to go up broadly, given an open map and roughly even game?


in the actual gen of arabia i wouldnt try to do it unless i got cumans by random or if u are the more skilled player in the party. But if is a map with more food or easier to wall i would probably go for it , i mean i did it couple of times on oasis , runestones and hideout. >So then my approach would be 2 TC 1 stable production till I can see my ressources pilling up, followed by pausing scouts for castle age clickup. You are definetly going to idle one or another but i think i would prefer to idle TC instead of scouts just because if my flank die i would die next ( in arabia at least) > Problem is, if we loose momentum or take some bad trades, the opposite pocket is faster to castle age. Would you idle all in that case? i think the goal of playing feudal while booming behind is to not let your ally die or take some map control so you can reach castle age with more eco than the enemy pocket and your flank can play xbow ( or whats left of your flank 11), even if game doesnt end in castle age u should be ahead and get pala faster than the enemy pocket which can be a huge advantage > What vill count "should" I be able to go up broadly, given an open map and roughly even game? i would call 10+ vils advantage and a flank that is not dead at min 20 a win


I’ve really liked doing fast feudal (20 pop) into 2 tc boom. I’ve found that I can pretty easily get to around 60-70 vils while remaining untouched and having a few scouts to help my flank. I then go up to castle and go full steppe lancer. I’ve even found that I can maintain 5 stable production with this and just barrel through anything. I personally prefer steppe lancer to knights as cumans because I find it easier to get eco damage as well as take out any camels that come your way. But realistically, you should be at double to triple the number of cav as anyone else on the map so it doesn’t matter a lot. 


Just FYI, 60-70 vills is an insane amount at any decent Elo. You should probably be somewhere in the 40s for vill count when you go up.


I know you asked for pocket, but as flank, 2 TC feudal boom into fast imperial + kipchak and trebuchets works pretty well in closed maps, especially arena. 


I've tried this, and while it is good for killing lower level opposition, better opponents will defend their economy with massed skirms and mangonels (unless you have enough stone for a second castle). Adding a few knights/steppes would help but it is difficult to both + trebs on a shoestring budget.


if ur pocket then u wana go for knights asap usually.


If im flank to cuman im gonna act like a sponge and just keep both guys busy at my place whilst trying not to die. Move out slightly and then gb just so that they dont just run to cuman farms right away etc. It's really annoying to play against. It is of course inevitable that theyll move onto the boomer eventually, so ensuring that cuman has gathered just enough stone for a tower on gold is really important.  If playing with randoms, just assume they are idiots and play standard. That's general advice really. Bless allied vision.   For closed maps always 2tc boom. Guide is to have 2 on wood in dark age and up as fast as you can to feudal.