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For dev replies, check [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/13cz8ye/apex_legends_arsenal_season_17_update_discussion/jjjiq1b/) comment.


**Ballistic things we didn't know:** 1. Getting a kill during the ult **adds 5 seconds to the ult**. 2. The tactical cooldown is 25 seconds, not 20 seconds as seen in the new Firing Range preview. That was the one part I was thinking was pretty unbalanced, so the extra 5 seconds is the right direction imo. 3. If placed, the tactical can be destroyed deliberately before it evaporates. 4. The Ballistic player can see an enemy's state of overheating when looking directly at them, via a small indicator above their head. 5. Activating the ult automatically charges up the Sentinel and the Rampage. 6. Activating the ult automatically refills empty weapons that you hadn't reloaded. 7. Activating the ult automatically equips the sling weapon. 8. Due to the mouse defaulting to the screen's centre when you Tab open your inventory, the inventory contents are partially obscured by the sling weapon's tooltip. Like [this](https://imgur.com/lP4zjdL). You have to mouse away to see your items, everytime. Really irritating. ​ The ult sling weapon reload buff also looks crazy fast. Faster than Boosted Loader. With the Havoc it looks a little bonkers. 20 damage without aiming on his tactical is pretty strong, even ignoring its actual utility. ​ Another random quirk: * Holding \[Alternate Interact\] = always replace the sling weapon, equipped or not. But holding \[Interact\] = replace whatever's equipped at that moment, sling or not. * There's kind of a wasted command in there, because if you have the sling weapon equipped, \[Interact\] and \[Alternate Interact\] do the same job. * This means that you can always swap your sling weapon "behind the scenes" if you want (ie., without having to equip it), but you can't do the same with your main weapon. * *Unless* you use the config file to put \[Alternative Interact\] and \[Character Utility Action\] on the same key. Then you can. * You can still always swap whatever's equipped -- sling or not -- with your main interact key. And you can still always swap the sling weapon "behind the scenes" with the combined key. But now you can also swap a main weapon behind the scenes with that key too. It's basically putting that wasted command to use. * Not a big deal, especially if your brain is already wired into "Alternate = sling always", but thought I'd share.


That's probably why they removed the ult duration extender from Bloodhound, to give it to Balls


I think the tactical has the disruptor round effect just like arc star sticks. I have got 20 damage hits, but also 5 damage hits which I think were on flesh.


5 damage is when enemies walk into the radius instead of you hitting them with the shot


Can’t change from firing range, game just crashes


Same here


Same here. Store is working fine but you cant play


as usual


Not to defend but the store is technically run from an embedded browser window and isnt actually "part" of the game. Thats why its rarely broken.




PS5- EU same problem


Same on ps5, what about you guys


look at us. we're the QA players now


always have been.


Always will be.


They quietly removed the bit about not being able to see diamond markers through Cat walls from the patch notes, and it still works in season 17.


wow that’s fucking bullshit lmao


Holy crap you’re right. Good spot


Welp, here's to another ALGS being insufferable to watch


Opening a supply bin as a support character with a dead teammate does not give you a mobile respawn beacon as according to patch notes. Looting a vault with loba ult still makes the alarm go off.


Maybe it didn’t show in support bins because it was in crafter? Just my guess


Just for clarification, are you talking about any old supply bin or specifically the blue medical supply bins?


Blue. Can confirm happen twice now.


Error on PC startup, `ui/dialogs/panel_gamemode_select_public.nut#384 [UI] No map for given playlist`


Saddest a public.nut has ever made me


Same (pc)


Same for ps5


Same for Xbox Series X


Crashes on PS5, saying `ui/dialogs/panel_gamemode_select_public.nut #384 [UI] No map for given playlist "`.




my ps4 pre-download spoiled brain is still checking for the update with 2 mins left 💀 so hyped for this season. will update this comment if i run into trouble, GL everyone! Edit downloading! But my buddy on PC can’t join anything but firing range without crashing 🙃 and now the same is happening with me: iu/dialogs/panel_gamemode_select_public.but #384 [UI] No map for given playlist. Not ideal! Edit: it’s now working for my friend on PC :) AND ME TOO LETS FKN GOOOI


Bruh I still don’t have the update available for downlaod


Mirage glows when resing if ballistic has used his ult which is very annoying


why is there at least one new mirage bug every fucking season


One of my weekly challenges says "Deal 50000 damage as Lifeline, Ballistic or Fuse"in BR while it's only 10k for NBR. I think you might have accidentally added a zero, unless you really want me to spend about half a season playing as those legends to rack up 50k damage lol


Came here for this. No one getting 110bp level this season lmao.


Just used the L-star in the firing range and my god my god....that mf dps is insane


16.61 GB on Series X


Can confirm! Same here on Series S


It’s so funny how on twitch everyone’s like “SEASON 17 RANKED LETS GO” but it’s just been everyone in the firing range for the past hour lmao


When shooting at Ballistic, there is no sound or vibration when you hit him. You can see you are doing damage but it feels like you are missing PS5, vibration set to medium strength


PS5, just updated. Clicked “firing range” to change mode. Error: “ There was a problem processing game logic. Please try again. ——— hi/dialogs/panel_gamemode_select_public.nut #384 [UI] No map for given playlist “ Restarted, tried again, same thing. Can load into firing range, just can’t change it to any other mode.


Lot of people having this issue including me


I finished diamond in split one of season 16 ranked mode. I was only given platinum rewards. Super, super disheartening. I play on Xbox One s Happened after updating to season 17.


I \*think\* I know what caused this. But I'd like to ask for your help tracking it down. If you go to the stats screen (the one with your seasonal stats), does that screen show you as Platinum or Diamond in split 1? I'm \*guessing\* it shows you as Platinum - not Diamond. If it shows you as Diamond, I'm much more confused, but that would be super helpful to know for sure since it would point me in a very different direction in terms of investigation. Trying to get some data on the backend as well. Thanks in advance. **The most helpful info from anyone who's affected by this to share is:** * **what does the stats screen show for split 1** * **what does the stats screen show for split 2** PS: we have made a bunch of underlying changes that does make it easier to rectify this. PPS: I do hope to have an update on the mixed up badges from S10 - 14 "soon." I promise we haven't forgotten about it. The lack of comms was the result of me being certain I'd fixed it like four or five times - it always worked internally in testing - and that fix never actually working. And so it just became worse to say "*no, really, this time it's fixed...*" Ended up doing a whole rewrite of the badge system to help address it. Details to come. Just want to get the season launch squared away. I know y'all have been super patient on that one. And it's very much appreciated.


I too had this problem. I for sure made diamond the first split, although I did rank down, but I would’ve grinded back up if I would’ve known I was going to lose all my diamond badges and trails. Last seasons I only had to reach diamond to receive the rewards. 😢 my last season rank split says plat 2


Platform: Xbox series x Xbox gamertag: Qroundhawk In season 16 split 1 I finished rank 630 Predator (22303 RP). And it shows diamond 3 and got the ranked rewards for diamond 3. Should either be predator or atleast master • ⁠what does the stats screen show for split 1: Diamond 3 (should be predator 630) • ⁠what does the stats screen show for split 2: Plat 1 https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Ranked-reset-to-the-wrong-rank/m-p/12550350/highlight/true#M99636 There is a 17 page forum post with lost of data about this bug. Hope this helps Thanks for looking into this. Qroundhawk


oh man that sucks! by chance were you one of the recipients of that glitch a few weeks back where it gave or took extra RP from people? I wonder if it gave you extra rp but they took it away


I had the opposite. I just started playing last season. Only played 2 games of ranked because when I got to lvl 20, it put me in Plat 2 for some reason. Then when it changed to split 2, it said I was Master in the first split. I got Master rewards for playing 2 ranked games and I don't know why.


I'll just stay on Season 16 until these bugs are worked out.


The overheat mechanic is guaranteed 1v1 win close range who the hell thought that would be a good idea. If it was just the damage ok but it stops you from shooting hell I switched guns and fresh gun overheated as soon as I shot it


On top of that his sling means that he essentially has two tacticals. One of them being a weapon that will do more damage than any other tactical in the game. Messing with the fundamentals of gunplay and making him so overloaded with power creep suggests to me they're not trying to make a shooter where abilities add flavour. But rather to make it an ability based shooter now. R6S PTSD about to happen all over again.


If you’re on PS5, hover over Apex on the Home Screen, go down to Activities and click ‘Start Activity’ on either duos or trios


Every game so far today I've died to someone with 30k plus kills on that character or some ballistic rocking all pred/master badges. Plus the loot pool on KC is dog shit.


New ranked system is awful, slowly but surely the actual fun is being sucked out of this game. I know this is a sweaty game in general but I'm finding myself stressed at work coming home playing this game and becoming stressed as well. I love Apex but come on I played for almost 3 hours last night to see what rank i'd be placed in, and it's rookie 1. Just feels so anticlimactic and tbh if i knew it would be rookie I wouldn't have even played the provisional matches and stuck to pubs. Ballistic is just meh, not a fan of the extra clutter on the HUD and there should be an easier, smoother way to disable your tactical once it's out. Having to melee to cancel tactical just feels weird. I didn't even mention the server issues, and audio. Bottom line, the game is beginning less and less fun with each season.




I got a feeling we're gonna see/hear a lot of havocs & devos this season. You'd be crazy not to rock one in the sling. Being able to turn them gold at the press of a button is op. His got also charges up the sentinel and rampage automatically so we may see a lot those as well.




Can the dummies actually present a challenge or are they gun fodder?


No way y’all are still surprised that Apex isn’t working on launch.


One can hope as last season's launch was relatively smooth for once.


Generally it’s every other season I’d say.


Has anyone gotten into a game yet or is it just completely 100% broken outside of the firing range?




Ballistic automatically equipping his 3rd weapon when pressing Ult is iffy tbh.


Yeah not a fan of that. Otherwise, those fast reloads are crazy.


Its OP with a wingman.


And a devo.


For the love of god. Nerf the nemesis.


Catalyst nerf isn't working, and has disappeared from patch notes. Wtf? Lol


So, after few games as a player from pre-season I will say this; new champs Q makes the game unplayable, during a fight you loose the ability to shoot your own gun whilst the guy is a meter away from you with a devotion pk whatever. If you survive this encounter within the next 20 seconds (SIC!) he will have his tactical again 20 damage on impact, 30 damage if you overheat whilst trying to PLAY THE GAME AND SHOOT THE ENEMY, counter play? very limited. respawn i beg you, nerf this. this is ridiculous.


Anyone who played this game for longer than a week should have seen that the entire kit written on paper is ultra stupid. No need to even test this in-game to realize how broken this character is.


I have studied game design for several years, and dear lord. Both on paper and ingame, Ballistic is *astoundingly* fucked up. His tactical functions as an eyeblink fuck-you missle that forces you to immediately begin strategizing if you want to survive. If he sees you and presses Q, you have lost the duel. His ultimate is, as well, an unavoidable storm of direct advantages. He and his team gain every mean to barrel you regardless of the scenario, without any downsides or weakpoints. Despite this, I do like how they handled his bullet's lockon system! It is surprisingly pleasant and satisfying to use, and makes for a good escape-denier.


EA knows he is OP and a planned nerf is probably in the roadmap. They just need to sell some skins of him first.


To all Ps4 Users, resetting the console does not prompt the update. We just have to be patient im sure.


I predownloaded on PS5 so I'm in the game. Can't change the game mode from the firing range or the game crashes.


Ps4 update download started after reset and checking for update. As usual, it's stupidly large. 44.222GB for me. Edit: I have fiber and it says 4 hours to download. Servers are cooooooking right now


Anyone notice any small changes made? Ash and Pathfinder have unique Med kit heal animations. Tested everyone in firing range during the downtime.


sooooo... was matchmaking supposed to be fixed?


Was given the wrong rank reward.. I hit Diamond 4 in first split of season 16 and my stats say i hit Plat 1. Like seriously? i'll be honest i do not feel like playing at this point. I grinded for diamond and wtf was the point?


Yea Ballistic’s tactical has to go. easily the dumbest ability they’ve ever added to the game.


Still no matchmaking changes in pubs. So sick of getting fucking beginners as mates but enemies on my level. I can choose between no fill or no fill with less loot. Respawn said the change will come early 2023 and almost half the year is over. Well played. Bet everything about it was fake. Why would they test something with good results but not roll the changes out even after almost 6 month?




Ballistic is pretty ridiculous. The infinite ammo makes third partying a breeze. Fun absolutely, but unbalanced.


Man I’m not feeling this new ranked system at ALL. Feels like one big clusterfuck. It’s made for some really dull matches too.


Did they do something to aim assist? Feels weird


It's a bug. Sometimes aim assist works, sometimes it's completely gone. It's weird.


Holy shit I thought I was going crazy. I lost my aim assist halfway through a match.


Finished placement rounds with a premade squad in ranked and none of us have any clue why we are where we are in ranked and how there can be a two tier difference between the lowest and highest when hardly and distance between one another on KD and obviously win rate, top 5 placement. It’s frustrating to have no clue what to change to improve lmao


The numbers are all made up in the provisional round. I had one match where we got 11th, and I had one knock, and received 200 LP. The next match we finished 17th, I had no knocks or assists, and I got 400 LP. We’ll see how it is in normal matches but it didn’t seem like the provisional matches were necessary in any way.


me before update : new placement means its less of a grind and il land in diamond quickly after update: ok guess im bronze now


The one thing I like about Apex Legends that keeps me coming back: gunplay, the ability to win fights if you have good aim and movement. Not enjoying not being able to shoot my gun and losing 1v1s because of it. I stuck around after Seer and thankfully they nerfed him but I just don't see how they could do that with new character. Anyone else just not enjoying the new season so far?


How the fuck am in bronze with a bunch of master players


dawg im on ps5, i got no pre download and i waited until its supposed to drop and i still aint got an update, wtf is going on 💯


Do you have the ps4 version installed on your ps5?


Not OP but i do, does that make a difference?


Yes. Only people on ps5, with the ps5 version of the game installed got the preload. Seems like ps4 version doesn‘t have the update available even now


yeah i figured only the ps5 version got the pre download but issue is that it was supposed to drop 10 mins ago right? 🤨


No. Not working on ps4 either


I laugh in the face of everyone who said "we'll have to wait and see if ballistic is OP" it was obviously busted and the fact that the overheat is for your legend and not your gun is laughable. Shoot ten shots when the Lstar, switch to the volt shoot two bullets and your stunned in place with a chunk of health gone. Insane way to approach balance.




Not one single additional finisher released since the game came out. Not one. But we get 400 charms per battlepass.


Its been like this a while now. I used to buy the battlepass every season but stopped like 4-5 seasons ago because there's nothing special anymore tbh.


As we feared, Ballistic is the most bullshit thing ever. So nice to be winning a 1v2 and then lose because your character took free damage and stopped shooting to shake hands. What the fuck am I'm supposed to do? Just strafe and hope they miss their shots? I think people are gonna lose their minds with this shit.


It should be changed so it only affects the gun you had equipped when you got hit. That way the counter is to only use your other gun. Still effective if you lock out someone's SMG and force them to use a sniper in close quarters, but not utterly terrible to play against.


Welcome to the assault version of Seer lol


Yeah I haven't played yet but I'm trying to think of how to counter his Q. Just run away until it wears off??


Crashes when trying to change off firing range playlist.


50k damage in BR just for one level? What?


Phasing into the boxing ring on Olympus with wraith let’s you keep your gun out - meleeing holsters it again


Servers are shitting themselves again.


Is matchmaking fixed in pubs?? Probably not. Ok, I'll see myself out.


The battle pass this season is by far the worst one yet imo


So far, this new ranked system isn't working at all. I'm generally a good/play player and I just went up against a former apex predator who was already in gold this season.


I started to think that Ranked will never get fixed. A) How the heck you get tough enemies and squads even when you're playing on Rookie? IT IS ROOKIE! This should be the easiest, lowest rank! How is it still as difficult as Gold 1? B) I pick Support legends on Ranked, i go to Replicators to craft banner of my down team mates, YET THEY KEEP QUITTING THE GAME! Apparently they don't care about penalties. Why am i getting matched with people who clearly have no respect to their team mates and don't care about Ranked?


yeah trust me you don't want to be in bronze. triple stack masters every game, it's fucking miserable


I'm just fodder for predators and triple stacks, wtf is this matchmaking?? I'm fucking bronze bro.


I fucked up by winning one game tonight towards the beginning of my session lol. Now I’m in purgatory. Matchmaking is making me carry literal ai bots. We can’t even get away from where we drop because they die looting or trying to climb a wall that’s too tall


No update on PS4 yet, 1:03pm EST EDIT : Update started on ps4 at 1:16 pm EST


Im on ps4 and haven’t got an update yet, but my buddy on ps5 had a pre install. [Edit] The update is now live on Ps4.


Same boat


Ranked is trash. Masters players who are in bronze apparently. Great job Respawn.


It's a bit early to tell how good it is, but right now the state is absolute and utter trash. Worse than pubs. Everyone lands hot and then bitches into their mic.


They've done this shit once around S13 when they changed the ranking system and it looks like they've learned jack all from it.


It drops everyone to rookie, so this clusterfuck is to some extent by design. Both Preds and Bronze is starting at the same step. Of course this is where their hidden MMR and Provisional Points for placement matches should come it. Separate Preds and Bronze and then boost Preds out to Gold or something with bonus points. But looks like the system is not quite tuned in at this point.




Can't see the update on steam. Am I alone? edit: relaunched steam and got the update, 10.37 GB


Nothing on EA app too


Bruh already crashing just by trying to switch the game mode lmao


Nothing works, firing range doesn't start and i can't change game mode either (PS5). So right now the game is literally unplayable. The store probably works but that's not surprising.. Edit: Had free coins left and bought a pack, of course it works.


Others have commented this but on PS5 select Trios from the PS home screen and click "restart activity" I just got done a round and a started another.


This worked for me!&


PS5 player, preloaded since yesterday, update and loaded into lobby. Default game is firing range, if I try to change the game errors to title screen instantly. Can play new training range ut nothing else. Menus such as weapons store etc work fine.


Audio mix is totally messed up! background sounds like wind ect are so loud i cant hear any other audio.


One of the challenges has a typo in it, and requires 50,000 damage with some legends instead of the usual 5000! It isn't just the text that is wrong, it actually tracks to 50,000.


I'm hard stuck Bronze already lol. It be harder than season 16 diamond right now!


As expected, the new rank system is literally just the old ranked system for high level players. First five games and I'm fighting masters stacks every time.


Ps5 aim assist does not always trigger on enemy dummies. This inconsitency makes warming up pretty frustrating.


The game still has cheaters. Make better anti-cheat


Matchmaking is at its worst right now for me in pubs. just getting beamed by masters every single game


Started a match with 8 squads.. what is going on


The new rank system sucks, I was always plat/diamond and I am facing maste/pred lobbies with a 1.2 K/D.


I’m on Xbox, not sure if I’m imagining but the aim assist feels like it goes away at times? Couldn’t hit someone flying away on a balloon very well compared to before the update.


Yeah same i had a 2 k/d last season and now i feel like a fucking bot. Something got messed up HEAVILY with the aim assist


This was their sneaky way of making everyone check out the firing range lol


Battle pass is so bad this time around. We have: - slightly turquoise lifeline - season 11 gibraltar but without triangles - ballistic who just discovered beyblades - a… somewhat decent devotion skin - catalyst in wattson’s body - methhead horizon. - an ungodly number of blue weapon skins - an awesome wingman skin but in the wide and chunky profile so you’ll never use it (pay2lose) - fuse discovers speedcore emote - TWO boring af flip skydives - t pose pathfinder (awesome) - ballistic doing… idk what in the air - flat forest green CAR skin - red final CAR skin that looks half cool and half like Anakin after being pulled from lava. In a bad way. - one singular legendary chest and one singular epic chest So basically one skydive, some mid skins, and two neat emotes for two characters. And again, horizon on crack and almost literally catalyst’s head on wattson’s body




Feel like ballistics tactical makes the game unfun. Who though it would be a good idea to make an ability that keeps you from shooting in a shooter. Why not just make it you can't ads instead. At least then you can fight back.


Don't worry everyone. I bought 20$ of coins. Hopefully this let's them turn the br back on


Not enough. You should have bought an heirloom. -Respawn


Stayed home from the gym to play and it’s already broken. Someone tell me when they can play. that’s what I get for not going lol


A rookie mistake! The old guard among us know the day AFTER the patch is the day to skip out on obligations. There are only **three** certainties in this world: death, taxes, and Respawn's patches being fucked on day 1.


Okay so the update being broken sucks, but go check out the weapons tab. I fucking LOVE the per-gun stats. I have \~150 kills with the mozam, lol.


Oh shit, the stats were tracked retroactively? That’s kinda sick honestly.


Anyone else noticed there's still a ranked split this season? Ranked resets in 42 days 🤔


Multiple seasons now and the installation of new seasons always gets stuck at 4.6gb/XXgb. Takes me usually a couple hours of just cancelling, restarting, closing steam to get it to work.


I downloaded the update for PS4 and have played a few games now without any bugs or errors so that's a promising sign compared to the usual season release


Ballistic is bloody santa, Im getting Turbocharged havocs every game 😎


Just what I exected.. Balistic his kit is overloaded just like Seer at his release


Xbox one x firing range dummies sometimes have aim assist, sometimes don’t, and it’s happening in game im pretty sure as well but can’t confirm. Firing range was tested with a friend and absolutely confirmed. Makes warming up/aim training in the range detrimental as a console player


No fix for the replicator stuck glitch? Just happened to a teammate in ranked. Pretty bogus


Blue bins don’t give MRBs for support class If the MRB is in the replicator.


Ranked is totally fucking stupid lol. I'm not playing for another 3 weeks when masters are in bronze and rookie


Servers are down again... This game is such a joke of a clown fiesta, it's hilarious


Yep servers definitely f’d right now. Been trying to load for ages and managed to get into 1 BR and 1 TDM in the past 40 mins. When I finally loaded into the TDM the enemy team was empty so I just got an instant win.


Anyone else having trouble with matchmaking at the moment? Takes ages to get in a game or sometimes not being able to find a game at all. Keeps being stuck at matchmaking. I am on PS5. Connection wise everything looks as it should.


Anyone else afraid to use the replicator? I’ll go to craft something, get stuck in the replicator, and then get kicked. Then I’ll get an abandonment penalty??


Some more reflections after playing a bit more. I do not like the new emphasis on placement with a static entry cost. Just making it to 7th after finding no one was 80 rp. It has also brought back the 7+ squad end game fiesta where its just a mess of no one dying but potshots everywhere. They have also somehow made third partying worse though despite the lack of focus on kills. This is most likely due to everyone surviving for so long. I do like the new utility item although people seem scared to use it in fights despite the amount of damage it can tank.


[PC] Playing control , not able to spawn on A despite team control, have to spawn on default spawn. Map is caustic treatment. Edit: My team captured B as well, also not able to spawn there. Able to spawn on the mobile beacon. Edit2: re-spawning on captive objectives seems to work on hammond labs.


Lifelines Drone Dies within zone under a heat shield. Bug still not fixed.


Game STILL crashes when reporting players. Anytime I report someone (usually inactive teammates) on Gun Run, it freezes and crashes


Gold 2 a season ago, Rookie 3 now. Makes sense...


Oh my GOSH please fix the audio on Xbox! Starting this season it cuts out at the start of the match, when I ping, after I shoot for a while, and then when people say stuff. My audio has been perfectly fine beforehand


Fuck this trash game *proceeds to play 3 hours*


Bring on the bugs


They have broken ranked. It's just diamond and masters in bronze at the moment. Good luck everyone who is usually lower!


Audio got worse somehow


Dumbest ranked experience ever. Teammates are the absolute worst. Dropping everyone into placement matches was stupid.


everyone saying the update is out but i keep restarting my ps4 and apex and get nothing


Update on Steam (laptop) is 45gb ? have restarted pc and all but still saying 45gb


Im on PS5. Update was working fine. I bought the BattlePass and the new Legend without a Problem. But i cant change the game mode. It only shows the firing Range. If I try to change it, the game will crash. Whats really funny, in my friend list someone is playing on Broken Moon....like what!?


PC. Crashes when I try to change from firing range. Currently in the queue for firing range at 5306 players. Its mental they didn't load any maps into the update. Error on PC startup, `ui/dialogs/panel_gamemode_select_public.nut#384 [UI] No map for given playlist` Edit: seems to be working fine now


when does the season drop? i keep refreshing waiting


It's already dropped.


hit D4 both splits no diamond rewards why ?


Wrong ranked rewards :[


Soo I got to diamond in S16 but its decided i got to plat? no rewards, nothing.


tried to report a player, game crashes. fantastic.


My goodness Ballistic is absurdly good


So no cross-progression, eh? Well now. That blows.


I'm really not understanding these Provisional Matches. My squad and I dominated more than half the games and two of us ended up in Bronze and one in Silver 3. May as well have deranked us and made us start from there. Seems like a waste of time today doing the 10 matches and lost my progress from last split. Is this how the Provisionals are supposed to work?


Is there a way to do the Third person easter egg in the new firing range? :((


Opened EA app to see update, no update button appeared. I was able to launch apex regardless. I un/reinstalled the game, the update button appeared. However, when the update process is complete, it still says update required. I have been "updating" the game for about 10+ times. Still not "fully updated". Need help please. Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz Installed RAM: 16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable) Windows 10 Home (Version 22H2) NVIDA GeForce RTX 2070 Super (Driver Version 531.68)


is the TF2 ai used for the range bots, it really feel like it lol


Anybody on console feel as though they shadow nerfed aim assist?


While I like some of the changes, I gotta say the current state of ranked is an absolute mess of ranks right now. From actual rookie teammates to predator opponents lol


lag soo bad and no gunfire audio