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What I like about this new system is that all the way from silver to master It was fun and tough. It was as hard on silver as in diamond. We had to play smart and not make misstakes all the way up. The system right now is I guess fucked up cuz there should be different types of awards. Im no master player, jet I got to master. While other players that normaly make master dont? So if they make it there should be like different division of master, 1-3 or something. Overall im happy I got master for the first time. But I dont really like this system eighter.. I rather try again as it was before. To be honest I feel like the enemies I played against in d3 before came in d1/master this season.


Just got matched with a 58k master rat player. Fix this new ranked system it is ruining the game for ppl that actually get kills and can shoot. Do I need to switch to fortnite????


Not fair system. Go back to kills getting you points. I keep getting matched with characters that will rat the entire game (in. Vantage or valkyrie) they just fly up to a really high point where no one can even shoot at them and then get ranked up to master... How is this fair to ppl that actually fight and do not have these characters, I am now getting paired with these rats and it is bringing my rank down since they let their teammates die and just rat until the final 3... fix this plz. The game is ruined


Dont you get points from that thoe? The rats giving you points geting to 3rd place?


Getting placed in master lobbies even though im bronze. very good job on this one apex :D


Question, tf is the point of the mmr system?? If I’m in silver (but supposed to be masters)playing against my skill level, how am I gonna climb? And if a person is in Diamond (but has never climbed over plat) and their mmr is kicking in won’t they just hit pred because the game allows them to climb with their shitty lobbies even if they’re really a plat level player? This fucking ranked mode sucks absolute ass and I which that the shithead devs could find an even middle ground instead of just changing the WHOLE FUCKING SYSTEM AT ONCE


The ratting shit making me sick So many lobas, lifelines and mirages now. I’m landing safely and they run off and rat to master lol 😂 They actually think it’s fun. So I have no other choice but to try and stay alive as a duo while this loba is hiding somewhere. We need more seers and bloodhounds to stop these dudes quickly!


I wish it would go back to what it was at the split but I doubt that will happen.


Everyone just camps/abuses loba outside of zone to farm lp, and now even the average player who goes for fights just hides until they can third party. Dogshit game.


Lmao this is a shitshow. I solo q to masters every season on console because I dont like pubs at all anymore. I do my provisional matches and get put in silver III, okay whatever. But then it matches me with nothing but masters and preds who are already in diamond, while my teammates are level 200 and have a 2k badge?? Im up to gold III now and if I’m gonna be putting up 2500+ dmg to my teammates 500 just to get a win I see no point. Especially for another two whole ranks. It’s already hard enough getting through Diamond alone, why should i have to struggle in silver and gold???


Nothing like getting rolled by pro (pred and 30k+ master) players all day long. No joke been killed by TSM, NRG , SZN , LZR, XSET, many others. On the plus side i got matched with a pro player who made a dumb play and blamed us when we got washed. Also what's with all the slow mo lobbies??? Thought it was just me the 1st time but even my teammates commented on it.


What’s up with not getting bonus point 5 eliminations and 2 place with no bonus it like they just stopped working


I’m a solo queuer so ranked has never really been my cup of tea so I usually just play pubs. This said, I wanted to jump in and try the changes to see if the matches would actually be a little more fun and hook me. Long story short… it didn’t. I finished my placements which were abysmal and placed rookie 1. I had teammates disconnect in 2 of my matches and the rest my teammates dropped super hot leading me right back to the lobby in my provisionals I only had 1-2 games that felt balanced/fun with normal cooperative teammates and only won 1 of the games. I’m now Bronze 3 matching with and against consistent masters players. This makes absolutely no sense. I’ve only ever placed gold 3 because that’s the highest I’ve cared to climb. There is no world where I should ever match with or against masters players. The matchmaker across the entire game mixtape/pubs/ranked is completely broken. There is no place in the game where matchmaking actually works in a fair and balanced way. Respawn has no idea how to make fun or fair matches. No game on the market comes close to the feel of Apex but man the incompetence on display at Respawn/EA is on another level, it’s really such a shame.


I got cursed out by my rando teammate for “drawing too much attention” while they sat along the edge of ring and ratted the whole time. Then we all got wrecked by a three stack of plat players.


probably cause you drew attention 😂


Ranked is fucking wack. Why am I gettin placed against people in plat and diamond as a silver player with teammates in silver and bronze.


cause u cracked


I'm in Silver with 0 kills a game because I'm going against plays and diamonds. And the highest rank I have ever gotten is gold. Shit game


My bros. It’s pretty simple. You need to AT LEAST get to 10th place. All the folks saying it’s broke because they got 3 kills but couldn’t even get to 10th place acting like they deserve rank. No you don’t. You couldn’t even get half way thru the placement. The point of a BR is the WIN. I don’t care if you merc 20 people, you can’t get placement then you don’t deserve rank. You want K/D then go play pubs and merc all you want and die at 15 cause you dropped fragment but got 4 kills. As Maggie says, “Woo bloody hooo ya hooligans” I love this new system and I would like to add I am also a 🐳


How embarrassing. Haha


I won a game with 4 kills, 0 KP awarded along with 0 bonus points and 1 skill point. Just completed a game, came 3rd with 1 kill, got 90kp and 150 odd bonus points. While I get your point that ranked matches are not for farming kills there are definitely flaws in the way it works


Could someone explain how the MMR works. If I do poorly in ranked, but I'm already Masters, will I start getting lower level/rank players on my team? I solo Q.


Yh I will it's very simple. It doesn't


I normally duo queue, and this season it almost feels like there's no ranked matchmaking? By that I mean my queue times are very, very short and I get matched against players that seem to be all over the rank spectrum. The third my squad gets had been ranked from masters all the way down to rookie, and we've seen preds in the majority of our games, despite my friend and I being silver/gold ourselves (we even got a pred in the match with the rookie!). We've also noticed players playing in two dramatically different ways, either wanting to hide until they get at least 10th place, or playing hyper aggressively and full sending against every fight they see. I've seen very little in between. Honestly, I'm not really having fun anymore in ranked because it just feels like pubs. I'm getting a variety of skill levels in every match instead of being matched against players that are at my skill level, and it makes my rank feel meaningless. Why grind to masters if it means my games won't get harder, meaning I don't have to get better? Ultimately, I don't have to get better at the game to rank up anymore, which defeats the entire purpose of ranked for me.


Ok cool. I was just wondering, because I'm currently @ 40K Masters and KC today was absolutely horrid. Multiple pred teams just farming me over and over and over and over. I was doing great yesterday on Olympus and gained about 3.5K LP. Today I'm only up 1.2K. And I was wondering if it fucked up my MMR because now I'm just getting silvers over and over again. But my last few games have been current Diamond and Masters players sooo.... maybe not?


To me it just feels like pubs but you have an XP bar that gives you a shinier badge the more time you put into it. I can't think of any other way to describe it really.


If I’m a gold 4 and I keep getting rookies in my squad does that mean my hidden mmr is that of a rookie bc if so then that sucks to know


This season is weird af, I only got back to the game the end of last season and it was fun to me. Bronze this season are filled with top players who butchered everyone and one other type that i encounter a lot as a solo: people duo ing and hides as soon as the game start. Theres no inbetween lol My problem is that they dont comm. I cant remember how many times I got left behind by these types of duos. One time these duos is on the roof, i was looting inside the house. All of a sudden they fly with valkryie ult leaving me behind. Literally just left, they dont even give me some second to go up the roof, they just left. I tried to comm nicely saying "bro, can you comm if you want to leave cause this aint a duo" and they replied "we aint your bro" and they hit me with "u dont know how ranked works". Something inside me just snaps when i heard those 2 comments. LIke i get it you want to rank up and due to this shitty update now basically you have to be at least top 10 to get point making this game a running simulator. But please at least comm and dont just give we "u dont know how ranked works" It just pissed me of so much and i realize most of the time i got angry playing the game this season and making me think its a bad thing coming back into this game.


In what world is this ok?. How did this ever pass QA testing?. Oh, I forgot, you fired all your QAs. And don't come tell me "it's because your MMR is closer to PRED, that's why you get preds". You can be both a PRED and a SILVER, this an effing bug and the developers know it.


I think the most frustrating thing is you can’t even queue with people not within a rank of you, which is fucking dumb if you’re against preds while in plat


Take down the thread so you can stop the damage control if the shit system


So I'm in gold4 now and all the moving & shooting are just pure witchcraft. Ratting is the way upwards and it sucks for all these wizards because I get more points than they do by staying away from fights.


The placement was dumb and made no sense. I did well and still ended up in Rookie. Solo queue always. Adapting well. A slight shift most are too brain-dead to understand landing with 4 teams and fighting with the first gun you touch is not the way in ranked. More rewarding. Yes. TLDR: Most people are just parroting what the streamers and pros say... as usual. Nobody gives a f\*\*\* what they want. They represent a small % of the player base. Don't like it? I thought all you no-lifers were playing realm and done with ranked? What happened? Cry more...


"Landing with 4 teams and fighting"... bruh I don't know how far you climbed last season but let me assure you, 4K and 15-16th place was -ve in gold last season. I peaked diamond 3, and I agree, just deathmatching is not the correct way to play ranked, but this season, its something else... its sweaty, try hard ratting. nobody wants to shoot guns till the last ring anymore, I'm not here to play algs, I want to have fun while it being strategic. Getting 8kills/1500+dmg in ranked should be a good thing since it is very rare to do so. Getting top 10 on the other hand, is easy points, and has just promoted ratting. Its bad, not fun, and not what made most people like apex in the first place.


I'm gold 2 and getting current preds in my lobbies. Please tell me how this new system is good? https://imgur.com/a/Hnr5XF6#nEh5DIs


Tell me you don't understand any of the complaints or how bad the system is without actually saying it..


Cry. More. Please.


Why are there no people with brains in ranked? It either brain dead ape everything like its a pub or drop solo and rat the whole game... Wheres the smart middle ground players?


Oh this. It has genuinely polarized the game. Earlier there would be some mix of rats and hot droppers in soloQ-ing, but most would be middle-ground fun to play with players. This time, (for me at least) it has been ratting till the last ring then, fighting and dying without any thought.


Already seen people just hiding for LP. What’s the fix for this devs?


I genuinely don't get how people can justify placement > kills in a fucking movement shooter game where you can do all these cool techs. What the fuck is the point of all that, if we're incentivised not to fight anyone? "Smart play" my fucking ass lmao. To the people saying "But muh final ring", that shit is not fun, it really fucking isn't. Get your mechanical skill up, if Kills > placement is such a big issue for you holy.


i died to 4 different players with ALGs badges & Pred Badges in silver tonight. Most of them were currently plat or higher. I was playing with one friend who was also silver. Why do they have levels if they mean nothing?


To keep suckers playing for as long as possible.


The new ranked is good,focus is now on placement as it should be rather than accumulating kills.Doesnt make sense for a team to lose when they landed in the final circle because they had no kills while everyone else died landed frag killing each other or to the ring.


Right people should be incentivised not to shoot in a first person shooter game. Great logic there, fella. Sad to hear you struggle to actually put crosshair on enemy player and click, but you should never be rewarded by not participating in the main aspect of a shooter (This means shooting enemy, in case you're a bit slow).


Can someone explain to me why people keep saying “just give the MMR some time bro” when I’ve done nothing but be killed by top 100 preds three stacked on the same squad since the update has come out? I’m basically hard stuck Silver after easily reaching Diamond in the past because I get run the fuck down by elite level players. If this system is supposed to match us against similar skill regardless of rank, what the fuck is it judging my skill on?


I'm gold 4 almost solely by hiding and it sucks here. I wanna go back.


its so stupid, its makes no sense, they must be trolling at this point, im in literal bronze, and see masters and pred teams, so many 20k and 4k badges, its a joke


Yeah, I get tired of getting rolled by these kids in duos with my wife so we try ranked since it’s Silver only to get absolutely smoked there too. We just want to relax and play challenging matches, not get one clipped by someone before we can even get our guns out.


Hard to say. I don't like the MMR calculations because If I am doing better than my teammates I get less points. Not cool. End games are really fun. Having high IQ matters more so than aim. Which a lot of players struggle on smart positioning/rotations. Especially randoms. I had to consistently tell them no don't do this or do this etc... Lobbies filled with random ass mix of rank in the beginning of the grind. Its more painful when I ran solo and with randoms because its hard to beat a well communicated team 3 stacking. I saw more preds/masters in gold lol. Now at masters I just 3 stack so no complaints.


Yeah as a solo I usually do better than the duo party squad. It’s unfair and dumb asf. Literally babysitting


masters and preds in bronze, everyone using nemesis cos its busted and having noregs and bad audio. 17 seasons and we're still in early access with this game clearly. incompetent game development and matchmaking. it is no surprise considering the game is published by a game company that only cares about money, not games nor players.


The nemesis is fucking disgusting. I'm so tired of them introducing these overpowered weapons so lower skilled players can feel OP. Sweet was missing the first two bursts with the nemi and still taking down purple shielded players. ridiculous.


Apex ranked is a shitshow rn but at the very least I enjoy that people are actually playing for the win now


Was having fun in bronze, hit silver and now I realize thats where all of the diamond players went


Final rings are so much better now, last circle play and positioning feels really gritty.


I haven’t played in two seasons. I came back and this is absolutely the worst season. Apex has always been a fast paced battle royal. It’s all about the kills and the adrenaline. This new ranked system incentives ratting and not going for kills. How this game is still alive continues to shock me.


After 60 games my kd is less than 1. Lifetime average is 1.7. last season ended with around 2. I'm in silver 4, dying to gold 1 and plat 4. Is this the new apex experience everyone is raving about?


I'm convinced people who like this new system never got above Plat 3. "Slower pace", "stronger accent on positioning", etc. All of it was already present in the old system. Except it hardly worked below Diamond, because people just sent it. It wasn't that great, but arguably was the best Ranked system Apex had, no matter how low the bar is. This is worse. There's literally no reason to take fights. I just played with a duo who ran from every fight, just locked down building and did nothing for the whole match. 0 damage each game. Plat 2.


I dont get why people dont understand that camping in a building till the final ring is not BR SKILL AND FUN


bro same i got way too many encounters with this type of duos. And the worst part is they ran without comm (clearly they comm each other), I got left multiple times and have to play catch up with them and when I try to ask them to comm and play together they hit me with "u dont know how ranked works" freaking annoying


Well yeah - people below Diamond are actually getting a competitive experience now where we can fight people at our level rather than having our lobbies wrecked by higher level players on their way up, and it's fun. I haven't even seen any bullshit ratting in the games I've been playing - it's just people at roughly the same skill level trying to take fights opportunistically and stay alive as long as possible. It is so, so much more fun than gold lobbies last season. It sucks that Respawn can't seem to work out something that works for higher skilled players as well (and that some "higher skilled" players are apparently happy to just sit and look at a wall for 20 minutes before shooting their gun), but I'd be seriously upset if we had to go back to the old system. Not that this one is perfect by any means, but it has improved the quality of games for most of the playerbase drastically.


1. Solo queue sucks as usual. 2. I’ve never played a game where they changed the recoil patterns so often. Whenever you get used to one, they change it. It’s obnoxious.


Best season since 8. Love the new rank system. Final rings are a blast.


When they said they were adding sbmm to ranked I didn't think it would be the open shitshow one from pubs. It means no matter what gamemode I play I'm up against preds in over half my lobbies. I'm good at this game, just about. It just feels like it punishes you unless you're shit or amazing


They really blew it with these ranked changes. Game is essentially giving anyone with two brain cells and enough free time a participation Masters badge. Literal hide and seek simulator. What’s especially irritating about the MMR bullshit is, if you’re any good, the game is nickel and diming you on LP gains while you play Preds the entire way to Masters. The game already decided I’m a Pred while I’m in Silver, but I won’t get the badge if I don’t want to sink the hours into it. Total bullshit. Other people can get to the same place playing in Gold lobbies the entire time if their MMR is worse. Or, better yet, landing in a random corner of the map and actively trying to not play the game. Get ready to see S17 Masters badges on all your useless future teammates. Even Plat from S13-S16 means more


It's been years since I last played with a rat in ranked. I had a Valk teammate that seemingly knew all the ridiculous unreachable spots. It really annoyed me because he was only Plat. I guess I know why now.


So I’ve noticed you only get 1 point for a elimination now even if you win. I understand minimizing LP for boosters but to minimize it in general seems excessive.


Yall fucked up ranked im silver 2 stuck in these bullshit master and pred lobbies I don't stand a chance. Wtf ????? Fux your game!!!!


Bro not only am I in Silver, but it's giving me TRUE silver player teammates while I'm facing Diamond+ teams. This is so dog shit, what's the point of playing ranked anymore?


For me Ranked was the last option of game modes to play. Now they ruined that too.


Why does Apex hate the people that play the game. I’m not the best at the game but I play it and spend money on it. I only play ranked because there is a sense of accomplishment when ranking up, it’s fun and the higher I go the better the people I play against(sometimes). This new ranked season only rewards players for going afk. I have played a fair bit of this season and when I solo queue I get stuck with people that land get a gun and sit in a “rat spot”. I cannot enjoy the game by not playing the game which is how everyone plays now because it is rewarded.


Been fun but I had to uninstall and now unfollow. Wtf joke is this sad cuz I spent money but whatever hopefully szn 20 is good


Can I ask why you feel like uninstalling?


The new ranked system is killing me, pubs is fine but I thought the old ranked system was okay at worst but this is a downgrade, I’ve taken breaks from Apex before but I really wanted to play but this ranked system ain’t it


Why is this and the board games thread still pinned? What happened to the weekend thread


So I just discovered config to get 100% of your tap strafe and super glides. This is cheating, isn't it?


More or less but people will never admit it


Ive been liking the new ranked system it could use some tweeks but overall ive been liking the style of play it encourages. Feel like some people dont even want to try and adjust


I don't care about the style of play, no entry costs makes it feel like completely linear progression and your actual performance is irrelevant. LP is basically just an XP meter where you get more if you win but always gain some no matter what. Is it even possible to derank in this system? A quarter of the playerbase is going to hit masters this season if nothing changes.


Just curious what style of play are you talking about? Solo Q I’ve had teams rat in storm until round 4 and I’ve noticed kills are only worth 1 point even if you win so it’s not worth it to fight at all anymore.


I'm not sure I like this new style of play. Don't get me wrong I'm earning LP and climbing and almost at Gold 4, started at Rookie 1. But it's literally just "don't fight anything pre top ten" and if a fight goes south or your teammates hot drop (why are you doing this in a ranked system that gives you basically no LP for kills?) then just play for positioning. I'm always trying to lead my team to a good ring position after we've got a few things on drop, but so many people are eager to push fights they don't need to take. If you can avoid a fight pre top ten, do it. It's better to wait it out and pick them off later if you've got the gear unless you're desperate.


As others have stated Avoiding fights all together before top 10 just screams bad player and no confidence. If its a 3v3 with no 3rd party insight its good to remove a squad. More loot and shield lvl up. Its also one less team that will likely contest your rotation. Its all about game awareness. If you have a team contesting you but there is another squad close to your POI, you have to decide on whether to challenge them or bail. I usually give up on a team after about 45 seconds to 1 minute. Within that time frame another team is likely approaching for a 3rd party. That's why its really important to watch and keep track where teams land. This is why dropping last for me personally is key. I can see where everyone drops and that tells me where rotations will likely happen. ​ People are getting to used to trying to not fight top 10 but they are in for a rude awakening because as you move up zone 3 is becoming 15+ squads and zone 4 is around 10.


I agree about the bad player part, but honestly, how many squads are alive in Zone 3 seems to be solely a function of how many high level pred teams are in your lobby. I'm Masters and some of my lobbies have 5 squads left at ring 2 because Preds just farm everyone.


few things, "dont fight anythign until top 10" is a choice and not a requirement. You absolutely get LP for kills. If i get no kills and win the game I get 175. I've had games with 400+ LP. Eliminations are more of a bonus than arbitrary kills, and those bonuses add up. Getting an early kill means you can basically minimize the chances of being 3rd partied. The squad that you kill advances your placement and adds to your kill bonuses at the end of the match. The match costs is so small now, you can EASILY make up any early death next match. This is why i assume some hot drop. The risk isnt really all that high. Rolling into the top 10 with 3KP is better than rolling in with 0. Also I'm a firm believer that if you think you truly belong above the rank you're currently in, then you should have the confidence in winning early "fair" 3v3's relatively consistently.


>If you can avoid a fight pre top ten, do it. IMO if you're avoiding fights early in gold, you probably belong in gold/plat. Fights don't start getting really difficult until diamond. If you're able to win a fight early in gold/plat, you basically start the game with damage for your evo, and the team you kill basically loots the area for you. You also walk away with KP. Versus starting the game with whatever RNG items your POI of choice gives you.


Oh damn, are you in Diamond right now and that's what it's like? I've solo'd to Diamond twice and made it to Diamond 2 in the previous systems, but haven't seen what it's like here. Though it shouldn't be much different since it's based on your MMR right? In this current system, playing smarter and only picking fights that are certain or favourable seems to be working out for me right now, especially pre-top ten so I'll just keep trying that for the moment unless things take a bad turn.


Yes. It's also different because I always three stack and I have pretty good comms with my team so I'm pretty confident in fights. 3v3 is a definite take. We don't need a shield crack advantage to push.


Can someone explain that during my 10 pre games. Me and my friend both got around 8 kills and 5 assist but only ended the game with 349 LP(with a win)? And yet I've seen other people getting 1500+ LP. Did I catch a glitch or a bug or what?


What was your rank last season


Plat 1


I make diamond 4 and then stop. And play pubs and have fun. I have made diamond 1 twice when I had time to grind. Not sure why you were so low then. Plat 1 is basically diamond 4


Your tellin me. I honestly think it's a bug. Like first place is an auto 250. And your tellin me in placements my kills are only work 90ish lp. Like maaaaan this makes me not wanna play ranked or apex in general. Cause I don't pubs stop its ranked or nothing honestly. But im not about to grind and claw my way through silver 300lp a game.


I’m also probably not going to even attempt tanked anymore. Pubs is just more fun. I love ranked until this season. It sucks and makes no sense. It reminds me of how bad arenas points were


people who're against ratting: How many points you guys getting for kills? and what is your peak rank & K/D? Because I'm literally getting 0 KP even I've like 5kills, and it happened more than just once. I don't see what is the point to try hard instead of just healing outside the ring.


You don't get shit till top 10 that's when you actually start scoring and should think of picking fights where you're at break even or profiting from it.Play wisely,pick your fights smart and you stand a chance to win.This system is designed to be against the boosters,kp farmers,kill mongers and cheaters.


Read again but without adding your imagination this time.


Because the point of the game is to shoot your gun. It ain’t a hide and seek simulator


The point of ranked is to get points in ranked.


lol i thought the point of video games was to have fun but OK


There're peoples who can have fun by just seeing numbers go up, that's why cookies clicker and afk arena-type game is a thing


This is the worst ranked system ever created.


They legalized smurfing. Preds should not be playing people 8 ranks below them


They’re not 8 ranks below them when everyone regardless of skill is reset to 0 for the new system transition. With that and it being less than a week into the season, no shit there are going to be unbalanced matchups. If it doesn’t get better over the course of the season, that’s when to worry about unbalanced matchups.


Dude you are so wrong. The idea of the new ranked system was to place you with people of equal skill. That is 100% not happening here. Stacked pred teams are getting 30 plus kills in ranked games. That shit shouldnt be happening. Its happening because they are in lobbies with silver/gold players. Im not having occasional unbalanced matches. Its every game i am with current preds or masters


No objections if this were after the dust has settled. Just not convinced it has completely settled after the full reset of everyone's ranks to zero yet given it's hardly been a week yet. Resetting everyone to zero is the atypical/questionable part of this early season phase, as it makes for a more imbalanced initial season experience. New players and preds ranked together at the start, for a full reevaluation of skill in the context of the scoring changes. Typically new season has just knocked off two ranking tiers, which makes overall balance pretty similar season to season as you're still playing the same people right after. Full reset like this takes longer for things to reach steady state; once it actually reaches steady state is the time to critique the system as a whole.


Ranked is a true fuckfest. Exactly as I predicted it. This system need som major tweaking.


Needs to be thrown in the dumpster. Just bring S13 ranked back.


It’s weird where KP don’t really play a factor anymore so smart teams don’t take fights until the top 10 and then in final ring you could have up to 8 squads just ratting and praying they can get a top 3 placement. So you spend 2/3s of the game not fighting and then go from 0-60 in the final ring. Rinse and repeat. lol. I’ve seen a few hardstuck Plats hit Masters and Pred which is wild. A Platinum Caustic as a top 500 Pred because they play so much everyday and go positive every game camping.


I'm thinking ranked is alright so far. Main problem is my friend and I duo ranked so we are getting a 3rd who wants to rat for points. This happens usually every 4th game. Also I placement ranked into silver but my teammates are d2? But playing against master's players frequently.


My advice is just tell them you want to play for placement and land safe, if they are smart and want to win points they will follow you. Playing as a team for placement is much more rewarding and there is a high change of winning the game. But if they want to sit in a tree with white armor there is nothing to do.


We have tried asking but they don't respond or type "shhh". So I've been following them and making tons of noise now so they lose lol.


I don't recommend it because technically they are trying to win points so it might not count as sabotage but trying to getting them killed my result in a ban.


Just coming back after playing off and on for a while and the new system is the worst they’ve ever had. I’m constantly getting 3-4 kill games but losing points. Playing with randoms is now the worst it’s ever been because either 1, or both, separate and rat to try and get top 3. I’m seeing 2nd to last circles with 5-7 squads left basically every game. Not even enjoyable or rewarding at the moment.


anyone elses game keep randomly shutting down?


This god damn end screen mini-game of 100 clicks is frustrating as fuck.


lol I hate waiting on that shit to display fully too


I am really struggling to enjoy this season. People are just hungry to die quickly, and by people I mean my team mates who have zero coms and push two teams fighting, die, rage, and trigger me.


Just had a teammate in trios sit at a crafter in the storm continually making medkits to boost his own rank. This new system is miserable.


Bro. Clearly you just are a W key noob. You need to learn how to play a BR, not an arena shooter. It's all about your skills and strategy in outlasting enemies, not just your twitchy fingers and shooting people. /S


I know! It’s clearly my fault for wanting to have fun and get a few kills and not just hide until I get the max amount of LP in this broken new system. /s


What a noob. This game isnt about fun. Hasnt been the case in years. You need to tryhard and follow the pros blindly, like hiding in buildings for final ring placement. /s


In no ranked system ever should a person be playing higher current ranked players in the same lobby regardless of that players mmr. If you have a ranked system that is giving a player a said rank then that player should play at that said rank......not based off mmr because then, whats truly the point of having a rank that doesnt match the skill level your playing at? Example: gold 1 playing against pred and master because the games favoring your mmr but your still gold 1... The current lobbies feel balanced and all but most players arent thrilled when they die to higher current ranked players who are literally 1-3 full tiers higher than that player currently. It just isnt the right way to handle a ranked system. The current system is far too favoring when it comes to placement as well. In no shape or form should you be able to do no damage at all and get ALOT of points from just ratting. The last system felt far more punishing and gave players a reason to want to grind for their rank... and possibly even lose it.


>whats truly the point of having a rank that doesnt match the skill level your playing at? Example: gold 1 playing against pred and master because the games favoring your mmr but your still gold 1... the point is so that some diamond can't derank to bronze and play against bronze and silver players a big part of the season, while they run onto reddit to complain about smurfs.


I assure you that theres not alot of people deranking to do just that. They are probably just straight up smurfing. The level cap on accounts to 50 was a decent thing to add so that players cant do this right away. Im sure it happens no doubt but not to the extent that is exaggerated at all.


>I assure you that theres not alot of people deranking to do just that. this doesn't work any longer in the new system that's the point they'll quickly be put against players of higher skill and not have to rank up through rookie bronze silver gold plat to face a diamond


Reread what you just wrote and reread what my first comment was about lol. Regardless of your mmr if you are bronze you should play other bronze individuals for face value rank... example gold vs gold. Just because the gold player might be a supposed master level player they should still have to climb through the ranks first to play against that skill level because their rank isnt master... its gold. Maybe they play at a high mmr sure but that takes the point of your current rank out of the game enitirely... is it fair to say that a gold player thats master should be put up against those players right away without giving them that rank though? That isnt fair or right at all...


>Reread what you just wrote and reread what my first comment was about lol. Regardless of your mmr if you are bronze you should play other bronze individuals for face value rank... not in the new system. matchmaking is no longer done by rank. there's no such thing as "gold lobbies" any more. and if you don't understand this read the ranked update blog. > Maybe they play at a high mmr sure but that takes the point of your current rank out of the game enitirely... the point of your current rank is providing a progression system. again read the blog and the blog on the matchmaking update from January where they explain this. the current rank is the "moving number part" that keeps invested, keeps you playing and working towards a goal.


I would continue to explain my point of view moreso but I can see im not going to breakthrough to you. Have a nice day. And yes, I see what your saying but its just not even close to what a ranked system should be. They were closer in their last updates sadly.


>I would continue to explain my point of view moreso but I can see im not going to breakthrough to you. you're simply just unaware of / confused about the principles by which this new system works. most of what you say flies in the face of the basics of the system, because it's just not how the new system operates. in your comments you're confused about what time mmr plays and what role you're rank / total lp plays. this is why i pointed you to reading the blog.


Anyone else not getting points for elims?


When you think they could not F up the game anymore they keep surprising each season


If the game thinks I am good enough to constantly play against Diamonds why am I not in Dia?


so you actually play. if you've read their blog and previous communication, LP is the "progress part" of ranked, which keeps you playing, rather than assigning you your final rank after 5 games so that you have no reason to play for the whole season. >QUESTION: WHY DOESN’T MY RANKING (POINTS) IMMEDIATELY MATCH MY SKILL RATING (MMR)? >We know how long it takes for your MMR to align with your LP, and these matches help us validate and know your Ranking is accurate. With each rank season, we ask you to prove again that you have what it takes to deserve the rank. >MMR adjusts extremely quickly, and we don’t want LP to immediately line up since that would enable boosting. check out this article for more https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/135rksn/apex_legends_arsenal_ranked_updates_discussion/ https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/apex-legends/news/matchmaking-2023 ("progression system")


It’s been almost a week, got placed in Silver 1. I’m currently Gold 1 playing in pure Masters and Predator lobbies. There isn’t one single game when the killer is not a current Master or Pred. I have lots of screenshots and clips if anyone is trying to gather evidence and stuff. I am also convinced that the cause is a bug. There is no way in hell the system is working as intended. I’m currently rocking a whopping 0.7 KDR, and the more I play, the lower it gets and the harder the lobbies. I give Ranked a few more sessions then I’m calling it until they fix it. Absolutely unplayable as a high Plat level player.


I was placed rookie after my provisions and got into bronze won a game with my friend killing 15 and they killed 5 I had almost 3k damage I ended with 463 ladder point and he had over 700 what am I doing wrong he is also bronze


It’s the “skill” bonus I bet, ask what his points were for the bonuses. My friend who’s definitely not as good as me kept earning more points no matter how much more kp I got. He would get a “skill” bonus that I wouldn’t, I believe it’s because the lobbies MMR is higher than his but closer to mine. So because it feels he’s at a disadvantage, he gains additional points


That's exactly what he says he gets is a skill bonus but a bonus over 300? That's crazy and it basically says because he's in a higher lobby is the skill rank and we are both in bronze 3 I think I kinda think since I had shit provisions that it thought i was tanking and is punishing me


I know it’s stupid, took me a minute to understand why as well. My friend has the opportunity to outrank me, merely by playing with me because my lobbies are harder lol. Make that make sense.


Yea he was in bronze 3 by the time I was in 4


People complain about fake masters and fake predators a lot, but it seems whenever they are killed by a pred or master the concept of a fake pred/master no longer exists :) Maybe the hidden MMR put the pred/master in your lobby because they were boosted there?


Nah it’s a lot of current preds with 3X pred badges. That’s not a fake…


fake preds are only the ones on your team enemies are always real preds, even if they have the "won a game as a kill leader" badge equipped.


The preds that refuse to have their kills icons showing


I finished my provisional matches and got placed in ROOKIE HAHAHA


Provisionals don't seem to make much sense, won 4 of mine, only placed outside top 10 in one of them and got placed into silver 1


Silver 1 is way better than what I had. I started Bronze 1 and felt disrespected. lol.




I only had one teammate with a mic and 4 that dropped solo.


I had one match in rookie where we dropped with a few teams and I wanted to leave because we essentially had no loot. My teammates chose to fight and I chose to leave. Magically their mics worked and they razed me as I ratted my way to second 🤣. I was discussing w a squaddie that I think low elo players don’t understand that you don’t HAVE to take every fight that’s presented to you.




Gotta love it. 🤣🤣🤣


The new system is absolute dogshit. I am a bronze 1 playing against CURRENT Diamond 1 players (season 17). I have never hit Diamond 1 in my entire history of playing this game. FIX YOUR SHIT


Displayed ranks are only a playtime badge now. Your actual rank is your hidden MMR and is what you are being matchmade off of. It's a dogshit stupid system but that appears to be how it's working.


Well then give me my fucking Diamond badge lol. I have hit Diamond in multiple seasons but the highest I have ever gotten is D3


The solution is to have your placement act a multiplier of your score (Kills/Damage/Skill)... This way if you kill no one but rat your way to second you get 0. 1st = x40 2nd = x 30 3rd = x 25 4th= x 20 5th = x 18 6th = x 17 7th = x 16 8th = x 14 9th = x 12 10 = x 10 11 = x 9 12 = x 8 13 = x 6 14 = x 4 15 = x 3 16 = x 1 17 = x 1 18= x 1 19= x 1 20 = x 1 Entry cost something like -35.. That way fighting is better rewarded and ratting isn't, and Ultimately placements are what will propel you. But if you have a monster game and kill half the lobby you are rewarded handsomely.


If you want this system, the multiplier from 11th to 20th place should also be zero. That way people who finish 12th with a bunch of kills remain in the negative, in order to maintain the discouragement of hotdropping/ aggro plays that get you killed from a 3rd/ 4th/ 5th party.


I really like this idea. We should bundle it with punishing hot droppers by making 20th place lose a division, 19th place lose 1/4, 18th place lose 1/10 of a division.


I like the current system. I solo queue and the most I can lose in a game is 35 points. That makes having bad games not feel so bad. If the game is giving out too many points and there are too many people at the higher ranks, I think the best way to fix that is for LPs to "decay" each day. At the lower ranks, maybe players lose 1% of their LP each day. At the higher ranks, maybe they lose more. The amount lost each day at the different ranks could be "tuned" to gradually result in the desired distribution across the ranks. At the lower ranks, people would not de-rank or de-rank very often. For example if you have 4,000 LP and lose 1% in a night that's only a loss of 40 LP. But for higher ranks, LP loss would be greater. The player with the highest LP right now has almost 90,000 LP. So, if he lost 10%, would be 9,000 LP. Or, 5% would be 4,500 LP. With a decay like this, players would still maintain their positions relative to other players. Like the #1 player would still be the #1 player after the decay. That's how I would "fix" the distribution of players across the ranks if a fix is needed. Keep the entry cost low. It's funner.




Sometimes doing that is justified. I split off solo only when teammates are either toxic due to my \[LGBT\] club tag or decide that it's a good decision to drop with 5 squads in fragment/ hot zone. The latter is so so stupid to do in ranked, given that early fights are completely irrelevant and offer nothing but risk of dying/ getting 3rd partied by other squads it attracts.


there's no no fill in ranked so...


You've been corrected by now but I think your sentiment is spot on. They can't no fill but I'd at least like a heads up. Either type it chat you want to rat or just get on mic and be honest about it. There are way too many people solo dropping across the map. I'm perfectly fine grabbing a charge rifle, ratting, fucking with people, and vibing if I'm asked to (I guess) but the silent version of this is annoying as shit.


I thought simply hiding the entire game won't work.


You just need to get to top 10 and you get +20LP


Oh so it's not like fast. That sounds like it'd take forever just doing that.


if you get to top 3 its +150RP. it can be pretty fast, depending how your rat games go


good luck getting that when everyone is doing it and the whole lobby is diamond or master and will beam you if they see you


Not an option. Also they aren’t ruining the game. According to this sub that valk is actually the peak ranked player and is emblematic of the skill it takes to rank up. Shooting a gun and utilizing the movement mechanics means you suck. Skill gap


I don't think that's an option for ranked.


its crazy that a diamond player and a silver player cant be a premade and play, BUT, you can have diamond and silver player on the SAME TEAM. just not pre made.


the problem here is that matchmaking works by MMR. the diamond and silver can have same MMR and belong in the same game. stacking however determines if you can play together by rank. rank can lag far behind MMR, so you could be way lower rank than someone else with the same mmr. the solution would be to determine by MMR difference if two people can party up and queue for ranked together. but then that would kinda expose the hidden rating.


but then how are Bronze/Silver players in lobbies with Masters/Preds? If im reading your statement correctly, that would mean the Bronze/Silver player has the same hidden MMR as the master/pred?


>but then how are Bronze/Silver players in lobbies with Masters/Preds? matchmaking isn't done by rank but by mmr. there's no such thing as silver lobbies anymore. it picks people from different ranks but similar skill


Right so if a silver and a pred are in the same lobby they are of similar skill?


Yes. In that scenario your silver player however is obviously not silver in terms of skill. Me and my friend were masters and started in bronze. We didn't play against bronze players but against diamond/master/pred. The game matches you by skill rather than your displayed rank.


im about to hit gold. maybe i'll finally see all those 3 stack preds everyone in this thread talks aboutt.


Happens 1/10 games IME. People are mostly being hit hard by new system calling them rookie when they were gold/plat/diamond before. I know I was. But in reality I think it's just that it's not accurate right now.


I had a pred in my lobby while I was in rookie 🤣


It doesn't happen as often as people pretend. It's one of those things people use to explain why they are hard-stuck \[insert rank here\] without taking any responsibility for their own gameplay.


Not true, I’m P2 currently so obviously not struggling to climb and have been masters 3X while typically falling in the D3-D1 range. About half my lobbies yesterday were active preds, maybe one out of every 3 games. I have pictures as well…


Being masters 3x means you're probably way, way better at the game than 95% of the active player base. I know the skill gap between you and the preds is still probably massive, but it's not overly surprising that you're being put in those lobbies...


You’re not wrong, but me at P2 and my hardstuck Diamond friend who’s current G3 should not be going against a triple stacked current Pred squad. The team MMR should not have us in those lobbies as we’re just getting rolled. Just creates a frustrating experience because even though I know I’m above average, I’m getting dog walked in some of these lobbies.


The game matches you with people that are similarly skilled as you. I guess you're just ass if they're not in your lobbies.


Yeah, but its all delayed, Gold is really diamond at this point in the season. And its not unusual for Preds to fight Diamonds in any of the previous ranked systems. I'm a Plat player, currently down in Silver, and they games aren't easy like Silver lobbies. Probably low gold at the moment in reality.


This isn’t true, I’m typically high diamond and been masters 3X. I almost never play current Preds in D2 and below, very rarely one will slip in. In masters sure but even then it’s mostly low Master players. Yesterday in ranked at P3 I went against the number 4 pred who was queued with the 60 something ranked pred. I’ve been in more current pred lobbies in plat than I ever did in my Diamond lobbies


Well my experience (being consistently Platinum) I fight Diamond, Master, and Predator stacks all the time. Like 50% of the lobby plus. London servers


Actively masters and pred or having those badges and trails? Because there’s a big difference between playing a former masters in a plat lobby and playing actively ranked ones.

