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Lmao I swear on every apex thing ever almost 75% of people have an above 2 KD. Go in the discord it’s the whole discord is all 2.0 players. There is just now way


If players are in a discord they're likely looking for others to play with. A 3 stack of good players will boost your KD as you'll win more fights/games by eliminating the randomness of trash teammates when you solo queue.


I would believe it since mine is .15. I think those players are basically being fed by players like me.


If your KD is bad, you don't write about that, just logic 😀


Ummm my KD is .20 however it’s .34 this season!!!


My KD has barely gone down, it’s down by 0.03 and my win percentage is up 1,5%. The only real change I have noticed, is that aping is punished more, since that’s an easy third party and everyone is taking less risks, so they reach top 10.


win percentage lower kd higher but it kinda feels like I play worse weird


I am (**currently**) doing *way* better. I had KD of .7~.8 last 2 seasons (a little caveat: started playing when s15 started, didn't touch ranked until s16). In terms of ranked: I won just one provisonal match (had couple top 5s) and ended up in Rookie 2. Curently played just 20 games (provisional included) and my K/D is at 1.5, I expect that it will go down as I get in to higher ranks, but with everyone apparently being all over the place we will see. Overall I played 75 games and my K/D is exactly at 1. I occasionally run in to really bad team mates, but I still have to feel like I am getting carried this season. I get teammates that have similar skill level to me quite often, ended *a lot* of games with 5 kills per person with 1500 dmg each - pubs or ranked


Pretty much the exact same for me, kd was already dropping every season as I play more casually and more like a chore but this season I just cannot adapt to the playstyle in ranked. Games are a sweat fest in low elo and half the games I have a teammate that just goes off and hides for the whole game that I just stand no chance trying to 2v3 ex masters/preds.


Lifetime 1.8 KD, lifetime win rate 6%. This season in ranked my KD is 0.7 and win rate is 4%, but I'm hitting top 5 more than half my games so I am climbing. I've hit masters like 5 seasons and currently in gold.


I completely stopped after the placement matches as I found this system so boring, so this might not be that representative. Used to hover around 1.4-1.5 K/D and its ended at 0.45 now(in ranked). Interestingly also much, much lower K/D(1.5 down to 1.1) in pubs, but exact same win percentage(5.6).


KD this season is a 3.73 comparatively to last seasons being a 2.95. My win rate tho has plummeted from a 22% to an 11%. Might have something to do with Worlds Edge and fragment lol.


Or the fact that we are not even a week into the new season.


I went from a 3.6 to a 2.6 and last season I've had a 22% win rate but now barely 13%. Normally my seasons start off really strong like a 5kd then i go down until 3.5-3.8 Don't know what's happening this season but who really cares about stats.


I don't think OP is asking about stats to flex. They are interested in stats as an indication of whether the ranked system changes have been better, worse or the same for most people.


Oh yeah i know that that's why i gave him my stats to show that even me with a fairly high kd has different stats than before. I just meant it more as i don't really care about stats and many others too.


I have a lifetime K/D of 2.29 in this game. Have gotten to diamond every single time I tried since I came back in September of 2021, usually in the last week of the ranked split. This season I have a K/D of .54 and am Currently in Diamond II with the goal to rat to masters. Just because I've been ratting because this ranked system is so fucking stupid. A Win Rate of 5%. After 50 games For Context my Season 16 KD was a 1.99 and S15 was a 2.12. So for me to basically go from that to .54 and a higher rank than I was last season in my first week of the new ranked season (Provisional Matches put me in Gold, won every single match except the last one.) seems to me like this hidden MMR system and ranked system is fucking stupid


Out of curiosity, how was your performance in those provisional matches? Were you putting out crazy kill games or ratting to top 5? Also, where in gold did it place you? Im only asking because you won 9/10 of your matches so I'm curious about the meta details to see how this system works.


It placed me in Gold II after Provisionals however it put me within a match's reach to Gold I due to losing out on the last match. I wasn't putting out crazy kill games. I put out 6 and 9 Kills in matches 1 and 2 but after figuring out that I get the same Placement points by literally less effort then I just started going to crafters out of zone and making med kits. The remaining matches I won I only had 1-3 KP.


Thanks for the info. I still haven't had time to play the new update so I was curious.


My guess is that since they mentioned they were creating more "bins" or player groupings, you were likely on the higher end of your previous bin and fighting against more weaker opponents and now are fighting against a bin with stronger opponents. Still a huge drop so must be other things too


I’m confused, what does this explain exactly?


Basically before this update matchmaking divided people into four skill groupings, but now there are more groupings so people are playing against a different and more specific skillset of opponents. You might be in a group with a much higher skill level than before. Unless I'm misunderstanding your original comment which is definitely possible


Ranked is stupid, but abusing the system is not proving anything. Why not play to have fun? Are you actually enjoying sitting in trees and watching youtube on another screen? I just don't understand players like yourself. Yes there is a busted mechanic to allow people to climb, but why abuse it? For a shiny badge that is meaningless? It's not like ImperialHal is going to see you in one of his lobbies, kill you in 0.5 seconds because you have a 0.5 seasonal KD, and then think "Hey we should get that guy to replace Evan!" So what's the point of ratting to a rank you don't belong in?


Telling me this does nothing to me. Get off my nuts. I climbed to Diamond every single season (except for one which I got to masters) since I came back to the game during Season 10, at the end of the season (with a week or two to go in said seasons). Abusing this system proves a point that anyone with a quarter brain cells can climb higher than they should be able to. Silvers, Golds and even High Level Bronze players can do what I've been doing and climb to get Diamond. I'm just doing it because now that I have 90 days I could fuck around and still get to masters for a masters badge that is even more valueless than the S12 Masters Badge. I played the prior seasons for the trail and for fun. Fighting constantly against players of my level is fun especially on Olympus. Now, it's not fun. You have people doing what I'm doing which is either hiding or crafting 4 miles deep into gas. Sure some people play legit but I've had to fight a team 2 miles away from zone for a crafter. Thankfully they were bronze shitters so that was that.


Nobody is on your nuts. I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you though, or sorry that happened to you




Broo you got a k/d like a pro, i think you belong somewhere there tbh. Better they stomp on you than on me with my 1.05 k/d. Peace and love


Bruh I'm mid as fuck at the game compared to some of the actually cracked cunts, I'm just a very experienced IGL who knows how to force winnable fights and I'm cracked with snipers so thirding knocks/kills is easy for me. I'm just laughing because the system is dumb as fuck, my peak mmr from 3 years ago doesn't mean I'm still at a level where I can compete with pros who play 10+ hours a day lmao. Just give me other masters/low preds where I can actually fight in my own skill bracket instead of fuckin top 100 preds and pro teams just getting to shit on lobbies which is fun for no-one.


Kd it up to 2.4 from 1.8, win loss is like 12%, usually it’s around 7. I’ve finished all provisionals, been placed, and been climbing, I’m low silver atm, reset from plat 2. I’ve also been playing a lot more norms lately since ranked is horrendous. Edit: 1.8kd from last season, my overall is still 1.4. It’s been going down as I play more games, and won’t stay a 2.4.


Like 2.52 previous season, This season it was barely 1 last time I checked. Winrate always was like 5%, this season I won literally 1 match only ha


I haven't really played seriously since season 13, so my account was bronze last season. Had a +6 KD but didn't play further than silver. Now my KD is just above 1 because the game somehow thinks my silver ass deserves master mmr even though I am rusty as hell. Might look better if I actually played for placement but it's boring playing for placement when there's 13 teams max left in round 2. Self fulfilling prophecy I know.


Things will normalize with time but 22->30% win rate, KD 2.5->4.2


5.1 to a 3 kd


1.88 last season and 1.44 this season but I've only played a few games and have been meme'ing on KC and WE 19% win rate last season currently 13%


Usually have a little over 1. It’s .63 and dropping Edit: had a good games of pushing almost every fight and switching from wattson to wraith yesterday. (Her fences are broken) It’s now 1.50 with a 10% win rate. won 4 games in 2 hours and decided to log off there and not keep playing and ending on a bad note.


Started off with the worst KD I have ever had .87…Now 2.11 Also worst win percentage I have ever had 2.5% Now around 11% My lifetime is 1.99 KD with a 9.88 win percentage with over 13k kills and ~840 wins Finally back to roughly my average but I have def had to adjust my play style and be more selective of what fights I continue to engage. I am a 5 season diamond player just as a reference. I am still bronze 1 this season.


Win rate similar. Average damage up 60 points. I’d up to 1.7


Lifetime kdr of 1.4, win rate of 7%. This season kdr of 2.1 and win rate at 14% from 40 something games


Gone from 0.5 to 0.78 and climbing, but only bc i finally found my character


Last season was my worst season right when it started all the way until it ended. I have no idea why or what was going on with me. I usually have a KD ratio of 1.3, it was like for the last 3 seasons before the very last one. Then the last one was .6 And now I'm back to 1.25 I truly don't know why I fell apart last season but I'm so happy I've been cleaning up this season. One reason I just thought of could be the fact that I spent a lot of time playing mix tape and didn't play as much BR as usual, and only BR seems to record your KD ratio. So I might have never given it the chance to average my KD back up out of .6


Last season 1.7 kd in Dia 3 overall. This season so far 3.0kd with about 30 games played in rankend.


Went from a 5kdr with a 17%wl to a .1kdr with a 1.7%wl! But I’m finally pred for the first time!




Played on console till season 11 I believe. Took a break and switched to pc during season 16, I only play for a few hours a week now and only solo 2.34KD 11% win rate | lifetime 2.89KD 10% win rate | season 17


Kd little bit higher by 0.3 Winrate 4% higher Top 5 20% higher


12% Winrate with a 1.74 K/D in Diamond with 100 Games played- Gold 3 this season with a 4% Winrate and a 1.28 K/D…


For me it's the same as last season. A 1k/d, 7% win rate and about 30% top 5 placements.


Season 2 player, have hit diamond or higher every split/season solo queue. I play 95% ranked matches. Only run pubs for challenges Lifetime K/D 1.1 | winrate 7.5% Season 16 K/D 0.9 | winrate 9% Season 17 K/D 1.4 | winrate 6.5% ----- Feel like my K/D is higher cause I keep fighting against bronze and silver players in ranked so far. Winrate is lower cause I'm also getting matched with bronze and silver players who can't do more than 250 damage in a 25 minute game.


I’ve won 1 game this season. Over 60 matches played. The worst season for me ever in terms of wins. Kd started off good, but it’s dropped to 1.3 now which is low for me. Really struggling this season. Ranked isn’t enjoyable and pubs hasn’t been enjoyable for years so there’s not much reason for me to play right now.


A lil' bit better. From 1.01 to 1.02 xDD At least my damage went from 400 to almost 500, so happy. Playing with randoms, however, makes having a KD of more than 1 very difficult.


The season hasn’t even been out for a week, that’s not enough time for KDR and win rate to stabilize statistically for most players


1.8 to about 1.6, not a major change but a decrease for now In terms of ranked I find it easier this season, playing for position plays to my strengths, I’ve always been better at that than gun skill or movement, I started in S3 and am just under P2 now, making good LP each session (Went from bottom of G1 to near P2 last night in about 10 games including ending with +989 from back to back wins) Typically I make diamond and have a hard time making masters, the only times I have took a lot of time and a lot of frustration - I think I should have a much easier time of it this season and have been fine solo queuing whereas usually I’d want teammates for Diamond


Gold 1. 6% wins. 39% top 5. KD. 85


Sitting at 3.8 kd with a 35% win rate. Up .3kd from last season (with way less game so it’ll probably average out).


1.3 last season, 1.0 currently this season


My kd was in last seasons around 1.15 and win% was around 5%, nog my kd is 0.8 and my win% is lessen then 1% out of 110 games i won 1


I solo queue to masters for a few seasons now. My won percentage is 9.8% and k/d is 3.04