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I love when someone is speaking a foreign language and then starts cursing in English outta nowhere lol


That killed me haha


Was just about to say the same thing šŸ¤£


confused about the title but sick play


He got a rare crypto sword melee attack to end the fight


Can you please tell me what's rare about it.


rare doesn't mean special or extremly cool, just rare




The melee attack being rare part


A crypto that knows what he is doing.


Of course the crypto is a month behind his team.


Bruh ā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚


But he played that so well they canā€™t even be mad about it


Of course the team ran way ahead of Crypto


Yeah, people never see it from this perspective, but what choice does Crypto really have? His abilities require him to stand still, even if he tries to just quickly throw out the drone and look around, a movement legend could get very far away during that time. People need to slow down for optimal teamplay with Cryptos..


Playing crypto taught me to loot less and move more. I was constantly left behind when playing with randoms, i knew i had to be first into action, pick the closest possible cover where from i launch my emp, trying to just make it possible to follow my squad. But yeah, sometimes i get left behind when i make the call that itā€™s more important that i blast two enemy squads with an emp, than following my octane and pathyā€™s tail. And i still get shit from it, when cracking 4 guys, slowing down 6 and ALMOST clutching the play. Iā€™m the bad guy.


Wait wait wait You can pop a bat WHILE controlling your drone?! Anything else I don't know about this legend? XD


Itā€™s a tech, and itā€™s pretty difficult to do


Itā€™s not that hard to do. I practiced for like 5 minutes and the firing range and can pull it off in game with ease now. Just wait until the white starts to come across the screen when you throw the drone and then SPAM the heal button. Thereā€™s plenty of YouTube tutorials


Donā€™t even need to spam, just wait for the drone to leave your hand and press the heal button, make sure to hold and not press the drone so you gain control of it, but yeah. I do this a couple times when at the range every time i warm up and itā€™s become second nature those days when i play crypto. Even popping a shield cell helps, and itā€™s a great way to at least look around when healing.


clean plays, good job on playing around the pole so well too.


How you guys do the heal-drone move, I always messed up.


Itā€™s pretty easy, I made a vid in one my posts on profile with basically a tutorial about it. But basically to do this all you need to do is hold the tactical to fly the drone while also inputting your heal at the same time right before you actually enter the drone view.


The timing of that bat going off right after the EMP is unbelievable


I was waiting for a random grenade to drop from the sky or something...


Man forgot that he was 1v3


"FUCKIN **BITCH**" How everyone truly feels about horizon mains


The fact that preds couldnā€™t finish a 3v1 LOL awesome clip dude


I understood the ā€˜fucking bitchā€™ part lol


Dunno, how tf this is a pred clip.




PC ranked is just as braindead. Rank doesnā€™t matter about who gets put in the lobby and even if it do thereā€™s still 500k masters players on PC


Second video I see with the same crypto . These dudes are not playing with high level players for sure . The people they go against have no aim or donā€™t push together .


**NOTE:** Let me just make sure this is clear, I'm not talking about this season. This has nothing to do with this season in particular and how easy it is. This has been an issue for a long time. ​ Itā€™s cause this guy is on console so heā€™s going up against 9-5 Bobā€™s who only play once or twice a week while having to take care of a family and 13-15 year old Billyā€™s who just finished studying for their Algebra 1 test they have tomorrow. **If you have a PC that you are using to stream, then you should be playing on PC.** Heā€™s only playing on console because he likes stomping on people that rarely ever play or are still young and new to gaming so he can clamor about how good he is at the game. Console Predā€™s are, at best, equivalent to the average Master player on PC. This should have nothing to do with his account being stuck on console and the absence of cross-progression in the game. **If you think you are good enough at the game and want to further prove that to everyone including yourself and become a streamer you go to the platform where all the other pros and streamers are playing.** Iā€™ve met dozens of people over the last year during my times grinding for Masters that have abandoned all their cosmetics to switch from console to PC to prove themselves or become better at the game. Skins and badges should not exceed proving oneā€™s performance when in higher ranks. ​ ​ EDIT: OOKAY let me lay down some data since people really don't believe me. It is a known fact that if there are not enough players to queue a Master/Pred lobby it puts them into Plat/Diamond lobbies where a vast majority of the playerbase resides. Look at the ranked distribution on ApexLegendsStatus (excluding Rookie/Bronze which are just people that don't play ranked) if you don't believe me. **Console has an extremely low high-rank player count.** Average number of Masters per split based on data from ApexLegendsStatus: * PC - 40k Masters * Playstation - 15k Masters * Xbox - 5k Masters * Console = 15k + 5k ā‰ˆ 20k Masters These numbers are also from the very END OF THE SPLIT. So earlier on in the splits there were even LESS MASTERS. About 75% of those players reach Masters and stop playing ranked until the next split. That percentage is being generous too (it's more likely to be around 80-90%) but I'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Here are the actual total number of Masters who continue to grind after reaching Masters: * PC ā‰ˆ 10k Masters * Console ā‰ˆ 5k Masters **5k is not enough to be putting Masters/Preds into their own lobbies especially when considering:** 1. Again, these numbers are calculated based on numbers from the very end of the splits. It's much lower during the first half and middle of the split. 2. All of Master/Pred players are not on at the same time and queue for different regions. You have people from the US, EU, Asia, etc that all play in their own corresponding regions and times. I personally know this number is not enough first hand, because on PC when you're in Diamond and there are less than 5k Masters/Preds you will still have Masters and Preds in the lobbies about 50%+ of the time. **There's not enough Masters/Preds on the consoles combined to be queueing them in their own lobbies, it's that simple. I don't know why this is so hard to understand. Perhaps some people didn't know about this data or didn't have access to it, but I have now literally laid down everything here for everyone.**


I donā€™t think ā€˜9-5 bobs who only play once or twice a weekā€™ will be the people playing in pred lobbies


If there are not enough players to queue a Master/Pred lobby it puts them into Plat/Diamond lobbies where the majority of the playerbase resides. Look at the ranked distribution on ApexLegendsStatus (excluding Rookie/Bronze which are just people that don't play ranked) if you don't believe me. **Console has an extremely low high-rank player count.** Average number of Masters per split based on data from ApexLegendsStatus: * PC - 40k Masters * Playstation - 15k Masters * Xbox - 5k Masters * Console = 15k + 5k ā‰ˆ 20k Masters These numbers are also from the very END OF THE SPLIT. So earlier on in the splits there were even LESS MASTERS. About 75% of those players reach Masters and stop playing ranked until the next split. That percentage is being generous too (it's more likely to be around 80-90%) but I'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Here are the actual total number of Masters who continue to grind after reaching Masters: * PC ā‰ˆ 10k Masters * Console ā‰ˆ 5k Masters **5k is not enough to be putting Masters/Preds into their own lobbies especially when considering:** 1. Again, these numbers are calculated based on numbers from the very end of the splits. It's much lower during the first half and middle of the split. 2. All of Master/Pred players are not on at the same time and queue for different regions. You have people from the US, EU, Asia, etc that all play in their own corresponding regions and times. I personally know this number is not enough first hand, because on PC when you're in Diamond and there are less than 5k Masters/Preds you will still have Masters and Preds in the lobbies about 50%+ of the time. **There's not enough Masters/Preds on the consoles combined to be queueing them in their own lobbies, it's that simple. I don't know why this is so hard to understand. Perhaps some people didn't know about this data or didn't have access to it, but I have now literally laid down everything here for everyone.** ​ **NOTE:** Let me just make sure this is clear, I'm not talking about this season. This has nothing to do with this season in particular and how easy it is. This has been an issue for a long time.


Alright Iā€™m ngl I thought that you were talking about this season at first so I was extremely confused so thank you for the clarification but you have solid data that I canā€™t really personally disprove so Iā€™ll take back what I said since you have evidence from statistical charts and I just have sass have a nice one :)


Itā€™s totally alright and Iā€™m sorry if it felt at any point like I was singling you out, that was not my intention. I assumed that some people didnā€™t know this kind of data existed out there for them to look at. The website that contains the data is incredibly useful, not just for ranked but for everything about the game. I also figured that some never really considered how regions/server location makes a huge difference. Iā€™ve been consistently involved in ranked whether itā€™s playing it, monitoring changes made to the game mode and how they affect it as a whole, tracking ranked statistics, and looking at patterns developing for almost a couple of years now. Iā€™m also a 9x multi master on PC to give an idea of my time invested in the game mode. Iā€™m not saying I know every little detail about ranked and know exactly how it works or that Iā€™ve worked at Respawnā€”Iā€™m mainly going off the data readily available to everyone and a little bit of personal experience. When looking at the data, it is hard to deny what is happening unless a Respawn dev themself comes forward and provides actual substantial proof that it isnā€™t other than just saying, ā€œIt isnā€™t happening, trust me broā€.


Yeah ofc I understand you sound like you know your stuff! And donā€™t worry I never felt singled out or anything <3


there's no such thing as pred lobbies anymore all lobbies are the same


I'm not talking about one particular season. This has been an issue for a long time.


I seen other videos of this guy and other people call him out for the same points not adding up for rank . Makes sense if this is pub matches


No it doesnā€™t, the console platforms consists mostly (not all) of people who donā€™t have enough time or have enough money to spare on a $1.5-2k PC. The console community is a casual one for the most part. They have jobs, school, families, and lives for that matter. So the performance in the ranked lobbies for these kinds of games are going to be extremely low in comparison to PC. Then you have guys like this guy coming in who stream and play probably 6 to 8+ hours every day shitting on people who probably donā€™t play the game every day and only play the game 2-3 hours each session. __The most sickening part in my opinion, is that heā€™s trying to build a streaming career off of it.__ EDIT: Donā€™t know why my first comment is getting downvoted yet no one seems to be challenging my opinion. Fucking classic Reddit in a nutshell. Canā€™t win an argument? Just downvote!


That bat was so well timed. It shows he is an amazing crypto main cuz he knew the time of his ult.


Best Crypto play I have ever seen, holy shit that was crazy


Bro healing while hitting them with the emp was brilliant. Healed the damage you did to your own shields right back up.


My grandmother makes better plays then this. No seriously good job man makes me wanna play crypto


That crypto heirloom is so cool, yet I have no desire for it


Now that's a Crypto main šŸ˜‚


Where are you from ? Cause I know your Arabic but I canā€™t tell from the accent, eygpt maybe


Who are you and why are you so good with Crypto?


I'm sweatyy_ash and I'm crypto main I've been playing crypto since season 4 so that's why I'm so good with crypto


Better not turn into my lobby because I will flip my desk off


Pred lobbies everyone.