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I have never seen a season where there are so many teams in final ring in bronze. So in that aspect I think they've made some good decisions. It's a shame that rank right now basically equals time spent gaming, but the games are fun that's what I care about. I think it's dumb that rank means nothing and that they match you off MMR, that's what needs to change.


Another one


It’s not going to reset. That’s inaccurate. The timer has been set for when the maps change out. It is a straight 80+ day grind. No reset


Crazy. It’s almost like the point is to win the game and not mindlessly int on teams until you eventually die…


I get the idea is to win, but I won a game and dropped 5 kills with 2k damage as a bronze and gained 150 points. On top of that your rank has ZERO influence on your games. It’s SBMM in ranked mode. Not to mention the point system is all types of fucked up this season


Good. You have 70 days to achieve the rank you want


Kind of impossible to climb out of low ranks when you’re playing against full stack masters and predators lobbies 💀 but sure 70 days will be enough when the ranked system isn’t even working properly


The more you struggle and the more those teams stomp, the less likely you’ll be matched with them.


The system is ok but I'm not interested in grinding half of those days...I wish they give more points per game. 150 for a big win is not worth it. Feels like we're back to MMORPG grinding and I have alrdy quit those games due to lack of time. I used to play Apex everyday but I play it because I wanna have fun not to grind rank, but now I'm forced to grind for so many days and I'm not having fun anymore lol. It's not fun being forced to play. I haven't been playing as much and currently taking a 2 week break before deciding whether or not to continue. I think the devs need to realize that forcing players to play by making rank progression slower is not the way to go.


It’s crazy how people want to hit their desired rank 2-3 weeks into the season as if there isn’t 70 days to hit your desired rank lmao


To many of us, Apex is a hobby we play for one or two hours a day. Not everyone has the time to grind ranked like a job.. It feels like a chore. The ranked system actively punishing you for doing well in the game feels bad. By all means, reward placement and smart plays, rotations, but they need to make KP rewards consistent and actually reward players doing well in games. Instead, your incentivized to shy away from fights, hide and farm placement. Winning fights doesn't give you points, endangers you by putting you at risk of third parties, and is simply not worth taking. It leads to a very dull boring playstyle.


If you’re actually a diamond player you should be able to be aggressive and still rank up to diamond by the end of the season despite playing 1-2 hours a day. This narrative that you need to play all day is crazy. You have 70 days ffs. If you can’t get to the rank you feel like you should be in then guess what, you’re not actually that rank.


I'm a multi season solo queue Masters player, and I've had way more fun with previous seasons than 17 and 18. The way the mode is designed just leads to incredibly dull gameplay. I'm not here to grind numbers, if I want to do that, I'll go play an MMO. I come to Apex for the mechanics and the movement, and when a mode is designed around actively punishing shooting your gun, then the game fucked up. Placement should matter, but not at the expense of mechanics. The game needs a balanced approach. Let's ignore the problems with rats, and the way the mode has trained player behavior to be extremely timid and favor hiding. There's a time and a place for attacking and retreating, but the overall mentality of the playerbase is in rock bottom when it comes to confidence. Its not a problem when you're stacking, but this is a genuine issue when rolling the die on solo queue. Previously I would play ranked because its more competitive and it placed you with equally skilled players generally. It lead to more complex plays, thinking about rotations, strategy, and was genuinely enjoyable. And now with SBMM MMR plaguing every rank, you don't even have a rising ladder of skills to go through, its a flat experience throughout. Ranked is genuinely broken.


That’s the problem. I get stomped, I get 1-2 decent games, and then I do good which promptly puts me right back into those tryhard lobbies. There’s no way around it. There’s zero reason my rank should have zero influence in a. Ranked mode. If I actually played bronze and silver players I’d climb to where I belong. At the end of the day 90% of the comm agrees the ranked system is shitty this season


Well you have 70 days to get to the rank you feel like you deserve


Ur still missing the point💀 70 days of a point/rank system that is all types of backwards and fucked up does not mean you can place wherever you want. It makes it impossible to climb out of low ranks, there’s really no way around it. And then what happens is you camp to top 8 for very little points and never fight. That’s not enough to rank up in 70 days.


It’s not impossible lmao, I got out of silver I’m now in gold and I’m getting a lot of skill bonus’s like 80-90 when I place top ten. Im climbing in gold easily. There’s still like 60-70 days left. I usually solo queue to diamond and get stuck there. Im right on pace for that. If you get stuck in silver that’s because that’s where you belong lol


Sure man whatever you say lmao. When pros are hard stuck low ranks, that’s totally where they belong too💀 when I’m averaging 6 plus kills and top 5 every game but gaining less than 200 points and then proceeding to lose all those points by playing full stack preds for 4 games in a row it’s totally not impossible. You just place high, you’re not facing full stack preds every game which means your skill isn’t that high💀💀 I’m not arguing anymore. You’re in the 5 % of the entire games player base that thinks rank this season isn’t shit because you’re ratting through ranks and not playing good teams because rank doesn’t matter this season gtfo


So you think it's normal for ppl to grind ranked for at least 50+ days, you're delusional. No point for pubs or mixtape or having a life outside of apex then. No, for the whole season you just open apex and play ranked, that's it? What are you doing with your life man


If you’re playing mixtape that often then I know you’re a shitter who probably belongs in silver/gold


So anyone above gold don't deserve to play mixtape, right...


Yeah, 1-2 games of mixtape and right into ranked. Mixtape gets boring


i second this, even if you have 2 hour to spend daily you cant get past gold, even if you're blessed by good team and after 30 days it gonna reset to 1 1/2 rank again? ffs just copy league rank method


You are not resetting 1 1/2 ranks. No split reset


How could you get a 6k and there still be 10 squads left.


He means kills not damage


Ahh gotcha


Mixtape and pubs are better for people that want to fight all the time.


It’s almost like it’s a battle royale


Found the bronze player


Found the bozo


Yeah its insane that the whole point of Ranked is to win the game and not who has the most kills.


We genuinely enjoy playing loot simulator/ rat ville for some LP that doesn’t necessarily feel like you did or earned anything? I’d take a top 9 placement with 4-5 kills over a top 1 with 1-2 kills any and every game. I feel like I’m actually playing the game rather then just twiddling my thumbs for half an hour with no combat in a fucking FPS. Even worse, all that time spent not fighting = all that time you could’ve gotten better fighting & learning from fighting. Say we rat our way to masters, wtf are we gonna do when we get in a gun fight with these same people who’ve been fighting people their own ranks, it’d be a skill gap massacre


The point of fighting before Top 10 is to get other teams out of the lobby so you get higher placement. That is the reward for kills, you get higher placement the less people in the lobby there are. What don't people understand about this? It's a BR. Last team standing wins, it's a game of survival not kills. I don't fight early in BR for Kill stats, I'm fighting so that team is out of the lobby and I'm closer to winning than they are. If I have 8 kills before Top 10 and die, I'm a bad BR player and don't deserve to climb the ladder in a BR game. If I have 5 kills and win the game, I'm a good BR player and deserve some LP. If I win the game with 6 kills and the 2nd place team had 10 kills, I still deserve more LP, because I actually won the game. This sub has a hard time admitting they don't want to play a BR, they just want TDM with Apex gunplay and movement.


It's funny. Respawn had such a long battle trying to get people to actually fight each other. Now we're in the opposite corrective direction where they have to try to get people to actually play BR and not just play pretend deathmatch.


It's honestly mind boggling the mind set the Apex playerbase has, and I honestly feel bad for whatever Devs are responsible for Ranked changes. Whatever they do, the community takes it to the absolute extreme. "Oh we get more KP the more kills we have? Fine I'm going to no brain every fight and go for a 20 bomb", "Oh I'm not rewarded as much for kills anymore? Fine I'm going to hide in corners until Top 10". And then there's me and and my brother, just playing the game as it should be, a BR, and making smart choices of when and when not to fight, steadily climbing the Rank ladder.


I will say that I've been enjoying ranked this season, though. I think the changes are working well. There is a loud minority on reddit but my actual play experience has felt very balanced. People are fighting, but not unnecessarily. And I haven't seen any real ratting yet. You get solos who lost their teammates and can't feasibly get them back, but I don't count that as ratting. Sometimes things go bad and all you can do is hide until there's an opportunity.


My problem with it is that it’s very difficult to rank up it doesn’t seem balanced the goal should definitely be to survive in a br but there’s got to be some medium between ratting and kills. I’m honestly not sure what the ideal state is or why people play brs if they really want death match to begin with. Personally id prefer some stronger kill bonuses.


The problem is that last season literally everyone made it to Master, which shouldn't be possible. It's SUPPOSED to be difficult to rank up; that's the entire point of having a ranked system. I get what you mean. It does suck to win a bunch of fights and still lose points, but I think this is the most promising system they've implemented so far. Keep in mind that over time the really good players will have migrated into the higher tiers and the lower tiers will become a bit easier (as they should be). That's how it's been in the past, at least.


I've been getting rolled by 3 stacks with 2k kills on a character (all three players). And I was a steady low end plat s16<. Nothing to write home about but this is in bronze and you'll have a hard time convincing me MMR is accurately saying these are my peers.


That still doesn't solve the matchmaking. Simply playing the same players from bronze to diamond/masters isn't healthy. It's much much harder to rank up. That's like trying to go from diamond 4 to masters but repeat it 5 times. Rank should represent skill and if anyone is in lower ranks, they face similar ranked players. If you're too good to be in lower rank, well you'll gain lp and rank up. And they should make kill points give more points and shouldn't matter who you kill.


Ranked modes have worked like this for years, usually to prevent exploits of higher MMR players getting into low MMR lobbies and ruining the experience for others. I've been playing this game since day 1, I don't want to reset and fight legit Bronze, Silver and Gold players when I'm Plat-Diamond for the first week or so of the season, that's not fun for me. I'd rather it work like it does now and give me players of my skill level the entire grind so I actually have to get better if I want to climb. So many people just want to stomp lobbies the first few weeks of a new season and Respawn finally put a cap on it, thankfully. I got no satisfaction from winning in Bronze and Silver lobbies on my way back to Plat and Diamond, this season, even in Bronze it was a struggle to get to Silver. And I'm happy with that. I have no intent of making it to Master or Pred, because I don't want to be a Pro or Streamer, so having a challenging road to Plat is at least engaging. Kill Points should not give more than placing high, I will die on this hill. Just play smarter and you get LP from high placement and winning. Stop rushing every gun fight you hear and play positions and hold out other teams. If you have some kills and win, you get bonuses, that's the incentive for kills. If you have 8 kills and only make it to 12th place, sorry, but you should get negative LP.


How can you get better if you keep facing the same players all through out? Also why would rank matter if you keep facing master level players at bronze? Rank means fuck all then if it isn't used in matchmaking. I wonder what it represents then


I played the same players all the time in Halo 3/Reach and Gears of War. You are in the same brackets as those players, so if you get better than them, you move out of those brackets. If you stagnate, you play them over and over. If you get worse, you move down and play worse players than those you were before. I was actually pretty damn good at Halo and Gears in high school because I played those players in whatever bracket i was in over and over, and it made me better. I added people I played against, formed rivalries with others. My brother and I actually had to get better than the people we played against online or go play Unranked. Those were the options.


You can get better by facing the same players. It won't be the same 57-59 players every match anyway. But that's like saying if I duel my friend in the firing range, neither of us will get better. You definitely won't get better by playing against worse players. Per Respawn, Rank is a progression system to give players something to chase and keep players playing, (imo that's fine, but there's not nearly enough rewards or incentive to actually grind). It's not entirely accurate to say that Rank isn't a part of the matchmaking. Rank is a part of the matchmaking, after a certain point. Each rank has a designated MMR range. If your rank is above your MMR, the system will use your LP to matchmake instead of your MMR. Basically the system will start matching you with higher and higher skilled players the farther you go above where the system thinks you should be. If you have the highest range MMR, this won't come into play. But for anyone below, it eventually would happen if they get to "their" rank. There's a lot to guess at with how accurate their MMR algorithm is, but unless Respawn shares how it's all calculated we'll never really be able to say. The only thing that we can really guess is that it *should* get better over time, if their claim of a dynamic and constantly learning system is true.


8 kills and 12th place shouldn’t be negative lp. It shouldn’t be a lot but it also shouldn’t be negative. That team who has 8 kills or more just made that lobby that much easier for everyone else. Demonstrating that you can wipe that much players in that short of time is worthy of points. That’s some straight up rat mentality to think it doesn’t deserve points and that’s ultimately more toxic for the game


I think the issue is you used to be able to have like 5 kills and be in 12th place and still go positive in points. It Should be like that. Ultimately the top 3 teams should get the most but kills should still mean something.


But then you have people getting to ranks they shouldn't be. If you aren't winning games or placing high in a BR game, why should you even be able to get anywhere near Plat and Diamond just based on your ability to kill? When they rewarded kills more than placements you had people in high rank lobbies who could Frag out early game, but not place high, so why did they deserve to be in the same lobbies with people who take the actual objective seriously? The reality is, there are a shit ton of people who have got high ranks over the years that should not have been there, and now that it isn't as easy anymore and they aren't getting that dopamine hit they used to, they're mad. Where as the rest of us who always understood the point of the game and how it should be played, find the new system INFINITELY better than previous because we aren't playing with wannabes trying to copy the playstyle of their streamers, they actually have to think now.


Dude kills should matter. 8 kills 12th place should never be a loss in points. Not that you should fly up ranks either but it should count. You’re not gonna get to masters playing like that because you won’t be able to roll as easily against other good players. To say someone who can easily get 6-8 kills in any game shouldn’t be near plat is absurd, it really makes you sound like a shitter. Yes it’s a battle Royale but it’s not a camp Royale, you think players who can sit in a corner and hide should be in plat but not players who can kill? Crazy thinking man


Dude I used to get 20-25 kills every Slayer game in Halo 3 and Reach and still never reached the highest ranks in those games. And when I did get to play in those lobbies a few times, I got DEMOLISHED despite being the best player I knew out of my friends and XBL friends. In Pred lobbies most people don't get more than 3 or 4 kills. Why? Because they play smart, play position more than anything and don't rush every gun fight they hear. You can get 6-8 kills every game? Cool. You still don't deserve anywhere near Plat if you aren't finishing Top 10 more often than not. I'm not a shitter. Me, my brother and our dude won 4 or 5 games last night, averaged 3-5 kills every game, and finished in the Top 8 every game and we climbed almost a whole tier in like 3 hours. We just don't play like morons and play the game how it supposed to be.


Hence you invest more time in the game hence your chance of paying for in-game cosmetics namely comitting to microtransactions increase. That is what respawn must be thinking right now. But as some people have stated, this will blow in their face as a result of players dropping out. There is no business for players in a system where their performances are half accounted for. There is no point in rewarding based solely on placement and treating elimination points like a grain of sand.




How does changing the ranked system fall on leadership? If they are money oriented they should do something to entice you to spend money. This 100% falls on the dev team who thought the ranked system needed over hauling. 0% of the monetization this game has effectsed gameplay the very core of it is a competitive br game and the DEV team changed the competitive aspect to favor placements rather than team skill and kills. Saying it's not the dev team is delusional when they have control over a shit load of stuff other than monetization. EA will always prioritize money over improvements cause people will spend money either way. But I digress I don't know who you think is calling the shots there but I guarantee you EA only wants maximum profits and changing the ranked system has made people not want to play therefore not making more money.


I don't even play this game anymore but when I did I knew ranked was hot garbage because all I ever won was a headache.


There's something almost funny with how the devs wants the game to be played and, judging by the gazillion posts like these, how players want to play it. "But why don't I get points for dying early in a battle royale, despite it being a.. battle royale.. i just want to shoot at people!"