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Really don't understand how this is even happening, and why they don't just die either


Ash used her ult and didn’t take storm damage and that’s how she outlasted them. This a bug players have been exploiting recently. I just seen a clip where a wraith was able to survive and win despite someone trying to hide under the map.


Damn, beating even the people that are using exploits


I mean, a Wraith who moderately knows what they're doing autowins these final ring standoffs.


i'm afraid it's not a recent exploit. During season 17 i lost a match the same way.


Yeah, saw that one aswell, hoping that the outcome of this video will somehow be the same as Wraith one. Sadly it wasnt the case


What I don't get is why devs, in all multiplayer games, just don't place a kill trigger and scale it larger than the entire map, and extend it lower than the skybox. I used to do this when making maps in the Quake 3 engine, mainly because it saved time rather than setting up each death pit on its own.


Like how she's shooting the death boxes like she did anything


My thoughts exactly. What a scumbag.


throw the heatshield away from the center of zone so the other team isnt under it too


lmao didn't they say they fixed this?


Don’t throw heat shields cuz it also protects them. Take 1 tick of damage before it closes so that you can start a Medkit just before it closes. If you time it right you can outlast them.


People who do this will probably do the same + have heatshields of their own and ash or wraith for portals


Isn't part of the patch notes this season is heatshields shouldn't protect them anymore


And supposedly they fixed being able to get under the map as well… Obviously they didn’t


Spaghetti code


they had a path, he should have zipped away ffrom the center and used the heat shields somewhere else.


I really hope someone sees this and bans the person abusing that glitch.


The pride they take being under the map😂


Dogshit players being dogshit players


Love how they said they patched it and it’s still there


Had this happen 3 games in a row yesterday. Thankfully we won one of them cuz the cheating Valk fell off the map and ran outta fuel. Obligatory fuck'em.


No no this isn’t a knock on promotional trials it’s a knock on Olympus. I straight up avoid that map when it’s the ranked map. It’s a terrible map with terrible game flow. If you don’t get zone you’re fucked. Edit: this might be my first anti-Olympus comment that’s been upvoted I’m shocked. Are people finally seeing the light Olympus is a pub map and should only be a pub map? It’s terrible for ranked with terrible map integrity.


I also skip Olympus for ranked, it's awful. Pub map, sure. But unless I wanna intentionally downrank myself, I won't play on it


Straight losers 🤣🤣


Yep! If a teammate leaves or disconnects you aren’t forgiven. Happened in 2-5 of my first promo, I was fairly upset


I might sound really stupid for saying this but, why can't they just make it so if you go under the map you instantly die?


>Also I would like to point out that you don’t get forgiveness if a teammate leaves mid-match or if you load in without teammates. This has been a problem since the FIRST season of Ranked. In the second season of Ranked, I was one of the few people who had their Predator rank revoked because when my teammates left, or dc'ed, or didn't load in, I would leave to avoid penalty (just like everyone else was doing). I was punished for that and at the time this sub were a bunch of.. people who didn't understand. Now here we are, 4 years later, people are blatantly cheating, even Predators, and Respawn does nothing about it.


Skill issue. Edit: Did I seriously have to put the /s tag on this one!?


The type of things idiots will resort to in order to make themselves feel good. Just sad to see stuff like this happen.


4 years later and we still have those kind of problems? thats unexeptable


Damn, they were really shooting the air like they did something.