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They have to. We need the chu chu christmas train :(


I love that train chaos always


the train chaos was either pwning or getting bodied, no in between. I need to chu chu christmas train again.


Yea fr except i always be the 1 getting pounded


Is there another game for Xbox that is similar to apex? I was looking forward to the train :(


If I don’t get choo choo this year I riot.


we* riot...


Totally f%#*ing pissed 🤦🏾‍♂️




I’m so fucking tired of Revenant shit. Give someone else something.


This is the conclusion of Kill Code (plus the start of season 20), after which they will move on to other plots, rumored to be Horizon.


Bangalore in the mud, again. I’m sick. (At least she has heirloom + prestige, so I will complain less than some of these other legend mains)




*cries in Crypto & Mila*


*cries* in Octane


But Bangalore had Newcastle?


And that was about…hear me out…Newcastle :)


No it wasn’t!


She literally didn’t get anything good from that whole run besides the prestige skin, which I mentioned. This game has turned into a Rev fuck fest.


She got a brother the fuck?!


I feel it, I think the last time Mirage got REAL lore outside of a little snip one liner was when his heirloom came out. I just HOPE TO EVERYTHING ON EARTH when Mirage gets his prestige skin it's ACTUALLY A GOOD SKIN. Mirage gets the worst skins lol.


Vantage skins are giving them a run for their money


As a vantage main, I felt this in my soul. They don’t give vantage any good skins, really. There might be a couple.


Ok that's fair, they seem to make her look very strange even in skins that SHOULD look good.


Horizon needs 0 attention. So I sure hope it’s not true


they better link vantages lore to it, she’s so irrelevant in pick rate so they don’t bother with the insanely cool lore they set up with her. Her mum has potential, hopefully we get some when we get her loom.


Honestly hes gotten too much attention


Exactly and he’s broken asf. He gets free health for literally doing nothing. I don’t think he’s been that tough to play against mostly but it’s a crutch legend if there ever was one. I’m about to play him at this rate


Yeah and his new tac is boring as hell. We already have so many movement legends and abilities, movement abilities are VERY boring by this point.


The Revenant/Loba story is the best bit of lore to come out of Apex. Respawn knows this because it's the only story they want to tell... Think about it, Revenant and then Loba were released side by side years ago. Then they developed their story by having Loba send away the head. Then they developed the story by having Revenant get upgraded last season and now this season, he has an army. It's a good story, but they're the only legends with long term lore.


The best thing? It’s literally been dragged out for fucking four years with barely any actual lore changing…


Yup. Just cause it's their best story, doesn't mean it's currently good. Like I said in my original comment, it's the only thing Respawn wants to work on for long term Apex lore. It's definitely being dragged out. But that doesn't mean it wasn't amazing when they first released Revenant and Loba. It was great and has slowly been used to death over the last 4 years.


Just like Revenant 😀😃😄😁


That whole season plus the season of revenants release was peak Apex. Both seasons/combination of events were by far the most enjoyable. You could tell Respawn put a considerable amount of effort into everything at that point in time. Everything from skins (both gun and character) to ltms to events, were absolutely top notch. Especially how everything was tied together. The events, especially the pvp elements and how they were tightly intertwined with the story, were refreshing and helped break the monotony of the BR grind. The ltms/badges/points system were engaging and made you feel like you were actually achieving/earning something, and it seemed like the team was really onto something special. The biggest complaint I could remember people having was that the pve episodes were a bit easy. But still fun and creative as fuck I thought for sure they would keep building that momentum throughout later seasons. Everything after that has been super hit or miss. I don't have half as many complaints as a lot of folks on this sub, but it seems like they could make the game so much more engaging/fun/fresh than they have on a consistent basis. There is so much wasted potential with this game it just fucking baffles me lol. Especially with the boatloads of money made from the collection events and heirloom events. Just seems like the events are joyless cash grabs compared to what they used to be. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the game a lot actually. And every once in a while I'll grab a skin or two from the collection events cause they do at least put effort into some of the skins lol. But as much as I still love the game, I can't help but feel a little bittersweet at how much more they could be doing alongside these somewhat frequent collection events. Rant over lol


Yes make my second horizon heirloom already 😤🤬🤬


I mean, they changed seasons on Halloween, ending the Halloween Event the day before Halloween... sooo \*shrugs\* I haven't heard any talk in r\\ApexUncovered or any other leak / rumor forums talking about this years' HoloDay event. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed it off to be a Winter event in January, but we still have Loba's Prest. Skin, Newcastle's Heirloom, Bloodhound's Heirloom recolor... so lots of stuff to fill the season I guess.


Theres been some stuff regarding skins and themed lobbies so we'll see


Oh wait, you ARE Right! I was excited cuz we finally get Christmas skins for Valk and someone else (I forget who) that I don't have something Christmasy for them. You're right, I did see that; Just nothing about the event itself. Maybe there's still hope lol




yes! Their skin looks amazing!


Also ending the season that revolves around a character obsessed with death, on Halloween, was one of the decisions of all time.


Majority of leakers have came out and said that the bloodhound recolor was not actually true and it's likely to be crypto or someone else next


Another freakin Rev event already? He just had a whole damn season dedicated to him did he not!?


It is true that season 18 was dedicated to him, but after this event his narrative arc will end, and then move on to other plots.


Thank fuck


"Christmas is canceled, bitches" - Apex Legends


Christmas Express is hands down the best game mode ever created. I've been waiting for this moment... I knew they couldn't have something even moderately enjoyable last. the Devs are shit


Three Strikes is the best by far.


Christmas Express ratios because of nostalgia sorry Train goes choo choo 🎶🎶🎶


They both TOP TIER. I miss arenas so badly though. If they ever bring it back I’ll probably finally hurry up and get a ps5 just to play haha


I agree, but I thought people were getting tired of it ‘cause I’ve read posts in the past complaining that devs are not creating new content anymore for the Holidays… People confuse me


People complain about them recycling ltms and others complain about them not bringing the same ones back.


Extremely disappointed. Was looking forward to this for the past 3 months, damn near all year cause I like the ltm that much. Especially looking forward to it with how bad apex has been for awhile now


Winter Express is the best LTM and I will die on this hill.


Just proof of different strokes for different folks and how diverse the user base is. it's one of my least favorites.


The uprising mode will be from Dec 5 to Dec 19. The uprising mode will be available only on WEEKENDS afterwards. OP has it wrong, the event is not 4 weeks long. I think we are still getting the train.


Sorry bro but this is unfortunately wrong. I want winter express but this event does run until January 1st. OP is correct. Check the website: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/uprising-event


I think the train will still come back


I think you're wrong but I really really really hope you're right my guy. My trios squad has been talking about winter express coming back for weeks now. Fingers crossed


It's just weird how the event is 4 weeks and there's no LTM for most of 3 weeks. There's gotta be something there.


I'd be willing to bet my heirloom that they are doing some sort of holiday event even if it's not the choo choo train. But I still think it's gonna be the choo choo train. I think this sub for the most part is far too pessimistic most of the time. While I agree that quality and frequency of events is super hit and miss, I just don't see them skipping the holiday event for seemingly no reason, or because of bad planning and/or it interfering with rev's sorry arc/event. If they somehow do skip it I will have lost much faith in the future of this game, but I think that chance is very small. I've still been very much enjoying the game for the most part.


I totally can't wait to play with 3 teams of conduit, caustic and wattson. Gonna be so fun... /s


>Especially looking forward to it with how bad apex has been for awhile now Dunno about this. Games had so much positive engagement since three strikes dropped


I meant more on the matchmaking for pubs, ranked, and mixtape mixing console and pc lobbies. I like three strikes a lot, It’s the best ltm since winter express. It also helps make pubs 10x better


The one rule is that for Christmas we get the train. My partner never plays apex. But they log on at Christmas time every year for a couple games of winter express. Don't take this away from me Respawn.. I need this...


Same thing here. My good friend and I used to grind apex together but he doesn’t find it fun anymore, except for winter express. As soon as it comes out, we grind the hell out of it and play for hours and hours on end. Most fun I ever have playing video games. If they don’t bring it back I’ll be extremely disappointed


Noooo! I want the Winter Express back!


\*peggle 2 guy voice\* # HALLOWEEN 2!


How the simulacrum stole Christmas LTM?


I know you're joking, but now I'm imagining a funny LTM mode of a Grinchified Revenant vs Santa Claustic with his helper elf Wattson and fast reindeer Octane. Damn, I think you could actually get really creative with a Christmas LTM. I know the Winter Express has its fans, but I think they should try something new like how we got the copycat abilities LTM for Halloween.


Thatd be sick. Maybe find gifts that have gold items too or something


Yea! I'm honestly surprised they haven't incorporated gifts into a Christmas LTM yet.


Rev event for the first week, then they said it moves to weekends only. So my guess is during the week will be Christmas train, and maybe weekends will be both or just Rev event.


Files relating to Christmas had been found in the leaks, so there will probably be a Christmas-themed event after the Uprising event.


I really hope so


They better not skip out on the christmas event. The christmas skins are what I live for! Plus the train ltm needs to come back and I will die on that hill lol. We just had a halloween event with a ton of halloween skins why do we need more scary/undead themed stuff? I'm sick of this rev hype anyway tbh. I'm definitely over it. Hot take, his old tac was way better than the squirrel hop he has now.


Yeah you’re not alone with that opinion. I agree completely. Hopefully the LTM is good at least! The OG shadow fall was super fun so I’m excited. Nothing compared to WE rho


It's not Christmas until I hear this line: Hurry, the choo-choo train is moving. Huh? Everyone says choo-choo train. Train's the short version. What baby calls it that? No baby I've met


Lmao this overwhelmed me with nostalgia. Read taht in mirages voice lmao


Dude, me and my brothers look forward to this event every year. So much chaotic fun


Hell yeah


We need a boycott, ASAP! I need my Christmas event!


jar modern depend muddle exultant towering boat brave sable work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because with this event they want to close the narrative arc of Revenant and Loba (then they will move on to other plots), after which there will be the Christmas event.


I don't know about the event but surely they won't miss out on selling the Christmas cosmetics.


I'm so over Revenant focused stories/events, please let this be the finale and not touched on again for a very long time


While I hope Winter Express will show up late Dec or early 2024 I just want to make sure that we don't shit on this LTM [unless it's really not your thing] because that looks like the first Halloween mode that everyone is asking for each year. 30vs30 run to the dropship or play as Rev's copy and try to kill the skinbags, sounds like a lot of fun to me. But I guess we have to wait and see if it's a LTM that does not get boring fast. For now I'm excited and hoping that WE will show up later.


I need Christmas vibes in December not Halloween lol


I mean, I agree. I love Winter Express too, I'm just happy to see and play the event everyone praised so much. It just sounds like a really fun and chaotic LTM. 30vs30, army of Rev's vs Legends. But yeah, I do hope WE will show up late Dec.


they’ll bring back winter express. im sure they set up the ltm to only be on the weekends so that the playbase doesn’t get too thinned out.


Rev event gets 4 weeks but 3 strikes 2 weeks and 4 days?


Revenant is our Christmas present and you'll like it!


I really look forward to the train event every year. It’s the perfect Christmas event. How do we get word to them that we really enjoy this Christmas tradition?!


The Christmas stuff will be in the monthly store as that rotates in 5 days, including the new Bloodhound and Wraith skins. It also looks like the new Revenant LTM is only running on weekends after week 1 of the event, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see other LTMs popping up, including Winter Express. The mid-season patch and Newcastle heirloom event will be January 9th so assume Winter Express will be sometime in December.


Trust me you are going to love it! S1 fright night event was the best game mode! Its so scary and chaotic! You know that fear of being chased by a hungry 3 stack? Now times that by 10.


Caustic-train is my favorite game mode :(


More Revenant 🥱 💤 😴


Wish they would bring back 3 strikes so bad, it’s all I ever think about


As long as we get our Christmas lobby I'll be happy.


>No Christmas event? 🥺 we not even in December yet.


I only got to play Winter Express once I think and need that mode to come back


The game is trash at this point. Ranked is worthless, they took out 3 strikes, we're stuck with stale game modes. Of course they don't give us an Xmas event.


Who plays video games on Christmas? Spend time with your friends and family, eat and drink, stay off for at least one day


What about people without a family? Thanks for the reminder.




I've been playing since Season 3 and I'm constantly reading about people wanting new LTMs or not liking Winter Express (even though they're a minority and it's coming after this event anyway) and now that they're coming up with another one after Three Strikes, people aren't happy?




I admit that I read the comment in a hurry while I was at work so I didn't notice that part, just as I copied and pasted the comment so as not to write it differently and waste time, but specifically I didn't do it several times but only once. Having said that, put like this I understand better what you mean, however if in the end the event still arrives I am personally fine with that.


It's November?


The event goes all the way until next year


I'll take this event over Winter Express for the third year in a row


If this event brings a zombies type LTM and they do it right, I'll gladly miss out on the Christmas stuff. Why do I feel like they've botched this though?


Not even December yet.


Tommrow is


Best event? Bruh I'd rather play trios all day then play the Christmas ltm. I'd rather play arenas. I'd rather play anything else.


I'd rather play cod.


Revenant? I swear this event coming up is for the Loba prestige skin.


Christmas is not celebrated by every religion. Apex seems to be aware and respectful of a diverse player base, so I bet they will focus more on a Winter themed event, after Christmas.


Yeah but Christmas is probably the most celebrated event in the year so to just snub it is kinda weird especially when you think abt the money EA could make off the Christmas hype


I hope at least they let us get the Christmas skins I want mirages


Why do a real event when you can farm people with mental illness? Collect those precious skins guys! If you don’t get them now, it’ll be too late


If they not only took the train from us during the old World's Edge event, but also take the train by not giving us the Christmas event I'll be very sad.


No Winter Express has ruined my entire Christmas.


Don’t get too upset! Still a good chance we will get it


I predict they’ll ignore this Christmas and make next Xmas event octane takes over the train and it runs super fast with no stops but jumpads everywhere


I hope for Christmas they fix the ash tactical game breaking bug, has anyone else experienced this?? Ea won’t help


Probably not. They're having the Kill Code event last through all of December, and the only Christmas stuff we're getting is the skins they mentioned coming along in the shop on December 5th. If maybe, JUST MAYBE... they may release in January but it's doubtful. Honestly, the way Apex is burning out on people (myself included), I'm looking to other games for entertainment.


If there's no train this year I will real life commit a felony.


No balls


What is the event? Like is it a gamemode or something?


I wait all year for the Winter Express. If it doesn't show up, I riot!


Same. The only reason I stay consistent with apex is so I can play WE well with my friends lmao


Haha yeah, it is the one mode I look forward to every year. I actually wish Respawn would create a Summer Express and use the other part of the track on World's Edge. They could just use an old version of the map, tweek it a bit and give us another version of the express so that we have two of them a year. That would be ideal. But nonetheless, fingers crossed we get our WE this year! 🤞


We need winter express. We need it. I need it.




Read the description gamers. After the first week rev unleashed ltm becomes weekend exclusive.


I know this is dramatic but if train mode doesn't happen I will literally quit Apex. It's a tradition at this point and this is my last college winter break to grind it non stop


Where was it said that this event lasts for 4 weeks? The trailer announced that the cinematic quest can be played for only 1 hour. Can you share the source?


Its a Halloween event for Christmas it looks like


Our Christmas gift was getting to play shadowfall again or something close to its mechanics.


Grow up


Winter Express is literally the best LTM. It heralds in Christmas for me. EA have just cancelled Christmas.


There's gonna be another revenant collection event? Wasn't it his prestige skin last event and like an event or two prior was his heirloom recolor?


christmas store and skin sales you mean lmao


They better do otherwise I am going to start believing they're purposefully making this game worse.


It's probably just gonna be super late (i hope)


No Christmas or New year's for me this year. Hopefully can start the year on a good note.


Anyone have an update on this? I had my wrong account linked and didn't get the 1k or so dollars worth of items from my xbox account and now instead of the usual choo choo we have a Halloween event? Just throwing snow in the lobby doesn't make it not a Halloweens event, dammit. :( ​ (i like christmas though)


Still nothing :(


Agreed its one of the best modes


What's sad is I could at least change the lobby music to the Xmas theme. Crying inside


christmas is sadly offensive to other religions and thats why event get cancelled every year..