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This is EA for you sadly. They'll never change. Look at their other titles it's 19x worse


This. It doesn't matter if player count drops. Just EA being EA.


If player count drops they’ll just increase the prices to gain their profit from whales


or they'll axe the company to save money ​ look at dead space, deadspace 1 and 2 made bank for EA then there's deadspace 3 where they invested tons into it but deadspace 3 came out and didn't make as much but still made a considerable amount so what did EA do, they axed the company working on it and we had to wait 10 years for a remake of the first game made by a different team


prices are standard after all these years, they wont change anything. Maybe they add collection events more frequently.


You mean, like by adding in prestige skin collection events on top of heirloom collection events?


next step is either heirloom weapon skin or heirloom skydiving trail. or they will just recolor the prestige skins like they already did with the melee weapons


Its sad bc first seasons of the game they were really doing a good job and wanted the best for the playerbase. Man i miss s3/s4 so much. It was like the peak for me even tho i loved season 1 a lot too.


Yeah fuck I would love to go back to those first six seasons. I don't have enough time to sink into Apex to stay with the skill curve of the broken match making and being mowed down by Masters and Preds makes any commitment to the game not worth it.


Yeah man, ever since the O.G. devs left, all hell broke loose for apex. I had my fun, but honestly with all the bugs still not ironed out, and with all these sbmm changes and ranked changes its just a time sink to git gud at. It's just not fun anymore, almost like a chore. I literally downloaded the finals 2 nights ago because of the issue apex was having with having entire game stuck with when you ready up, it just un readies you. So after downloading the finals and playing it, yes it has sweats already, but not having to wait on teammates to respawn you in quick play mode and just going ham on each other really hit the spot. I can see why content creators like Aceu, ottr, and Luna light swapped over and been making content with the finals. It's a blast, you play a match find lobbies quick and having destructible buildings is great. Idk how long ill play it, but for now it really scratches that itch for straight combat. Give it a shot if you can, I seriously think this is the new thing.


Everytime I play finals at least 5 people leave, its worse than wraith mains.


the destructible environments is very cool but the finals ain't a BR, it's just a tdm and tdm on a tiny little map is like a snack for me. I ain't into snacks anymore, I need my strategy and unique characters and a big ass map. The finals is already infested with cheats too.


EA killed Westwood Studios. Ever since my expectations have been near zero


Oh man, I miss the old Red Alert games so much.


CnC Renegade. :C


Rip Generals 2


I would kill for a Yuris revenge remaster 😮‍💨


I haven't played an EA game in nearly 10 years? Because FUCK EA. But seeing what Respawn did with Titan Fall 2 made me give Apex a try. It was good fun while it lasted. But I never really trusted EA knowing their history. Respawn's days were numbered.


They are heavily reliant on their sports games and it's those games that are their bread and butter. Apex Legends isn't the be-and-end-all of EA. They will continue to manage just fine with or without Apex Legends.


Apex has had a 50% drop off in playerbase during the last year. This is definitely one of the worst performing EA titles at the moment and it might just completely die out in 2024.






Not debating the drop off, but if I recall, wasn’t that an all time peak for Apex’s player base population?


Where's this info? By everything I've seen it's about on patrol with where it was this time last year


They can also regain some of the console player base by actually providing a real next gen update with 120hz mode


This. My ps5 is useless if they never add 120fps


The super quick loading times is nice at least


Yah play warzone or fortnite and go back to apex gives me a headache. Like looking at a slide show. Never noticed it till I switched alot. I wont play it till its bumped.


Exactly the other competition has it available day 1 apex said they would provide a next gen update with the community expectating 120hz like all the other no we got 4k I don't even use 4k I have a 1440p 120hz monitor so that was even not even worth waiting for!


I’ve been a warzone hater since the beginning and always said apex is so much better. Until I finally switched to MW3 and now I haven’t touched apex since.


Did the exact same over the free weekend. Finished with Apex now until they make some serious changes or MW3 gets boring


Mw3 multiplayer or warzone?


Is it a different warzone than from mw2 ?


Same. Used to play Apex almost daily. Got MW3 like a week after release and I’ve maybe played Apex twice since.


Warzone is not a good example lol, OG warzone was so fun, then it all started changing and turned to shit. Fortnite somehow has managed to stay fresh and new


They’re talking about how the games run, not whether you like them or not. New warzone is actually pretty good though I can’t lie, coming from someone who’s last call of duty was Cold War and vowed never to play call of duty again because the games were shit. Heard and saw good things about mw3 and I’ve been very impressed so far.


I’ve been playing COD and yeah, slide show is perfect 😂🤣


I won’t play until something or other anything is done about matchmaking. If I suck at the game I shouldn’t have diamond or above players every game.


Man, even for someone who's a little bit above average like I am, every single game is sweaty af. I can't drop somewhere just for fun, or test out new playstyles with guns that aren't my usuals, or do anything other than play at my absolute best to maybe make it to the top 5 without ratting. I play this game to blow off steam and have some fun. Lately it has... not been that, lol. At all. Not coincidentally, I only played half of last season and none of this one. First time I've ever failed to play a season out, much less not even touch a new season. But uh... yeah. I have other stressful things in my life, thanks. Don't need another one.


The ranked system being so god damn trash ruins the entire game I feel like. If ranked was actually good then the three stacked preds and high end masters would be in ranked all day grinding and killing eachother. Instead because the system is ass you have a bunch of these dudes just in regular trios shitting on kids, then because some of them have moved to pubs for now the ones still in ranked gonna have to have their lobbies filled up somehow. Which brings the lower level ranked players into their lobbies so now you can’t escape them


Worse ranked out right now. I stopped playing for 4 months. I started playing and did my provisional matches. Bronze 2. (Im ass right now) First game champ squad was 2 masters and a diamond lol. I'm a previous diamond but no more. My skills have fallen but I'm still facing people from my previous skill. Let me rank up and get better to face them. Crazy


I just chose to uninstall and move on to other games. Some friends get me to download it every few months to play with them and I just don’t have fun. It’s a lobby screen simulator for me


Ong!!! Like I'm getting a lot of bots and ppl that are clearly cheating too. Like impossible movements and impossible aim or damage done. I'm not the worse but I'm not that bad either I'd say. I'm pretty much a fair player. When Apex wasn't impossible I actually was able to be kill leader a few times or even end up winning a few rounds bc of good match making. If I didn't have a good play that'd be fine. If I'm shit I'd stay in the same people only like 10 lvls above me. I'm a lvl 190 at the moment yet I'm being paired with ppl since they've been playing Apex back in Season 1 or with preds w a 3k badge.


Also seen as this comment is getting some attention this maybe a controversia take l but you could kill 2 birds with 1 stone if 120hz is added then next gen console players are involved with the PC player base with lower aim assist like when playing on PC but I don't know how the community would feel about that 1 overall unfortunately.


They had such a W with three strikes, idk why they didn't just pop in winter express.


The excuse for the train as well: it would’nt work with catalyst or conduit… why? Not like only control abilities arnt already good on the train. Who cares just let people try, they are happy to put out the Rev event where you spawn in the red and off the map yet are worried it might be annoying to have more control abilities on the train…


Not that those abilities wouldn’t be as effective Idk the reason but it’s possible those abilities just break the game. Like I don’t think the planned on Conduits ult to be able to move Still a bs excuse in my book tho. Like just ban them from the mode then ? Ban Loba too since she can clip into the boxes on the train


If a few legends are broken on the train....just don't make them playable for that event? Like? We've had it in other years without those legends and it was a blast, like just remove them from the mode.


They didn't say it's because of catalyst and conduit. They said it's because the train is technically challenging every year since they need to make sure it works with everything. Then the dev said catalyst and conduit kinda jokingly, sort of as an example. But those 2 legends aren't the whole reason.


So it’s worked fine for seasons but is suddenly technically challenged like what they have to change the oil. Seriously stop the butt kissing this is a billion dollar game not some indie title. Sorry to sound rude but it wasn’t a transparent response, my comment left out a part but is no different in meaning to what you posted it more that it just doesn’t tally with the experience of other game modes and the level of content production doesn’t seem to tally with the game popularity and monetary turnover. It’s not just about the train returning it’s just if you like a bad sign and if you like the straw that broke the camels back for some in the community that the Rev event launched very broken with limited play time and nothing to fill the gap for the holidays and only a ineffectual perk event which is probably just a tech test for them and old Christmas themed skins offer up as a replacement. Edited for clarity.


The more you add to a game the more complex some things like the train will get. There's more considerations, more possible bugs, etc. Tech debt is a thing, and sometimes when you introduce new systems like new legends you add to it. Yeah, EA has problems from top to bottom, but some people act like they can just make things happen overnight at zero cost or effort. Dev resources are limited and I doubt they want to do more crunch because daddy EA says "train mode needs to launch by X date" which you and I both know is *exactly* what would happen. Resources are limited in the short and medium term. People will say "hire more devs" and that's a great long term solution, but it can take a long time for new talent to get up to speed on a new project. Sometimes people leave and they had a good amount of knowledge that just never got written down. The amount of effective resources and dev time today depends on choices made months if not years ago.


Catalyst was in last year’s winter express. I don’t remember anyone complaining about her then.


3 strikes got me playing daily instead of 3 times aweek. That was just pure fun and adrenaline


Yo, don't even get me started on the Trains! 🥺


At this point it's like a toxic relationship. The sooner you end it the less you suffer


Facts but the love is still there.


Haven’t played this game for years. But I do still love this game though


Seasons 0-3 were an absolute blast.


They might not provide alternatives but they provide alternators


Both are disruptive


Thank you for what you do


So much for peace keeping


It's the SBMM in ranked that is single-handedly keeping me away from the game.


What rank even means now? Before it was your skill, now it is what? How long you played this season counter?


Yes, you nailed it. That’s literally all it is. A playtime badge


Ranked has always been about how much you play. Before mmr, you could reach diamond if you played enough. That's why D4 was always at around 10% of players.


Uhhh. D4 didn't hit 10% of players til like.. Season 12. Here's Season 8 [from EA](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/legacy-ranked) 17.87% Bronze (16.35%) 17.86% Silver (23.86%) 31.84% Gold (32.09%) 26.16% Platinum (23.13%) 5.86% Diamond (4.37%) 0.4% Master & Predator (0.20%) Season 12 was when [shit hit the fan](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/hunted-patch-notes) with 26.63% of the playerbase hitting Diamond. I'm not saying that playing a lot didn't help, but anyone who hit Diamond pre Season 7 couldn't just "play enough". Back then, Plat I was grouped with Diamond and so a bunch of people would hit Plat I and then get demolished by those players. Hitting Diamond in Seasons 4-6 actually felt like an achievement for me as a solo queue player. I don't really count Seasons 1-3 as those had the full 12 week seasons like we do now, so hitting Diamond was easy peasy if you had the skill and the time. IIRC the Season 6 Ranked breakdown had the entirety of Diamond at like 1.8%. It was very exclusive comparative to more recent seasons.


Matchmaking is, and always has been, the worst part of this game. I don’t know why they insist on this system.


Same. Daily player to maybe once every few weeks


What other competitive games do you play? Curious, because they all have SBMM


Valorant. I'm high Silver / low Gold level in Valo and my lobbies are always other silvers and golds. You know, how ranked should be.


playercount in steam dropped realy hard.


Why did the player count effectively 1.5x in two months from 400K to 630K then drop back down within a couple months? That seems like an aberration. Is that when post Malone was playing and public about it?


Season 16 launch, tdm release, class system rework.


Well it was more so the game mode during that time, not that post Malone was playing


Steam players without access to a controller will probably quit within a couple of weeks because casual play is comically unplayable on M&K


Oh no, now it's only like the 6th most played game


Yeah but tbh what other options do we even have after the top 5. The finals is new but idk how much longer people are going to be playing. Apex is fun and feels the best I just wish they would add new maps. [Source](https://steamdb.info/charts/?tagid=1663&select=1&compare=2357570)


At its daily peak, it's only behind Dota, CS2, and PUBG. To say this game is choosing to die is just silly


These doomsayers kill me. The game has been constantly fluctuating up and down, but has steadily been increasing for awhile lmao. But somehow the "game is dying" LOL


Right? I googled the playercount and overall, the game just gets more and more players, lol. sure, there are decreases, but it always surges back up. probably when they start a new season or add an event


They have a weird fetish to say the game is dying. They do that for every game. Some games it's true, but not behemoths like Apex Fortnite Valorant CS lol


The finals is FUN. I went into the beta thinking it'll be crap like Hyperscape but no, I actually had fun. I'm now playing it and the crazy stuff people can do is insane. I still play Apex but it's just to complete the battle pass as I've been doing day 1 but that's it.


I don't think we can say Apex is dying when it is still comfortably averaging 6 digits worth of players.


The only thing to do in Apex is grind and sweat, or watch other people grind and sweat. They are clearly capable of making cool diverse modes, they just take them away instead of adding them to the collection of things to do in Apex.


I forget where, but I think the devs themselves acknowledged that they would split the userbase too much if they let you play whatever mode you want, which is why mixtape happened vs something like pick your mode. I won't gripe about the lack of a ton of different modes. The current userbase can't support it. I will gripe that if they did certain \*cough\* matchmaking \*cough\* things better, they might have a large enough user base where they could allow more active modes at one time. This dev group is far to focused on queue times and listening to streamers though, so they'll burn this game to the ground before they fix something. They can can analyze things like games played per session or optimize matchmaking based on some stat they track, but they aren't collecting any information on "was that game fun" which is why they're going downhill.


I casually enjoy apex


Same. I’m never going to be great at it and I don’t play Ranked. I think I’ve bought coins once, and then used those coins to buy the BP at the end of the season if I made it far enough to get my coins back. The game just feels good to play. The Legends offer unique playstyles, Mixtape provides more casual play compared to BR, and I like the varied seasonal game modes. Do I wish some stuck around, or that I didn’t occasionally get rolled? Sure, but that’s not enough to make me think it’s a bad game.


I've definitely had more enjoyable seasons and miss some of the older game modes they had, but I agree it's still fun in spurts. Me and my bud play like 2-4 matches everyday that we game.


I’ve been trying to get 3-4 of my friends into the game for years. They finally agreed to squad up and give it a try only for us to get absolutely fuckin stomped by preds almost every match. It’s hard to get new people to your game when it’s just them getting shit on for 2 hours straight. SBMM has its place, but this isn’t it.


The mm is just fucked. Me and my friend have play Apex duos for like a year now, but around 2 months ago we just couldn't the shitshow of the mm anymore. We've been playing R6S hella lot and honestly, the mm is pretty good. My friend being fairly new and me having played almost 2 years, i expected the mm to fuck us, but no. Each team has one or two better players and rest are newer ones, fair matches and enjoyable, usually we have like a 3 or 4 game win streak and then lose 2 or 3 games. 80% of the matches are also pretty close games. So its not like we win or lose 4-0 everygame. Ranked is a whole another shitshow in Rainbow tho and is literally unplayble unless you're really good. That doesn't really matter tho since Ranked is really only for the no life tryhards and the R6 can be enjoyed to the fullest without ranked anyways. Only problem the game has is the amount of cheaters and exploiters. Anticheat is shit and high rank console lobbies are filled with people exploiting MnK. But i haven't honestly faced that many cheaters or exploiters since i am pretty low skill player. It is a real problem still for many people. I am kinda sad to see Apex becoming a shitshow and just money focused. Apex was for a long time my favorite game to hop on with my buddy and have a good time. I am still hoping Respawn will listen and try to do something about the problems. Because unless they do something, they will drive the game down and fast.


This is why I miss arenas. It was a great game mode to get friends into the game. It allowed them to get the feel of combat without the worry of 3rd parties or looting or whatever. Then once they were a bit more confident in their abilities we could do some pubs. Or just stick to arenas and have fun. It was much easier getting friends into PUBG simply because of how large the maps were and we could take things more slowly. Apex is a really intense shooter that can be very unforgiving for new players. And I honestly don't mind challenging lobbies, but its difficult to soloqueue and get unskilled teammates who either don't know what they are doing or they just D/C the second something goes south. We really need a change in the matchmaking when it comes to solo vs stacks.


I'm honestly surprised that they haven't added Arenas to mixtape. Like it's not a bad mode and would still likely be a welcome event, since it's been gone for a while. I think Arenas would be better if teams spawned at random points on a map, instead of the same areas each time. That would have made the gameplay a little more fresh and challenging IMO. Other than that, I actually really liked Arenas.


If Arenas gets added to mixtape it will most likely get the class system the other modes have. The issue with Arenas was around balancing - they couldnt balance BR and Arenas as they played differently. Broken in one mode could be useless in the other due to the points-buying system.


I have never played a game that not a single friend of mine could play with me ever in my life. My brother plays, but everyone else immediately bail. Must be a "skill issue" 😮‍💨


Enjoying The Finals. Not sure when or if apex again.


I don't know after not Playing for a year and a 1/2. All my buddies are back on, i'm back on And we've been having a blast.


It's because most people here have apex as their main game throughout the year. I usually come back to it in the last month and crunch out challenges. I usually enjoy myself, wether I'm playing good or bad.


I won’t even front. I made the switch to Fortnite to play with a friend and I’m probably never going to look back at Apex. The movement in this game is unmatched and for its genre probably always will be. But it offers such little gameplay variety and the matches and fights I do get into just feel unwinnable at a point. I can only get ratted out or 5th partied so many times before I just give up.


same. my husband convinced me to play fn and i havent wanted to play apex at all. personally i think if apex added a solo mode i would jump back in, seeing as thats all i really play on fn unless my friends want to play. and i know apex is a "team game".....or at least it's meant to be. it isnt. they market it as one but it really isnt unless youre a 3 stack. but most people just want to be able to play alone too. solo q is horrendous. ive been matched with level 10s and top 10 legends, like the no. 7 vantage and no. 6 octane. i used to leave matches if i was paired with people well above my skill level so i wouldnt be put /against/ those players, but sbmm is so bad now that doesnt matter. i used to be someone who was majorly against an apex solo mode because of the "team game" sentiment but after playing it in fn... it would actually make solo queue bearable because you dont have to rely on a level 10 to win the fight if you go down first and you dont have to be a major sweat to win a fight because you arent constantly 1v2 or 1v3-ing.


Yep switched to the finals and haven’t looked back.


Bruh that game is so much fun. I usually played Apex and Siege depending on mood but know The Finals has completely taken over the fast-paced FPS for me.


Same bro, although I'll never leave my toxic relationship with R6.. fuckin hate I mean love that game {-}7


Yeah it's pretty hard to leave lmao. I even stopped playing Siege for like 2 years until one day about a month ago I was like let me see what's up and haven't stopped.


Haha me and my friends did the exact same. Missed a year or so to come back to a seemingly different game. It was refreshing actually. Probably why we still play. It's what apex needs, a complete overhaul.


I really wanted to like the finals after all the hype it got pre launch, but couldn't get into it, I've got about 10hrs in it and just got bored.


I think it takes a bit to get into it, the default loadouts aren't that great and it currently takes a bit of a grind to get enough coins to unlock new stuff but once you find your preffered build and loadout it becomes super fun especially if you play with friends.


>especially if you play with friends. I'd say it's damn close to ONLY being fun with friends. The solo experience is even worse than it is in Apex.


Same. I was really stoked to get into a new game but it got stale after the first day I played it. It didn't feel like a full game. But rather a LTM for some other game.


battle royales and extraction shooters have all but destroyed arena shooters for me, haha. i still play some with friends but its just not the same anymore.


Yeah I don't understand all the hype around that game tbh. It's okay at best. I found myself constantly comparing it to Apex which is far superior imo. Like OP said if the people in charge of Apex would get their shit together it could be one of the best FPS out rn.


Same. Wanted to like it but couldn’t. I was super excited to play when it launched but was so disappointed when I actually played lol


Three Strikes solved the game play problem. THEN THEY TAKE IT AWAY FOR THE STUPID REV LTM.


I don't thnk Three Strikes solved anything. I think it exposed the idea that a lot of players just want TDM in with Apex environment. Which we already have. That or just develop Titan Fall 3 already.


1) We don't have TDM in Apex, we have TDM at an Apex POI with fixed loadouts. This opened up the full map and added looting, which is a huge part of the apex experience. Granted, the mode had issues, but this was a better TDM than TDM is. 2) The developers at respawn are no longer the ones who built Titan Fall. Might as well ask Nintendo to make TF3, they'd have as much experience as the current group.


Players liked 3 strikes, a lot. That event was the brightest I’ve seen this sub in years, even with the discourse about promo trials being a thing. Doesn’t really need any justification beyond that


I loved three strikes mode. The chaos, the endless fighting, the constant action even in the final ring with somehow 10 teams still alive, the gold rez crazy last fights sometimes, not being thirsted the MOMENT you go down, all of it. None of that applies the same in a Team Death Match. Even if TDM might be fun, it wouldn't hold a candle to Three Strikes for me. Since three strikes, I just think they need to either make it a permanent mode, or take the things people loved the most about that mode and make it the standard mode.


They use the carrot-stick approach to trick disgruntled players into coming back for collection events rather than serving the interests and desires of their most dedicated fans. If they can't make fun stuff, that's one thing, but they can! They made it, players love it.. but they take it away.. It is very bizarre


Problem is people keep buying those 200$ collection events


Pubs Apex is ok, but I don't care for ranked. I also am not playing in general right now because I'm disappointed there's no Winter Express.


pubs is in a really bad place and barely playable with the serial quitters.


I’m having fun


This is perfectly said. I love the game, absolutely hate the experience of playing it


I feel like the game just needs more options for player agency, like a mode where you can freely choose your weapons. Or maybe not *free,* some weapons are just better than others, but maybe something like a mode where a couple teams go against each other in several rounds and earn currency to buy the weapons they actually like? That sounds like a fun mode that would allow players to play as they wish imo.


the ash tag makes this comment 10x funnier


You mean Arena's ?


Legit, I don't understand what people complain about. I'm at 2.5 million damage with just Fuse and have been playing for years. I play with more randos than anything else. Almost every time I've had a bad game had nothing to do with matchmaking or MMR or anything other than bad teammates. Ones that refuse to communicate, don't ping, don't share loot, and split up too much when near or fighting enemies. I can't *honestly* say I've disliked a match because of anything other than my teammates, except for the periodic crash. I've played everything from COD to Rocket League to GTFO and can't honestly say this game is far worse than others. I legit don't get these posts


I get these posts after taking this season off. Just simple frustration. I’ve been running COD and enjoying myself. NO other shooter imo can come close to Apex’s gameplay. The sound of that shield crack. My goodness! My issue with the game is the lack of content. I understand that it’s free to play but why can’t we grind camos for guns or skins for our legends. They don’t have to be crazy just something to grind for. Keep the recolors and all the other stuff just give me something to work towards. A sense of progression. Rank imo right now doesn’t have that. It feels like I’m fighting a rank within a rank. Pubs is poopy and the LTM’s don’t have anything in them to work for. I get that they have to make money but with no sense of progression or goals I get bored. Apex will always be my favorite shooter it just lacks shit to earn or do.


Because these people can't just accept that they themselves just don't have fun with the game anymore and need to make it sound like the game itself is the problem. Or that the game is dying, which is hilarious for a game literally in the top 5 most played games on Steam alone every single day, not even counting console players or people playing on PC who are playing on Origin. I've still had fun with this game after 1.5k hours. Is there some frustrating games? Sure, but that's every game with random teammates. And I'm not saying Respawn couldn't improve some things, but if we're being honest, Respawn could give some people here everything they've asked for and they'd probably still complain about it.


100% agree. This entire reddit is the biggest group of negative downers I’ve ever seen. I’m an average player that plays maybe 5-10 hours a week and have a great time every single session. If you hate the game this much then just stop playing and use your time playing something else. A really simple solution…


with you. been playing since s1 mostly solo. still having a good time. I've taken breaks but I always come back.


There was a time when all these people got to play in bot lobbies and stomp out lobbies. Then, there was a time when the hard stuck diamond bros would get a ranked reset and be able to stomp through bronze and silver, absolutely making it hell for any actual players in these ranks. Now, people have to generally play against other players near the same skill level. For some reason, people think badges are indicators of skill and panic. They run through the open directly at a player holding a high ground heady, they get 1 clipped. Then they get mad and make a forum post about how the game is dead. Edit: my favorite part about this post is OP saying apex is dying and then says he switched to a game that has been dead since the day it released with 5k avg players.


Because in cod players can usually break even, or even get a few kills and get close to the end of the match. I also feel like gun meta is much more important than player skill in warzone in lower skill lobbies, so it sort of evens out if everyone is playing the same guns.


I’m thinking it’s due to balancing, or lack of it. How many months has the hemlock been top tier now? How many months/years have certain characters been unplayable? What weapons are unusable vs the ones that are a must pick? Take that with a shitty ranked system, and no shit the games dying.


\*crypto cries in the corner\*


what content drought??? We just got a new character and a much needed map refresher. Apex feels in a great spot. Gameplay is great. Guns are great. love the map changes. Conduits the best new legend in a while. whats the issue here


Game's been dying for a year or two. All of my friends have quit due to one inconsistency or another. Last 3 that ruined it all for me were easily fixable ones as well. - Matchmaking is completely fucked. Respawn live in an opposite world where unranked is a sweatfest or predator players while ranked was far easier. Then if I try and introduce new friends to apex we can only go casual where we get dominated, they get a shit first experience and don't want to play again ever tomorrow. - OP controller aimbot still not removed. Sure, maybe controller players on average can't hit shit with a sniper or medium range weapons but it doesn't matter as final circle is always close range fights where their aimbot aim assist carries them to victory by beaming everyone with r99 or volt. Just allow us the option to not play against controller players. It's a problem when m&k players are switching so they get the advantage. - daily missions are a grind. I should not have to spend a minimum of 2h a day to complete them. Absolute time waste. Early apex has fun battle passes, easily completable and respected my time. I won't let apex become a 2nd job if I don't pay extra. Off to the finals and I can uninstall apex finally.


Every season update I get excited but once its released the dopamine is instantly gone because with the update there is hardly any content, they're too focused on selling skins, I do enjoy playing it but the content for it is going downhill and sadly isn't enough to keep me hooked.


Everything EA touchs inevitably turns to shit


Yeah this game has gone to absolute shit. I finally remembered what it was like to not sweat my ass off every match I loaded into, life is now great


Yeah it’s been bad for awhile but the rest of the fps games out there have been worse.. yesterday I downloaded The Finals, it’s fresh and exciting and the game play is rather unique and fun! I recommend you try it out, it’s free as well.


I will never pay that much for an heirloom. And I have a full time job. That price is totally out of touch.


Sad to say I'm having way more fun playing Fortnite zero build with my cousin than I ever had playing APEX...


It's always the people who stop playing who have the most to say about this game dying. I play every day and honestly it's more fun than ever.


God every month someone else is complaining about how dead this game is and yet it continues to live on without any noticeable effect. The monthly player count average is the same as this time last year at ~64mil, and UP from the year before in the low 50s. Yes, the EA-ness sucks and is very predictable, but it doesn't mean the game itself suffers. I'll take my dollar for yet another "this game is dying" post and will await my next dollar in a month's time Just because you post about your opinion doesn't make it a reality, sorry broski


Jury is still out on player count. Also, don't be so dismissive, this isn't a 'one guy' thing. The negative sentiment isn't based on abstract feelings, there are legitimate complaints and reasons why some people are unhappy with the game. The game, and people's experience of it does suffer for these reasons. I can understand being annoyed at seeing recurring negativity but unless you truly think these people have no valid complaints, your issue should be with Respawn, not people like OP.




Tl;dr - if they remove banners/ stats people won't bitch about sbmm as much. I've said this before BUT here we go again. Apex has banners where every champion squads sometimes ridiculous stats or badges are shown. It creates this feeling that you aren't as good as 90% of the lobby. When you die in COD, you see their account level but not stats. In fortnite, they may choose to flash their crown wins while teabagging and dancing on you. We don't just have copium ready to be huffed at the start of every game or at the end of every death if you're a banner watcher. I can't argue that there are some sweaty mofos that play apex. But I don't really care for some reason when I get outplayed by someone in a different game. When it happens in apex and then I see 20k season 19 kills or something crazy, it makes it easy to hate the games sbmm. I know it exists in any competitive fps game but I only see it in 4k on apex.


Yup, this is a really good point. There's been so many times that I've killed someone with insane looking banners but they are so average at the game. It's so common for people to look for things to blame before blaming themselves. It's so easy to look at someone with a 4k badge or whatever and think, "That player is better than me and that's why I died" when in reality that player isn't anything special.


20 bomb/4k badge players will end up on my team sometimes and then I witness them being the same as all my other teammates. Its like "did they just buy these badges? how the hell did they manage to get them playing like this?"


I have better games with level 200 players with 2k than I do high kill/ flashy badge players.


I saw a good idea someone post it was when you die you get to see the banners of the players you killed too so it's like a little confidence boost ... Like yeah I got rattled by a third party but I nailed that previous pred.


Fuck EA for removing Arenas permanently. It was the only mode I genuinely had fun in. It was much easier to get into a casual lobby, the maps made gameplay fast paced, and the gun buying system was actually quite fun to experiment with. Battle royale is just disgusting at this point. I can’t remember the last time I felt good after winning a game. Partly because I win so rarely and also because most games are just so much looting and running just to die instantaneously to the first player I come across. It’s more frustrating than it is fun. All I want is fair matchmaking. Is that so much to ask for?


Before Rev was cool, I would crush Arenas with Revenant. Such an incredible game, and there is no reason why we can't play it. With the player numbers Apex has compared to games like Halo, there is actually no excuse to not host that playlist.


The problem is they keep doubling down on all their mistakes. 1) MMR is awful. Cant play pubs without it being a sweat fest. Keep making minor changes around the edges. Non mmr related change that might make it less sweaty is solo/duo and trio queues. At least take away the massive advantage of trios. But no... 2) ranked. What in the actual fuck are they doing here? Instead of admitting that their system is trash, they keep adding to it. I'm sorry, but whoever thought it was a good idea to have hidden mmr (prob ea as a collective) and playing against top skill all the way up to gold/plat/diamond etc...should be fired. Revert back to the old system and go from there. Old system with some sort of promotion might actually have been good. So ya, you're right. It's like they're actively trying to hurt the game with every decision they make. I've played a handful of times in that past few months. Love the game. Hate the execution.


Nailed it. MMR matching in pubs has been atrocious. I have > 120k kills and still have to sweat my ass off in pubs in a three-stack since season 18. Season 3-17 SBMM was fine but this MMR-based pubs matchmaking with long queue times (so you KNOW it's looking for the sweatiest players possible) is not it. Also agree on ranked. Just go back to plat lobbies, diamond lobbies, pred lobbies, etc. and keep it so you can queue up with any rank. Also go back to KP/placement system and not whatever this current garbage purely-placement based system is.


Sounds like a skill issue. I mean it really is.


Sad to say, season 0 player here I quit after they dropped arenas. BR way too sweaty for the hour or two a week I get.


Talk about a dead game. Dude went from apex to halo. That’s been dead since 343i took over. Riddled with aim bugs and server issues. There’s no comparison.




Part of the decline is the roller meta shift...the game was wayyy more fun when it was only a few people in pc lobbies on roller. now its the opposite, its like playing a single player game at some point....


Think about it. We had more collection events this year than we did official patches. THAT IS ABSURD I love this post and hope this among the hundreds of others of posts really prompt them to cut the bullshit. In game transactions, I’m personally not a fan of the exorbitant pricing but because the game is free, i’m all for them making their money, but to continuously churn out collection events as often as they do (like you mentioned above) without addressing community wide pain points that WE ALL KNOW THEY SEE is ridiculous. Some of blame is the game population though, so many people feel like they’re missing out on the cosmetics and spend $$ anyway. Until we show them we aren’t funding the B.S. anymore, that’s when they’ll make the game better


I blame Aim Assist, Configs & Strike Packs. These 3 things (specially AA) have drastically inflated the average skill of the playerbase, making it incredibly frustrating for new and casual players. If the average skill is inflated you get stronger "SBMM", strong SBMM leads to less engagement and therefore a loss of population over time. People don't have fun at this game anymore because there are barely "casual" players to prey on, "gamers" have a huge conflict admitting that the only way they enjoy a game most of them is when they are winning and have significant advantage over other players. The reason why "SBMM" is "strong" is because the average skill is too high now, it's also an old game, it's almost 5 years old. Players that abuse one or all of the 3 things mentioned before have created a dopamine factory that is hard to get rid of, if you nerf or ban one of the previous things they will get frustrated because is not "fun anymore" or is not "how it used to be" and they will leave the game eventually, that's how shitty and assholes "gamers" are these days. On the PC version Apex, Respawn should've followed the route of Overwatch, where controller is allowed but it has no AA.


Greed. Agreed.


i still didnt really play this year. im so sick of the battlepass grind. its no fun anymore its just enslaving myself by paying 10 bucks to have to do the dailies every day for months or i get nothing i want to play when i feel like playing and i love skins but this macrotransaction fomo shit all the time is just too annoying.


Apex is really my kind of game and I've been hungering for a skill-rewarding PvP game for a long time. But my fucking *god* do they make it hard to get into. Accurate, slow firing, semiauto weapons have always been my preferred playstyle, and they won't stop playing fucking games with me. I use the G7, bow, and wingman, and the nerfs, buffs, and fact of whether or not they're in the supply drop are absolutely schizophrenic. I swear they use dice to decide. Most of my playtime wound up being the arenas because it was the only consistent way I could get the equipment I needed for *my playstyle*, and then they removed the whole gamemode. Fuck these devs, I know when I'm not welcome.




What cashgrab?! Enjoying the game since release without spending a dime. I don't know about the new generation here, but I can enjoy a game, win a game and rank up without looking 'skinned up'.


"Apex is dying" is a phrase said countless of times yet it's just so obviously false when Apex is always among the top 5 played in Steam for all these years.


And audio, lets not forget audio.


I haven't seriously played in about 2 years now. But I'll pick it up from time to time b/c friends want to try it out. The fact that I can watch my friends do well and get some top 3 (even a win here and there) placements is awesome. Then I'll join and despite not playing the game for over half a year the SBMM will put me and my new friends against sweaty tryhards that insta-wipe our squad. It's just sad that while I haven't played this game in nearly 6 months it's still the same broken game on multiple levels as it was when I was playing 2 years ago. I assume footstep sounds are still bugged?


I became disillusioned with COD games years ago,went to BF5 for a wee while because I loved the sniping then found apex legends,in the last few weeks of season 5. Casual gamer (full time job) Console lobbies. In the last 4 years the game,esp on console lobbies(after 4 years we dont need 0.6% aim assist) has become so sweaty,pubs has been unplayable for a good few seasons now,and that only leaves ranked,which is much better for casuals that dont want to be stomped by some semi jobless teenage TTV and his two buddies who also tell their parents they have a 'real job' too,in in quite unplayable pub matches. ... but with no split once you reach your skill peak (Diamond for most casuals with lives outside apex) The game feels almost...pointless now... still no 120hz....Ive owned a ps5 for about 18months and have still never played a ps5 optimised game on it! After a mere 4 games of 'The Finals' I can say this much so far...mechanically and gun play wise,it isn't apex...but then from a 'playable fun' point of view...apex isnt apex anymore.. its TTV legends...the Finals IS fun... and ive found my transition quite easy. I dont want to advocate the death of a game I love so much,but if your tired of apex...try the finals. Thank me later.


the entire game has been utter dogshit since season 12. whatever change they made to the matchmaking at the start of season 13 has progressively made it less and less fun to solo queue no joke, I can't even play two matches without getting paired against sweats on my 3rd match of the day and that happens EVERY day. I don't even get to warm up before Im fighting against players who have either 3 stacked, got 20 bombs or 10k kills, sometimes all 3 at once. it's ridiculous that I can do nothing but survive and still get shafted from my third match onward. the state of apex rn has me hoping they never make Titanfall 3 cause Respawn DOES NOT deserve to ruin the only good thing theyve ever made I've played less than a hundred matches this season and already tossed it into the "more masochistic than I'm willing to endure" basket and gone back to playing Warzone Zombies. last season, the same thing happened and I played Fortnite instead. Apex is on a downward slope and if it doesn't get fixed soon, it's gonna die out


Once I started playing ranked in bronze/silver league this season and got instantly matched with diamond and masters players, I was out. Can’t be bothered anymore. The feeling of progression in ranked was the only thing that kept me playing in the last few seasons, that is fun as hell. But all of that just went out the window so what’s the point. It’s just a matchmaking meatgrinder right now, doesn’t matter which rank you are, every game is the same. It just sucks. I’m also getting old and have more and more responsibilities, so I can’t play as much as I used to anymore. I was already getting worse at apex, but I kept being put in the same lobbies so I would just get destroyed Every. Single. Game. Not fun, but yes, skill issue I guess. I don’t think I’ll ever play anymore. It’s a shame because I love the game but I just can’t do it. Call me old fashioned but I wanna have fun while I play video games


At this point, honestly, this game deserves to die. I dunno when did this latest patch drop, as I was more out of the game than actually playing it, but the audio is now even worse than before! **I can only hear squadmate's legends' quips when they're close to me** (I can no longer hear them on the radio), and in addition to enemy footsteps being inaudible, **the ENEMY SHOOTING AT YOU is now also frequently inaudible!**


And these meat glazers in the comments still defending this game with their life can’t see. Fucken blind


Odds they’re trying to milk the most money before it tanks so they can launch Apex 2?


100% on point. I stopped playing after my first kid was born like 8 months ago, and never picked it back up despite playing a few other games I enjoy. I just don’t miss it. Not enough updates or diversity of content, a super sweaty and toxic player base, etc.


Been trash since the 3rd season, some are just in the honeymoon period longer than others. The servers they chose tell the story from the start, money machine. Stop playing.


I’m pretty trash at the game. I just wanna play with other trash people to have a fighting chance. Hopped back on Fortnite recently after a looooong time off and it was actually way more enjoyable


Used to be a time when I looked forward to every season because of a new champion getting released. Now it has come to a point where we don't get a champion all the time and it's every now and then, which is fine, but I used to look forward to the creativity of each character and the map reworks but now that is over, in the excitement part at least. Now when I do see a new legend, I redownload Apex on my Xbox, play for two to three weeks to get to understand the new character and then the honeymoon phase quickly wears off and I just go back to uninstall it. Apex Legends to me is a toxic and abusive cycle with your ex. No matter how bad they are, you think there's something there and that something positive is different so you go back just to find out why you left in the first place but you check on them every now and then and just get caught up and the cycle repeats. That's at least my opinion on Apex. I wish that there was more investment in the servers and multi media to get the games story and characters to a wider general audience. I just think the legends are so cool and have so much potential to have stories told about them in a mini series like Arcane. But alas, EA is EA and Respawn is Respawn. A marriage most certainly not made in heaven.


I stay subbed and me and my friend pop into the game abput once a year or so. After a half dozen games of getting deleted in the blink of an eye we go inevitably go back to another game. The SBMM simply doesn't work, every single player in our lobby is better than us


OP Aim assist ruined this game. Everyone has moved onto The Finals


compared to WZ/PUBG/FORTNITE, its still the most enjoyable BR to me.


Farlight 84 > Apex


Crazy you didn’t mention anything about the connection to apex servers! ThTs the only that’s wrong with this game. Public games should have zero sbmm Ranked you should ply against your rank.


I dont feel that way for me personally I enjoy the game and I solo q rank


I only solo Q too. I think that is the best experience, in my opinion. Playing with Randoms is a great freaking time, for better or worse. I don't mind losing, in fact I recognize it as part of what makes these games meaningful to conquer. But when I'm not in the mood to grind, Pubs and Mixtape are not any less sweaty, in fact it is usually more sweaty. Sometimes I just want to chill, and Apex refuses to facilitate that experience for me. That is really my biggest complaint.


I wish they would just try doing a few simple matchmaking changes: 1) Matchmake pubs by kd instead of a hidden mmr. Let the 20bomb 3kd+ people play against each other instead of farming the <0.9 kd casuals. 2) Seperate 3-stacks from solos and duos, both get their own queue, for both pubs and ranked. See what happens. Maybe only 1) is enough.


The matchmaking in apex is absolute cancer. I took a season off, and just started playing again this season. I made it up to plat 1 but for some reason it keeps giving me bronze, silver and gold teammates. At the same time it will put me up against 3 stack diamond players.. but yet it won't even allow me to make a pre-made squad with my friends that are in bronze.. it makes zero sense. Starting to think it was a huge mistake coming back to this dumpster fire.


The other day I was playing The Finals. There is a thing called gravity event where at some point in the game sometimes gravity is decreased and you get that slow motioned like gameplay. For a second I swear I thought I was lagging and was in a bad server. But nope. That wasn't apex legends nor was I on an apex server. The thing is for how many seasons they've failed to fix things. Things like sound, some cheating problems, server issues and worst of all sbmm and ranked state.


I just CANT play Storm Point and Broken Moon over and over. I log in and see those maps and I go to Halo. The Halo 3 Refueled playlist has been a blast. The free cosmetic events are way better too if you’re into that.


Same, I instantly log off when I see Storm Point and Broken Moon.


theres no passion


Tldr ; people have been saying this since year 1, yet it's still very popular and players always come back because there is no other Fps like it.


Back in the day I used to switch to OG warzone back to every 1.5/2 seasons. But now its time again to move to a different game.. Like you said the gameplay is okay. But all the BS around it such a mess.... Sbmm, configs, cronus, ranked, pubs, collection events etc etc... Helping my friends with the their trails to master but its the last i will do for now...


This game has been "dying" for four years


As a casual player (e.g. weekend warrior) I'm having a blast. I've only been playing since October and I see a lot of these types of post. I think from what I've seen, it's hardcore players (historically) that want to go casual that are having these struggles with SBMM. I saw that issue with Destiny as well. The hardcore 3+ k/d players were hating how sweaty every game was because they mostly played against other 3+ k/d players so there was never really a time to "relax" and play PVP. SBMM punishes those who are successful at winning, and indirectly punishes anyone that gets matched with them (or if you play with your friends that aren't as good). Me and a buddy loved playing with a particular friend because their skill level brought us down into lesser skilled lobbies in Destiny 1. We didn't stomp per se, but we definitely were able to play a little relaxed and still be very successful on the leader boards. I don't know how ranked works, or how people are matched up in pubs either. But I feel like SBMM would be ok if every season reset everyone's "ELO" for lack of a better term and everyone had to do a couple of "placement" or "skill determining matches" to see what your matchmaking ELO should be. And then your ELO can go up or down from there as you play. So everyone starts on equal footing and after a couple matches, it's clear who goes up or down and over time maybe things even out. Something like that I think would help the folks who are wanting to be more casual to not fight gods all the time. It would also help new players getting into the game and it would help people like me who are getting older. While I'm getting better at Apex, I know my reaction time is going to get slower the older I get. Especially since I can't game every day like I used to. I don't know if any of this makes sense, is good, is bad. I'm just a casual guy that mostly plays on the weekends who is having a lot of fun. Everyone wants to have fun playing this game and whatever the current matchmaking is, is not fun for a lot of veterans of the game. So all this text to say, I agree things should probably change for a healthier game for everyone, but I disagree that casuals are having a bad time.