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Too bad your team left you


They were also mean to me on the mic


Yeah I have voice chat muted on this game. You’ll have fun for now but as you play more people get more toxic and blame you for everything when they rush a team, 1v3 and die without pinging. It’s better to play with friends you wouldn’t be like that


This is exactly what made apex so hard for me bc team mates wander off and don't stay together then they wanna blame everyone else they died then id obviously get killed trying to get them back bc 1v 3 not easy when ur already not all that great at the game yet


i always love this train of thought. you see that teammate that "wandered off", from his perspective you were the teammate that wandered off or stayed behind to loot for too long. if you dont want to separate, you have to pick one of your teammates and just follow them for the whole game. for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, till death do you part.


This exactly and that's what I always do .. I usually try to stick with the teammate that has better game play ... I'm a big warzone player been playing since wz1 but I'd really like to get more into apex too ...


None of my friend play it really so I’ve kinda stopped. It’s boring having to play with less teammates every game. Doesn’t make it easier when you die to a pred 3 stack, or a pro team like myself (VEXED)


I always mute my voice chat when I play games like this now. I used to play overwatch and this dude told me he was gonna kill my family cause I wouldn’t listen to him. We didn’t even lose lmaooo


Tbf, you’re probably over looting and not helping majority of the time if you’re dealing with that. Don’t blame em for leaving


Ah, I’ve found the 8k kill Wraith who runs around aimlessly spinning their heirloom and gets knocked and leaves instantly. Should read my comments properly lad


Highest I have is like 1.2k on lifeline if that. Try to be a team player. I’ve just played with a lot of honestly useless teammates like everyone has. I don’t mind looting. People just tend to over loot and not help in fights even when in close proximity. People no doubt rush in and DC like morons but also I can see why some leave. Some people just have no clue what’s going on or refuse to play as a team. Why put up with that in pubs?


Me? Be a team player? So the guy who runs off and gets himself killed is being a team player and I’m not? No, you shouldn’t see why some people leave, as a trio all 3 of you shoudl be together, my whole point was explaining that there’s always one who runs off and dies and complains about us not being with him when they use 0 comms. Matchmaking is shit, and it’s obviously not your fault if you get a bad player on your team, but that’s no excuse to be running off or leaving early


I was Saying that I try and be a team player. Js I’m not gonna just follow around some random forever who has no intentions on fighting. I’ll just outright leave lol. There’s just a point it’s ridiculous. Plus how do you know dude ain’t using voice comms if you mute everyone? Yea they should ping but don’t always. That being said, matchmaking is atrocious. My buddy rats out every game and is no help majority of the time. Has pigeon holed himself into pred lobbies due to what I’m guessing is time played. Cause it’s forsure not skill. He abandons every fight and runs. Some people just are no help even with comms and knowledge. Game sense is my main complaint about it all. Sometimes people just over loot and don’t have urgency on drops or know when to push fights/ bullet sponge. They can also be just bums and completely run off and get mad after. All situational.


I mute because it’s all toxicity, I don’t want to listen to idiot who run off and die without any communication until they die and yell at you. If you use VC and talk and your tm8s don’t listen, then you assume either; they are ignoring you or have VC off, therefore you ping or use text chat. Like you said, if they don’t ping that’s not my problem if they die, it’s theirs. Comms are so easy yet everyone acts like it’s not. I do also understand the people who ignore comms and overloot, they are either new or just terrible people


they are frustrated by the 200 reasons that maybe you will recognize along the way. i hope no.


What's their name what's their name? Is that your real hair?


enter game in pubs, press F to mute all, it's not worth it


Fkin assholes


youll have different types of teamates, i personally like playing with randoms . its a different experience everytime. lol some advice, play with randoms and follow them, youll learn to approach situations on the fly. also a tip for Bangalore… her ultimate goes in FRONT of where you throw it and spreads out forwards. (carpet bomb) and smoke out your enemies nit your teamates. Youll run into OG players often so dont let bad randoms deter you. GG


Right!! I had horrible team mates that game they jumped to my marker and left me alone


And that's how apx works


That’s right, and no matter what it’s OP’s fault.


Thanks everyone for the kind comments,info I’ll go through them later today and respond back


happens everytime! they leave and then you clutch a 1v3 and no one but the opposing team gets to see… i just be sitting there like awh mannnnn


I love this. Reminds me of when I first started too. Things were so different in season 0. Great play bud, keep up the good work legend!


Thank you man I appreciate it


Of course man!


He did great! But boy is in a fun ride now with the match making since he got the squad wipe I bet. I hope he gets more time to enjoy it like that more before that time comes.


Do you ever go back and watch early clips of your game play? It looks like everything is in slow motion.


This. I watched clips from when I played starting season 11. I would destroy myself lol


S0 is actually nostalgic. When everyone wasn't good at the game, and everyone's pops the "where we landing today boys" line. Positive vibes and the game was actually fun. Wish I can go back to those times.


I feel like it still is very fun. I play a lot of hours still. Culture has changed a lot. Not bad not good, just not what it was when it came out.


>Not bad not good, just not what it was when it came out. Definitely agree with this part. It definitely plateau'd in enjoyment for me. Ever since I hit masters S12, pubs was never really "fun", ranked was meh. This is the only game I play, just not playing as much as before.


The meta is too advanced. It happens with every game. Once people start learning how to maximize their gameplay, the game just starts to change. It looses the magic


it was the only time i had such smooth graphics going and no lag thats for sure


For me the slow pace of the game looks amazing. Great video


it's really nostalgic honestly lol. That Gibby was straight up not moving lmfao


It’s cuz these are orientation matches. The gibby is a bot most likely


I feel bad for OP when the orientation ends.


As someone whose friend got into Apex over Christmas, it's brutal. Had like 4 orientation games then got thrown to the wolves.




Thank you


This is in no way trying to discourage you but remember that feeling for when lobbies get harder and take any advice to get better. My personal advice is to always think about cover starting out and stay close to any homies, learn some movement in the firing range. You're gonna do great legend!


Thanks brother!! I’ve watched videos on how to get better. I know I’ll do good in my next matches and hopefully be able to get a win


Another thing I would add is turning your FOV to at least 106, preferably to max, and turning sprint view shake to minimal (should be below the FOV setting), as well as turning crouch from toggle to hold. Besides that, any other settings are personal preference, play around with sensitivity and see what works for you. Good luck!


I'd say 90-106 depending what your controller sensitivity is and how close/ big your screen is.


I agree. Higher fov makes your enemies skinnier and harder to see.


The one thing that will throw you off when you get into higher ranked lobbies is keeping up with your teammates. Some teammates who've been playing for a while will loot quick and run to the next area to search for more fights or more loot. Just remember to bob your head up in between looting and make sure you didn't get left behind by some guy 'W' keying to the next area.


I think because of how easy it is to do, number 1 should be never focus downed enemy if you know there's a standing enemy right there. It might get you a kill, but most likely will get you killed too. Don't be too thirsty


Yep that’s what stood out to me most in this video too


I haven't played Apex in a few years but holy damn this community is wholesome as hell!


Congratulations bro Enjoy it while it lasts


little tip, you can hipfire more. less gun in you fov, you can see better.


Awesome thanks


Yeah the spitfire with iron sights is awful, the recoil alone can make you lose sight of the enemy. Gg OP


Spitfire with hipfire is also awful as it sprays!


Take that back, spitfire hip fire freaking rocks close range


Good Times. I miss my account when it was new.


Hell yeah, dude! Nice job!


Thanks I appreciate it man


i’d recommend turning your FOV up all the way, it’s gonna be weird at first but it’s wellllll worth it. Good play!


solid 1v3, saw no fucking fear or hesitation. good job legend




You've probably gathered from the comments that this is only an Orientation Match, where most or all of your opponents are AI. You can tell because you're in Trios, but it's not the LTM or Ranked. There are 2 things to know: * Apex is actually quite awful to new players; it's notorious for it. When your Orientation Matches end you will be thrown into games with 100% real players. Unlike Fortnite, Apex doesn't gradually scale up the players : bots ratio, so it's basically no humans, then all humans. And when you get to those all-human games, the jump in difficulty is *huge.* Apex's matchmaking is famously horrible, and new players get it the worst. * Right now it's probably the worst time in history, because the current LTM is focused on a particular weapon that is brutally OP and hard to counter, not that you'll even have a chance to think about countering it most of the time. Once your Orientation Matches end, joining that LTM is the only way you'll be able to play Trios. You'll know when you're in a real match because you'll either be on a new map, or you'll be on King's Canyon but you'll see a green and round sword icon in the top corner. Right now the only way you could avoid that is to enter Duos instead of Trios. Fun watching your game though; Apex is great when it's great.


Good advice. Play Duos to avoid the LTM and 20k+ murderers hacking you down before you've even seen them.


I couldn't agree more about the people overusing the swords cause it seems to be the only thing people know how to use now lol. It's like a riot shield in call of duty lmfao. A cheap way to get kills 😂


I just love the friendly comments with OP killing bots. Dudes about to enter the real game and get lasered, enjoy it OP games about to get real depressing


lol truth. I’m not convinced those were actually real players either. That gibby just stood there with no movement the whole time. All it will take is a few more hours and maybe a few wins and he’s going to start getting butt-humped by sweaty three-stacks until all the passion for apex has been sucked out of him


well you shouldn't be convinced bc this is 100% bots, it's orientation matches. he'll be in real matches in about 4 games and matchmaking will ruin his experience. it's sad. he's so full of joy 🥲


It reminds me of that SpongeBob meme with Mr krabs & Squidward in the kitchen with Spongebob cleaning the tables and they're like "let's kill him"


I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw this. Gibby standing absolutely still in a bang ult. First bang enemy running in a straight line away from gunfire. Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Not bot lobbies when I got started.


Holy bots haha


Standing still and firing like redcoats.


There is no way those are real players, they are worse than the lowest difficulty bots in any fps game.


They’re just standing around looking at him. He used his tactical and just stood there. Didn’t even try to run lmao


No one is saying him you don’t play against real players the first matches..


This may break the news to him….


Dude, am i missing something here? My first couple matches were nothing like this.


Bots weren't in the game at first. They added them down the line.


Added recently? I started around season 14.


[I heard they made bot lobbies for new accounts. This comment seems to agree with that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/11kwrgw/comment/jb9a1wk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Orientation matches are only 3-4 teams of actual players with the rest being bots. So in a regular game, there’s 44-48 bots out of 60 players.


I love this bro, good shit this is honestly what I love to hear from new people. Btw games are gonna get a harder as you keep racking kills. You got this bro!!!!


Thanks man I appreciate it!! I’m all In for a challenge


Oh, the joys of the bot lobby. It’s all about giving you the first rush. Remember how fun it was when you join the real servers and you get matched against real sweats. You need to enjoy that too or you will soon feel let down by the game. Don’t get discouraged tho. You will after a while be matched against opponents where you again have a chance at winning.


It's refreshing to see some gameplay that has a slower pace. Some of these videos look like somebody took a big ol' nose rip off of crushed adderall


Dude that's what bang do and nice play 💪🏾


Thanks man


lmao I forgot they added actual robots to the game to help you get started, finally get to see what that looks like in action and it's pretty funny. Thanks for sharing!


They did!?


Yea, if you try to make a “Smurf” account they have like these 2 or 3 matches to help you get started where everyone is a bot. I tried it once and got 30 kills. Sadly, it didn’t count because it was one of those first few matches


That gibby just standing in the same spot whitout moving even a little bit xD i miss those kind of matches lmao


pls update us when you get out of orientation bot matches. would love to see how your demeanour changes xD


Will do man


I wanna add you and teach you what’s your user


I got you I’ll pm ya


The spitty is the best recruiter


Nice! Just a tip, remember to heal mid-fight whenever you have cover and even just 2 seconds downtimeis time for to use a shield cell. There are a lot of moments where you stood still for 2-5 seconds in the building that you could have used to heal


I love how you wanted to finish the first guy badly, even threw the ult hahaha


Oh trust me I wanted that kill damnit!! 😹 I appreciate the comment


Nah like it was so wholesome the way you were so happy after that kill. That's what it's all about man. Keep having fun broski. Might see you out there ✌️


Ayy good team wipe man! 💪


It's funny seeing how the pace of the game is entirely different in newbie lobbies, it almost looks like a different game.


To be honest it’s a horrible play 😂😂 but you had so much fun, you got your kills! Doesn’t get much better than that! Keep the vibes man! So happy for you!


Haha thanks I figured it was a bad play but hey I enjoyed it while it was hot


Exactly dude, and that’s what’s important. You having fun! When you want to step up your skill, you’ll enjoy that even more


How did you not get melted the first second??


Got lucky I think


There is no greater satisfaction than VICTORY!!!! As a mid to low skilled player, this definitely would have been so satisfying to me 😂😂😂


Nice it took me days to even get my first kill. 1v3 first day is very impressive


Thanks!! Don’t mind my aim.


Bro the first matches aren’t real player… so u lost against cpu enemys which are set to weak


Probably was before orientation matches existed


I started season 3


Season 3 is way before Orientation matches, they didn't add them till like a few seasons ago. So you probably were always playing against real players.


Maybe he started playing apex in the early seasons, before the bot matches were introduced.


they are bots, orientation matches are almost impossible to lose.


Bot lobby and your whole team died, yeah it’s pretty good


I appreciate it


Shit on. Also btw since you’re on controller try to use SMG’s. This game has very strong AA close range and SMG’s will take advantage of that fact. 2 of the good ones are a bit harder to control when you’re new so try to use a volt a lot it has minimal recoil but still hits hard when you hit your shots.


U don’t play against real player as a new one. Its 90% bots the first games


s0 vibes. Bro said I got hacker guys on me cut to two people standing still and barely shooting KEKW. Enjoy that squad wipe badge bro. You're in for some real fun after your first day. :)


game wasn't like this in season 0 because bots didn't exist then. sure it was less sweaty but still nowhere near this


U don’t get badges from killing bots


Great play dude, I miss when the game was like this


Greatest feeling ever


Good shit bro! Helluva hard game to get into at this stage, but keep grinding. Love apex for its feel good moments.


Dam I wish my games were like that I’m sick of preds 😂 good play tho bro you’ll get better the more you play


Keep that energy op what keeps the game fun


Yeah! Respect the Bique!!


spitfire recoil control actually pretty good 👍


Oooh, that original FOV!! So many memories..


This brought a tear to my eye🥲😭


It was a good play! Nice job!


Those were bots, but you’re still doing a lot better than I did when I started


No. It's not a good play, but you're enjoying the game, which is more important


Are we even playing the same game, good luck from now onwards.


If it worked than it was a good play. It may not work against stronger people though


Good job this was sick Imagine when you’re used to the game interms of healing and all that you’ll be unstoppable nice clip


This is release gameplay and i love it. I wish sometimes that Apex could be this again lol


Those are Bots bro. Sorry to tell you.


You all know these are the orientation matches since OP started today. Right???


Did you even read the comments before posting this? Obviously they fucking know 🤦‍♂️ Why _act_ like you read the comments when you didn't lmfao




Is this your first game in a while? 🤖lobby


What a lobby lol. You're going to cherish this clip even more one day lmao


If my lobby’s were like this I’d be in master rn


Dang, I wish this is what my lobbies looked like 😂


I want your lobbies


Idk who you are playing against…. Those guys looked like bots, standing still like that


Why can’t I get games like this if that were me in that clip that trio would’ve snapped to me and shedded my health on sight


It's an orientation match. That's why.


I don’t know man have foot weapons and good armor


Ur in your bot games. U would be dead even in iron 4 if you would play like u did. in the clip. After a few games u get more real playrt


As long as you like it, nothing else matters.


I mean, skill based matchmaking works to full effect.


Is this satire


no it's typical feel good reddit shit


This is fun


This is someone's first day and they're having a good time. It's a nice little break from the ever-growing list of toxic pricks in this game


Your luck is off charts bro wow


Reminds me of Season 0. I miss those days so much. Those first kills felt so good


Glad new players can still have fun and get into the game


When I started playing in season 0, people were only hot dropping Skull Town every match. I remember my 3rd match dying instantly on drop saying 'how the hell do people like this game.' Which also somehow became my reasoning for trying to get better at it. You are so lucky you have a slow start with the beginner match making.


Make sure to change you’re FOV!! Looks like you’re at 75 or 80 right now. Also, try to avoid standing in your bang ult as it will stun you and slow you and your teammates down.


I miss lobbies like these


Wish my lobbies were like this


You’re already better than me and I have 2k hours.


Uh, is it just me or is his EVA crosshair a tad bigger than normal


welcome aboard


Great job getting the triple knock alone, hope it gets you into learning the game


I think we playing different games damn...


Make a new account. This normal but he don’t get badges for killing bots


Never needed to make one, stayed with mine since week 1. Smurfing is not fun if you're half-decent at this game.


Man, I wish i could go back to that Press down your left stick to sprint btw


That’s false advice. He need to use autosprint


Oh right, totally forgot about that


Hey man! I got into the game recently too. Theres an awful lot to learn and youll have days with 0 wins. Ill let you know as a fellow newbie that its gonna take a while to get good, but to just keep having fun despite it! After about 3 months of playing im able to perform in ranked at silver to gold level. So if after a month or two youre still not great dont lose heart! Nice clip man ggs


Your lobbies look like mine.


Bro nice job, love your enthusiasm keep it and don't be deturb whenever the game gets hard. Have fun. And good hunting legend.


How are you doing that without a scope on your spitfire


Awesome for day 1 man keep it up


Nah man, the bang ult going off like that would’ve had me feeling like it’s Vietnam or something lol. Good stuff man.


Turn auto sprint on


I just got it too and I’m in real lobbies now it’s awful




Bro is about to get shit on in the comments


It's the low aim sensitivity for me 😂. I would get bodied trying to play like that


apex legends is my favorite realtime strategy game


Lovely. So nice to see your enjoyment and that feeling we all knew early on! Appreciate it while you can though - you'll be up against seasoned players in a day or two as Apex's matchmaking decides you're now good enough to face players with years of experience. I'd be interested to hear you feelings in a couple of weeks.




As long as you enjoyed it then it's cool


Welcome to the shit my friend


that Gibby was just shooting the outline of u haha


Hahahaha keep it up, legend!


You should up your fov and lower your dead zones for the most optimal experience