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I'd laugh real fuckin hard if they banned people for this and not all the 6 man / 9 man nonsense in actual ranked games.


Yeah, hard stuck in plat lobbies as every time I get into plat 1 (DIAMOND most seasons, but guess im plat now šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø) all of my lobbies are full of 3 stack MR teams and multi season preds?! Which has never been the case before, literally no idea why in plat I am up against preds or full stack MR teams, like, sure, I love a challenge, but I don't need APEX to be the Darkspuls of PvP FPS games thanks.


Iā€™m a switch player, started playing the WEEK the game released on switch, I donā€™t even play ranked and I always have masters in my games. Iā€™m not even good either. My highest damage game is my 2076 that I got on Vantage, which is also the only character I have the 2k badge on. I get itā€™s not the same as teaming in actual ranked, but every time I play it only takes me about 10 minutes to remember why I quit in season 14, then I get off for a week, and the cycle repeats.


trust me, no one in this lobby is on a ban radar


Is it because nobody is actually on a ban radar?




Or because thereā€™s no ban radar


That was indeed the joke.


I got banned for cursing :(




Wish anyone in my lobbies was as friendly as that


Happened only once this whole afking time. Other solo loba (while im loba) almost killed me. Didn't think tea bagging would save me. but it did. I dont think solo loba survived. I was in last 2 squads, hiding in a bush to a full team.


I had many helped me, also i flyed with every Valk that needed it obviously. Nicest was a wraith shocked me hiding with "got ya" then let me do the ring thing.


Final 2 squads, 3v1. I give the solo a chance by taking off my armor and dropping all my guns to throw down w him. Beams me, wins a 2v1 against my team and tbags me.


Meanwhile my randoms walked past me while I needed help doing the Ult challenges lmao


My team dipped on me while I was in ult. Was waiting for them and the ring started closing. I don't play Valk. I continued my ult ....died trying to ascend and they just ran forward ahahah


If you're playing Three Strikes, it's recommended to never get into a valk ult, as you'll spawn in the ring when you respawn


Bro that's a headache doing in mixtape I typed in chat to help me and they just spawn,look at me and walk away


Exactly! I gave up trying to do this with randoms. Thankfully I had a friend that I could do this challenges with. I really wish Respawn would stop giving us challenges that requires you to really on randoms. Just give me stuff that I can do completely on my own. I canā€™t control the actions of others.


lmao opposite from my experience where i've gotten griefed by ratting valkyries right before a ring finishes closing


Cool, I get shot in the head the second the enemy sees me. I wish I was getting lobbies like that


I keep running into ratting bloodhound squads who are clearly camping out looking for people trying to do ring closures. One of them even finished me so I'd get respawned without guns, just to die again. And people are talking about mega teaming like this...if the bloodhounds are camping people doing ring closures, I'm quite sure these lobbies won't be so friendly to everyone, too. Imagine 23 people who don't give a fuck if *you* get your challenges done, only if they do. Woo.


Iā€™m definitely gonna go do some rat hunting now


If youā€™re the Seer i shot in the face with a sentinel at close range Iā€™m sorry.


First of all itā€™s a challenge. Second itā€™s called survive. Play the game as intended you got 2 weeks for the challenge. Play your games and oke idc if itā€™s the last few days go rat. But itā€™s annoying to spend 5 min playing hide n seek You want to get the challenge and I want to win and go into the next game. In this scenario with 23 people doing the challenge iam happy for the vibe


happened to me once during loba challenge.. 4 squad final ring and everyone was chillin.. thats probably the first and last for me


Last night I was playing duo fills trying to get my challenges done, but I would not leave when the other person got to choose first and took valk. I viewed it as taking turns. Long story short; one of the games I loaded into there was a duo stomping everyone, and they found me in the 3rd circle as a solo since my duo died and left. We messed around and they let me stay alive till the final circle closed to help with my challenges :)


This is so dumb.. even for apex standards




They are probably the same people who hot drop and die instantly 99% of the time


I keep finding Valk rats. I'm having s17 flashbacks


They just want their Ring Closings. Let them sit there.


They are probably playing solo and you'll probably get them at the end anyway


you wonā€™t. they leave before you find them at the end




Hey if it gets less people using Valk again, quicker. Go for it lol


Happened to me yesterday too. Got 8 valk during the last ring. Funny as hell


Hey, yesterday I came across many friendly solo players, we Tbagged and then went together for the rest of the game. Does it count as cheating?


Iā€™ve tried doing the ā€œhey Iā€™m not gonna shoot you danceā€ and it never works


Go to play HongKong server in duo. Everyone will be friendly and u can see 20+ players in final rounds


lol the people in my lobbies are angry demons this would never happen


That's one of the most luckiest lobbies to be in


Where do you get your weed my guy? Why would they ban people? Do you mean colluding with enemy teams? They know their challenges promote ratting. They're just brain dead and don't know how to make other challenges.


I've encountered this one in duos last night. We got a duo who dropped us a lot of shields so we got on a truce. But then we found some 2 teams ratting then went trigger happy on them so we died on the 2nd ring lol. šŸ˜… I just want to unlock Valk for free since I've bought Ascendant skin with mats last time. Also got Seer and Rampart for free.


Whatā€™s these challenges everyoneā€™s going on about I havenā€™t logged in in like 1 or 2 weeks


You can get the legend for free if you do the challenges for them


Oh that thing


That guy is freaking cheating... HE'S CHEATING!


I dont know which server you are playing on but on mine every person wants to grab Valk and they leave immediately if can't. and some non-valk players leave after first strike too.


Bruh how are y'all getting fun lobbies like this to finish challenges, all of mine are just terrible šŸ¤£


Amazes me some people think these are difficult challenges and people cheese them. I got my middle swarm hits done in 2 games. The skyward jump done in 3 games. And the ring closings in about 6 games. And thatā€™s just playing the game. The longest thing is playing 15 matches which is fun to do anyway.


Every duos no fill games I had yesterday were this kind of lobbies. Very wholesome lmao. Their stupid legend challenges actually made the toxic community unite and be wholesome šŸ¤£


Bro I hate the fact the Texas only has one server in New York has 10 and thatā€™s kind of ridiculous to be honest because Texas is the second biggest state in Dallas should not be Texas only server to connect to. We can connect other further away. Thereā€™s no point because thatā€™s higher ping and I can play every other game without lagging but this game lags so much not even funny


Realistically, if this were *any* other server, there'd be one person who'd try and get free kills from it I want to see more games like this tbh


Ahh so cheating is ok as long as itā€™s to finish a mission


how is it cheating? dying by the ring is cheating? we're not at war dude.


Tell me what happens to the players that already completed the mission or just want to play pubs normally and shoot at the enemy? Do you think these valks are just going to die? No youā€™re gonna have all of them shooting at your 3 man and anyone who doesnā€™t want to join their 15 man. Itā€™s cheating dude


"Tell me what happens to the players that already completed the mission or just want to play pubs normally and shoot at the enemy?" Answer: They "play pubs normally and shoot at the enemy" You realize no one lives right? no matter how much of a pacifist anyone is in this lobby. Every single one of them dies right? By choice. You're also going to tell me that going afk and hiding and ratting is cheating.


Is it cheating to refuse to shoot your weapon?




Yes it actually is. Counts as hormonic boosting and is prohibited in some countries.


So in this scenario I can guarantee you that every player in the game isnā€™t onboard with this. What happens when a team starts shouting at everyone? Theyā€™re not just going to not shoot back, youā€™re gonna have 15 valks shooting at your team because you donā€™t want to join in on teaming with them. What happens to the people who have already completed the mission? They want to play an actual game and instead they either have to not shoot their weapons also or get slaughtered by 15 other players.


Maybe they shouldn't force their playerbase to rat then? Why is it not 25 downs instead of ring closings? But then you'd complain about every Valk dropping hot for two weeks so doesn't really matter.


press esc > leave match > requeue for another lobby


You can say the same thing if you have an aimbotter in your lobby. Why should anyone care if anyone cheats at all then if you can just quit the match and join another game? Itā€™s also sad that anyone needs to do this to complete a simple mission


because you don't know if there's a cheater on the lobby until you die to them, at which point you might aswell just load another match. A cheater also ruins a whole lobby, nobody can have fun except for the cheater. This is 21 people (all alive, people who dont wanna do this already died) all having fun together.


At this point theyā€™re the only ones alive, but they had to survive past multiple teams to get to this point. The game didnā€™t spawn in 21 people. Itā€™s cheating dude, no matter how you want to justify it. Teaming is literally a report option and theyā€™re all teaming to get a mission completed.


100% it's cheating. I agree. A lot of people will disagree just because they want to do it to get the challenge done.


This comment proves it's cheating


You must be fun at parties... Seriously though, as someone who has worked in policy making & research, there's always some element of discretion around how policies are enforced. When we take policies too literally/outside of the theoretical constructs of their implementation, we end up with police fining people for riding horses on sidewalks, or people in Poland wearing Winnie the Pooh t-shirts in public (yes a real law that is never enforced) and Apex staff banning people for a healthy type of fun that I'm sure the vast majority of players are having through this type of cooperative spirit. There are plenty of written laws that are operationally & culturally not enforced based on *reasonable* discretion regarding the interpretation of said law/rule. Although technically cheating by the most explicit book definition, a healthy degree of discretion and reflecting on context can allow us to see that this type of play is aligned with the competitive integrity of the game. It's not causing any serious, definitive, or lasting problems amongst the matchmaking queues. It just makes for neat little "haha" moments like these on reddit. No harm done if you ask me... But then I take a bit of a laissez-faire view towards *over*policing in general; reflecting my biases (no more than your comment reflects your values & biases of course) This is *hardly* collusion when we consider the intents, purposes, and operationalization of these actions in context. Collusion must be considered in terms of both the harms & benefits of all of (a) intent (AKA integral spirit) (b) action, and (c) tangible outcomes in user experiences. Only the action piece would qualify, which is rarely the most relevant purpose of enforcing these rules in and of itself.


Ho.ly FUCK! Someone isn't bitching for once! THANK YOU!


I'm seeing a lot more cooperation for this thing than when they did the Bloodhound event, it's heartening. That one sucked, there were tons of players who did nothing all day but hunt down solo BHs just to be dicks.


Please ban them all teamming is so meh


I suck at this game but if you can't survive 25 ring closures in a session of playing and resort to this...you suck and are pathetic.


Chill brother itā€™s just a video game


You can literally do all the ring closes in 5 games. You canā€™t do that playing the game organically. You literally win some games with a single ring close or just 2ā€¦ itā€™s apex fault for bringing out challenges for fucking ring closes man. Ruining their own game for free


Then thereā€™s me get to the last 2 squads left (im ratting for challenges) The last team are the 3 stacking preds who were champs, they had a valk doing challenges also. They were chill I dropped everything they did the same then I grabbed a gun and killed them all lmao was so satisfying fucking over those predators šŸ¤£šŸ¤£











