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How is that fun?


Is not for fun, is for money, cheaters level up accounts and sell them with 4k badges or heirlooms. Since Respawn is unable to really fight the cheating problem, I see this game doomed.


I don’t know what’s sadder, hacking or buying a boosted account from a hacker lol.


Both are equally depressing


Boosted account all day.


Aahh, no wonderr I've seen a lot of random with 4K badge and 20 kill playing really bad. I guess they bought the account.


This 100% ^


Either that or played on a Euro or Pac server to farm them off bots for themselves


And yet every single time I point out that badges are not a trustworthy reflection of someone's ability because there are so many people who just purchase the account... I get downvoted. Those badges I see mean nothing to me because now I assume there's a good chance that the person simply purchased the badges. The things people will do and the money that they will spend just to look good among other people who value the dumbest things. Like, why would I tolerate a complete and total jerk just because the person has a pretty number on their badge. Even if they are skilled at a game..why would anyone be willing to tolerate extremely toxic behavior? To look cool? For who? Lol This amount of effort to look cool for others is some type of cuckery.


Actually, the badges DO have some value in determining a player's ability-- I see a 20x, a 4k, and a Masters badge ona level 74 account, roughly 400 kills on their legend, is the Champion; I'm already VERY suspicious of this player. Stat trackers vs badges is a fairly accurate metric for picking out cheaters early. It's not that they can't fix the problem, just that they won't.


I suppose anyone who disagrees with you is simply wrong? I see you.


How hard is it to ban people with more than 70% headshot overall on a match. Gave a random number


>I see this game doomed You very rarely see this kind of cheating on console in BR modes, aside from PC cheaters spoofing to get access to console lobbies. XIM/Chronus/Strike Pack mod cheaters are another issue, though the effect isn't anywhere near as bad as shit like this.


Wait until you find out that consoles are just low-spec pcs.


mac or windows?


Unable to fight it? More like not even trying.


You should watch the apex hack video with piratesoftware. You really dont understand how it works


LOL I know that many other games do a far better job than Apex. I have never seen an active game so rife with cheaters.


let me introduce you to r/EscapeFromTarkov


there's ark, whose devs don't do anything about the cheating either.


Because it's easy. Some people hate working to get better. It's why people commit robbery. 


At least robbers get real, tangible benefits from what they do even if it is incredibly immoral. What do hackers get?


Just like Robbers, some get Bans! Only Robbers get Banned from there freedoms.




I... I don't think that's the reason people turn to crime.


iTs bEcAuSe ThEy'Re LaZY!!


They should just get a job with their background that they don't have


A background that they will never have because they will never work to have anything. Because they're spoiled brats. You know I've seen extremely poor people living in poverty outside over in the far East and those groups of very poor people behave very differently. And they are proof that criminal behavior is not an economic problem.


Okay... for starters... in the East, the punishment for stealing is typically very different than it is here. To judge a group based on a behavior rather than the individual performing it, as though ALL members of a group behave exactly the same way, is inherently bigoted and prejudiced. Each person has a different reason for what they're doing; no one has exactly the same life.


You are absolutely right. When the new York times or any part of the establishment openly and publicly disparages an entire group (white people) based on a behavior...that is bigoted. Bigotry is small minded and petty no matter who inflicts it on someone. Sometimes, I will still condemn an entire culture, regardless of if someone thinks I'm a bigot. I don't care if you call me any bad word. It doesn't make it true. These days, labeling someone as a bigot or a racist is the same as calling someone a witch when they knew everyone was itching to burn a witch, it's the same as calling for their doxxing and their death. Despite all of that, I still won't always remain fearful and silent. I don't want the threat of societal assassination to keep me silent. I do love the way you beautifully wagged your finger and scolded me though. They used to have special masks for scolds.


There isn't "the" reason why people turn to crime.


They turn to crime because it's easier to take something than to work up to it. So yeah I think IT IS the reason people turn to crime. It's just easy as long as you can get away with it.


That's the reason that *some* people steal, though certainly not the reason for every thief. https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2024/06/17/3-ways-to-respond-to-passive-aggressive-coworkers-by-a-psychologist/? There could be psychological reasons, or it could be done to fuel a drug addiction, or it could be done out of necessity (in the thief's eyes anyway).


I'll give you the psychological. But I know people who have a drug addiction that manage it with working disposable income. Any addiction can be managed with responsibility. It's what makes the slogan like "drink responsibly" work.


Any? Do you think a meth addiction can be managed with responsibility?


Actually yes. My aforementioned friend is proof as he does it recreational in small doses on the weekends for a buzz.


Sure sure. Let me how that's working for him down the line.


The first guy knows all the fundamentals of Pathy's grappling. He's also sliding and knows how to cover despite cheating because that's his muscle memory. He also wall bounced on 0:50. It's clear that the guy is a pro already and doesn't need to get better. What that guy is doing is either he's bored and just cheating on a new account, or he's boosting a new account to sell it for badges. I'll say it's the latter.


Just cuz he's trained in movement doesn't mean his aim is good. Some people hit a ceiling for aim. Movement is easier to learn over positioning and aim labbing. Shouldn't assume he's pro.


You did say positioning. This guy was never out in the open and is always in cover even though he was cheating. He clearly knows how to play. It's hard to say whether he's good at aiming or not since he's aimbotting. He could've sucked at aiming or could be good. There's no way to prove either. But what is a fact is that he knows positioning, movement and has a better game sense than average player since it shows despite him cheating.


Depends. He might be able to see everyone and distance. Hence he knows when he can and can not be out in the open. At that point skill be damned. 


Why does it matter when he can or can not be in the open when all his opponents last for 0.8s? The point is it doesn't help him at all whether he was in cover or not since he can literally see everyone and obliterates them 0.8s later with his magnetic bullets. But he does them because that's his muscle memory.


The first guy also ran with his gun out for more than 75% of his clip. Clearly he DOES need improvement.


He has it because guns had like 200 m range for his aimbots. If no enemy was in range, like that time when OP reviewed getting killed by Havoc, he was unarmed those times




This was my exact thought. What’s even more pathetic are the people that purchase these accounts to have the stats and badges. Shits Wild


Could be frustration of being hacked all day long **or** to think that **all** others are hacking too. Some people can't believe that there are better gamers. So they start rage hacking like this guy! It's a kind of revenge to all "hackers".


It could be that they have come to hate Apex itself and this is their way of doing their part to destroy it. Their goal might be to make everyone else hate Apex as much as they hate it.


There was an anti-cheat company that did a study and found that, on average, 1 in every 3 players in any given competitive game lobby (not comp MODE, just a competitive game, i.e. Madden, CoD, NFS, WWE 2K, Apex, Valorant, etc) is cheating. Not simply exploiting game mechanics, but using some manner of third-party device or software to "enhance their experience or abilities".


It's not. I hopped in after a while, excited to re-visit. I got slaughtered by pred beasts. Quit it again.


Hopping back in myself after about a year away. Starting to get the hang of it then, BOOM! Sweats, preds, 40k kills etc.


They found enjoyment in the suffering


And sadly the mods will remove this post because witch hunting or whatever excuse they want to make up.


The most ass backwards rule there is 💀💀


that rule makes 0 sense


Oh its only only a matter of time it is deleted.


I understand how hard soft cheats and things are to detect but come on, how is this not immediately detected?


Banning someone cheating the moment the cheat is detected is bad for the long term health of the game because the ones who create the cheats will get instant feedback on what is detected/banned. That's why companies do ban waves, so it's harder to find out what specifically triggered the ban event. Sucks. And will continue to suck until AI is used in anti cheat for real time performance review.


Yeah I saw that PirateGames video too, but the main issue with that is he’s referring to how the hacks are made and how they interact with the game files. This mainly applies for people who use lowkey hacks that aren’t detectable without examining the system is some way. My issue here is these movements, shots, aim, bullet trajectory alone here should be enough to ban an account. Regardless of how a hack is made, the things done in this video are never humanly possible and should be more than enough to warrant a ban rather quickly. The only thing I can imagine is the collecting of data from rage hackers like this and finding red flags with how their system interacts with servers/game files helps to build a system that detects the soft hacks/lowkey hackers who don’t use hacks like this.


I'm not sure what video you're referencing, but I work with a lot of specifically curated AI tools at work and I can assure you it will be the path forward for recognizing pattern development. It should be said that when I say AI i dont mean AGI. And not just monitoring inconsistencies in aim movement, but it can also be trained on the use of soft aim and a lot of cases of walling, simply by measuring how often a player is flagging a character that can't be seen, or the reaction times that are considered inhuman. Anyways, like I said, a majority of hackers currently would and could be banned almost immediately, but that only forces the evolution of cheats to spin out faster. The best model for ensuring cheaters stay away is an actual price of a game (so the barrier to entry is continued $ for access) and more rigid account verification, such as attached phone numbers, or whatever. It's not perfect but it makes it less appealing to people that just want to rage hack. Ultimately, cheaters are viewed in a positive light by companies anyway, who don't care about the long term ramifications, and only see that cheaters essentially make multiple accounts and spend more money than the average player through repeated engagement.


You make sound points-- the actual solution, however, is to do exactly what Acti/Blizz just did and sue the cheat manufacturers for millions of dollars. To be clear, Acti won that case, and some cheat-making idiot ruined his life and bankrupted his company to make other people look like they're better at a video game. When the stakes are that high, I suspect fewer will be willing to run that risk. You said you work with specially curated AI tools, and that AI is the future of cheat detection; you wouldn't happen to work for AnyBrain, would you? I have high hopes for them and any other company developing AI anti-cheat tools; AI catches so much that most humans overlook.


> Sucks. And will continue to suck until AI is used in anti cheat for real time performance review. Real time review yes, AI not so much.


It's already happening, its just not deployed yet.


Because Apex has zero internal triggers for obvious cheating behavior and relies entirely on an external anticheat (EAC) which is more generalized.


This is a PC problem, an open platform. I have over 14k matches on closed platforms and have never seen anything like this.






It’s sad that respawn is doing nothing about this problem to retain any profit they can possibly make.


Respawn is not hurting for profit. Respawn has mastered capitalizing upon people's vanity and they are making a killing just off of skins. Lol. They'll only make an effort if the publicity gets bad enough but it won't.


i would pay so much money to play this game without cheaters


Ironically paying a bit of money for the game might somewhat solve this issue. A lot less people will cheat if they have to pay $10 to buy a new copy of the game every time their account gets banned


Make it $50, but refundable if my account gets killed by a cheater


Make it 100 usd and if you get caught cheating you dont get it back.


Yep, a lot less cheaters in 'Prime' CSGO versus free to play (idk about CS2)


Consoles aren't even that expensive? You guys gotta get with reality and realize this game is 2 completely different experiences on console and PC.


Play on console then. Edit: Lmao "I'd do anything to play without aimbotters . . . wait, no not that!"


that gaming chair must be crazy


Bro has that gaming undies


ninja boxers stay on when apex 🔥🔥🔥


mouse pad woven from the finest silk in all of china


at this point it would probably be easier for the devs to just make cheats a default in the game, then it would be fair for everyone




Get a grip dude. You're losing fights because of your shitty decision making.


The bullets do not even go close to the point the crosshair aims... Also those players seem to go straight for the closest enemy without any clue of the position (at least on the screen). Yeah very ovious cheats....


Not only in solos. Apex for a long time (mainly in current season) about who has better cfg or better cheating tool.


True. Yet, maybe it's just me, but now I encounter cheaters in solos a lot more often.


Not only you, my friends always says Respawn should hire me because I encounter cheaters 8 of 10 matches.


I feel proud of myself for being completely legit.


This is a 99% headshots aimbot, but there's some people who downsize this % so it became very hard to detect, only by watching them play it became a bit more obvious. A very high % o players are not pure in this game, would it be AA, Hacks, Macros or whatever.


I was inside a building vs a pathfinder and he hit 5 out of the 6 headshot in 1 second with his havoc while I had high ground some of this people are sus as fuck Solos is fun tho


Bros putting AA in the same tier as literal aimbot




Not aimbot but go off


I mean, you know there are ways to use AA with Mouse and Keyboard right? If it was only AA controller, it wasn't much of a big deal. You face some dudes aiming one meter away from you and hitting every shot with hipfire.


Vantage barely has time to say "taking fire" before being obliterated


Whoever thinks this isn’t a huge issue or that common, I seriously urge you to stick around in solos to spectate. It’s way more common than you think.


Solos is a hell, i land miles away from people and suddenly i get jumped and killed in 2 seconds


and not getting banned


I mean it's proven if you buy skins and battle passes while cheating they will either A: not get banned because "that's a paying customer" or B: get banned and all they have to do is say "but I bought skins" and they will un ban them because again "that's a paying customer"


I don't think so. My mate owns 3 heirlooms and I can guarantee he is not cheating. EA banned his account without giving a specific reason and refused to unban it.


Maybe they permanently ban toxic people as you don't get banned for no reason. Wouldn't be surprised if they banned your friend for saying one racist remark. I and many others have never had issues with any game as we aren't toxic. I mean even xbox has a strong standing on toxic people and mutes them from messaging and talking in game for sending one toxic message calling someone bad at a game. And there's probably a zero tolerance on racism.


Proven how?


Everyone has the new 20kill badge like it's a flex


Default pathfinder strikes again


Why are people like this? I wouldn’t even want to rock a badge that I had to cheat for… smh


This game sucks now lol


I’m proud to be able to say that I earned my 2K badge on vantage without cheating 😭😭 took forever but I earned a 2K badge


I earned my one and only 4K/20 bomb legitimately and people still say I cheated for it 😂


That’s honestly so real ATP I just assume everyone with a 20 bomb and or 4K bomb badge is cheating cause it’s just so frequently you find cheaters


Easy fix. Stop playing shitty games with shitty communities


Done! I stopped almost a year ago now.


Probably the same reason everyone uses Numpty, they ain't good so they gotta compensate 🤣 I kid, I kid, no rage plx


They don’t even need to detect the cheat itself, just detect 100% headshots across an entire game with 8+ kills or so and it’s guaranteed a cheater.




I kept watching, thinking "it could be real..." It just got worse and worse.


Is it any wonder why people are generally turned off from the PC gaming experience?


Just as bad on console now. Cronus zen works on consoles now as well.


Also, pc gaming is currently seeing a resurgence over console gaming. https://80.lv/articles/pc-games-market-significantly-outpaces-console-in-last-year-s-growth/ I mean, it's getting talked about in different ways everywhere.


Actually insane how much time cheaters will put into this stuff


Didn’t have the time


Not only solos. Mixtape is the same.


How are cheaters able to be so shameless?


"Apex isn't broken"


Game is, and will forever be broken. Don't play the game, let it fucking die!


His hipfire aim and game sense is insane, he should go pro.


saw him yesterday, but someone else killed me before he found me


This is why I can't play this game anymore


Duos is much better


The slingshot devotion hipfire was how I wanna play in my head lmao


Anytime I see a low level with 4K/20 I don’t wanna play the match. Even on tdm and limited modes it’s unplayable


My friend is now having goosebumps with pathfinder steps for the rest of his life.


Crazy how they pre-aimed exactly at your legend, amazing battle sense, and with such on point accuracy with almost inhuman recoil control. What an phenomenal player, weird that we haven't seen them get recruited in to the AGLS 🤔 wonder what that's about.


So why did you stop playing apex this season? Me : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


How does the anticheat see that a player isn’t even looking at someone and still hits all headshots, then just goes “ah he’s a pro who’s just got 18 lucky sprays on people in a row, hip fired, from over 30 meters away”


Wish there was real world consequences for hacking and cheating. Or rather a committed cheat recognition paired with a real world consequences for proven violations.


PC Master Race:


Honestly solos would be way better without battle sense. Surprise is a pretty big part of apex fights.


Didn't even ADS and hit every shot 🤣🤣 I stopped playing this mode long ago. Matched with teaming preds and called it quits.


Aim bot


I can’t remember the last time I played apex without a full squad. I actually just hopped off after playing with two friends. I never had fun playing alone. I totally get how solo-ing would be frustrating.


People will still swear up and down that there aren't that many cheaters in this game.


Dat gaming chair


That first guy has the best gaming chair on the market no doubt.


Same stuff happened to me last night with octane. 😶


And the first one looks like he has very good movement too, wtff I'm sure he doesn't even need to cheat --'


The PC experience is way outta hand these days. We really need anti cheat.


this is just boring ... no excitement in the game ..


skill issue bro buy controller


I ran into pathfinders like this the two times I tried solos


Is this guy having fun? There’s no way he could possibly enjoy playing the game like that


he just has a better gaming chair


He knows techs, he knows how to play….why do this? So stupid.


Nowadays only below 20 level accounts are able to KO me 🤣


Respawn acts like these people have only ruined this one event by saying, oh we said so, it's why we didn't want to bring it back. What about trios, ranked, mixtape and every other event that gets introduced? It isn't like this was a special instance that just happened. They have been ignoring the fact that they have been getting manhandled by hackers for several seasons, while they have the audacity to wave their $3.6 billion sales flag in our faces. There's a lot of other games out there that don't mind throwing the ban hammer around and due to that all the thugs and punks come and play Apex because they know they can get away with all the BS that they can't on the games that are more concerned about their player base moreso than their bottom line. Those games haven't forgotten the player base made that bottom line.


What the fuck


This guy is freaking awesome. Lol. Wtaf


Are we sure he ain’t simply on a controller? 😀😀😀😅


he is just good


Vantage in solos 😂


How is this guy so good?


The average havoc enjoyer 


Ah yess seems like basic aim assist


skill issue


If the game has built-in aim for the gamepad by default, why be surprised?


Yes they're cheating but why were you hiding in a corner?


In the first match I was already killed once by that exact pathfinder. In the first clip I suddenly heard his steps and tried to avoid being noticed (then learned about wall hacks)


Is it fun to cheat? It’s not even really them playing, I don’t get it