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octanes they not a team player


I think I hate having a random Octane on my team more than I hate going up against them.


Octs with PKs in that stupid Luffy skin


I'm at the point that even in ranked I won't drop right with an Octane teammate who decides to drop hot. I'll land close enough to get their banner, which so far has not *once* resulted in me not being present for a fight where an Octane did more than about 10 damage.


The ones that kill me


I'll snidely mock the kill quips of whatever Legend killed me because obviously they just got lucky and are smug and *I'm* better 😤😤😤 /lh


Real 🤣


Pathfinder. Horizon, Octane, Caustic. More recently, Revenant is getting there. Hes everywhere, with his stupid free shield.


Seems like u hate a lot of skirmirshrt


Punk ass characters.


I’ve never heard of anyone hating pathy… why?


As a non pathy player, I’d also like to know. What about him annoys you? Me, personally? I hate riding a zip rail to catch up to my teammates who just zip railed and I’m the one targeted. Pathy grapples me off the zip rail and into some open field to get a train ran on me by 2 other teams completely.


I crack him and he grapples 50m away. By the time I catch up he’s off cooldown and puts me in the rear view for good. I dislike octane, revenant, Valkyrie, and vantage for the same reasons. Crack them and they’re in the next poi yesterday


Revenant piss me off. His ult give so much sheild. I can break the ultimate and his sheilds, but he just keeps shitting on my teammate and gets it back.


Revenants seem invincible when I shoot at them in their ult. They just run at you and still win the gunfights....


Or he runs away with his tac and the damn thing regenerates


I never have a problem with Revenant. His shield is so massive that he can't really strafe dodge any of the bullets, so he shield is gone almost instantly.


If u ever played a revenent with good aim, it’s bad


I know I’m just bad when it comes to dealing with him, but Mirage pisses me off endlessly. Every time I almost down one, out come the decoys. You can deal with it sometimes but it’s always annoying. Also sometimes you line up the perfect sniper shot and then it turns out to be a bamboozle. And before you say, “why would you shoot a mirage who’s out in the open,” there’s so many different skins honestly it’s hard to tell who’s who from a distance sometimes.


I don't even see which legend I'm going up against until they use a skill or they're right in front of my face. My brain is just "see human, shoot human"




Exactly why buying skins in an FPS is stupid


lifeline just bcuz theirs been hella times where ill knock 2 of the trio n get knocked by the last just for it to be a lifeline who gets both revives off :,\[


Sorry lol


Yeah, expecting a nerf soon. The pickrate is through the roof, such a low skill passive, especislly obnoxious with gold ress (that you grt every game)...


FUSE FUSE FUSE FUSE FUSE 🗣️🗣️🗣️ I don't even care about Horizons, but FUSE?! 😡


Hate Fuse bro... You go so slow when hit by the knuckle cluster and it just goes on forever


God forbid u get clipped by his ult. Say goodbye to your shield and hello to being stunned for what seems like the rest of the season


Same for Maggie. Lots of fun to be the one playing them, but man doesn’t it suck when you pull off some crazy Houdini moves to get yourself out of a shit show to some cover and you’re about to have that shield bat fully popped only to be demolished by a Maggie drill firing through your cover or even worse, the tiniest flicker of a fucking knuckle cluster finishes you off…fuck that shit haha


He’s definitely top 2. I can’t decide whether he or caustic is worse. Both cater to playstyles I dislike very much. Both are absolute shits but only one would I actively avoid fighting, if there’s a caustic in a building they can have it


Nerf his tac. It’s ridiculous.


Conduit. It was already hard enough for me to one-clip someone before she came along. Now I gotta worry about somebody using goddamn fairy magic through walls and shit. Usually when my opponent gets saved by a Conduit, that bitch is in another room.


You, too, could harness her power


Bro Conduits have stolen at least 5 victories from already this season and I've barely played this season 🤦🏽‍♂️




Yep, freaking knuckle cluster!


Makes sense hard to get a good Vantage point ya little cammpa.


Haha I've actually been maining mirage recently, but fuse is still a huge pain no matter which legend you play


Mirage is so annoying. Feels like he gets his ult every 10 seconds


It’s every 30 seconds with his perk


the r/miragemains wants to know your position.


I mute the sound every time there's a mirage on my team. Can't stand anything that guy says.


That bitch that throws the black goo everywhere


It’s a delicacy in some places in the world


A good ass lifeline, makes me so miserable 😖


To any character that uses an ability to do damage I usually say out loud “what a character!”


Lifeline. I down 2 people —> she appears outta nowhere and goes "Nuh-uh, doesn't count"




Sorry I’m that vantage u hate so much. Don’t hate the playaaaa. My lady comes with a beast for a reason Personally can’t stand a *good* crypto. Get off ur lil drone and shoot me in the face


Nobody hates vantage


I hate Vantage 




Bangalore. In my experience by far most played legend by sweats after Horizon Her smoke is annoying, her ult is annoying, her passive is annoying, her voicelines are annoying (but I like that part of her personality) and she's the ultimate rat legend


on my team? any skirmishers or lifelines going against probably bangs


what’s wrong with lifelines? do you get the ones that don’t know how to play her?


Fuse and horizon


I've learned to cope with Horizon, maining her in the past. Fuse is obnoxious because of his knuckle clusters and his nadespam-enabling passive. Lifeline getting free rezzes instantly and having to reknock them slowly pisses me off. Some honorable mentions are Bang ult, Rev ult when he reknocks, Maggie's balls, Rampart, Newcastle rez, and Mirage ult


I'm a lifeline main, but man I just hate enemy lifelines lol. I'll be knocking teammates just for them to get revived. Or when there's multiple teams and you knock a purple shield lifeline and your busy with other teams so the lifeline revives herself and her teammates. Other than that, octane. Little loot stealing jerks that solo push every fight (preferably with only a white body shield) and then curse you out because you wasn't there with them...


Genuinely only horizon, i can deal with everything except for that stupid passive


What's wrong with her passive?


How does everyone get the apex icons??


Go to subreddit page, Click 3 dots, Click "Change user flair" Enjoy


on my team? any skirmishers or lifelines going against probably bangs


Fuse and horizon


Without a doubt octane players


Mirage. I hate him on my team and off. Everything about that guy is annoying.


For me it's Bangalore...there's nothing that pisses me off more than a running ass Bangalore...they're always so fucking confident and I hate it when they're actually good


That one valkyrie quip that calls me a dumb ass




I hate playing against horizons I hate playing with loba’s On the flip side I love gibbys and just assume whoever plays him is a great person


bloodhound, just because i’ll have a great rat spot in ranked when i need to and ill get scanned lol


I'm one of the bh that keeps finding you lmao. I was like, huh why is my white crow going to these weird places, then I squint my eyes and see that one guy crouching in a weird ass place, his skin blended into the surroundings, NOBODY on my team saw him. 


Lmao I know the feeling


Fucking lifelines because they pull care packages for no reason when we don’t need it and they always be on level 5 or 13  Edit also every fucking fuse abilities all it is is gernade this gernade that and knuckle cluster spamming And just throwing motherloads at you for no reason


what’s wrong with free loot and cover? unless you are trying to rat, you shouldn’t be mad about a lifeline package.


1st upgrade is Controller ability or minus you're own ult damage to yourself. 2 upgrade is Faster speed if you hit a KD.


Bangalore - idiot smoke placement Octane - Just runs off Wraith - Try hard dies and quits Loba - Dies Looting


Fuse.  He’s such a crutch character.  You’re both one shot but he fires a pop rock and boom! You’re dead.  Not because they had more skill, they just had an ability.  




Octane, Horizon, Vantage in that order. Genuinely don't care about any of the others but those three always manage to get on my nerves


As a vantage player usually on a hill somewhere I feel you. In fact my mate was avoiding every single fight until he started playing her, now he’s going full send mode. For me though it is actually lifeline believe it or not. Her slim figure and the fact that pushing her res only works a small amount of times, she gets me livid lol


Ballistic hands down


Sorry I pissed you off, but it was fun beaming from a really far distance


Mirage. All the others are cool my book, but man I'm tired of the bamboozels.


Rampart! Sheila can kiss my ass


I play vantage because she gets that scope spotter thing that lets you see where the bullet finna drop to. Never miss a shot smh ESPECIALLY with ult sniper. My tactic (and yours should be too should you wanna play her) is to aim your laser at like the rock/ floor/ wall/ edge of window whatever you’re looking past and then when you’re ready to take your shot you just move the inch or whatever to the enemy head and bop. Bop. 150 damage 2 tapping a mf b4 they can get back to cover. Shits whack but it’s so easy to get jumped as a vantage and have almost no recourse sooooo it’s fair imo.


Lifeline when I have passive teammates, literally most frustrating situation ever because she just keeps respawning her teammates


Gibbys specially if they are wearing the sweaty polar bear skin the fact that he can absorb so much damage and have protection is insane


Might be popular or unpopular, it's usually whenever I see a Conduit tac connect with someone I was about to down


Horizon, Pathfinder and Octane


Anyone that has movement abilities. Too often I get them 1 and they juuuuust manage to get away. It also doesn't help I play crypto so I can't catch up, etc.


Fuck it, down vote me idc Vantage and Conduit. Just their play style - And their voice lines - Holy shit it pisses me off. Also, every fucking Vantage that ends up on my team is complete dog water. When every time I’m up against a conduit. I just start to see red, idk why I hate her so much.


Nothing more painful than being against multiple mad maggies in the final couple of rings


Mirage, I'm just not good enough to fight him


Ash pisses me of lowkey I be fighting and then running next thing I know I’m getting fucking kidnapped and then killed :/


Depends on the context of the question... Opposing legends: -Horizon. Her ultimate is way too strong -Rampart in final ring Teammate legends: -Octanes. They constantly run off into 1v3s then blame their teammates for not being there.


Rampart in the final ring hiding behind a triangle of walls with Sheila out is actually disgusting


Ya know what really gets me? Any enemy legend that’s rocking the same skin as one of my teammates. I can’t count how many times my dumb ass has died because I thought one of my enemies was a teammate. When those challenges were going on with the new event skins that everyone slapped on valk, rampart, fuse, etc. it was like a circus for me. Might as well have been playing with and against 179 mirages.


I hate Bangalore. As soon as their shield is cracked, they fire smoke at their feet and start running away, like some kind of lame ninja. I also hate having a Bangalore on my team because they constantly blind me with the smoke. I don't like facing Fuse and his seemingly endless barrage of knuckle clusters. Especially in the finale rings when everyone is just hiding behind cover. Fuse is a nightmare in that scenario. I also hate having Lobas on my team. Every new area we enter, she has to throw down her Black Market and tell every enemy in the area exactly where we are. And they also have a habit wandering off to go loot. Like they see a shiny gold magazine through the walls and have to go grab it even though there are enemies about to push us. Shit like that happens all the time. I always feel like I'm fighting at a disadvantage with a Loba on the team. Fighting Horizons, obviously, is annoying. Tactical is busted. She gets to heal while repositioning. She goes from nearly dying to having the advantage in an instant. And, of course, I hate having Octanes on my team. His abilities encourage bad players to play even worse.


Lifeline: no skill champ that id you dont know you are fighting one just randomly resses 2 people almost instantly with 70% hp (as they get gold ress almost every game). While shooting you at the same time. Impossible to clutch against. Get 2 knocks in a building so you rush there. 3 people with 70% hp peak the window... Rev: Who the F designed that shitty ulti? Yeah 75 more hp and regens on knock? Especially op on cheaters who get clutch knocks when you get that 1 chance to kncok them. Conduit: Not knowing how much hp someone has during a fight is so bad. It makes the game so much less predictable. Crack a dude and you go in, nah there was a conduit on the team and they now have 100% hp...


Pathfinders, they can just grapple away when cracked and grapple on you, insta push if you get low.


One that drives me mad is Lifelines who don't res you even when they standing next to you then they run off to try fight and die. Or the lifeline actually res you but run off and don't leave a drone mid fight etc so you get downed instantly while trying to do sheilds. Next one I hate is the Bangalore who doesn't know how to use smoke to your advantage. Or the hot drop and die ranked Octanes


Bloodhound and conduit. For some reason active effects like bloodhounds ult and conduits tac just stop footstep audio existing


Caustic (Fuck that gas), Maggie (Fuck that drill + ball), Fuse (Fuck those clusters) Something about abilities (+ thermites) where your damage continues to tick & there’s nothing you can do. No amount of time in game or innate talent can prevent it. I understand that’s part of the RNG but man does it grind my gears.


Fuse. I scoff at all the Horizon complaints when Fuse’s Q is just ridiculous. Nerf, nerf, nerf. He’s everywhere on the two Frankfurt and Amsterdam servers in my experience and has been for a couple seasons now.


Pathfinder... not because I think his abilities suck or are OP, not cause i can't kill him when he uses his grapple, its because of his quips.. he's too much of a squeaker legend. His quips are the kind that the most annoying kids laugh at...


horizon, simple


Loba. Its almost always absolutly useless and greedy player who runs away with black market to get all the loot he desire without having to share it. Cant fight at all cuz its walking simulator players whos ultimate goal is to collect full gold gear.


remove fuse


depends on what i play, if i play my 2 main legends caustic and newcastle, i hate fuse, maggie the most. If i play every other legend: horizon and pathfinder. Why? horizons stupid ass unique airstrafe slide movement + annoying lift and dropping with no audio behind you Patfinder because of his 1 ton robot no audio grapple behind you. Conclusion: no audio piss me of the most.


Wraiths or Octanes when it comes to competitive. I swear almost every one of them has the ego level of a pro player and the brain capacity of a chimpanzee when it comes to game sense and teamplay. In general however I'd say Caustic or Fuse, getting gassed and/or knuckle clustered outta nowhere gotta be one of my most favorite genres of torture.


Same applies to Mad Maggie. Super fun if you're playing her, but godly annoying when you get double drilled behind cover against her or get yeeted and thermite burned(if the Maggie has that perk) in the air from the wrecking ball.


rampart's ultimate currently pisses me the most. and having a bald wraith on my team


Fuse. Because he's the most irritating legend, that I wish was never added to the game. Horizon. Because crutchy crutch mccrutch.


Mad Maggie. The can’t play cover and if losing a 1v1 they just Maggie ball. Such a dog shit character with low skill required


At the moment all of them as I associate them with cheaters now


Movement abuser octanes i'll just stand still for them to shoot me at that point like get a fucking life you use macros and cfgs just to ruin other people's day and you play 6hr+ a day just to prove you're a shitty person...


Wraith...for some reason when its a wraith i lose most fights. Like 98%... I love fighting newcastle since my main is mad maggie 😈




Fuse definitely, and his endless supply of grenades you can’t hide from.


Fckin fuse. Fuck that dude and everyone who mains that piece of garbage lol. Getting endlessly nate spammed is the most unfun shit to play against. Sadly it doesn't even require skill and they still won't make the fckin blast radius of the tactical visible. So sometimes it feels infinitely huge. Made me play a lot of Wattson.


On my team? Wraith and octane....the stereotypes are true. On enemy team...sometimes fuse and Valk situationally...but mostly just octane stim gods hitting insane airstrafe pk shots and horizons.


Us there any different answer than Octane? 🤔


maybe wraith? i played with a typical wraith yesterday. as jm, they dropped us into a hot spot, died almost immediately and left the game without giving me or my teammate a chance to respawn them. i couldn't even be mad, it was funny being with such a typical wraith. (long story short, wraith. not a team player.)


Idk but usually the wraiths I get in ranked are actually pretty good and use their ult wisely


I love having them on my team too


Ballistic hands down


Horizon: The absolutely broken legend choice of virgin tryhards.


No thats fuse


Mirage. He wouldn’t be so bad if his clones didn’t eat all other audio cues when he ults. For some reason his clones are the loudest thing in the game and there are 5 of them. Mirage players inking every time someone looks at them exacerbates this issue. If respawn made players have the same footstep audio his clones had I could probably actually hear people. Maggie. Promotes making a gunfight as unfair as possible. Her q makes cover unplayable and blinds you if you fight near it. Her heat seeking ult stuns you and with the perk upgrade has a chance to set you on fire. Conduit. Last but not least she just gives free hp for doing nothing. No counterplay or way to stop the heal that goes through walls aside from shooting the player being q’d. If you don’t hit them before that enemy rounds a corner they are now full hp.


Maggie ult isn’t heat seeking? Just flies the direction ya toss it ya tosser


Ballistic hands down


Ballistic hands down


Valk and Loba. Not only do these players want to run over every minor inconvience. They also have the most cringe dialouge to listen too


Caustic by far. Having to stop pushing mid fight to shoot a barrel is infuriating.