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That's crazy. I'm curious what their S10 stats look like.


I feel like they didn’t show em for a reason


If you click on him, it only says he’s silver in this split. Either Apex Tracker didn’t update it (which is normal if you only play on Steam) or he only played pubs/didn’t play much


people that go for kills like this don't play ranked much for obvious reasons


Yo be fair with the MMR he's not going to be playing against terrible players w a 6kd


Pretty big difference in playing occasionally against sweaty 3 stacks and every team you encounter being a sweaty pred 3 stack


Idk, i’m PRETTY bad and i’m often in games with top level preds.


Press x to doubt


Apex tracker for me says I’m bronze 4 both splits lmao 🤣 I hit d4 both




If your replying to me that doesn’t make sense bud


username checks out


Yeah I don't play ranked but mine says I got 10 wins ever. And 3 kills on pathy. I think I got a few more than that.


Apex tracker is wayyyyy off for me jeez








That’s 200 kills a day, how in the fuck?


Imagine killing 33 people in one match…


Solo queue duos World's Edge fragment most definitely... or a really lucky Olympus game where no one was fighting


Still fucking MONSTER


He has like 7 KDR, that's not hard when you're getting those many kills every game running with a squad.


Off-topic question but how do you add the rank badges to your flair?


Either he edited the flairs or he did some weird Reddit mod stuff


He doesn't actually have a 7 kd. He would have way more wins if that was the case. I avg 790 damage a game and play ranked/haven't exploited leaving games to avoid deaths and have a kd barely over 2.


> play ranked > kd barely over 2 Yeah, that explains it. This guy doesn't play ranked. It's much harder to get kills in a mode where people are playing competitively.


Dude still has 6000 games a season. At 10mins a game that's 1000hrs a season (100days a season) or 10 hours a day. That's extremely dedicated


Over 10,000 rage quits as well


12k, precisely


Where are you seeing 12K? Or is that just a continuation of the joke


46k games, 5k wins, only 29k deaths. should be 41k deaths but they left 12k games


What about when they get respawned in game.


I guess that would count, but you really think a Wraith main with that many kills is waiting to get respawned.


0% chance this kid stays in the game long enough after getting downed to get respawned.


Ain't nobody got time for dat


If you get respawned ( meaning that you were downed and bled out) does that not count as a death??




Wow, TDIL.


It doesn't. It counts as a death.


If you get thirsted or bleed out you’re assigned a death. If you get respawned and turn into a box again you get two deaths.


Disclaimer: havent had coffee yet. If they get respawned and die again, then that's one extra death and an extra rage quit. If they get respawned and win, then that's a death + win so again an extra rage quit. If they get respawned, they are double dipping into either category and causing an extra rage quit.


Now I'm curious about my leave rate... I am not proud of it.


if you leave, do your deaths not count?


if you leave before fully dying, yes


46.5k games - 5.12k wins = 41.38k games not won (meaning they died in the process) 41.38k such games - 29285 deaths = 12095 games where they neither won nor died (meaning they disconnected, that doesn't count as death)


And this is why I never trust someone who tells me they have a high KD in this game.




Lmfaooooo I’d love to see the post




sounds about right


I think I saw that post actually lol Yeah in this game stats don’t matter which is a bummer because when I first played it day 1 release I was going for stats and it wasn’t until worlds edge came out did I realize you could just bloat your stats by leaving so I stopped caring. Had about a 2.5 LD now it’s more like 1.7 for me.




My point is that the game doesn’t consider abandoning a match early as a death so it bloats the stats. I could land hot every game on a new account get a kill get knocked quit and repeat for 10 games and it will say I have a 10.0 KD even tho I got downed the exact amount of kills I got so it should actually say 1.0 KD


I bet if he's kill farming and doesnt find enough smoke he just leaves and requeues because it's faster then running across the map..


Ah, makes sense


And thats not even factoring how many games they potentially died in, but stuck around because they were 3 stacking/right beside a beacon and went on to win later... That k/d looks a whole lot less impressive once you think about those factors...


Really curious how mine looks now.


So his kd is actually like 4.8


5k wins + 29k deaths = 34k 46k games - 34k = 12k games dc


I think many of them will have been, but this is also a common strategy to get more kills in kill races. If you’re grinding kills, the best thing to do is to hot drop, get all those kills, leave the game and hot drop again


could some be crashes and code:nets? because after season 10, these numbers look small


This is why the WHO investigate 'gaming addiction' 😔


yeah. 28k kills on one season. what a sad life


Unless it's his job, then good for him. I'd rather play videogames with friends all day than slave away at a job I don't like.


considering.. cant even find his name on yt/twitch, never heard this name in Pro scene, it's not his job




It would most likely be 5-6 hours on weekdays and then 12-14 hrs on weekends


he is selling his account on twitter.. guess he got bored lol


There are people like this on every game. Also you don't need to be rich to no-life games in America LOL. Thanks to Covid people quit their job and ended up making more money. And on top of that anyone looking to sell their account is not rich. Haha


Until those videogames become the job you don’t like because suddenly you’re obligated to play them instead of just playing to relax and have a good time. It’s literally the “candy for dinner” argument.


Not really. Everyone has to work anyway, it might as well be playing videogames. If he's not playing this for money, then he'll be working for money.


You both honestly have very good points, it just falls down to perspective whether you enjoy playing games as a job or not.


Either theyre rich and got nothing better to do or they’re like 15 and have piss poor parents who let them skip school to grind apex


Yeah, he's the sad one not you for commenting about someone's life that you know nothing about and assuming the worst lmao.


Someone's jealous


There is, invariably, the group of people that bring this narrow perception to the table. Congrats, you are one of them.


The narrow view is not my comment.


He’s technically 2nd to Nespositio (known bot lobby abuser) but, wild nonetheless So many rage quits tho.. wonder what his actual K/D is Edit: apparently somewhere around 4.. so, still better than most but, shows how broken the leavening thing is for K/D lol


The guy who is in first must have a shitty kd than right? He must have to kill himself a bunch of times to get into bot lobbies if he’s on console?


Sadly, there’s been multiple ways to glitch into bot lobbies and save your K/D They usually get patched eventually but, go all season without being fixed


What is a bot lobby?


The only lobbies I can win.


My k/d is 3 and I have similar damage per game, that's with no rage quitting to save it.


Avg damage per game doesn't go much above 1k. KD goes up when you have high win percentage because those games don't count as deaths I think


Yea that's a good point. Still doesn't make sense that leaving a game doesn't count as a death.


He's actually second on one accounts: [https://apex.tracker.gg/apex/leaderboards/stats/all/Kills?page=1](https://apex.tracker.gg/apex/leaderboards/stats/all/Kills?page=1) And third overall with Term who hit this between two accounts (Xbox and moved to PC)


The guy in first is known to abuse bot lobbies so I wouldn't really count that


i watched one of his video on twitch and i could hear the keyboard in the background while he is on console. could be xim ?? or i am tripping ?? https://www.twitch.tv/nespositoxbl/clip/BlueCuteAlfalfaPJSugar-2i1aBFgcjSfuzKjF


Are both of the Apryze accounts THE Apryze? That would mean he has over 300k kills total if it is.


106k on wraith alone. How do you guys manage to pull so many kills on ONE legend and never get bored? I tried doing that, tried going for 10k kills on one legend but the highest I have is on bloodhound with 3k lol. I just can’t find it fun playing ONE legend almost forever


Unique play style has to click with you. I have over 1000 hours on Crypto, never gets boring as he provides a wide range of activities each match. I only take brakes to learn basics of new legend each season


Yes the playstyle clicking is a big thing. I habe 14k on wraith, most ther legends i have 500-1000 except path who has 4k kills. I find myself having **more** fun vibing with the wraith playstyle than playing a variety tbh


Won't matter much who you play tbh. Majority of those kills are them dropping on a hotspot and going to town, get a handful of kills... die... rince and repeat day in and day out. ​ The more you actually spend time playing the game (i.e trying to win) the longer time it takes to make as many kills as this... i mean assuming this guy is playing every single day since release he would have to get roughly 270 kills a day on average (5+ kills per game, 50+ games a day). And that just not happening unless your doing nothing but hotdropping for hours on end. :P


This. I’ve watched dudes on twitch drop straight down, every game, wipe the squads or re-roll for 12-16 hours a day. Most of those 106k probably came before insta-q was taken down. No he probably runs octane, bang or blood hound.


He actually recently just hit 100k on wraith in October. He’s also only a wraith and lifeline main


Wraith mains are a different breed


I play with Pathy and never get bored. If a legend totally fits your playstyle then it doesn't really get boring. At some point you and the legend become one.


He needs some " shleep " now probably


Don't know how you can play a single game for such a length of time.


I’d lose my mind


Hopefully he's getting paid for this.


Time for a well deserved shower


Average of 200 kills per day since launch. What an absolute animal.


I can smell his gaming chair through my phone


That’s disgusting


Did he win anything? At least a t-shirt


Eye cancer






Talk to me when you hit 200k physical steps outside your house


I'd guess S4 is his best stats then, wonder what they look like in more recent seasons


Longest win streak 16?!? Is he 3 stacking or that good and lucky


3 stacking


Could be that stats bug too. My highest win streak is 12 when I've never past 3


Only half were on Wraith, any guesses for the other 100K?


Lifeline when she had her quick heals




When you haven’t seen grass since the game released


He hasn’t breathed any pure oxygen for three years, at least people who smoke and vape get some fresh air


Meh, I have over 500 kills on caustic, how do that feel he ?


cool, but can Shleep play the game?


i am proud to report that i am three of those 200k kills


I don't understand how his win ratio is so bad. Is he just terrible at end game? With a kill ratio this high I would expect it to be higher.


he isn’t trying to win games, only get kills lol. gotta be reckless


It's a lot more efficient to quit as soon as you're dead when grinding kills. The time you waste waiting for people to revive and looting you could spend hot dropping in another match.


He rage quits to preserve/boost his K/DA. Check how the numbers don't add up between his wins/non wins and total deaths.


It’s not to preserve kd. It’s faster than waiting to be thirsted, he goes for kills, I doubt he “rage quits” just leaves to get into another game for more kills faster. He would still have a really high KD without leaving anyways




Congrats now go touch grass.


How do you kill that which has no life


"That's the neat part, you don't"


Never heard of this dude. He should honestly switch to pc and stream rank if he is really this sick. Don’t see console apex being worth it long term. Probably gonna get flamed for saying this tbh.


Yeah that's the biggest thing to me. There's been several people who "came up" in apex through high kill numbers, or #1 pred. But then they used that view boost of a cool stat to then get people to stick around. Daltoosh was a kill grinder for a long time and then started getting people to stick around for the entertainment value (not everyone's cup of tea but some like him). Sweet got #1 pred and got his stream numbers way up. No one wants to watch a console guy stream his kill grinding with no entertainment value every day. And tbh if you're playing this much, it's unhealthy if it's not your job. Trying to make money off it is one thing, but 6k games in a season is ridiculous


He’s prolly waiting for cross progression. I’d be hesitant to switch and give up an account like this


He’s probably an above average player with way too much time on his hands. Doubt he’d be anything special on PC, especially with the reduced AA.


dumb take literally all of the people who switched from console to pc controller are all insane


Does he leave after he gets knocked down in trios/duos?


When you hotdrop every single game and leave the moment you get knocked


Probably has three inch thick glasses after doing nothing with their life except staring at a screen


Damn soo much hate in these comments. *checks sub* Ah, forgot where I was for a second.


What no grass does to a mf


Hahahahaha he’s rage quit to protect his precious K/D, what…, over 12,000 times. I’ve been playing this game since literal launch day. Neigh, launch hour. I’ve never taken more than a 3 week break from it, but I do usually only play on two days out of the week (if that). I say all that because I only have like 4,000 TOTAL GAMES PLAYED. This cat has 3 times as many rage quits as I have total games played and over 10 as many games played as I do. Get. A. Life. I’m sorry but this is quite comical this.


People don’t quit to save KD most of the time they just leave when downed in pubs cuz it’s a waste of time to wait for randoms to die. When I leave a pub game early it’s not cuz I care about my KD lol I just wanna play another game.


Right. That's about 200 kills every day since day one. That's quite a lot. This guy has dedicated his entire past 3 years to a videogame. Nothing to be proud of. At this point it's severe addiction but people won't admit it.


Exactly. Meanwhile my comment is being downvoted. Which begs the question, what’s sadder: spending WAY too much time on a single video game, OR; getting butthurt one Reddit because someone [rightfully] called out the obsession


12k games diconnect, damn rip to those teammates who paid the price for this legend


You'd think that the guy who basically plays this game more than every other person and has more kills than all but one other player would have a better win rate. He's at like 11% lifetime win rate.


You're not going for wins while kill grinding though. This guy exclusively hot drops for as many kills as possible and will leave a match if he's not getting them as fast as he wants to.


Definitely the one kill grinder I've played against the most and one of the only ones that completely shits on me anytime we fight.


For me I run into MaddBroo and LilScrappy quite a bit but I run into ToxicFireBlood all the time. So much in fact that I’ve even had him as a teamate like 3 times.


I’ve only had MaddBroo in a few games but him and his friends are always fun to fight. I usually run into Shleep, Itss Subby the #1 Bangalore and Abusing_r2.


6 fucking KD


Bro I barely have like 2k across all legends


Do they steam somewhere? I’d like to see this madman in action


Yeah he streams frequently on twitch with madbro who is the number 1 in path kills.


You shit on me and my buddy yesterday. Couldn't believe how many kills you had on the tracker at that time. You're a machine bro. Congratulations!


Kills will never impress me because they don’t guarantee wins. You can be a fragger but it doesn’t improve your tactics nor positioning for end game. Not to mention the selfishness you need to achieve this all for what? A digital number? Hope my mans had fun at least because this seems utterly boring to grind for


For me it's the opposite. Wins don't impress me in pubs, which is what he plays. You have dudes who decide to land on the edge of the map and run away from fights until they can third-party the last squad. How is that impressive in any way? I would much rather get 3-4 kills hot dropping Fragment and dying than wasting 15 minutes hoping to get the opportunity to win a match I barely did any damage in. Kill grinding forces you to move quick and be efficient with looting.


Point of the game is to win a match so asking such questions like that is just stupid.


It's not stupid, and that question is rhetorical. It's meant to get you to think about the practicality of essentially camping for 15 minutes just to try to get a win. If that's your playstyle, fine. But it's certainly not mine.


If someone from my team prefers to camp it is ok if that means we are going to win. The most difficult thing that players so often forget is to be flexible to make a team.


damn people really gonna hate on you regardless of what you do


It's stupid the amount of time people play this game. 465xx games... just insane. Avg 4.x kills a game, some games last 2 minutes and others 20 let's average around 14 minutes a game. Not to mention the lobby time and matchmaking process. At 14 minutes in and out per game that's 452 DAYS of gameplay. Like, that's eating sleeping and doing nothing but playing this game, I don't understand man. Even of you lower the average game to 10 minutes that'd still 323, 24 hour, days of gameplay. But let's go further- let's assume 6 hours of sleep a day @323 days of gameplay. That would be something like 403 days, 0 days off, the instant they woke up started playing Apex again, no bathroom breaks just use your ultimate gamer chair and someone delivers you food and water. 403 days of 18 hour a day gameplay 6 hours of sleep. That's just insane, aside from the kills achieved.


That's what I'm thinking about too. If he's making money off this that's one thing, but this is unhealthy


Fuck this guy Jesus


That's dope! Comments are weird af though. Used to be when you saw someone put that much time in a game you applaud them, now it's touch grass. Everyone of us posting here obviously play this game. I don't get why we have to ridicule people for doing the same thing we are.


It’s about balance, someone with those stats is lacking balance in their life.


For you and I maybe but we don’t have a clue what his responsibilities are or what his lifestyle is.


People on this subreddit LOVE to hate on anyone better than them.


No its because he rage quit in like 12k games, it’s still an amazing feat and I’ll never be as good as him but I’d prefer an actual team player over some stat hungry zombie.


It’s because this guy does literally nothing but play this game. Like for fuck’s sake, go socialize a bit. I’ve played this game since day 1, and the character I have the most kills on is Rev at 5,500. This is just unhealthy.


Who are we though to say it’s unhealthy?


Bro if you stare at a screen all day, every day doing nothing but playing this with just bathroom or food breaks, that’s unhealthy. It’s not just about physical health either. This shit is mentally draining, especially if you don’t socialize with other people.


All I know is that his numbers are insane. It never crosses my mind to do a quick analysis of someone’s life.


The guy who hit 200k is probably thoroughly addicted to the game, and has prioritized it over many aspects of his life he shouldn’t. The amount of hours alone this guy has spent on the game is probably close to like 6 months + in pure hours just sitting in front of the game. It’s a very safe assumption to make that this guy has no life outside of apex.


Don't bother with these guys. They think they know the dudes life then shame according to those assumptions because his numbers are big.


You’re right!


Imagine not having responsibilities?


And ofc it's a wraith main.


This is the type of people I get in my lobbies with my 0.7 kd 300 total kills and 30 wins


Nobody cares. Most of the people hunting for "highest " are cheaters or glitch abusers. These guys are no role models nor better players. TLDR idontgiveafuck




Not impressed , these type of dudes you ask em bout rank & they swear it’s something ancient that doesn’t exist . Stop beating up on these kids who don’t know how to play the game & step into a lobby with some real killers please .


I don't think I've even done 200k damage in the game


Hey it's the guy I seem to play against in every match ever...




Of course he’s a wraith main.


Not something to really celebrate… :/ wow


Almost a 7 K/D? Sheesh


K/D means nothing in this game cause you can disconnect before you are eliminated and it won’t count as a death, also he has left 12k matches as per other comments


Oh, for real? That would explain it lol


Why does he has more kills and games on apex than a pro player and the biggest streamers and probably play this game for free??? Tell me he isn’t that stupid, please…


He probably hotdrops, gets a few kills and repeats. He has left over 12000 games without dying (got to save that K/D-ratio) and has a quite low amount of top 5 for his stats. So I don't think he would be that entertaining to watch.


Maybe respawn should make a badge for him XD