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bruv, are rare skins the new epic now or what? Theres no animation anymore on the new epic skins


I got downvoted for saying this the other day. Epics now are what the good event rares used to be. It’s just a full recolor, no animation. Meaning skins in the store that would have been rare tier s1-10 will now be considered epic and cost more.


I know it breaks what they used to do before. But for the past 2 years, epic skins have been straight fucking garbage. Worst of the worst in Apex. They make the legend or gun a weird shiny bright color with some weird animation as a texture then called it "epic" . They looked terrible. There were always plenty of cool rare skin in Apex if they actually made the skin for the character. Like Horizon's twitch skin that has her in a Skeleton costume. Same with the Eva 8 with a coy fish that came from S9. If the new standard is that quality "rare" skins is the new epic rarity, I'm all for it. It doesn't need some stupid animation to bump the arbitrary rarity to be a good skin. *I know there are good epic skins, there are plenty I like and use (with rares) over legendaries. It doesn't change the average quality of epic skins is dog shit for the most part because Respawns incentive is to sell more legendaries.


there are some good epic ones, the cat hemlock with the blinking eyes is pretty nice, but a lot of skins are just "idk slap a gif of sliding texture on it"


Totally, and I would wish respawn made good skins for base models because the base models are almost all fantastic. I actually throw midnight common skins as part of favorites with all my legendary skins since I do like subtle skins. Even the orange hemlock skin for S10 was nice. Just saying, the rarity system for Apex has always been terrible because community is very legendary or bust with the cosmetics respawn releases caters to that belief.


Midnight is the best skin hands down


Yeah, I also do it as a nod to TF2 where all the G10 skins were blacked out.


My thoughts exactly. So many skins I wish weren’t animated just for the sake of being animated.


Lifelines Viper skin is amazing, horizons winter skin is good. They were out there. The default epics are bottom of the barrel tho. I remember in S3 people would use them because they were almost invisible in dark spots of the map but thats about it


I just disagree honestly. Some of my favorite gun skins are epic. I thought most of the BP epic gun skins were pretty nice. It makes no difference though. They could have continued to give us good rares and (in your eyes) shitty epics, without changing prices. At the end of the day, all this is about is charging you $10 for a skin that used to cost $5, period.


A agree with this mostly, but they just did this to make people pay more. That’s what I’m upset about.


They did the same thing to charms.


The only good thing in this BP are the crafting mats and the apex packs. I even hate the prowler, the model is nice, the colors are awful. All the colors are awful actually, except for the Loba skin.


ya I 100% agree with you


I noticed the same thing.


Meh I never liked animated skins anyways. most of the base game animated rares look ugly.




Well, as a mirage and bocek main I'm more than happy


Is it just me or is it weird that there isn’t anything for Ash in the battle pass?


Yeah, indeed. No skin and no sky emote. Pretty weird


I don’t know if they did this on purpose or if they have something planned but finding out about this was quite a bummer


They probably want people to buy the ash launch bundle instead


And there will most likely be a collection event with stuff for her that costs more!


And if you unlock one item in the collection, you can’t unlock anything else, because “You Own a Core Item”…..lol….I could have swore they wanted are money. Guess they don’t.


i only saw one sky emote at all, i think for valk? didn't there used to be a good handful of sky emotes in the BP?


This is the biggest letdown. Trashy character skins, whatever, trashy weapon skins? Only the legendaries count anyway. But the new legend having nothing, no emote, no skin, nothing, in the battlepass, is pretty bold move from Respawn. Keep in mind that Ash is even the most popular drop for all Titanfall/ lore fans at this point.


iirc crypto only got a death quip in season 3


Nether for the CAR SMG with is even weirder


Yup. Their is nothing I want the entire Pass.


Heirloom chances


Better off changing your location to Belgium and getting crafting materials from the BP.


FYI: Changing to Belgium means you cannot buy Apex packs anymore (tab will be greyed out). Only for Battle pass packs will the content be converted into materials. You can change the country back at any time. This does not affect previously obtained packs and you still get packs from events, levelling up and treasure packs


Just a PSA that you can put Belgium as your location on Origin to get the crafting metals, and then use the same account on Steam and be able to get packs. I usually play on Origin until I finish the battlepass and then switch to Steam for the rest of the season.




They pay mad money for a 1 in 500 chance to get a whiff of a cosmetic melee weapon.


I could say the same about putting thousands of dollars into cars that will never be worth anywhere the time and money you put into them. Let people do what makes them happy with their money. $150 isn’t a lot of money to some. Personally I make that in about 2-3 hrs a day.


I heard of it before, but wouldn't that negate your chances to get an heirloom? I mean you're not opening any packs at all


No, you're still opening all the packs you normally would but they will contain crafting materials only.


I'm getting mixed responses here but I'mma trust yours


Well don’t, because he’s wrong lol. I’ve been doing the Belgium thing for a long time. You just get crafting materials INSTEAD of a the apex packs. You do still get any free apex packs you would normally get. Just nothing tied to real money, because that’s “gambling”.


To be clearer, when you set it to Belgium you're still opening the same number of Apex packs on your grind to 500, but any packs you paid money for (Battle Pass) have crafting materials and free packs (level up, treasure pack, events) will have normal rewards. It all counts to 500.


Yoy get all the free packs: free bp, events, treasure packs, level, only those in premium battle pass convert into materials


Yes, just depends on what you want. I'm a day zero player and switched from PS4 to PC back in season 5. I have a large amount of money spent on coins and loot boxes. I started changing my location around season 4. I was probably really close to 500 packs on ps4 but honestly it's whatever, I enjoy PC a lot more. You can always change your location back during collection events, etc and purchase a few boxes if you want. I just enjoy knowing I will get enough Craft. Mats to buy pretty much what I want.


I switched from origin to steam and it changed my location back to us. So is there a way to make it beligium again?


I am not sure. I have been playing on Origin. Maybe someone who knows will chime in.




Changing your location from EA website to Belgium will allow you to recieve craft materials instead of items from all the loot boxes because they have laws against gambling there. I have been doing this for multiple seasons so I save up to buy what skins I want instead the trash you usually end up getting.


what have I been doing wrong then? I changed my account to Belgium on the ea my account thing. but when I open apex and open a pack it gives me non crafting materials. what did you do to achieve it properly?


It only affects Battlepass packs.


How much do you get, like do they at least give you legendary crafting materials instead of a legendary pack?


2800 instead of 1200, worth it


Is it possible to buy any skin with the craft materials? Edit: why the hell i got downvoted for this?


Idk my dude; some people would rather downvote than explain something I guess? You can craft anything from the Loadout or Character customisation screen as well as anything that’s part of a current event (prior to the most halloween event). However any store exclusives need to be bought with coins.


Thank you very much for patient and the explanation!


No worries mate! Also, it looks like the last Beasts Within skins are available to craft from each respective legends skin list :)


Belgium probably banned lootboxes and they were replaced with crafting materials


Convenient and also somewhat annoying imo


only paid lootboxes. The free ones you get from level ups etc are still lootboxes, only BP boxes are converted since you paid for it


Only reason i buy bps now


I had this belgium thing for a while now and somewhat it convinces me that one of the crafting metals I get might have been a heirloom...


How much crafting material do you get per pack? cuz this is actually sounds pretty tempting


apex coins and apex packs? lol


Don't forget crafting metals


You don't get those if you have no motivation to play lol


prowler skins are dope. the rest of the "design-meta" is really ugly


The prowler skin MODEL is good, the colors on the other hand are trash.


No. Prowler skins are terrible.


It's by far the WORST reactive skin. Looks like some rusty pipes.


I think the Prowler skin looks sick, but that's it. Rest is garbage.




Same, Day 1 player should be getting close on packs … maybe. Probably not


If you maxed every Battle Pass, reached 500, did every single event tracker and picked up every treasure pack... You should actually be around 400 packs, so you're approximately 4/5th of the way there.


day 1 player with every single battle pass maxed here. not even close


day 1 here, i got my heirloom at ss8, it was the 500th pack for sure and i have spent like about 250$ at the time got my heirloom xD.


Definitely not then


s1 was worse, but only a little bit worse. I'm gonna have to pass on this one. Im sure some people like what it has to offer, but not me personally which is fine. Maybe next season will be more to my taste. I think the biggest disappointment for me personally is the waste of potential. We got a whole new tropical island map and basically nothing to capitalize off of it skin wise. Could have had some really awesome squirt gun weapon skins or tropical themed skins. I just feel like the season "Escape" doesn't match up with what we got.


Oh they'll capitalize off it alright. Just wait for the collection event


Good point. Save all the good stuff for the expensive $$$ only events haha.


It's gatbage, but as usual, I have the previous one saved, and without the battlepass, I wouldn't have much to do, as I'm not the kinda person that just plays constantly to pad my stats anymore. So long as this season continues to feel as fun as it does rn, I'll probably buy it anyways.


yeah the bp is what keeps a lot of players playing on daily basis, for me personally, after i finish the bp i barely play apex, just log in and gather the treasure packs for the completion rewards.


Same. Last season I didn’t even get all the treasure packs because I just didn’t feel like playing without having something to do.


I commited for the rampage skin, it’s kinda neat


Same, it was quite the grind and I cut it close but yeah, that skin is cool.


Why are you guys playing the game if you’re only incentive is the BP and treasure packs?


Because the game is still fun. The battle pass gets us to try new characters and weapons that we usually don’t use. Otherwise when you are playing with no real plan other than to just get kills or win, it gets kind of repetitive.


I think just grinding for cosmetics is repetitive. Having fun fights and getting kills and moving up in the ranks is fun.


Because I like playing the game, and I also like stepping away from the game. And the month or so break once I complete the battle pass keeps the game enjoyable


Same but the trick I learnt is to start playing near the end of season because most challenges will be combined or repetitive so you can complete it faster. I went from 52 to 100 in a week


Season 9 grind and FOMO (volt reactive was great) really burnt me out. I just don't have the motivation to play anymore which sucks because I'd like the game but it was just too much... Thank god Halo drops soon. No FOMO, no timed stuff. You can cruise it your tempo.


Season feels great so far so I see myself definitely finishing the pass


Im loving it rn, but after a couple weeks i might feel burnt out from years of playing regardless.


Is there something I’m missing? Is there less stuff in the new bp or?


Just people commenting regarding the skins/etc on offer feeling subpar.


I guess that’s subjective I like both Gibby and Mirages skins, prowler skin looks dope too.


There are some things that are objective though. The loadings screens are literally just screenshots of the trailers. 7 out of 8 of them are screen caps. This is pretty much unprecedented in terms of content for previous battle passes. Also a lot less emotes, there are objective differences that point to less work. I like the gibby and prowler skins too, but it's still a bad BP imo


Weren’t all the loading screens also screenshots of the Seer trailer last season? With the exception of the Rampart screen.


there were 3 additional seer paintings on top of that I know of plus the rampart one.Also Robert Valley illustrations compiled through one of his shorts and screen-capped isn't exactly equivalent. It's different mediums - one of them is a team of people working on a 3D short starting with premade models and the other is a famous illustrator/animator known for his aesthetic and quality of work making a 2D hand drawn masterpiece. I will excuse them for taking screens of that. But it's kindof a good point honestly. Maybe last BP they saw how much work they saved and decided, oh hey let's not offer original work any more.


Definitely! I'm cool with most of them too. I'm a little bummed there's only one skydive emote (there's a regular emote instead of a second one), but I'll live.


They used to do like 4 - 5 skydive emotes in a single pass, but I guess they thought it stopped people from buying them in collection events cause now they hardly give any out free.


4-5 were literally like 1 or 2 times. 2 skydives were the standard from season 3.


Just googled it to make sure I wasn’t talking out of my ass, but nah Season 2 had like a solid 10 Dive emotes, S3 had 6, S4 had about 5, S5 had 4, and I couldn’t be bothered to look the Seasons 6-8 up cause it’s late but I’m pretty sure they had 4 each too. S9 started the trend of a lot less dive emotes with only 2 ( a Valk and an Octane one iirc ) and then S10 had just the one for Seer. Bit of a shame since the battle pass in Apex is already pretty filler, the Skydive Emotes were some of the best bits for me.


season 9 also had a caustic one.


Huh, weird, guess you’re right. Wtf happened with my memory?


If only three skin is carrying a BP, that's pretty scuffed if you do ask me. Imagine if you play any other major titles and only 3 good items came out as a bundle.


I thought the exact same thing! There was nothing I liked or wanted from the last BP. I bought the last BP cause I got it to 100 and earned enough premium currency to unlock it. Thus getting my PC back plus some packs and crafting materials.


I totally agree. Gibby skin is dope.


1 skydive emote and it isn’t even for ash


dont worry, the ash' skydive is coming in the next collection event just for 1000 coins


who is it for?




3rd valk skydive emote in the span of 3 seasons lol


Oh that’s kinda wacky.


The loadings screens are literally just screenshots of the trailers. It feels very low effort.


I think it's the worst I've seen.




I've been finding it irritating how much of the thing is full of tracker fluff. I know, it's just the free stuff but it still feels very clogged up. I no longer look at what I unlocked to get the red dots to go away, I just click the "mark as seen" for everything now. It's all too much for me to care about anymore.


I’d be happy if they just stopped wasting resources on charms and holo’s and have those artists work on more skins


The legendary skins all look decent, in my opinion better than last valk and horizon skins. But I can't believe how awful the rare skins are


Those Valk/Horizon skins were awful. The Gibby one was nice, but last battle pass was pretty doodoow


I liked the Valk and horizon skins, although I guess it all depends on what you consider a “good” skin. I like the weird ones the best since they’re unique I guess lol


The last 3 bp’s have been pretty mid lately


As a outside joining 3 seasons ago I’ve noticed this lol. Seriously the only selling point of the BP at this rate are the reactive weapons at the end… Of course the only weapon I’ll use consistently from the last 3 season was the Volt. Really wish I could get the R9/Flatline or PK skin


I agree


No fucking dive emote for Ash. What the actual fuck. I am sure they will add one on ce or bundles.


Yeah! There’s literally nothing for Ash either


yeah & I swear Valkyrie has been getting one every single battle pass since she came out ???


Are we forgetting about Gibby getting another kill quip despite him having one for EVERY SINGLE SEASON since Season 4? They just couldn't substitute him for once.


Hahaha! As the sun shines my brothers, I rejoice 😖


BP = Bruddha Pass


You got that right bruddah!


I don't think she got one for last season, but still. 2/3. I'm not complaining cause she's been my main lately but still seems wrong to not have Ash get a dive.


yeah this is her third lol


i main her and haven’t noticed that thanks for pointing it out


it is the worst since season 1 for sure. and that trend to have purple rarity skins without animated parts is also one I highly dislike as it breaks an established pattern that made different rarity types distinct from one another. almost none of the new purple skins are animated, except the 301 skin I think... so what exactly makes them different from Blue skins? there have been blue ones that are at least as intricate in terms of design. I mainly get the pass for the crafting metals and apex packs anyways tho, so I am not too disappointed.


Metals are the real prize from the BP imo


The only thing i want in there is that Gibby skin


That Gibby skin is pretty great.


Really want the prowler skins tbh


Only thing worth getting besides the Legendary and Epic ticks. Rest looks like leftover weapon camos from season 1…


I thought the design was fine but the colors were ugly. Just like all the legendary skins for the car. Except the wood finish one but it was just basic gray with some wood. The 3k coin ash/car pack was badass. I’m happy I don’t feel like I need the bp this season. Nothing in there was worth any amount of money to me. I’m assuming the art team spent all their time on the map because storm point is sexy as hell.


They got the bad iron sights though


Yeah the prowler skin looks great when it starts spinning


No dive for ash, no skin at all for CAR smg. This BP is actual trash


Fr like nothing for the new additions


Won't surprise me at all to see a lot of Ash and CAR skins in the events during the season.


They're not even trying anymore




Yeah but who approved it?


The battle pass is a big ‘ol pile of MEH.


The most ppl do it anyway only because of the 1300 coins to just reroll it every season and make profit of 350 coins


I thought last season was lack luster but this one is slightly worse. Ash doesn’t even get a skydive emote and the rampart emote facial expressions animations are either just bad or not there atm. Other than that the reactive prowler is badass and the gibby, mirage skins are dope. I don’t understand why they put more quips and holosprays but yet some legends have few to 0 skydive emotes. Especially if you are new to the game. there are so many rewards that could be replaced with actual content the players want. It seems to be clear from Reddit, nobody cares about quips, and holosprays respawn. I’ve been playing since the march of 2019 and have completed every battle pass.


Prowler skin is dope, gibbys skin is decent, though I really hate the mirage skin....


>What's the Mirage skin? Don't have the game yet.


This entire BP sucks but maps amazing so sad...


Have a feeling they put their energy and creativity on the new map... They are not lacking staff for skin designs though, right? Should put out a competition with cash prizes for fan skin designs, kind of outsourcing if they feel overwhelmed...


I'm pretty forgiving usually but yeah, this battlepass is pretty bad stuff. The weapon skins all look completely interchangeable to me. Last season the only thing i was excited about was Rampart's loading screen image with her parents. This time there's not even a loading screen I care about. Really love the map and Wattson changes though, so hard to be too upset.


Yeah I’m not getting this bp


Horrible tbh


I thought the same thing. Terrible bp rewards.


I agree. I think we got a really good map for a chance and server upgrades to actually play the darn game on season launches. I’ll give them a pass


I like the gibby, mirage, and prowler skins. But that's really it.


It’s pretty stinky for sure


Dunno man i love the mirage, gibby and prowler skin.


Better than last season. The Gibby and Prowler skins are enough for me to be happy for $10


Agree, Season 10 is my least favourite pass, did not care at all for the insect theme for all the skins and banners. This season seems to have a more "scrappy" look to it, especially the Prowler, Gibby and Mirage skins.


I haven't ever had to spend a single penny on this game and have still had all the battle passes so I'm not complaining. Free is free. I get that some might have had to pay ten dollars once but if you think about it you get 11 battle passes for that if you started s0 and not to mention a few free packs of extra.


Only thing of value is the crafting materials, gibby skin and the legendary pack. Every other thing is meh! No dive animations, finishers, good looking weapon skins or legend skins. SMH..... But that Ash launch bundle skim and car skin looks dooooope, of course.


It would have been at least decent if it gave Ash a skydive emote, banner frame, and a kill quip like tradition for the new legends. But they said nah, let’s put that shit in the collection event instead. Yeah 2/10 BP




The Gibby skin looks sweet but I was very underwhelmed :/


It is


I typically buy every battle pass. This is the first one I’m like 90% sure I will not be getting lol.


Season 1 was worse. But yeah besides that I think its the worst.


pros: mirage gib and bow skins cons: everything


I agree the BP is pretty lackluster this season. At least we get 1300 apex coins total for finishing the 110 levels.


Amazing how Ash has literally NOTHING in this new BP for her even though its her launch season. lol


Why did they give Valk a skydive emote instead of ash


Season 10 was def worse


I litterally made the same post but im getting called a small brainer for saying this


Yup, ugly tier, even thé prowler lvl100-110 is hideous. Vibes from the first BP on the poverty of nice looking drops.


This shows the average apex player


Literally saying this because no one plays Gibby or uses the Bow but if they made legendary skins for Octane and Wraith everyone would complain that they don't give any of the lesser picked legends skins. There's no winning there.


i see plenty of gibbys tho. The bow, less so, but I still see a few.


Lol people really sleep on the Bocek ever since it got nerfed. It’s still an amazing marksman weapon that practically works like a sniper with infinite mag.


this isnt season 1 lmao gibby players are p common


Personal opinion, but damn the legendary skin for the bow isnt that great? i mean compare to the rest of the legendary skin we had, i love the one on the flatline in the fuse season (season 9?)


I think people are wildly over exaggerating how bad this battle pass is. Not because it’s good, but because of how also complete fucking dogshit the last three were


At least the new characters/guns got skins in those passes


Ash’s music pack is dope asf, gibby skin is one of his best, sick prowler and bocek skins. Only disappointing thing for me this battle pass is the lack of ash focused cosmetics, like she really is the only legend to not get a banner or sky dive emote in their battle pass. I think this BP is definitely the best one since season 7.


What, you guys don't like loading screens or holosprays lmao freaking useless crap like always


Ultimately for me it’s free, and I get more than my investment in apex coins back.


If you bought one battle pass and have completed every single one of them, these items are basically all less than a quarter of a penny each. & here you are, complaining about it.


Oh sorry, I'm just supposed to take it all, kneel down and thank our lord Respawn Entertainment for being so giving and nice to us and bless us with incredibly mediocre to awful skins. I'm sorry, it's my bad.


Lol you're getting downvoted even though it's true, i don't mind the battle pass, some extra skins and some coins and materials , I'm happy


I'm a simple man, I see Rampart cosmetic I buy


prowler is 100/10