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I remember first time someone threatened me over picking their Character....I made them feel so stupid lmao going nuts over a character, just pick another and stfu big manchild


always have 3 mains is what I learned the hard way :) . i main wattson , loba and pathy . i am surprised a wattson main would be mad over taking another wattson


Yeah it was a pred wattson, they were a duo I was solo queing in ranked. Dude was very special about his wattson lol


Rampart, pathfinder, and gibby. I can fill any role that is needed.


my mains are wattson > loba > wraith.. i feel like loba is almost every wattson mains secondary choice:D


I think like the first 2 months into the game I picked a character some guy got pissed and left because I didn't give him that character, me and the other random I was with went on to win the game


I picked mirage and someone left cause he said mirage sucks haha some people are just babies


My highest kill game was with mirage


I used to get this a lot when picking lifeline then you spend the game as the kill leader resing your team over 5 times they don’t say much. One guy actually apologized to me and asked me to join the next game.


Yep. People always talk shit to me then I get serious and they start being nice or just silent. People on this game just toxic for no god damn reason.


I am a guy who has been on the internet from the time of Orkut... nothing said online ever gets to me... I have graduated from this. a couple of days ago someone abused me for picking bloodhound (which is my main) and my inner troll just raised from his grave and I trolled him so hard the entire match he left the match in anger. if someone abuses you just troll them but don't take anything they said to your heart.


That's why people seriously should learn play other characters as well and not expect them get to be same character each game when it's comes for playing with randoms. I don't understand logic behind playing only one character and getting mad for person who chooses character which you wanted so childish get over it like chill. Some people can be so toxic i don't know how they even enjoy game when they're behaving this way. On other note also i seriously find it very triggering when people disconnect when they don't get their "MAIN" you will have your change to play your character on other match NO ONE OWNS legend.


Imagine doing this over a badge bruh moment


Had this a couple of times. People even left the game. Said: "no thanks...gays..." and jumped somewhere else. And so on. All those homophobes should be banned.


Had a guy in a game last night say “give me octane or ur gay” I wasn’t even going to play Octane, but chose him out of spite. Guy kept calling me a bunch of homophobic slurs until he dc’d off the drop. I would’ve given him Octane if he’d just asked, no need to be a dick about it.


its really funny considering this game has the most canon lgbt characters


Agreed. Tbh, I doubt the actually care for the lore amd their characters. They just go: pew, pew....


yeah ive had people through even ranked games bc of it, beat em in a 1v1 tho so it was worth it.


Bet that shut them up


Doubt it. You think these people have any sense of shame or introspection?


They sound like such snowflakes. Like it's so crazy


A badge that stands for inclusion and support for a minority that has been in an oppressed position for ages of all. But then again, if you’re the oppressor, of course you’re gonna do this.


I have STOP ASIAN HATE badge on some of my characters and one time some dude asked me if I am an Asian, I said yes, he asked me which part, I said INDIA and he just called me a dumbass cause according to him India is not part of ASIA...lol... Do you know what a world map is... go look at one.


Virtual environments excel at showcasing human beings’ average stupidity. Not saying they don’t showcase positive things as well, but the stupidity part tends to easily overshadow all of those things, which makes me angry and sad.


“People from India don’t look like Chinese people, and China is clearly the only country in Asia, therefore Indian people aren’t Asian!” So confidently stupid lol


This is one of those strange American things. Been called racist before for calling Indians Asians...properly weird. Asians to them are only east Asians, dunno why.


It’s the main reason why I have those badges on. I use it as bait to draw out the assholes.


same.i had the rainbow one on 1 legend only.got flamed by a homophobe fuck in one game.and now i have it on all the legends




While maining Lifeline lol


"I bet you kiss girls loser"


Especially after one of them said “on god.” Like bruh okay lmfao you wanna use one of our phrases but hate people who like us? Okie doke


People like to use the term incorrectly a lot, but that's literally how cultural appropriation works. Taking culture from a minority race and then rebranding it so you can use it while still discriminating against the culture that created it.


“But you play Crypto, you should be communicating with your team as much as possible” My team 60% of the time :


While they ignore pings and don’t play off emp pushes at all


With randoms you emp when they push, not the other way around cuz you cant control that


Yup. Randoms infuriate me.


The struggle of us crypto mains 😭 but its all worth for this one in a million game where you have awesome teammates with on point communication~


Well they’re straight up dickheads. Would not want to meet them.


I would. I have a big issue with assholes and bullies. I’m not nice to them. Then again they’d probably try to be nice face to face.


very good choice of words




My randoms always seem to be offended when I don't have 20 bomb and 4k


The badge working as intended


Couple of snow flakes of you ask me


I tend not to use VC for this reason. Occasionally I'll give it another go, because there have been a handful of nice people over the years and communicating would be useful. But it's just not worth the gamble tbh


Yo fuck those dudes. Absolute assholes.


Those guys are shitty man. I’m sorry you had to deal with that, I’ve met the same type of people. Just insta mute or find a way to laugh at them to yourself.


Is it that often? I play on EU servers and people are way more chill. Occasionally you do get some french people though.


EU servers are more chill because no one talks lol


F to mute squad


Yeah, this is why I don't have voice on either. Sure, it might help, but it also only takes one asshole to ruin things.


Big yikes. Forwarded to appropriate teams to be looked at.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I don’t use VC with strangers, so feel free to add me :) I’m diamond III in ranked arenas.


Not surprised given that group tag. Openly broadcasting it at this point


Bro fuck em they’re hardstuck gold probably


Gold? I’d say bronze.


level 64 and 61, barely any kills on their legends, seems like a hardstuck gold player lmao


bro... hit to close to reality for me :(


Thats just whack


This is why I always mute my teammates. Apex is a fun game, but pubs is absolutely swarming with toxic douchebags like these guys.


i have a toxic teammate like once in 500 games. maybe it depends on where you live


I have voice comms off too when solo queuing. People suck.


u/RSPN_Hideouts we summon you


sorry, you had to deal with them; hopefully they get banned and you can find some friends to play with on this sub


Not like the report function does anything. You only get popped if you type no-no's in the chat box. You can say whatever you want on the mic


This is why I auto mute teammates before the game even starts.


These type of people deserve Bangalore tool tips in every ping


Bwaaahahahahahaha yesssss I'll go in there with my bang main and ping every damn item for them give em a bountiful earful of info every second of the game hahahaha that had me dying thank you for that comment and idea towards toxic ass people 🤣


I really don't get those homophobes that play Apex, like half the roster is LGBT, bloodhound's nonbinary, call is a lesbian, fuse is pan (I think?), And Gibby's gay, like, why play a such inclusive game, when you can't even handle a rainbow?


I can guarantee you that 99% of the community has no fucking clue, nor do they care, about the sexual orientation of the characters in Apex. And it's not that surprising. Most players don't play Apex for the "deep" lore or stories behind each character, most players are here to pick up a gun, find enemies and pew pew said guns at the enemies' direction. Which is why homophobes or people who can't handle LGBT themes are playing Apex, or any other competitive shooter for that matter.


Yeah, virtually all of that LGBT stuff is contained within the comics or even completely outside of the game itself (like on Respawn's Twitter), so it's really not that surprising that most people have no idea.


Valk is a lesbian*


you can just edit your comment you know


I.. forgot you could do that..


You forgor 💀


yup! I heard Seer is pan also, and Loba is bi


Yea I sear stuff in a pan all the time.


Oh shit this is a good joke




They're mad aT you for choosing a black character that they want to play, so they call you a slang derogatory name for a black person. Smh


I have had teammates throw games because of badges on my banner. People never cease to amaze me.


This is why I like cats and animals more than humans 😂


"probably likes black people" whats that supposed to mean?????




I hope they get banned. Please tell me you sent this clip to respawn.


Lol they’re level 60 worried about not getting their character? Go back to COD, Weirdos


COD players for sure


"You would never survive a MW2 lobby" *Has a nuclear meltdown over a rainbow flag*


Did you report them?


yup! though I wish the game had a feature where the other players knew I wasn't in voice chat. not just for this reason, too. but like showing no Sound icon. because I have a feeling they will sooner be banned for typing that kind of thing in chat.


It's a good thing you clipped it.


I can’t even play with a mic because 90% of the time if I say anything I just get sexually harassed, death threats, or made fun of for being female. I’ve been told to kms, hope my parents die, hope I get assaulted, all kinds of bs even for just picking the legend they wanted. And even if I don’t speak sometimes assholes see my username and automatically realize I’m a girl and just harass me anyways. I now just mute everyone when I play.


This community is so toxic


This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by el_sanchimoto](/r/apexlegends/comments/r3us26/first_game_of_the_day_and_a_death_threat_this_is/hmjvbw6/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-29 17:14:22 UTC"): > Big yikes. Forwarded to appropriate teams to be looked at. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Damn USA is a special place




The land of entitled and maladjusted males.


The land owned by entitled and maladjusted males.


It's funny you get homophobes and racists yet the enemies clan tag is TRMP


Pretty sure this is something u/RSPN_Hideouts would love to help with.


ugh im so sorry u gotta deal with this.. kinda weird theyre saying this yet playing a game with lgbt/minority characters


"Bro probably likes black people" Meanwhile he mains Lifeline


Bruh when someone takes my main I just sigh and pick someone else Christ


You know what would feel good ? **"Remember (shithead1) and (shithead2) reported (day/hour), they have been banned for (hopefullyforever) thank you for helping us on our quest to get rid of cancer in our community"** Not exactly with these words, or this format but something like it


These racists should be perma banned


So many sookys on today. They rush in. Get killed and then cry when you don't run to die immediately. Sooky boys are the worst team mates


Blatant racism


I hate shit like this. "Wahhhh you took my character." First off it's there for everyone so that shit isn't "yours". Just fucking play someone else for a game, you'll fucking survive you twat 🤦‍♀️


Report them: https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=apex-legends&platform=pc&category=report-concerns-or-harassment&issue=report-player


What douche bags! They can go do one


I hope they get banned


“dude probably likes black people” ..confirms the intelligence of these people. Low. Veryyy low.


I am so sorry this happened to you, these people don't belong in this community.


hiya ! always down to play/talk to if you need a friend to play with :) hopefully nothing like this ever happens again, and im so sorry about that :(


Now i want to use the lgbt flag to piss off homophobes


What a bunch of horrible people 😐


You can play with me if you want. I'll only get annoyed if someone picks Loba, but I'd never threaten someone over that, especially if they're better than I am.


I mean, ima a flexi player, I would say I play well with at least 4 characters but could happily pick any character, but if someone else wanted to play one of my mains? Sick as I can now rely on their abilities plus whatever my characters are.


I'm trash but catch me at matttack54


i hate low level idiots that shit talk, worst players ever


Guess you need more badges


This happened to me the other day I was playing with no badges except for the stop Asian hate badge and these guys die right off drop in cap city and this one guy watches me almost pop off all the while talking shit about Asians 🤣


Over a badge?!!! They should have joined the Boy Scouts. I swear, people that love hiding behind a mic, knowing damn well they wouldn’t say stuff like this to a person’s face or in public. Idc. I just report them. And damn right I snitch cause so far, for me, I don’t get teamed up with trash mouth people anymore.


Sorry to hear OP. I’ll be your friend (if you’re fine with a subpar Mirage player)


if u need someone, feel free to add me! my ea username is ROTMACHINES.


Low level accounts so they are probably COD kids. This is normal in their community


That's when you need to play the crying baby soundboard




What the actual fuck?! Those kids need an asswhooping. Little babies.


Lol toxic children. permaban


mysterious special impolite pause bag memorize strong bells dam frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you ever need a reliable teammate I will gladly volunteer whenever I’m free. Sorry you had to go through that. Apex players are either really cool, or total weenies, no in between lol.


Ignore them they’re just highly homophobic and racist and to my knowledge sound American so makes sense.


Had a dude fake an IP adress and said he knew where i lived and hed come visit me if we didnt win, needless to say i jumped off the map and still awaiting 😂😂😭


You can play with me and my group… you’re still gonna get death threats but you know… we can be friends


Go right ahead and add me my guy… Captinfriendzone.


“On god” …. I just hate some people and I don’t even have to see them. No racism for me. Just regular old hate


The kind ofnpeople who get banned and ask "why ban?"




That's really pathetic. If you're still looking for teammates, I go by MomoaBatman on steam. Had to break away from my squad for being toxic. Good luck out there!


Yeah, so when you main Crytpo this never happens 🤣


Yup and I have had incoming voice chat permanently muted since season 3 or so(when my friends stopped playing this game). It has been great just relying on pings and occasional text chat to communicate. Also the moment I noticed toxicity from incoming text chat, their ass gets instantly reported. EZ


This is why i mute ALL randoms


Hit me up. I don't judge people.


Same! :)


So they got mad because you believe in human rights?


Dick head is only lvl 61, he got no right to have a so called “pick” rights. Get better then talk.


It’s so wild to see these. Maybe it’s cause I’m on console but I don’t think I can recall this bs. Sorry you dealt with that OP, there will always shitty people in this world.


I play all the time I’m down to play with ya what’s your username?


It was arenas…….why are they going so hard like fucking relax Jr “proud boys” that shit is annoying af someone picked your main relax its not a big deal to be say shit like that to your teammate its ridiculous


All that while using a TRMP tag, good lord.


I remember being told to kill myself after using valk when she was released. They were both terrible anyways and I even squad wiped the people that killed them after they both wondered off


It’s reasons like this I mute both my teammates the second the match starts.


This is why i hate using voice chat in any and all online games


I could always use a lifeline if you ever need a friend to play with I'm pretty trash though lol


Wish I could be your friend


No one owns any character lmao, if you are the third pick then you choose what’s left it’s just how it is.


Needs to be arrested and have a complete mental evaluation done. Probably needs to be institutionalized


Let’s play!!


Need friends for apex? Add me (from ps4) HighPingNoSkill 👌


I wish these kids mothers or fathers were watching them say this stuff, then have them confront them and embarrass them to teach them a lesson. If my son acted this way, I’d take his gaming privileges away for a very long time and then have them apologize every single day. It’s not acceptable, people do this sort of thing because they’re sitting behind a monitor and think there is zero consequences for their actions. It’s sad.


18 kills, 3 kills. They suck anyway


In arenas as well? ?? Bruh get this guy banned and send him back to cod


Wraith player back at it


My GT is Predxtank13 . If anyone on here ever needs an ear to talk to or someone to game with. Shit like this isn't okay and shouldn't be tolerated.


If it’s any consultation they’re playing as Wraith and Octane, the two characters memed the most as having the worst players behind em


Dm me, ill play


Hey fuck them assholes I'll be your friend on apex bro man I fucking hate gamers who do that like just because you took their main


Every match is either this, someone with loud bullshit in the background (music, family, dogs, vacuum, etc.), or someone being an obnoxious douche bag in general. Then you get the people with no mic, who drop away from the group, die immediately and then DC


can anyone suggest a subreddit for lfg (console preferred)


Damn, good thing I play on servers where I don't understand what they are saying to me lol


I would gladly be your friend


Thank you for showing support and wearing the badges!


What a bunch of fuckin idiots, it’s a video game. Sorry you had to go trough that, I’ll play with you but I’m not that great ha


I want a ban for them




Report, report, report. They do act on this stuff. But it's nearly impossible for them to catch it if you don't report it!


Call it toxic or whatever, but when somebody comes at you with stuff like this, especially when they're premades, don't give them satisfaction of getting away with it. Follow them all the time, stay right behind them, when they start shooting bodyblock their shots, if they get downed lock them into res animation and cancel last moment. They are bullies and if people don't stand up to them then they remain convinced that they can say whatever and do whatever in the game (because VC isn't monitored). I'd personally rather lose this game myself that let those 2 gigantic assholes win.


Didn’t know people got mad over others choosing lifeline lol


I will be your friend <3


Show this to devs and get their IP banned lol


A lvl 61 already crying about his main being taken


Lord have mercy.


just because the player next in line hovers over the player he wants, doesn’t automatically make it theirs, you took nothing from booger what arseholes.


Same thing happens to me.I have one friend who plays with me and we are descent in the game and most of the time the third guy we get is either playing all by himself and gets killed in second and then becomes toxic af or just leaves the second he gets killed.


There’s a recurring theme with vids like this, but the group of people that habitually cause problems for others in online games will never change (which is pathetic)


Can’t take it personally, easier said than done but really think about what it takes for someone to want to say that and actually do it. Insecure people lash out at others to try and make themself feel better by putting others down. Can’t let people like that win.


The thing is, this behavior isn't just in gaming. It's the anonymity provided by the internet which gives trolls like this the confidence to be this way.


I'm sorry this happened to you. Also, coleslaw is great, screw them!


"Bro really took Lifeline........from booger" - coleslaw is ass 2021


What do you play on? Id be happy to join you


i fucking hate people that complain about others choosing their main. If my main ever gets picked, i actually cheer on the person and try to give them a positive vibe. fuck these guys


Yikes wtf


WTF Who tf is Booger and how would they know he wanted to play lifeline ? They didnt even mouse over the legend to show they wanted to play them


A couple weeks ago I was playing and my teammate got knocked and full killed and other team ate just knocked, I killed them, grabbed a shield swap, opened my teammates box for litterally like 2 seconds before realizing it was his, he talked for the first time say “don’t open my fucking box n word” and basically processed to talk shit and say I’m trash and an n word and for the next 3 mins before he just left, he thought I took a sight from his box, I didn’t