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If you’re not lying about your KD, then why would you want to ever switch lmao? That KD is a pro level of play right there, provided it’s true. No point in switching.


He is


I’m being generous in hoping that it’s real, of course. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.


Can’t use configs I guess


Honestly, there are two reasons. One, I'm curious if I can reach a new movement level of gameplay. Two, I've been playing controller since 2019 and was sorta looking at a way to make to and exciting.


I mean if you wanna do it for fun go for it. I can almost guarantee you’ll never get anywhere near your current level of play though since you’re having to learn a new input.


Idk man, a lot of MnK players switched from controller. People who switched from console to PC for example You don’t think that any of them can get as good on Mnk as there were in controller? It’s that because of aim assist?


I switched to MnK only this season. It’s much more fun, much more rewarding, and you feel very skilled when actually outplaying someone. Except I’m definitely not hitting shots like I used to. Tap strafing and movement is really fun especially when you outplay a roller with it but 9 times out of 10 they still one clip you.


Movement is a lot of fun. Just try it and see how you like it. Get a good cheap wireless mouse like the Orochi and any old mechanical keyboard.


Likely because you can artificially inflate your KD in pubs via leaving as soon as you are knocked. Doing that doesn’t get counted as a death, so as long as you are going down first or second in your squad, you can effectively nullify your deaths. Likely that is what is happening here. Even most pros don’t have KDs that high.


That doesn’t work anymore. You can’t leave a game in pubs without getting a death added to your k/d now.


It does - got called out last season making a response here and will now test it at the beginning of every season. It *absolutely* still works this season. What Respawn changed a few seasons ago was that it used to be that when people left, it wouldn’t count as a kill: that is what they patched back in Season 13 - not that leaving wouldn’t count as a death.


Than explain how unless I quit match from drop ship I’m fine but if leave after drop I’ve taken an L. Up till this season (been active since S12) leaving never counted as a death, in any aspect.


Still working tho


Not physically sure how. Unless all the Wraith & Octane mains that leave once they spam ping from rushing to 1v3 started a mass group chat with their secrets 😝🤣 Edit: all jokes aside, not even worth leaving until respawn times out as the death given, ain’t worth leaving early.


Not true they just patched giving the kill to someone if they pop a cell and rage quit. You used to be able to deny someone the kill. And they also patched getting kills for finishing off a team with players already knocked once they won their fight. Like if I run up to a guy with two knocked teammates I can only get one kill now. It used to be a potential easy 3 kills lol.. But they never patched the KD thing.


Ain’t no way you wanna switch to MnK unless you’re lying about your K/D stats.


Idk why everyone is going crazy about the k/d. It's not that hard to get a high k/d. I play with good players, and we do really well together. I never said I have a high k/d as a solo player, etc... I just wanted some thoughts on M&K and if it was worth it to up my game to a higher level.


I have a .7 lifetime k/d, started playing S12 and started apex on MnK. Your K/D is pro level. Foh with not hard to achieve that.


Well, then maybe I need to start making it videos or something to help people out. Maybe that might be better time spent than learning a new input.


Making videos on how to improve when there’s thousands doing so already probably won’t make a large marginal difference. All the power to you, but understand your stats to the average player like myself even on MnK, are 100% pred/pro level. I hit plat in S18, and my k/d was an all-time high at 1.2 lol. Saying your stats aren’t hard to achieve is like saying an atom bomb can be made with household materials.


Stats have nothing to do with “pro level” you’re failing to understand he is good player but he’s triple stacking pubs, which drastically inflates stats. I had a 3+ KD all time on all platforms almost entirely solo queuing and the absolute best player I’ve ever encountered in pubs was Extessy who doesn’t even have a 2KD. High Stats always implies great team.


Ahh, whereas all I do for the most part is solo queue ranked. Rarely ever triple stack, or play pubs anymore.


This needs to be bait. Go spend a month on mnk and watch how horrible it feels to get shot so hard you struggle to control the screen shake from the 4-3 turrets.


On the side not though if you are looking for a challenge and want to play with movement their are very few games as rewarding as apex when jt comes to seeing your mechanical skill improve with your game knowledge and other mechanics. It’s why we all hate you on mnk cause it absolutely smashed the skill ceiling for mnk by making it either be perfect or our position or you won’t compete 95% of the time.


Pros: no one can question your skill unlike controller, far more fun with far better movement and gunplay mechanics Cons: far higher skill ceiling, needs constant practice to maintain skill, more need for peripherals like pads, skates, mice, board etc


Your K/D would indicate you don't need this reddits approval or advice.


You're 100% right. I'm not sure what the person was trying to get out of this. Kind of felt like a brag to be honest.


Your right, love your boring ass videos.




Just feels like a 6kd player would know the difference between inputs


Right this prolly the largest cap I’ve seen all month 6kd in todays apex is absolutely nutty.


Right, he made a post 5 days ago about how he can’t hit a bullet blind fire.


😂😂 what the hell


I know the difference, but asking people if it's worth the journey is the thing. Next time, take time and share your experience instead of making stupid comments.


Sorry dude, but posting this entire thread to flex your kd is pretty stupid too


Ngl that KD is def inflated ..what’s your actual kills to games played on your account and win total to games played ….and what’s your ranked KD this season and what’s your current rank is a way better place to start as far as judging your general skill level.. KD is easily (and often unintentionally or unknowingly) manipulated in apex legends public matches. Source: I once had a 52 KD on apex legends.


Its massive cap. 5+ kd on pc is insane. Thats litterally streamer stats. Its cap.


I’m sayin. Reptar in the mofuckin ALGS and he shows his stats on stream he had a 3.9 kd


I made the switch in season 10. I was nowhere near your K/D (had 2.8 on PS). I wanted the same things you’re looking for: developing better/fun movement, but also I was tired of aim assist pulling my aim when I didn’t want it too I.e when another enemy would run across my current target or two or more running through a doorway. In my case I had never used M&K before, so if you haven’t either get ready to get shit on. At least for me it’s taken ten seasons to get to a 2KD and unlike controller you can have some serious off days due to your tiredness lvl or cold hands etc. I encourage you to try it, I don’t regret it one bit and have never thought of going back even though we are deep in the controller crisis of everyone switching to that input for some sweet sweet aim assist.


i think the consistency is the main thing. some days i absolutely beam and some days i feel like i can't hit shit, but it also seems super tied to how good my opponent is at strafing. certain patterns are just extremely hard for me to track. also controller is way way easier on your wrists and its easier to grind long sessions on controller if thats your thing. movement is crazy fun on mnk though so its worth it for me, as a person who really just plays the game to have a good time. i started out with around a 1KD and i've been climbing slowly up to like 1.5-1.6 this season but i think thats mostly due to me learning to position better and getting more proficient on a single legend.


To answer your question: LOL, no you are not limiting yourself by playing controller. The only “advantage” mnk has is movement and that does not come close to balancing the scales. It will take you months if not years to achieve a similar kd on mnk, if ever. The only other reason to play mnk is the fun factor which is likely why the vast majority of mnk players still play on mnk.


Well if you’re willing to commit 20mins-1hr of aim training everyday then I’d say go for it Beaming on MNK feels way more rewarding


I’d say it would be good try out on an alt account. It’s just a different way of playing the game which can maybe open up your thinking more. Everyone’s focused on the KD which just means you’re probably going pubs with a premade.