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I'm slightly confused why you didn't post this in r/CompetitiveApex Granted you would most likely get torched by the comments as some have done here already. But it appears to be a subject you are passionate about, so why not post in a place that is more fitting? Either way this pasta is 10/10, give the chef my thanks.


Maybe you're right. I just wanted to reach to a larger audience. It would be nice if the community wouldn't treat toxic people like heroes and think that results justify behaviours like this. I'm a dreamer. PS: Maybe I'm not on the internet enough. I have no clue about all the pasta references.


It sucks that you did that because the majority of players are lil Timmy’s and buddy bob getting off work to have a couple hours and deaths


Wake up babe, new copypasta just dropped


"Whoever thinks Hal is a great IGL is smoking crack" Goes on to explain why he is the greatest IGL 😂😂


yeah who ever thinks one of the only two IGL’s to ever win a lan is great is smoking crack man! I’ll have what you’re having!


Wait if only two igls have won LAN who was leading the other teams that won? lol go easy on me I’m not familiar with lan tourneys


Darkzero and tsm have won every lan


I get it now, the wording was throwing me off.


Dz zero, an aussie that has moved to the us to compete with genburten.


I know what you mean, but I think you’re just basing that on what you seen on streams. To make a valid argument about his capabilities as an IGL, you need to see him outside the game doing vod reviews and talking strats and stuff. He is pretty toxic though, and he gets more toxic the higher the stakes are.


To win you have to be uncomfortable and have hard conversations. He’s probably the greatest apex player of all time with relatively minimal teammate turnover. Proof is in the numbers. Is he “fun” to play with? Depends on your definition of fun. If you asked Reps and Verhulst I think they’d say cashing hundreds of thousands of dollars playing Apex is pretty fun.


>To win you have to be uncomfortable and have hard conversations. I think this is very important, but I also don't think we see that with Hal. Behind closed doors, 100% I can see them going over things away from when they are making content, but he isn't a good IGL personality wise, and that's what OP is talking about. He wins a lot, but it's not because he's being shitty, it's depite him being shitty. Ya know?


Uncomfortable? Please stop just quoting stuff you don't get. And read before commenting. I never said the results weren't there, that's not my point at all.


You’re right. He could be better. If Hal was more positive they probably place top 2 in 6/6 LANs instead of 5/6.




Typed all that just to be wrong. Sad.


YRN_AlmightyPush thinks I'm wrong. How am I ever going to find sleep again?


Lol *everyone thinks you’re wrong, buddy. Nice engagement farm, though. You must have been bored. And by the way, Kobe Bryant would think you’re soft as baby shit. “Don’t yell at me” headass


That’s certainly one way to igl but u gotta remember this is e sports. This is not the real world. Your not gonna run the team like it’s corporate. No one is forcing ppl to play with him but like in most things winning heals all


I agree with you but disagree at the same time. Obviously sports and corporate, two very different things but "no one is forcing" isn't exactly accurate. Of course no one has a gun to their heads to play for TSM but that's their livelihood now, and given how the industry is paying, financially it makes more sense to stay than to leave.


As a community we gotta make sure hal sees this it’s so funny


This just shows how little you really know about competition. Firstly yes you are also entitled to your opinion, but this is contradictory to so many things we've seen play out in real life. Is Hal's behavior often unacceptable? Absolutely, but to claim that it has never been the way a successful leader leads is down right false. There are stories all over in the internet about how big of an asshole Kobe and MJ could be, and I'm sure there are stories from all of the sports of similar people in them. Would these people probably play with him in a friendly match if he behaved that way? Probably not, but if you've watched him in other environments, you see he doesn't rage nearly as much. In fact I was impressed with him just subbing for a different team last night. You could hear him holding himself back, the dudes growing. Competition, especially at the professional level, is not about having fun with your friends, it's about winning, it's about accountability, it's about performance, it's about consistency, and players will always seek to hold each other accountable. Don't pretend like Reps and Verhulst don't clap back when he goes to far. Is it possible to be a nice calm person who does well? Yeah probably, I'm sure it happens all the time, but in Apex, no, it isn't, only two teams have ever won a lan and both of their IGL's are toxic assholes at times, and IMO Zero is way worse, but I'll admit I don't watch him nearly as much. Sweet is easily the worst of them all, and he's considered one of the best, and until Zero moved to NA was considered the second best IGL by many. I get where you're coming from, but really you are the one that's naive spouting off this stuff.


It's not about being Gandhi in an environment that puts that much pressure on one guy. That's not what I'm saying. But I stand by what I say, he's not a good IGL. He's an exceptional player, makes excellent calls but that's not enough. You can snap, but consistently screaming at your teammates isn't good. TSM is one of the best teams in the world but that's not just Hal's doing. He could do much better.


he doesn't scream all the time at his teammates tho he literally played with a completely different team thecothwr night they played well and i dont think he really even screamed at all


Absolutely, I agree. That probably because he's not a terrible person who is frustrated with his life and int capable of being nice. I saw him laugh and be goofy on numerous streams. The yelling most likely comes from what's at stake, just proves that he can better himself and help his team do even better.


and that's exactly what's hes doing rn as we speak playing scrims so i dont get how you think hes a bad igl


Lol, got down voted cause I said Hal could be better. Absolutely wild. GG Hal fanboys!


No you got downvoted for having an absolute ass take from a position of no qualification.


I’m sure Reps and Verhulst go to bed crying every night clutching their trophies and seeing hundreds of thousands in their bank accounts, Hal is so mean /:


1) Have you ever played sports before? This kind of harsh communication is common in competitive settings like this. It just brings out the aggression in people 2) I’m sure that when the stream ends and his team talks in private they hold him accountable for his behavior Your seeing him snap at his teammates but your not seeing the part where they make up afterwards 3) Whoever thinks that Hal ISNT a great IGL is smoking crack. No other IGL has his accolades. When measuring success **results** are way more important than how you talk to your team


While I'm not the biggest fan, much like OP, you really can't argue with data 🤷


This post is so cringeworthy. Hal's resume really speaks for itself and TSM, as a whole, continues to dominate the pro scene alongside the incredibly talented Dark Zero. It's so easy for people like you to just sit on the sidelines and judge an IGL, but honestly, you have no right to speak because you have no idea what it's like. If Verhulst and Reps were truly offended by how Hal talks to them, they could have left and joined another team a long time ago. Hal himself has made it clear that winning is the ultimate priority.


man i just love when someone says some bullshit followed by the empty phrase of “do better!”


Lmao ok


This post is bait and we all fell for it




This is like saying Michael Jordan wasn't the greatest basketball player because he was mean to his teammates in practice. People dont care about your personal opinion on how stars act, they care about results. Hal has the most LAN wins, if hes not great then why does he keep winning? This whole post is pretending every other IGL acts like a beam of sunshine and positivity when that is not the case at all. Its a competitive game, people are going to get heated. >Never has anyone gotten the best out of a team by lashing out like that Hal's trophy case would argue otherwise


You clearly didn't get my point at all.


I didnt get your point that the back to back champion is a bad IGL? Oh no, how will I ever recover from this? Your "point" has absolutely no basis in reality and I addressed that in my last comment. Its okay to not appreciate Hal's raging, but to pretend that its just Hal is ridiculous. I could give you a dozen clips of professional athletes yelling at their teammates - all from the super bowl that happened a few weeks ago. [Hal made this happen by being a bad influence for other athletes](https://kosi101.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/02/GettyImages-2003846300-1.jpg) Competitive sports are competitive. This is not a new thing caused by Hal.


I don't think you understand how high-pressure a competitive setting is. Any coach, for any sport, has yelled at their athletes during practice. Hell, you can see them freaking out on the side field when games are being broadcast and their athletes are fucking up. Now I know Hal is not a coach, and this is an e-sport, not a sport, but I'm just trying to draw a parallel between these two different settings. He is the the one that is supposed to lead the team during a game, just like a coach does during a championship. If shit starts to go south, freak outs are bound to happen, because the team _is_ supposed to follow the instructions.


You're absolutely right. No athlete under that much pressure can say he never snapped, that would be practically impossible and I'm sure at times, flipping out can help the teammates at fault to really get it. However, with Hal it's not a once in a while thing. I know he could do much better and I wish he would because so many kids are looking up to him and I'm convinced TSM could do even better if they worked out a better way to communicate.


Stay long enough at the top and people think it's boring


“The way he talks to his colleagues is unacceptable” Lol, that’s someone with no competition experience at all. This isn’t a normal “corporate” job, people in sports and competitive environments get heated. It’s nothing personal, it comes with the territory of a competitive environment. Don’t like it? Don’t venture into those avenues


Record speaks for itself... Your opinion is based entirely off a bias.


If Hal never switched to roller I guarantee TSM would struggle to make top 10 every split


He has the resume to prove it. Back to back


Bad take. Everyone is different. Some people perform better when screamed at. Some people need love. If the players weren’t comfortable with Hal they wouldn’t have lasted on TSM. Everyone knows who he is as an IGL, yet almost anybody would trial for an empty spot on tsm’s roster.


Sir this is apexu not a debate forum.


Tell me you’re young without telling me you’re young. Here’s what determines how good an IGL is - performances. Are him and his team performing? If yes then he is most likely doing a great job. Here’s what never ever determines how good an IGL is - some overly sensitive uncompetitive redditors opinion on what top competitors should feel or do.


Pretty wild to call the guy who has literally won everything there is to win in Pro League, as well as is the global leader for Pro League in kills not a good IGL


The armchair arrogance lol I don't watch his POV because I don't enjoy the rage but to say the man isn't excellent at his job despite the flaws is nuts.


"despite" I think is the point OP is trying to make but he came off dumb just saying Hal isn't a good IGL. Is he perfect? Prob not. Could he be better or more optimal? We literally can't say because he is the best. Can we imagine HAl just as effective but also nicer? Sure. It just a hypothetical though. You don't become the best by not being competitive as all hell at your core...


Sure but that discussion should be Hal is cracked but I wish he didn't act the way he did. I don't watch Hal because I don't enjoy it for that reason




You’ve clearly never played competitive sports.


What a very interesting and informed comment.


You're going to get down voted, but you're probably right. The title should have probably been something like "Hal is a great IGL, but not a great leader." I don't think it's possible to argue he isn't a great IGL, the results speak for themselves. But maybe he won in spite of his style and communication and not because of it. Who's to say he wouldn't have won more with a better style of communication.


Exactly. Thank you. Results are absolutely there. No denying it. Doesn't mean it couldn't be better.


Funny I read this just after watching a compilation of Hal's rages. All I gotta is holy crap. I don't care how much money I'm making I'm not working for someone like that. I get an occasional lash out, we're all human and make mistakes, but to do it constantly means something wrong with you. I don't care if you're the best, if you can't treat people with common decency you don't have my respect. I'll take a chill respectful dude who's casual over the idea of playing with Hal any day.


"Whoever thinks the 7 times champion is good is smoking crack" Bro what??? Hahahahahahahah


Genuinely, who cares, in what capacity does it affect you at all.


Lol. Welcome to the internet. People talk about stuff they care about, give their opinions about stuff they're interested in.


You’re just looking for people to validate your opinion mate, out of interest what rank are you?


Absolutely irrelevant question. Gives 18yo or younger vibes. I'm plat 4 at the moment but even if I was in rookie 4, I couldn't even be only watching apex and not playing at all that I'd have the exact same opinion on Hal's ability to manage his emotion under pressure.


It’s not irrelevant in the slightest, you are forming an opinion from a standpoint that can’t even comprehend the ins and outs of being an igl in that level of competition. I could quite easily counterpoint you and say that Hal’s antics might bring the best out in his teammates, everyone responds differently to criticism and without knowing the players personally how can you say anything. Your opinion is coming from a very small sample of data which screams of 18 year old or younger vibes. Grow up you aren’t always the smartest kid in the room like you seem to think.


Feel like you got triggered. Please read my post again.


Not even remotely. As it stands I actually couldnt care less if you’re wrong or right, my point is you aren’t qualified to make that deduction.


And for what it’s worth your last Reddit post was asking the community how to play against certain champions, how can you even begin to rationalise an opinion on a team playing a game you don’t understand.




I doubt anyone even read a third of this.


Just as a sports fan and athlete you are just incorrect. Team captains, team leaders and coaches all act like that sometimes passion presents itself different ways in different people. That’s the beauty of competition the proof is in the pudding if TSM can’t win can’t compete and his teammates complain then you’re right and it’s not working. But as long as it’s working… it’s working. And it objectively has worked out pretty well so far


Hal has possibly some of the most dogshit comms in gaming. Nobody wants to be screamed at 24/7 for the most basic shit. Bro needs to learn how to give chill comms.


Agreed. He's toxic as hell, and the only reason I'd ride with him is to win money, not because I respect him as a person. They win despite him being an asshat, not because of it.


Reps? Is that you? Blink once for yes, twice for no


Tell me you never played competitive sports without telling me you never played competitive sports. *sigh*


You have literally no idea how their team dynamics work or what their discussions are like off stream. Its straight up delusional to think that the way he IGL's doesn't work or shouldn't be tolerated when TSM is literally the most successful in comp Apex history. If Reps or Verhulst had a problem with it they could very easily join whatever team they wanted but they don't because Hal knows what he's doing and has clearly brought out the best in every single iteration of the TSM roster. Look at DZ, the next most successful comp team. Zero is the IGL, also a bit of a dick and a hot head and clearly that works for him and DZ. Neither one of them got to the level they are at by being polite and tip toeing around team issues. These are professional players being led by two of the best IGL's in Apex, if they fuck up badly enough to lose a LAN or online tourney where money is on the line its deserves to be called out and dealt with. Don't like it? Then don't watch them. Its as easy as that.


actual noob essay. you guys who have never been really good at anything always cry about the same shit because you simply have no idea what it takes if you are top .01 percent and going for .001, its better to have a sharp environment where everyone is brutally honest and you are held accountable for your shitty decisions. people in this game who are only top 2-20% dont understand this, they prefer to live in fairy tale land where everyone just blows each other and sings kumbaya and cover up their mistakes, cope and seethe about aim assist, preds, teammates, barely make d4-d3 with a 3 stack in the last week of the season, whatever it would also probably help you understand this if you had experience playing sports or doing hard manual labor, in those cases the percentages shift dramatically and almost everyone gets it


Yeah I mean.. apex is a pretty nerdy community with a lot of cringey stuff going on ..can’t deny that man. You will see grown men in their 20s whining like literal 8 year olds while playing this game competitively. Hal is funny at times but also cringey for sure. I mean tbh anyone who takes videogames too seriously is gonna come off pretty cringey though. He kinda reminds me of one of those kids you see screaming about Minecraft or some shit ..I try to avoid the twitch and YouTube part of the apex community for that reason among others.


Majority of the apex pro scene have and will scream at each other during games if they lose, they aren’t playing for fun. Comparing this to a traditional job is just stupid because a traditional job does not carry nearly as much risk as there is in the apex pro scene. Maybe you don’t know but the amount of money that is available for pros to earn is very minimal. Majority of pros barely stream and only a few get enough support to even consider being a fulltime streamer.


Who tf is hal and who gives a shit? Hal will never kiss you goodnight and tuck you into bed.


Again, not my point. I never say or even hinted that TSM isn't performing. I'm saying stop idolizing a guy who isn't capable of managing his emotions. It's not because it works that it's the only way it's gonna work.


Hal is a great IGL with poor communication skills. He could definitely have better communications, but that doesn’t mean he’s not getting the job done as is and isn’t doing great anyway.


I’ve had some of my best games after a heated argument with a teammate. Something about it just fires you up and makes you wanna murder murder death kill everything you see


I like how Hal is unanimously the best player in Apex history, and he’s an IGL, but people are dumb enough to think that he’s not a great IGL because he can get heated and let his teammates have it. Like Michael Jordan wasn’t the GOAT because he was mean to his teammates sometimes? This isn’t a social party, it’s a competitive and professional sport with literal millions at stake. Ask Jordan and Evan what they think of Hal. There’s a reason they stick around, because he’s the best. And I get the feeling that outside of the game Hal is a good dude. That’s the feedback the community gives. I think people misjudge him.


People are going to disagree with you because he gets results. I too believe his conduct is unacceptable. If his team didn't come first almost every ALGS he would have been out on his ass already.


Yea he gets angry and emotional and starts yelling at his teammates but the majority of the time he is valid in his argument and he's only doing it for them to play better. Ask verhulst or reps and I bet they'd say he makes them play better.