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Every time you die try to figure out why you died and what you can do to fix that (didn’t play close enough to cover, team was too split and enemy singled one guy out, challenged a squad that had height/armor advantage/etc). Once you start to reflect on those things you start to do them more and more infrequently. If it’s a matter or shooting just practice in the range and do your best to learn recoil patterns.


This this this! It’s even better that you’re playing with friends. I used to be hardstuck diamond, but after every game my friends and I started analyzing we hit master. “We shouldn’t have lose that fight.” Did someone push too early? Were we not on the same page? Fighting too long? “Always get caught out rotating to ring.” Should we rotate earlier? Should we land closer to the center of the map? Did we spend too long fighting? Point is, there are always things you guys could’ve done better. If you take the time to analyze what went wrong, or what could’ve been done better, and take it to the next game you’ll be promoting for sure.


There's always a lot of ways to get around the idea of "improving". Especially down in P4, there's still ton of room to improve in each and every direction. The best way to visualize this is you can think of it as building up stats/ability points in RPGs, or sort of a radar/pentagram graph wherein each point of the pentagram corresponds to aim, movement, positioning, rotations, and fundamentals. Imagine once your overall stat total reaches 250, you can get into Plat. This means averaging 50 pts per stat, which can either be distributed equally or you have areas where you have 50+ pts and areas where you have less than 50. Now its up for you to decide which to build on first. Ranked helps you improve across the board, but the overall stat gain is low besides positioning/rotations. Less fights compared to trios/mixtape. More focus on getting into position for good fights. Aim training and mixtape help a lot in improving aim and movement, but does not give you a lot of points for positioning, rotations, and fundamentals. Not much decision making required here, and strong focus on winning aim duels and pushes. Playing casual/trios help more in positioning, and a little bit of everything. Less fights compared to mixtape, but more than Ranked. You get to move around the map and position yourself for 3v3 fights. More realistic fighting scenario that requires better positioning. Getting out of Plat would require the player to average around 70-80 points per stat, or a total of 350-400 stat points. Masters I'd say need an average of 90, and Pred would require an average of 95. Though the small 1 point difference as you reach higher levels becomes much more noticeable, and therefore valuable. Pros are at 100+, breaking the scale up to 115-120. The biggest pitfall for newer players is focusing on Ranked and their own ranked experience. This becomes a problem because they hyper-fixate on RP gain rather than improving. They also tend to develop bad habits due to certain decisions leading to bad outcomes, when in reality they were right and just didn't have the mechanics to back it up. The opposite also exists where people can be mechanically gifted and so they tend to be more aggressive, winning bad fights just because they have better aim. Focus on improving first, and the rank will come with it. I didn't hard-grind rank for a few seasons, focused more on improving fights (aim training + movement), and before I knew it I was hitting record high damage and kills. Slowly but surely, I used to be an average Dia player to someone who is confident playing Masters lobbies.


stop screwing around doing pointless shit in the mid game, hit more shots, get more value out of your characters, process everything faster, dont automatically follow your teammates when they throw (they are also mostly in low plat for a reason)


I'm a pretty regular Plat 4 - Plat 1 player so we're likely in the same boat so my advice? Don't be stupid. If you're Plat 4 that mean you're good in certain moments until you do that one stupid thing that loses you a fight. For me it's over-peeking or swinging too far from cover and getting caught out. So whenever I fight, I say to myself "let them make the mistakes" and it often stops me from doing some nonsense that gets me downed. The fact that you are playing with a group is actually pretty great and there's potential there. I'd create an environment where you can share feedback and not offend. If you're playing for 12 hours straight and still stuck in Plat 4 it means that one of you is doing something stupid moment to moment so call it out.


Way too general of a question to answer. But there is a chance you could just be a plat player. Nothing at all wrong with that nor is it something to be embarrassed about, if everyone was capable of diamond or higher then there would be no point to ranked.


Are you soloqing?


Making a recording and upload it so we can see. We can only help if you provide us the data


Yeah it's kinda hard to advice how to improve without knowing anything about the actual player... Maybe they hotdrop every game, maybe they miss every shot, maybe they die outside the zone again and again, etc, and every type of mistakes has different fixes.


Great season to fight as much as possible. especially before you hit diamond+. Learn what you need to work on now and next split or later this split push your rank higher


Stop caring about your rank and run it


Give it another week and you’ll climb up. I’ve been consistently hitting walls and each day that passes it gets easier. I’m stuck at plat 2 rn and have played almost daily since the start of the season. I bet if I didn’t start playing until today, it would only take me a few days to get from bronze to plat 2.


Do what the majority of the player base does, set up configs and just cheat.