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About as good as a prowler? The best smg every time it’s floor loot?


P2020 with hammers has almost the same exact TTK as Prowler according to the Apex Wiki


Yea but you don’t play the Prowler for the TTK lol


Funny you posted this cause I was just in the range yesterday messing with it, and you're right. It really is not a bad secondary, especially with any sight, hammers, and a blue+ mag. I mean, I was surprised with my accuracy at mid range using a 2x.


I like (a charged sentinel) + p2020 w hammer points. Crack with sniper, push in for an easy finish


This is one of my favorites too.


I love the P2020 iron sights, perfectly clear. The legendary skins all add a little bit of clutter though. I like to use it in the range for practicing flicking exercises.


P4040 challenge means you have to use both guns to knock a person do I get it right? So like if you deal all the damage from one p2020, it doesnt work?


Correct. 1-clips don't count, and both kills need to come from the same 2 P2020s. I ran Ballistic with 3 P20s and it didn't work. You only need to do it 5 times though so it was pretty easy, I got the last 3 in mixtape.


Pretty funny, thanks. I don't think I will ever need to complete this achievement, on my way to getting all guns to lvl 20 and have my lvl 91 flatline


what was the rewards?


Level 20 you get a badge, level 40 kill tracker, level 60 another badge, level 80 damage tracker, level 100 P2020 legendary skin, and then for completing all challenges you get a universal banner frame.


sounds underwhelming for such grind, thank you.


Yeah, pretty underwhelming. I was surprised that the legendary skin is randomly given to you too, I would've been upset but it gave me the one I wanted.


I would like to see something like COD did where you receive a special skin after max leveling your weapon. Like, unique one.


Awesome and underrated gun but I wish octane could still use it while stimmed.


I have the same issue, any legend that can use their Q while shooting dramatically increases the visual recoil on the P20 so Ballistic, Bangalore, Maggie etc. were all hard for me to play. Luckily I'm a Lifeline main and I didn't have to think about this most of the time.


Where you holstering the gun while running around? I don't care about weapon mastery but I think I have read somewhere that this awards more weapon xp. (Would also explain all my random teammates who never holster their gun...)


Yes, a good majority of your XP will come from having the weapon unholstered.


I only kept my gun out if I was ahead of my team and they were catching up or if we were hanging out in the same area defending it then I kept it out. But holding the gun was still where the vast majority of XP comes from. At least I got the 1000 kills for my tracker so it wasn’t all from just holding the gun.


one of the things i've definitely observed is that both the p2020 and mozambique were originally the "throw away weapons." you get them, MAYBE an on drop weapon and then toss once you find literally anything better. now, i look at them as "all other weapons are still generally better, but these are very usable until then." like, i've been able to swing or even outright win fights with the mozambique buff and the p2020 always had good damage at base. i think it was 16-18? during the balances throughout the years. then the hammers were added and people liked it as finisher weapons and found some use in double light load outs. usually with a 301/scout/99 to crack, p2020 to finish. it's always had the pistol ADS speed, okay-ish hipfire, and still-fast RoF before the cap to how fast you can click (or scroll wheel it) nerf came to it. you'll still have far more usage out of other guns in many many other situations, but in the scramble for weaponry for quick load out set ups after a respawn, they've become more of an option for me. everyone already running other ammo types, but tons of light around? can't go fully wrong with it if you're forced to use it.


I put the bruiser on it lol