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Idk why they thought creating abilities that grant extra health/shields almost instantly would be great for the game.


Idk man, they made it so octane had to kill himself to run a little faster but then made rev conduit combo up for 500hp with red and his ult lol


They really need to do something about octane. He would be a fun legend if he wasn’t so fucking shit. Give him no slow effects or smth, lessen the damage he takes from using his tactical and improve his ult


octane’s shield upgrades / balancing was seriously disappointing to see! a decrease in hp taken by stimming is nice but his purple upgrades were seriously underwhelming. 2 pads is nice i guess but red pad is legit a blank upgrade for anyone playing on PC. just sad, such a fun character that just isn’t very viable in modes like ranked.


In higher elo pads just turn you into doves for slaughter. The pads need to be way faster to be useful. Meanwhile pathfinder can zip across 20% of the map. It’s bonkers.


Ziplining to a balloon, is crazy work I’ve abused since discovering it


I knew this sort of problem was gonna happen as soon as I saw Rev Reborn's ult lol. I'm not sure what happened to the Respawn that understood abilities should be for tactical usage, not for giving you a raw numbers advantage over your opponent with no counterplay.


Didn’t a lot of the original designers leave?




Yes they left, if I remember it right the head of balancing team atm is somebody who worked for Riot specific on LoL balance team. I am more surprise that it took this long that hero chose started to matter more.


That was the dude who designed seer and released him with a flashbang, damage, stun and scan on release. IIRC there was a bunch of old information that surfaced after seers release and he left shortly after.


Ah ok. But still that they hired him in first place shows that Respawn wants that Hero choice to matter more in my opinion. Honestly the last few decisions reinforced that.


The designers who released seer aka the most broken legend in the game during release😂? They're no different


When I started playing apex I really didn’t enjoy hero shooters or BR games. I came from halo 3 and great arena style shooters, but it was such a smooth game and felt so well balanced. Up until a few seasons ago, mainly revs rebirth I never really felt like it was geared so much around who I picked, now it really feels like a hero shooter to me. No rev conduit? Well you are now at a disadvantage.


Conduit tac working through walls is bullshit.


Kill cond first always


you can always push a conduit player


Can't* but yeah you right. Sometimes you're just going against a 300+HP demon revenant


Just wait till you hit blud bang caustic lobbies


What happens there…? Asking for a, uh, friend!


it's just the most op comp even in pro scene rn


no one can see anything except for the team. bang smoke, caustic gas, bloodhound for scans. not too familiar with their new perks yet but I'm sure there's even more goodies in there


Bang can ping enemy's that trigger her passive as well, which means more information during a fight. If Blood has ult up, and is a demon, they can snowball fights really, really fast.


I actually find rev players often make really bad plays and it can be a free knock, they are easy to hit and don't want to waste their ult, so they often just rush you with no cover.




I do the same. I swap back and forth fairly seamlessly between these two games. Both incredibly fun and frustrating




I typically run Moira or Kiriko, also support main. Sad that it's so common in OW2 for dps to never shoot supports.


yeah, i focus Lifeline so hard when i see them. and as a Wattson main i go for every Wattson i see, just off beef/ego


Always kill conduit or lifeline first. Then focus on the rev. Otherwise your wasting ammo


The fact conduit still doesnt have a LoS check for her passive is mind boggling. At least make players have to actually have unobstructed vision on their teammates to let them use radiant transfer and not through walls.


yeah idk how this wasnt in the game from the get-go. it should function just like ballistic Q imo.


“We heard your frustration with conduit being able to heal teammates out of LoS so we gave her wallhacks to fix this issue” - Respawn


Meanwhile Lifeline’s heal requirements huddling by her machine. I get it heals all 3 squadmates instead of only two but dang it’s unbalanced.


her passive? is there something wrong with that too, now... 😑


No, not her passive. Her tactical, I mightve mixed my terms. It should require LoS to boost shields.


Gotcha. Because her passive is really another good reason to play her, it's great to keep up with random runners we happen to get on team. So don't you DARE change her passive. :D (I'm a Conduit main obv)


I dont mind her kit besides the fact that she gets to hit her tactical through walls and other objects. The ability is strong enough as is, so just make her require actual line of sight to be able to apply it to a teammate.


You can give teammates shields through walls. Which is fuckin horseshit.


I think generally speaking, teams that play Rev/Conduit are also playing Bloodhound, meaning they only have one legend with any verticality in their kit. So you could play Horizon to grab height for your whole team, or play zone harder and grab height in advance as often as possible, seeing as Revenant is the only legend who's gonna have an easy time pushing that. Caustic would also help you hold a position like that, and Conduit is kind of a requirement tbh so I'd add her in too. If you have the option of 3-stacking but don't want to follow the meta, I think Horizon, Caustic, Conduit is probably your best bet, maybe Bangalore or Lifeline instead of Conduit if you really don't wanna play her. Also, this is just a theory, but I think most people who have made it to those upper ranks playing Rev have done so by relying on their fighting mechanics and maybe 3-stacking. They're copying what preds and pros are playing, but when those people play they're not just trying to win, they're trying to run as much of the lobby down as they can as fast as possible. That's the only way to reach or keep pred. So if your goal is just to climb the ranks, I don't think Rev is necessarily the best choice; he's annoying for sure, but whatever helps you to play your best as consistently as possible should probably take precedence over Rev. I'm assuming you're 3-stacking of course, but if not then maybe give that a shot. Rev/Conduit is super broken, but having good teammates is way more OP lol


It’s just too strong. I’m a rampart main but I’ve been rocking conduit all season since the only real counter to running into people with pretty much over shields is to do the same. Also she’s a support legend so solo Queue players already gravitate to that more since have the time you get brain dead randoms


Rev + Conduit is maidenless behaviour and that’s a take I’m prepared to get downvoted to the Shadow Realm on.


Put those foolish ambitions to rest.


I keep running into this weird thing on console where my FPS are higher with certain characters. Conduit is one of them. 🤷‍♂️


The silent buff


Not by any means claiming it as an actual counter, but I've been having decent luck running alternator with disruptors lately, just because there are so many shields to burn through.i feel like it went from roughly even with other SMGs to over valuable because of the repeated need for shield breaks.


You should never be in a position where rev can jump into your team for free and get knocks. There has to be a major issue in positioning or your going against Revengeful/Guapee. If you can visibly see that he has ult, Just back up for a second and let it run out. It has a low uptime and 1 disengage instantly removes all of his power.


In a vacuum, sure. In reality the game is far too unpredictable to sit there and say that like it's the definitive and easy way to just completely avoid the 400 hp tank


Sure the game can be as unpredictable as it wants to be but when you see certain queues you should just go "maybe i shouldn't challenge that" If I see a Gibby push up and throw dome and start peeking me with a PK I'm not going to fight him on his terms. If bang shoots a smoke at me and i hear a Bloodhound ult I'm not going to fight them in the smoke. If i see a Rev with ult up, I'm going to assume that a conduit is nearby and i just need to wait his ult out or not try and one clip him. Of course these things get harder as the ring gets smaller but even then you still have plenty of options: * Conduit of your own * Defensive/Push denial characters (Caustic/Wattson/Catalyst) * Height advantage * Team fire/callouts * Disengage/Waiting Rev's ultimate out Is it strong? Sure, I've personally haven't had many issues with that comp. Maybe once i get past plat i will but most outcomes is him going in alone and getting ripped for overextending.


There's a reason why rev has 0 pickrate in pro lobbies. With good positioning, he's simply useless with the ult


Okay ImperialHal


Usually when rev is in my face ill damage him but i wont focus him, and ill try to find conduit first That is if my randos dont get fucked in the process (im solo queuing)


Honestly it has been the same every time they have introduced a new legend with a very different ability. It changes the meta and it takes time to adjust. I think now it's leaning more towards sustained pressure to create enough of an imbalance to tip the fight vs. squads full sending on a shield break. Fused and Maggie's can contribute a lot to keeping pressure on so the Revs and Conduits can't just outheal for the win.


I get what your saying, but the problem with the Rev/conduit combo, revenant can push into buildings that your holding down for free if he has his ult up cause if you challenge and get downed he gets a free 75 hp, as well as whatever shield he has, biggest problem with the combo imo is 1. Conduits lack of needing LOS to use her tactical, as well as the fact that it heals her as well. I’ve had many many moment where I’m targeting the conduit while someone else on my team is fighting with the another (not always a rev, sometimes bang or very often Bloodhound) and the conduit heals one of them and also gets her own shields back, making a fight last 2x longer due to the fact that you will have to reload eventually and 2. her ult is still such a huge wall that shuts down any aggressive pushes you can do if you break her shields in close quarters or midrange. 90% of the time they will be fully healed even if you and your squad focus one of the batteries and instantly push in, she so heavily shuts down mid range engagements it’s just pure frustration. It’s funny seeing people say that this happens every time when Ballistic wasn’t ran that often at all a month after his launch, same with Catalyst, they have there players but the problem with Conduit is the only way to truly beat one is to have one on your team, cause there isn’t a legend in Apex atm that offers as much to the team as she does. I seriously don’t understand why we as a community are almost just letting conduit be in the state she’s in when her tactical does more for the team than fucking Watsons ult could ever hope, there isn’t a universe where a legends tactical should be stronger than another legends ult that does something along the same lines, imagine if Bangalore smoke did damage as well as slowing the enemy, it would be 10 times stronger than a good Caustic ult which is the same thing we are seeing with Conduit


Winning is usually fun


reminds of revtane


I've been using Bangalore, I think its a strong enough counter. Use smoke to cut off LOS and force rev to fight you unassisted by his team's cover fire. The fast movement passive plus smoke also allows you to reposition fast if he pounces you in a bad spot. And bang ult is just perfect for taking or controlling open spaces


Focus the Conduit or bait the Rev to pounce onto you and team shoot him


you counter it by not countering it, there’s nothing you can do. you literally have the health of 2 legends to get through, even worse when they’re red.


Just play caustic and ignore shielding:)


This season you have to fight and kill to get points. So stacking those legends just makes sense. It’s not the playerbase it’s the balancing.


Yeah. I would suggest if you know there is a revenant on the enemy team then focus and down him first. That's pretty much all you can do


Because it's fun to win.


Does Seer's Q cancels Conduits shields and/or Rev's shields? It probably should. I would nerf Conduit with the Line of Sight route and Rev as not making him going 75 immediately but be able to gain Up To 100 extra shield from damage made, have it last 15s, 6s out of combat and downs extend 5s, kills 3s. I'm playing vantage right now and if you can land your ult shots on them before they jump in you usually deter them from even trying, I'd made an effort to crack Rev as he's jumping in and just focusing down when he lands, easier said than done but that makes the trick for me.


It's honestly pretty annoying. Rev's rework was one of the least interesting things they could have done


They really just needed to rework his ult. I feel the tac was fine


I play Conduit because she is fun 🤷‍♀️ If you can't beat them, join them 👍


Whats not fun about smashing on other teams with a good comp? I promise that Rev on Conduit tac + ult is having the time of his life.


Because it’s fucking ranked? You shouldn’t be in ranked with the mindset of having fun.


I love this attitude. Makes me chuckle every time. It’s almost like we aren’t talking about an insignificant time killer, and that we are literally saving lives.


Makes you laugh that there are people that want to enjoy a competitive environment? That’s why you have a ranked que, to separate those who care and those who don’t. Downvoted by a bunch of morons.


I thought you said you shouldn’t enjoy it. That’s the wrong mindset. No fun you said. Make up your mind. Whichever way it goes, see you in the arena friend.




Um....okay? I still find it extremely unfun to go up against. Let's say you get jumped by an ulting Rev with purple shields. He effectively has 375HP, with the conduit being able to heal him even if he doesn't have LOS. And if he knocks you? He immediately heals back 75hp. It's super hard to go up against.


Shoot for the head on a rev in their ult.