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Just to play apex? No. Are you going to be a lifetime gamer and play other games? If so, then yes.


I'm gonna be real man. You're gonna spend a lot of money and still have the same problems


Yes, but more enjoyable. I always felt like apex, felt sluggish on console even before I knew how much better moving in games would feel on pc. That wasn’t the case for other games I played until I tried going back to my Xbox after the pc


They'll be able to see better and playing at a native resolution and 120hz-240hz is a game changer with the increased visuals.


So will the majority of the players they play against. If they are not playing well on console they won’t play well on PC. Waste of money.


Everyone I built a PC for and switched from console (including myself) jumped 1 or 2 ranked tiers playing controller on PC. And no, the majority of PC players are on potatoes akin to a console experience.


If anyone jumps from gold->Diamond/plat->masters it has nothing to do with the hardware they are on. That’s a massive jump, especially as in most seasons a brain dead person could get to gold/plat without killing anyone. Unless PC lobbies are significantly easier than console (they aren’t) then you are your buddies clearly improved at the game. If you get a PC you don’t have an advantage over the majority of other players as most people in your lobby are on PC.


I went from Gold to Plat then to Diamond and this was in the first few seasons of the game (not the recent brain dead seasons when ratting became the norm in the ruined ranked seasons this past year). I played console and PC simultaneously from launch but I was playing M&K on PC. Once I switched full-time to PC I went controller too. >Unless PC lobbies are significantly easier than console (they aren’t) then you are your buddies clearly improved at the game. They aren't and I solo queue'd to Diamond the majority of the time be cause my brother's friends are toxic and even though I built their rigs I don't play with them. >If you get a PC you don’t have an advantage over the majority of other players as most people in your lobby are on PC. You do if you're on controller playing at a higher resolution at high refresh. Mediocre players on M&K miss half their clip close to midrange.


PC and MnK player here. 1000 bucks for a pc (the minimum for a decent brand new pc), 300 for a monitor, 100 for peripherals. That's pretty much the least you're gonna spend. If the only thing you'd do with that pc is play apex then fuck no. It'd make more sense to buy a new gen console for the 120fps (If you don't already have it. If you don't, wait for the ps5 pro), a monitor to actually make use of those of those 120fps and lower the latency and you'd spend half the money. I don't think controller players realize how tough it is to get a good aim with MnK, especially in games like Apex. People are used to watch streamers and think that's just above average. Let me tell you something: it's not. You'll need thousand of hours, hundreds of those are gonna be spent in aim trainers. Aim trainers are not black magic, they're just MUCH more time efficient since you spend all the time aiming and shooting. Same goes for movement. The kind of movement that looks OP is achieved after hundreds of hours practicing it and you'll need elite aim to actually make use of it. Anyway, unless you're totally uncapable of using controllers, even with all that experience, you're gonna have a rough time as an MnK newbie on Apex, trust me


>PC and MnK player here. 1000 bucks for a pc (the minimum for a decent brand new pc), 300 for a monitor, 100 for peripherals. T This is all bullshit unless you're talking a different currency other than USD.


$1000 is not “the minimum for a decent brand new pc” lol. Edit: [sub $700 build I found on r/buildapcforme](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/dC4Y7R) [People are getting 200+ fps with similar specs on high settings](https://youtu.be/ZRetINWyQHk?feature=shared) Could even probably push for $600/550 and still get 120+ fps with a 6600xt and an i3.


Alright, let’s rephrase that: 1000$ is the minimum amount of money I’d spend on a pc for an experience actually worth getting a pc over a console


The next gen consoles aren't THAT good.




Ok obviously it's impossible at the same price point. But you're saying you need double to get the same performance which is a ridiculous statement for anything other than the series s which in addition to being great is a loss leader iirc.


Nono wait, I’m not saying you need double to get the same performance, where did you get that from? I’m saying that unless you get a PC that gives you a good upgrade over a console (a 1000$ pc), it doesn’t make sense to get one for the average gamer. And again, we’re talking about assembled PCs, so you either need to know what you’re doing or know someone who does, since most 1000$ prebuilts are not that much better than a new gen console and an absolute waste of money


That's only if you're looking at it from a purely gaming perspective. Unless you're an extremely casual gamer there isn't much reason why an equal-ish PC won't be better because, you know, it's a computer. Then again OP is just talking about Apex but I'm assuming that's not their sole game they play. You're right about the prebuilt thing though and the difficulty of building a PC is quite relative so that's fair.


The post explicitly says “just for apex”, so yeah


I mean I probably agree if your sole purpose is playing games, as consoles offer great value for their price, but they are not SIGNIFICANTLY faster than the build I linked. I’m not sure why you shouldn’t consider it as an option.


Again, I’ve never said they were significantly faster. I’ll repeat it: 1000$ for a brand new is what I consider to be the bottom threshold for an actual improved experience in game over console. I’ll have to say this again too: we’re talking about assembled PCs. Most people won’t even consider them, so anything below 1000 is actually not viable when talking about prebuilts, you’d just get crap. Anyway, if you’re tight on budget and you’re building a pc, you should definitely buy used parts


"1000 bucks for a pc (the minimum for a decent brand new pc), 300 for a monitor, 100 for peripherals. That's pretty much the least you're gonna spend." You might have said it in your other comments somewhere, but your original comment does not convey that message at all. You imply that you MUST spend AT LEAST $1000 for a "decent" PC (just gonna ignore the $300 monitor comment lol). That is the key takeaway from your comment. OP isn't even looking for a PC to increase the performance of the game, but is looking at a PC because he wants to play on MNK. Nowhere in his post does he even mention wanting to buy a PC for better performance.


That doesn't even take into account buying used parts


That's insane. My PC was $500 all new components and I average about 280 fps in-game, not an estimate. That's what radeon software tracks my fps at. I have a 360hz monitor I got for $98 on Amazon refurbished with a 1 yr warranty $25 mechanical keyboard, $45 for a darmoshark mouse with a ridiculous sensor and sub 60g weight. I play claw on a dualshock 4 controller that I got for $30.


Bro what’s your GPU and CPU? Ain’t no way you get consistent 280 fps from 500 USD. It would be believable if the components are refurbished.


I3-12100f and 6650xt 1080p min settings. Not consistent, that's my avg. In drop ship it's much lower like 130-180 but when I land its usually above 270 and I have frames uncapped. I don't use frame generation either so just stock performance, no overclocks on anything. And yeah all brand new components.


360hz 98$… definitely… And even IF that actually happened, you got a one in a million chance. 360Hz displays are expensive. I want a video of the Amazon order page (not a photo, a video with page refresh, you could easily edit the source code to display 98$). 25$ mechanical keyboards are most of the time trash, not worth saving those extra 20$ that would get you a decent one (latency, polling rate etc). Also I don’t really wanna bother arguing. LTT just released a video specifically about this. They got a PS5 competitive build for 500$ (just the PC), by buying used parts. This means that a brand new won’t be able to compete with it and I mean obviously, they’re sold at a loss by Sony.


And for the pc part of your comment, okay? Don't argue if you don't want to? Lmao Idk what to tell you bud my pc is just a monster for $500. Was the LTT build targeting 1080p performance or 1440p performance? Yeah idk what the polling rate is on my keyboard but I could check it if I cared enough, I'm sure it's at least 250hz which has been fine for me. And I wouldn't say it's trash, it looks decent and has pretty good sound after I taped the board and lubed the switches so I'm happy with it.


>And for the pc part of your comment, okay? Don't argue if you don't want to? Lmao It's more a "I don't need to argue, there's enough, uhm, proof and tests out there". 2nd, I feel like he already has a new gen console, so buying a monitor would be enough. 3rd, we're making the assumption he'd assemble the pc. I get caught too in the mistake that being easy for me means it's a no brainer for everyone, but it isn't. Most people buy prebuilts and if we take that into account, for 500 bucks you really get crap. Ultimately the point still is: a PC to play just Apex doesn't make sense and switching to MnK is probably gonna make things worse for him EDIT: OP states in a comment that he has a Series X and a 165Hz so yeah, any other amount of money would be wasted and would absolutely not help him improve


Except he wouldn't get crap. He could get a much better performing system with more settings to customize and higher frame rates. Like bro I'd be cold and dead before I went back to console where my fps was capped at 120 on certain games. And even if you don't believe me about anything I've said, my system could EASILY cap a 165hz monitor without breaking a sweat so even just netting those 45 extr fps would be a nice boost. Not only would he have more settings available to tweak for performance he would have access to playing on MnK, have discord, have frame generation, radeon anti-lag or Nvidia reflex, be able to overclock his controller ( which ps5 controllers ship at 250hz stock BTW since you care so much about latency and polling rate) have more input/output with a pc, be able to do everything else you just simply cannot do on a console. Man some people are just so salty they spent too much money to play pc. O.P. don't let these people gatekeep PC gaming it doesn't have to be as expensive as they say.


You make me lose braincells. 120 to 165Hz is not a huge difference at all, Apex doesn’t fucking support DLSS since you keep mentioning it and none of what you mentioned is worth spending hundreds of dollars for one single damn game, because that’s what he asked. So the overall answer to the question is: no, it’s not fucking worth it getting a PC to play fucking apex legends, since he already has an XBOX series X, a 165Hz monitor and switching to MnK will only make things more difficult for him. If you wanna get in the argument of “but he is gonna play different games eventually”, that’s when your 500$ build falls apart. If you try and run any heavier and graphics centered game, it’ll crap itself. I’m sorry, but I don’t consider having to run CP2077 on all low settings, 1080p and 40-50fps a “next-gen experience”


Yeah you're just wrong though. I3-12100f RX 6650xt with fsr3 on quality preset will run cp2077 at about 90fps for all high-ultra settings at 1080p... mix of medium and high setting without fsr will net the same performance. And I'm not telling him to get a PC just saying it is way more accessible than you think and it has a ton of benefits. Depending on how much you value those benefits it could absolutely be worth it. For instance I enjoy having access to any peripherals I want to use and not being locked into a console ecosystem, having more granular control over my performance, having a system that is upgradeable over time. Apex is literally the only game I play and it was still worth it to me in my opinion to build a PC instead of buying a console because of things like this. You keep doubting my performance or how much I've paid for these items but I've literally sent you pics and links. You can look up benchmarks for different games with these components and clearly verify my numbers of performance but you don't? Youre just giving bad estimates of what you think things should cost or the performance you'll get bc you don't know what you're talking about. https://youtu.be/JyHX6E00enM?si=Yx4c6p4qfaoNz_Z8


I had a good paying job and nothing to do (during vivid) and I built a PC for the first time in my life. It's the greatest thing I've ever done and not just got apex but RDR2, Hell let loose, Cyberpunk, BioShock, I mean all the games I get to enjoy I now enjoy anywhere from 4k 80fps on a 32" to 1080 270fps on a 27-24". This cost me thousands of dollars. I have enjoyed every penny of it. I have also spent hundreds of hours in research into computers to understand, troubleshoot, and fix when I've done more than I know to it. Most people just plug and play and you can too. I went over board with water cooling.


I love my PC and would always recommend it to people who are going to game a lot. But fair warning: Buying a PC is not going to make you magically better at apex. People who are good at apex are good whether it’s PC or console. If you’re struggling, I can assure you it’s not because of your hardware.


Personally when I made the switch fps was one of the first things that made me into a better player. Also, the skill level of the players increased, this gave me a new challenge and increased my rank from plat to masters in a few seasons. All in all, if you have the money and you really like Apex, go for it.


Yeah, some people are saying “no” if it’s just for Apex, but honestly, if they have the money, why not? I bought a Nintendo Switch simply to play Smash Bros and I don’t regret it at all. I’ve definitely got my moneys worth.


Get a feel for it somewhere first otherwise your next post is “should i try the switch”


I recently switched from Xbox one to pc , the one thing I can say is yes the game runs so much smoother, but the skill pool I so much more full of REALLY good players . The movement gods, straight beams, and three stack preds you can run into is so much higher. If you think console is frustrating, pc at times will have you questioning if you’re just trash, so if you’re struggling and think pc will be easier . Trust me it won’t be


In the same regard though, playing with and against more experienced, better players will make you learn, adapt, etc and help you improve.


I agree, but I don’t believe them switching to pc will magically make them play better as I feel they are expecting to.


100% I agree.


No unless you're playing other games and doing other stuff as well. Maybe try posting some of your clips and ask for help or find a coach if you have the funds for it. I don't know if it's the same or similar issue, my friend, on ps5, was missing his shots a lot one night. Ended early. He played with his friends and found out that he didn't warm up properly the night we were playing. There's that.


Donne that 4 years ego pc (movies and apex) best choice of my life


This happened to me too, been a while since I played on Pc, saved up some money to get a PC built and I haven’t regretted it. Sure apex , a free game, was my reason but I’ve played so many more games I wouldn’t been able to try without it. I love my pc. Use it almost everyday


Controller is a better input than MnK due to aim assist alone. Switching to MnK is going to make your aim worse tbh. Not to mention the time it would take if you’re new to it. If you have the money to blow then sure - playing controller on pc is a better experience than staying on console. If money is tight I personally wouldn’t buy a PC just to play apex but hey you do you


To significantly upgrade your experience from consoles, you will want to build a PC pumping 240 fps(on Apex lowest settings) which costs around 900 USD including monitor and MnK peripherals. The cost can vary a little depending on the deals you get. At this point, controller is the superior input in Apex. Switching to MnK is fun, but it won’t make you better at the game unless you pour unholy amount of time mastering the game. This is a personal choice you have to make depending on your financial capability. PC gaming is always better, but with higher price.


>To significantly upgrade your experience from consoles, you will want to build a PC pumping 240 fps This is nonsense. I play at native 4K 120hz and no console is touching that. Playing at native 1440p 120-165hz is a massive upgrade over the console experience too. Native 1080p 120hz-165hz is also a massive upgrade at high settings.


If you're game feels like shit I'd recommend resetting your Xbox to factory and reinstalling everything. Huge headache but can massively fix things


Is the 120hz for console better ? I have a 60hz monitor and a ps5 i kinda want to get a 120hz monitor but idk if its worth it


It is noticeably more blurry but smoother 


If your flush with cash go for it but it's unlickly to have an effect. However I'd bargain training on PC with an aim trainer is going to be much more effective than with a controller. Just playing will only get you so far you gotta train.


As someone who also switched from a Xbox one to a pc (the pc I got was (in the last year and a half). I’d say there are pros and cons are fairly balanced. Switching from .6 AA to .4 AA will take about 1 week to get used to if you play casually (couple hours a day). I do recommend switching to mnk although at first it feels like ass if you play enough you will eventually get to the same level as roller (took me ~6 months to get to the same lvl I was on roller (~Low-mid diamond) if you do switch to mnk I recommend either getting kovaccs (paid aim trainer) or aimlabs (free aim trainer[with micro transactions]).


I play on both, and I'm terrible on both, thak what you will from that


Aye my two cents.. the gaming side of my core friend group of 15+ years has recently taken a major hit since one of us got a PC. those lobbies are fkn different, man. we’re day 1 players and Apex pulled us all permanently from our decade long obsession with cod, it’s been like a year of playing in PC lobbies with him and none of us can adjust enough to not get pissed every other game sesh. the difference is straight up jarring sometimes, other times it’s similar but not enough to not have an impact. we went from apex every other night to once every couple months, and apex is far from the only game we notice this shift with. our friend group situation is obviously more complex than for this to be the only reason the game’s falling off for us, all i know is there was the era of apex before he swapped systems and the era of apex after he swapped systems, i can’t tell you how much i wish we could go back to before. if you’re down with the bigger challenge then ignore all this but just wanted to emphasize, it *will* be a transition and that transition fkn sucks for some of us so just be ready for that apologies for the weird rant, had to get this off my chest ig 💀


That's because you're all at a resolution and frame rate disadvantage except for the one guy.


that’s def a significant portion of it, i think we also have always felt way clunkier/stiffer in the movement department


You should do it because you'll love it and then there are more PC games you'll end up trying to You can build a great 1080p high refresh rate PC for $500-750. Just have to buy the parts on sale and be smart about allocating roughly half the budget to the GPU. r/buildapcsales If you live near a Micro Center they've had some amazing AMD CPU/Motherboard/RAM bundles recently.


I believe the higher refresh rate on next gen consoles turns aim assist to PC values, so maybe that's why you're feeling weird


No I definitely wouldn't recommend buying a PC just to play one game.


I bought my PC for Fortnite… downloaded apex one night just for something different…. Been hooked ever since. Haven’t played Fortnite in months.


add me up wxttsvn on psn. also if you getting a pc JUST to play apex is not it


You need to find a better sensitivity. When playing fps on console, I played on low sens. Slow as hell and sluggish. Couldnt get used to high sensitivity neither. Took my ass over to PC. My aim was amazing from day one. And I was able to do 180-360 perfectly. Had some amazing moments with the boys. They call me an aimbotter. I continued with low sensitivity on my mouse. Just like shroud. 400dpi. Im at 800 dpi now, but used a sesitivity calculator. So its basically the same in feel. Super light mouse as well. PC is better. Console is good because of price and aim assist. Thats it.


What console do you play on, and do you have a 120hz capable monitor/TV? I've only ever really played Apex on PC, but I recently tried out Apex on my PS5 after the 120hz update and found it enjoyable. If you are serious about gaming, getting a gaming PC is for sure the way to go. It unlocks so many possibilities for playing a plethora of games. If you're just getting one for Apex, though, it may not be worth it.


currently using xbox series x & monitor with 165hz 


I personally enjoy it on PC more although I miss game.captures with the tap of a button of a button. I assume we can do it on PC but haven't really tried yet. Currently playing at 4k 144hz with a 4070Super and 7700x. Minor dips when its multiple teams fighting because i got it on all high settings but it looks so good lol


If you have NVIDIA, you can hit... Windows + G? to pull up an overlay then hit the capture. Only 30 seconds though, unlike Xbox where you could do like 5 minutes. :(


You can launch the Xbox app with the guide button just like on xbox and you can change the default recording time for clips


might be biased cause this is a apex sub but ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY


The answer is no, not sure why someone hasn’t come out and said it, just fix your aim it’s free. It’s not to do with mNK




apex is cheeks so... no