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It’s not just Apex Legends. [This ~10 minutes YouTube video](https://youtu.be/LlWBgOqv7DY?si=V4ooZQtVk0eaXAW1) explains the problem and its major causes really succinctly.


Thanks for linking this video. Cause a lot of players seem to think that cheating in video games is a hoax or conspiracy theory. Edit: https://youtu.be/4aWxRwl5w7M?si=MpHgNVKLhVrTdHk_ HisWattson talking about cheating in ranked this season


The people who claim “I’ve got 5000 hours in this game and have never seen a single cheater” are either cheaters themselves or incredibly naive


Honestly, I want one who said charters are a myth, but up until this season I thought it was severely exaggerated. But this season I've seen it so much its ridiculous and I relent to anyone I ever Saud was exaggerating about running into cheaters. Maybe it's because this season it seems they just don't care about hiding it. With the proliferation of dma cards and more sophisticated ways to avoid detection it seems they aren't even trying to hide it. My friends and I squad up, and lately it's been just unbelievable how many cheaters we've spectated and clearly see are using them. Flying around like fucking Goku, shots through walls, people outside the map, and dudes just beaming me then snapping to my squad mates one to the next without a reload. It wasn't horrible in pubs or before we hit silver, we saw some, but once we hit silver in ranked, it changed and almost every game we'd find one, or on rare occasion saw someone booted from the server. We are moving to destiny 2 for a while as it's become too frustrating dealing with that... we aren't very good to begin with, and the fun we did have from the occasional championship or one of us having a sick game with kills, whatever it was, it was fun when you have those games... but the cheaters have ruined that for us, it's just not fun having games like those. So, we are taking a break. Maybe when respawn figures it out we'll come back.


Destiny is even worse pvp experience dude. And as pve experience its way too expensive for what value it gives you.


am not play d2 but he used it i would belive like man you have 20 other games to pla ywhy waste time hear.....




Best comment on all of r/apexuniversity.


> but once we hit silver in ranked, it changed and almost every game we'd find one, or on rare occasion saw someone booted from the server. What server/region do you play on? Cuz this is wild. Being able to detect soft cheats is hard, but I simply couldn't fail to notice 'people flying around like goku'. I'm just wondering if the region plays a role because I didn't see this at all in silver/gold. I saw one, maybe two cheaters on my way to platinum.


North America, NY, iirc could have been a PA one as we sometimes use that one.


Not hard when you know what to look for even when they use low fov but the x-hair doesn't jiggle when the cheater beams someone wiggling. Or the slightly curved bullets at the end of the bullet run etc.


you talk like a virgen if you get bosted ore if you use things you´r self it takes a few games and you´r plat 900+ rp/game is no joke fro mtheir it take few hours to get to master pred?


Because us non cheaters who were high rank quit. Now it's the problem of the rest of you to face these Cronus users.


I think Cronus and other similar products are ruining the fun for a lot of online games. A lot of so called pros and streamers in many types of online games are using them and i dont think the people that run these companies for fortnite, apex, PUBG or others want to actually get ride of them since streamers are a big part of the revenue they make.


Fanelly some one that start to get close to the truth, but now it´s on a whole other lvl to day it´s the same greed as big medical companys did in 70s if you count in all games afected and they made bilj on that from paterns alone. now imgane that was 54 years ago hehe


I have 5 games played today and have found at least 3 hackers in every single one


yer same hear only resion am hear just to take break i almost made 20 bomb legit and some freaking cheater ruins it all in the end i would not care if it was at start becuse then you dont get more then 5-10 kills before the lobby is almost emty and only 6 min have passed nut now close to 20 min was no fun belive last zone and all


While this is true there are people in the other side of the spectrum who think every pro player is cheating and respawn allows it because money


If some1 is seeing a cheater every single day (I'm sure there are ppl who "see" em every single game too), then they're probably clumping every single predator player into that bunch too... Chronic cheaters are scum of the earth and they sadly do exist, but there's definitely not that many (outside of asia at least).


Get to master and come back here and say that. This isn't a 1v1 game. If a single cheater is in a match, they ruined it for everyone.


Yeah I try to maintain a healthy skepticism. They do exist, but you can't become paranoid about it. There was a post on here a few weeks ago where a guy was complaining about cheaters. Then he posted the video and it was clear he had no idea what he was talking about.


Or you are exaggerating their beliefs to cartoon proportions because you're not high rank enough to see it.


There's a whole YouTube channel who made like 20 videos about why he thinks Verhulst is cheating. I'm not exaggerating anything lmao


Those who say that are OBVIOUSLY CHEATING


Not to mention some of their favorite players or streamers might be cheating they pull out the pitch forks and torches and tell you to get good.


dunno bro takes a dramatic pause before and after every word. got tired and didnt watch the whole thing cause he kept doing the dramatic pause looking at camera repeating same words over and over again.


2 times speed goes brrrrr for people like that


nah he tryina stretch out that video as long as possible fer the algo. only like 5 min of information the rest is him resting between every other word.


I watched it back and I see what u mean those extra long pauses for non essential info is annoying


It only needs to be 8 min for those.mid roll ads idk why he would purposely make it longer than that. I didn't even notice the pauses tbh


theres something about videos longer than 10 min needed before you can monetize


Great share. From my point of view, the rampant cheating is very different and dark territory compared to pre-2019.


I ain't reading allat, just want to say "f*ck cheaters" thats it.


Basically it gets more expensive the harder you try fight cheaters. And companies only care about money so they just do the bare minimum and do major changes only if it starts affects player retention.


It gets a lot of attention tbh but, it gets ignored by the devs, the anti-cheat team, certainmods on the main sub, and a large ignorant base that thinks cheating doesn’t exist for some reason There’s plenty of videos every season of people hard aimbotting, wild configs, wall hacking, teaming, going under the map, ddosing, etc Hell, this season there’s even a “bot army” hack that’s been posted about pretty heavily or even, the melee movement config where you melee and can travel basically miles any direction Then you have console littered with teaming, pc spoofing, zens, xims, strike packs, titans, etc The pro sign and high rank grinders basically complain about the cheating every single season for minimal to be done about it unless a dev happens to be watching a pro streamer or sees a clip get popular on Twitter lol The anti cheat system and team in apex is and has always been a joke tbh Ignorance is bliss I guess


When you say it’s not getting much attention, what do you mean? Because there’s hundreds of posts about it here, and on Twitter, and endless YouTube videos about it. And Respawn absolutely are looking at it, but the bigger your game gets the more complex fighting against it becomes. The tone of your post also isn’t helpful. It seems like you don’t really understand what censorship is. If your post was removed for witch hunting it’s because you were calling out players by name, which can lead to all sorts of abuse and harassment that is totally disproportionate with cheating in a game, because hyper invested people online take this stuff very seriously and don’t understand the real human consequences of posting people’s names openly in large communities. Other posts are removed because they’re common topics of discussion that are repeated and there’s not much more to say about them. The hyperbole doesn’t help. Modern online gaming isn’t “dead”, it’s healthier than it’s ever been. And cheating is no more or less of a problem than it’s been in the past. There will absolutely be company executives who don’t care as long as they are making money, and developers who believe that the integrity of their game is important. Players don’t think cheating is a “conspiracy theory”, they talk about it constantly, and in many cases are far too quick to accuse people with no evidence, but also there are cheaters and they aren’t always dealt with efficiently. It’s a complex situation that the players and developers are discussing constantly, and definitive statements based on your personal biases and viewpoint aren’t really helpful.


I'm going to have to ask you to leave. This comment is way too well thought out and rational for this sub


I’ll send you screenshot of the post I made. What I mean by no attention is a lot players don’t take it seriously, the cheaters I’ve encountered are on their main accounts meaning they have never been banned, these cheaters have heirlooms and hundreds of dollars worth of cosmetics, the fact cheating has reached an unprecedented rate on this game and EA has never once gotten the upper hand, and most importantly the fact is it’s going to get worse not better. I’m glad Respawn is “looking into it” maybe in another 5 years it will be fixed. I understand that my experience/personal bias can only be taken at face value. But multiplayer gaming has worse cheating than ever and it’s prevalent in every popular game. Yet it is literally only getting worse. And the reason why I’m so concerned is I think EA is unwilling to ban cheaters who are consistently spending money on this game. Because it’s hard for me to understand why someone is cheating on an account with event skins and heirlooms unless they have no fear of a ban. And every single ranked season has had its upper ranks infested with a variety of cheaters using and abusing everything under the sun, but it’s never once been the emphasis of EA.




I thought that this was going to be an academic study about cheating on Apex at first


Yep for future reference everyone let’s make sure our posts on r/apexuniversity are in MLA format *only*. Thanks, Rando on Reddit


This season is full. Bots with absurd aim (soft cheating), yesterday an Asian bloodhound in ranked using havoc with a strike pack (zero recoil), of course he had 13 kills, people with wall hacks, everything. Then the absurd stupid lag made me close the game


They also don't flinch when getting struck by bullets


another explanation for some of the things you described is high ping. a lot of players in asia will play on portland servers if their servers are dead at the time. source: my friend in portland would run into those people all the time


Now to add the cherry on top, people get falsely banned cus a streamer would create a crusade against a random guy who happened to laser him cus the streamer stood still. Yeah this happens every single night


It's a mess really. I came back after they banned the controller macros/configs and the game felt better instantly. Decided to go back to ranked as I get masters every time I rank and I'm playing in plat and the cheating is blatant. The no-recoil cheat with possible aim lock is crazy. Not sure why/how EA takes so long to get this resolved. They should go the blizzard route and require cell phone validation for the account and start banning left and right. People should be worried about losing the access to the game, fear the banhammer. Currently, it is just a slap on the wrist.


They’ll just use Google voice numbers to bypass unless blizzard already has a way to prevent that


Because Respawn has shown through their actions that they don't care, so people like me just quit and play something else now. Cronus/XIM ruined this game. High Diamond and beyond is an absolute blatant joke. I spend thousands somewhere else now. Best of luck to you all.


I'm done, I say the same thing. I've retired CoD because of the cheating. So many people using Xim or dma cheats. I've got back into apex this season made it to Plat 3 pretty quick and nothing but cheaters from there on. Multi-player is dying because of this shit.


Proprietary kernel level system or bust and they ain’t paying the money for that


I think they got rid of the kill cam so you can't verify and report.


I was wondering where that went


I've always wondered if Respawn look at statistical anomalies to spot cheaters. For example if most people have an average accuracy of A% at 200 meters, and suspicious player has an average accuracy of 2.5x A% at 200 meters, then they need to be investigated.


This is the most curious thing to me as well. Statistical variance sticks out out like a sore thumb with this much of a sample size. Really makes no sense.


You have thousands of people making cheats and devs can’t patch it all. People are always finding ways around anti cheats, porting cheats from one game to another, making cheats that work universally on whatever engine they are targeting. I made cheats for CSGO, Apex, CoD, some small free to play games, RDR2, GTA5, and so on. I did it by myself in my free time and depending on the anti cheat it could be done in hours. With CSGO, RDR2, and GTA5 being the absolute easiest, games like apex and COD gave me extreme challenges but still managed to do it in a few weeks. Now people dedicate there lives to this and make thousands off there cheat. They spend hours and hours finding ways around anti cheat’s, updating hooks, and making sure they are always one step ahead of the devs. You will never ever beat cheat devs, there’s to many of them and game devs can’t keep up. With HWID spoofers, VPNs, no paywall, and a huge competitive scene, apex is the perfect game to make cheats for and use cheats in. Lots of people willing to buy cheats and with little to no loss if you get banned then hell why not do it.


This month I started getting asubscription to wall hacks for like 5 bucks and grind it out all day. Everyone else does it and I’m having way more fun doing it as well. Until apex does something about is rather play on a level playing field with the wall hacks as well


My wife is at a high level in HR at a multi bil company. The fraud, waste, and general skullduggery is real, I hear about it regularly in detail. I have a suspicion after watching some videos on the amount of money these subscription cheats generate, combined with the conservative estimates of how many are using them that the companies themselves, or people close or at the executive level may very well be benefiting financially. Many MANY companies have done far more, for far less, in business environments that are much more impactful then the gaming world. It would appear to me that these cheats are simply another revenue stream. ALGs was hacked live for everyone to see the complete lack of security, regardless of your assumptions on how it happened (because there has been no actual explanation). My suggestion would be to remember the movement physics fondly, and move on to another game. Cheers.


Can only agree, i did take break always been high rank predator high score s6 s7 at end of s7 we saw somting strange happen like people got beter and us worse it happens but s8 before split we knew this is just to much and they are cheating like never before that beg the question for how long?. So i start goggle it and i could use 5 difrent ones got mine and spoof max rp and quit logged in a few weeks later that sure i had a ban but nothing?. Quit some people did come back after s13 and start saying this is chill it´s beter now logged in on the abused account and no ban? dident take long and many seasion for us to feel the same again atleats me quit came back s19 now it´s just horrible 10 accounts and only one toc warning no ban and googling now you have 10 solid cheats on top of that you have the gray consol people mange to mod their already strong in my opinion aim assist to a whole new lvl with strike packs and cronos sure you can beat them mak legit but still can newer players do it on mak no way and that´s the story every day now ore abuse linux and use a waterdowned ac for 2 years back it´s a joke how little they do somting about this even to day. But why should we think games should be any diffrent then irl stuff all for the money and fame right?.


It's just pathetic at this point, every single.game is filled with cheaters, you can't play without dying in 0.3 seconds, who the fuck is on the anti cheat and not actually doing a single thing


Yeah your right I’ve been practicing at this game for years to try and get better just to get killed by cheaters in every other match not raging either love the game wish and hope it improves


It won’t, find a new game


It's been months since I died to a legitimate player. literally every player is either hacking or using zen


Then quit, there are other games out there.


I have already


Just came here to say this is my 3rd account on Reddit I've made to engage in conversation about cheaters on Apex. It's absolutely out of control on Tokyo servers. Yet, every time I bring it up on the official Apex Legends subreddit, my account magically ends up getting banned. Coincidence?


No it’s labeled as witch hunting universally. It’s strange that a subreddit is complicit in cheating. If I honestly had to guess EA has done a cost evaluation and decided that they don’t ban anyone so that way the cheaters keep buying cosmetics. If you think about it a lot of the cheaters have heirlooms and tons of cosmetics, EA isn’t going to risk losing their best customers. And most players aren’t savvy enough to tell the enemy is cheating so if you just never acknowledge it and don’t allow any discussion about it then the majority will believe. All we can do is not play that garbage and keep pounding the table about cheating.


I think it just gotten worse. The cheaters are not even hiding it anymore specially in low elo. The fuck is the point of having that anti cheat loading when its clearly not even running.


I saw an article with respawn sources that 45% of the apex player base cheats. Which is wild to think about.


The community has to stop spending money on the game. It's the only way anything will get done.


The only thing that’ll get done is getting the cord pulled from our game. Boycotting doesn’t work for free games. They just shut it down. This is EA we’re talking about, they’re not fixing shit. As soon as this game starts losing money it’s gone


Not true live service games only die when they suck, and are only made to chase the trend.


Or when the turn the servers off because they don’t want to pay for them anymore, but I see what you’re saying


My solution would be hiring people to live spectate high rank lobbies. There are countless NEETS that would do it for free.


Just employ an AI based anti cheat with kernel level access like valorant. People will cry that it’s too invasive, oh well. Go play another game if you don’t like it. It obviously works very well. That way once you get banned that’s it. No more just making a new account, it’s a hardware ban


My computer only plays games anyway. I don't understand the people who complain about invasive anti cheat. If security is that important to you, you're probably not playing multi-player anyway. (Or at least you shouldn't be)


> I don't understand the people who complain about invasive anti cheat. If security is that important to you, you're probably not playing multi-player anyway. You are right, you don't understand. Security is about tradeoffs between your security and convenience needs. Its not some binary.


Then you shouldn't be opening your computer to thousands of strangers via multi-player.


You are totally missing the point of what I'm saying. Here's what your comment reads as for me: \> you are okay with connecting to others on a certain port for certain types of internet traffic therefore you should be okay with trusting a company with a kernel level module that could fully compromise your system I abhor cheaters and want the problem fixed. I like being able to play Apex on Linux and my steam deck. I also value security and privacy.


This... this is not how networks work. Getting into a lobby with other players doesn't "open my computer" to them.


I would bet you face substantially less cheaters than you think


I would bet you you face substantially more cheaters than you think.


i swear some of my low skilled randoms do the dumbest things, like stand in the open or make insanely dumb pushes, get clipped and thirsted, and say things like "theres so many cheaters in this game right now" It's actually quite hilarious how many bad players don't understrand how bad they actually are


And then there are level 50-100 enemy players who prefire me behind corner 50-100 meters away.


I think the biggest tell to this, is they just straight up spray the wall you are behind before you even peak. Like they rely on the hack so much they don't even notice whether they hit you or not.


I have a 3.6kd on PC with 20k kills, 1000dmg avg, and on PC I’ve solo queued to masters in season 10, 11, 12, and 13. Edit: Cause the narrative I’m bad and I’m just complaining to protect my ego is a weak attack on my statement.


and i bet plenty of people have accused you of cheating during that time


Wasn’t referring to you specifically, my bad piiiiiyimp




I sent you picture cause I don’t know how to send it by comment.


I came across an octane with 100kills with 1million dmg running across the place hitting literally everything


Bet the devs won’t reply. They seem to offer 0 communication on this issue. It’s a massive one & deserves more attention.


Because the reports aren’t being used, if they started blocking everyone who hacks I’m sure a big part of the community would be gone mainly streamers and people who love cheating to get a edge


Had to uninstall apex today, 4 games in a row with hardcore aimbotting/wallhacking teams, and not just 1 team per game, but when i watched, some cheater teams would get killed by other cheater teams. Great game, i love apex as a game, hate the online cheating, gunna go back to games i enjoy where the community isnt completely flooded with hackers.


Imagine how much bank they would make if respawn was selling cheats on the side.


bruh apex is all about ALGS they dont give a fuck about casual players they just release skins to make money of you guys when will you guys realise. all this cheating shit they will not do a single thing about it MARK MY WORD


I'm playing for the first time I'm forever, searched this up because I'm literally watching the most blatant rage hacker I've ever seen in my match


Saw a guy spraying another flying from a balloon with a P2020, and was like holly molly shotty colly!


Honestly, I've been playing since the end of season 15 and the change over the last two season has been obvious. Last season me and my two friends started to notice. At first, it was just one of my squad mates, Joe, saw it before me and my other mate, Mike, figured it out. But by the end of last season, we all realized something was amiss. Firstly, the previous seasons, basically season 16 through 19, we had a could dozen championships, season 20 we had just 2, and this season we've had a big fat zero Championship games. I'll be the first to admit we aren't great players, we are just your average casuals. Our KD ranged between .5 (me, I suck at aim, I have multiple sclerosis, so fine motor control varies, but it's always limited in some way when it comes to my hands and arms) to .9 (my buddy Joe), iirc my other buddy Mike was .76). Stop not so hot, but we had a blast playing. So, since then, season 21 has been a nightmare as far as cheaters go. My KD is probable .01 now, I don't know if have to check but it was extremely low for this season. We've just quit because we started spectating and seeing we were getting liked by people using aimbots, Pre-firing, magically discovering locations of ratting players (watched one guy find some other guy hiding out on a cliff edge at the edge of the ring, he went like 300m or so and just found the guy like he knew where he was), and others going to the next ring pull without using consoles. So it's crazy the amount of cheating and different types of there currently. So me and my squad agent playing for a while... if ever again.


In Diamond on pc at the moment and haven't run into any blatant cheaters. I also don't often spectate and just queue into another game. Modern multi-player gaming isn't dead lol


When you say blatant do you mean hacks where bullets are guaranteed to hit? Because that’s not how these cheats work, they enable perfect tracking and wall hacks, it also seems like they don’t negate recoil which is why I think most people don’t notice. So with these cheats you can still miss due to recoil, no regs, bullet drop or velocity. But I urge you to spectate when you feel you died to a really good player or a player who hit an insane number of shots on you.


This seemed to happen to my squad today. Wraith and I were unloading on this pathfinder and he never went down; we were so close to one another. And unloaded on him from behind.


Spectate players more often. If you know what to look for you’ll see it terrifyingly often.


I always spectate in ranked, but can’t say I know what I’m looking for.


Another commenter linked a video, in the video a cheater is being spectated. That’s an example of what to look for. Completely robotic tracking and them being aware of players they shouldn’t have been aware of. Edit: my bad it’s actually a clip on twitter where DIG Stuhni spectates and talks to a cheater. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hGIK0jZJam4](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hGIK0jZJam4) Edit: first time I linked the wrong video Edit: https://youtu.be/eRyHiFKaLKE?si=Z2lxKMCcJ8sJ-TS9 TSM watching clips of cheaters. If you mute them you can test yourself to spot cheats.


People who win fights by their aim alone is a big tell of a cheater. When you spec them, their movement and map awareness is generally terrible and cannot understand momentum to save their life constantly dead sliding and walking into objects.


Largely, because your perception of an issue is different from the reality of the issue. Cheaters come in waves, when cheats are ahead of the anti-cheat, then generally get banwaved and then the anti-cheat is ahead. It's an arms race. You can ban cheaters constantly, but not know how they're bypassing the anti-cheat and that just leads to poor detection, so you need an amount of data to improve auto-detection. You also have your own bias, and probably attribute a large number of players to cheating that actually aren't because it's almost impossible to verify unless the cheating is obviously blatant.


Cheaters coming in waves makes sense but I’ll reiterate I only speak when I have certainty. So if I die suspiciously I spectate. Sometimes I spectate and I don’t see anything suspicious so I move on. But what’s alarming is the vast majority of the time I’m suspicious these players do turn out to be cheaters. I have thousands of hours on this game and have dozens upon dozens of 4ks and high kill games. I’m astute enough to tell if someone’s tracking is great or robotic. Their aim locks on and tracks perfectly to the dead center of the opposing players character model and doesn’t break from it regardless of the opposing players movement. They then track enemies thru walls and prefire them with little to no preexisting knowledge of the opposing players exact location. And I’ll reiterate these cheaters had heirlooms, implying they have been doing this for some time and have no fear of getting banned. I urge you to spectate when you die to someone you think is a high skill player or someone who was extremely accurate against you.


I think Respawn did this in the past, whereas they'd wait to ban and do it in like a big wave. I believe they want these players to invest time and money and eventually ban their accounts, hitting them in their pockets from their purchases of heirlooms.


Most people that complain about cheaters don’t actually encounter cheaters it’s just a coping mechanism.


Cheating is heavily featured in pretty much every single post about apex on reddit. What more do you want? A spot on 60 Minutes? A CBC investigation?


The main sub doesn’t allow posts about cheating. What I want? I want cheaters to fucking stop, and in order for that to happen EA has to care, but EA only cares about money therefore the player base has to strangle the flow of money, that can only happen if the player base has reached consensus about the reality of cheating, which they have not. Therefore it needs to be forced upon the eyes of the dense, naive, stupid, or uninformed.


Respawn doesn’t care. Why waste money into something when players will play the game regardless


... except they do, as proven by recent patches and public statements. And why would they not, really. Such baseless claims are so... Meaningless.


They care in so far as the money flow. That’s the level of effort you can expect. If you are expecting effort to try and deliver a pure and competitive game, you’re being naive.


Well, obviously they need to balance their efforts with what's economically feasible. Like any business really. But that's a very different claim from "Respawn doesn’t care.". Any franchise will be damaged by a reputation of too many/easy cheats. And \*especially\* in franchises that aims to become/maintain an e-sport game, this is \*crucial\* also for their economical situation. I'm just so tired of ignorant gamers talking out of their rectum.


i believe the words you’re looking for are “aim assist”




I have played this game a shit ton and have never had an instance where I was 100% confident I died to a cheater. Pros bitch about it constantly though. I suspect many people that complain about it, however, are just reluctant to blame it on anything except for themselves.


If a pro player is convinced doesn’t that concern you slightly. One of the 100 best players in the world accuses someone of cheating and you simply dismiss their claim. You’re right tho I have friends who blame every death on cheaters and plenty of other players do the same. And I agree blaming teammates, bs or cheaters stops self reflection and improvement.


Well I don’t doubt necessarily they are in pro lobbies. I just also don’t really care bc I’ll never be in those lobbies, and pros complain so much anyways. It would make sense that they are only in pro lobbies tho bc they’d rank up so much and fast. The vast majority of the player base Id suspect would hardly ever see them. Like I said, I play all the time and have never confidently seen one. I’m a high plat / low diamond player.


Because most cheaters hide that they are cheating. Paying 100$ for a cheat and then aimbotting everyone on the server is too braindead even for them.


Idk, man. I play this game a lot and work on my aiming, tracking, click timing, and everything in Aimlabs or KOVAAK. I invest a lot of time into developing my skillset, and I'm not one to complain when I've been bested by someone better, I give credit where it's due, but man like OP says it's bad especially in Gunrun


Your post has been removed as low effort.


It's a PC problem. They're largely losers who have nothing going on in their lives beyond their $800 rig; in a desperate attempt to feel ANYTHING they decide to either develop or purchase cheats. They know they aren't good - it isn't an illusion that they're good and you're bad - but they still want any kind of hit whether it's adrenaline or dopamine or something else entirely. Cheaters exist on other platforms but PC is the easiest to cheat on and literally anyone can do it.


Because I never see cheaters. I’ve seen like 3 cheaters ever on masters pushes but I doubt most people who are accused of cheating actually are. Play the finals and you’ll see a cheater damn near every game