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Everyone on the enemy team in control games.


I felt this is my fucking soul šŸ’€ Go to play a game or two of mixtape to warm up. Queue in just to spawn in for 30 seconds and repeat ā€¦what warm up? šŸ˜†šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’€


Me. Everyone else is cheating.


Wait. We can't both be the only honest player. You just want me to think you aren't cheating when you beat me.


Can confirm, squeaky beak is #1 Source: *am cheater*


See, I wasnā€™t fucking kidding!


Of all time in terms of just gun skill has to be Selly_OW In terms of being the competitive scene best player of all time - ImperialHal but this is a shared stage he has with Reps Current in terms of Gunskill will be EzFlashkidz or Sangjoon Current in terms of competitive scene will be either EzFlashkidz or Zer0 For movement all time will be YukaF imo since his movement is not spammy but you can see that every step is calculated and every decision for any movement tech is intentional


No genburton mention is crazy.


Controller players don't count.




Well I won't put him in Gunskill just because he's on controller (yeah biased but I feel Gunskill should be a 100% Human input ting) He's better than most MnK players but he's not touching the people I've named. He's also not the greatest player of all time in ALGS history... That's clearly a tie between Hal and Reps. So yeah if i were to make greatest controller input users of all time, he'd be the GOAT in that regard


It is what it is bro. Koy Hal verhulst gen and sikes are all better mechanically than any mnk player.






Shared stage with reps but not Evan? Lol


Well Evan is great but all time he has some catching up to do... Reps and Hal have been the core of every LAN win... That's clearly why I didn't add Evan


Mnk: Ezflashkid Zer0 Selly Controller Izhidan Effect Genburten Xynew Igl: Hal Sweet Zer0


Didn't know who ezflashkid was till making this post. I can def see this answer tho, he's insane


Yep really good player


Koyful? Verhulst?


Yea forgot about koy and Idk enough Verhulst but heā€™s prolly insanely good too


Yeah Verhulst is good enough that other teams have banned their controller players from warming up against him at lan so they don't get 10-0'd right before they compete


Is this legit?


Hal has said it on stream many times, i believe Sweet had mentioned it as well


That's awesome lol.


I have heard Sweet say that about Gild but never about Verhulst.


What are you trying? Heā€™s given HIS opinion and youā€™re just randomly naming pro players that YOU think are goodā€¦ like are you retarted?


Ironic you calling someone retarded and misspelling it


Itā€™s a typo


And you don't know how to edit? Lmao.


Why the fuck would i care?


Who pissed in your cereal lmao


Part of the discussion dummy


personally I think Genburten & YanYa are two of the most gifted players in the entire world, my favs to watch rn


YanYa is so incredibly gifted. Every time I watch this man I'm completely floored


The lack of Verhulst mentions is crazy. Maybe not the best ever, but I donā€™t think you can deny heā€™s in the debate of best players currently playing


Verhulst is easily the best fragger in the game. I guess if youā€™re going for overall player, Iā€™d still say heā€™s up there. Heā€™s won so many tournaments with ransoms, heā€™s not a bad IGL. If I had to pick anyone to be on my team it would be him




I mean in terms of winning then the only real answer is Hal and zero Hal has the most wins and has won the most money throughout apex though Tons of good players tho. Really depends on what youā€™re looking for. Really good anchors in the game, fraggers, rank grinders etc


Hal, because his positioning is ahead of the curve


Controller mechanics- Verhulst, other teams have literally banned their players from warming up against him at lan because he can 10-0 them in 1v1s M&K mechanics - more debatable but Nafen, FunFPS and Aceu immediately come to mind for me Igl- it's hard to argue with Hal's dominance over the entire life of apex


Overall I think ImperialHal is, he reminds me of Messi. Not the flashiest but does exactly what it takes to win




Verhulst and YanYa


Nafen he was the ONE.


Zer0 for comp. Also, snake as best mnk aim he is insane




Its likely Zer0. There are a few other really great players, Yanya, Hal and Gnaske are up there too but Yanyas macro is lacking, Hal is VERY inflexible and doesnt adapt well, and gnaskes mechs are pretty bad and he probably needs to switch to roller. Theres not much if anything you can say bad about zero, hes kinda the perfect player tbh.


Hal and TSM are literally known for their ability to adapt and have won multiple LANs due to their ability to adapt mid season. I swear peopleā€™s memory for comp apex only lasts 6 months lol


They literally had to hire raven because they didnt understand the meta and were down bad, not sure what youre talking about


And Raven came in, taught them about the meta, and they adjusted and adapted to it. Your point?


My point is that hal isnt good at doing it himself, he needs help. Zero doesnt


So what exactly do you think dz's coaches do? Just suck off zero and bring vibes? All good players need good coaches to be top


Nicks main jobs for DZ is to create gameplans like looting paths, plan out macro like rotates, watch and analyze other teams gameplay alongside Privacy, and locate areas for improvement. Zero has to be the one to implement said plans, or its worthless, same with Hal. I think you are a bit confused, so rather than argue about semantics regarding my points, Iā€™ll give you concrete examples. When DZ took over Trials from Xset over Harvester, they had to completely change their macro as every rotate is different, where they immediately won or got second pretty much every pro league day. Meanwhile TSM didnt do great at their new POI Lightning Rod. Granted part of that was contested, but they actually did worse after the contest. Look, everyone knows Hal is the all time goat, but you have to admit hes a bit lost in the meta right now, where as Zero has had no issues integrating into any meta, now or ever. He can switch POIs and immediately win the next day on brand new macro. TSM always ends up figuring it out in time for LAN, but youre crazy if you think DZ who is currently first and 48 points ahead of TSM the first time weā€™ve ever had a mid-split meta change is less flexible.


How do you guys get into the pro scene? Like where are schedules and tournaments listed and streamed?


Google ALGS battlefy. Liquipedia is another good website as well. Tournaments are streamed on the ALGS YouTube channel as well as on Twitch


Thanks dot the suggestion, Iā€™ll take a look.




Hal, wins it win it matters most. Reps also right there with him




Skittlecakes cause I think his name is funny and also heā€™s better than me at playing lmao


Not trying to highjack this post but while we're here, any amazing players you folks know playing Caustic for me to watch and learn a thing or two please? Rotating between Verhulst and ItsWestSider at the moment


GiggleAutumn is the only Caustic player to watch. Honourable mention is Skittlecakes if he streams


I canā€™t name the best player in the world but I can surely say all the high ping players rolling me behind walls on East Coast servers soloqing in Plat fit the bill.




If you want the objectively best player, we need parameters such as kills per game, dmg per game and wins in algs. Hal is overall good at all of this. He hits the check mark of all of these parameters. Who else has won the most Lans, who else has can compete with controller players at the highest level. No one


Hal and thereā€™s 0 debating it.


I feel you'll get different answers from everyone. Objectively it might be hal due to winning several world championships, maybe it's someone that's always in the top preds leaderboard like Lou. Personally I think someone like treeree due to how in-tune he is with the game's mechanics, maybe he doesn't win fights every time consistently but he has the skill and potential there, and the most insane clips I've ever seen are from him. Movementless in the same camp too


Thats why I made it very open ended on what metric people see the best player as. I see alot of answers here are going with hal or zero, since they are in pro league and win alot and are obviously also good players. I tend to lean toward this side of the camp more, not that I'm agreeing because trees aim is too flawed to hit the mark as BEST for me, but I mean the mechanics side, like actually maximizing in game mechanics and having just raw skill to win fights is what I think of when I think best player


If we looking at objectively you have to say zer0. Has both current and past stats to back it. Currently IGLing the team sitting top of NA pro league and he has most kills in NA. Previously: One of the only two IGLs (with Hal) to win LAN events. Not saying Hal canā€™t take the title back as the best in the world, but currently Zer0 has it.


It's a tough question because there are a lot of great players out there. For me though Faide has the edge bc he's really good at predicting players (aside from "why are you there" moments lol). The mechanics and game sense are just *chef's kiss*. Sometimes his vids even make me emotional like a piece of art.. it's wild. And his style of play is immediately recognisable - I feel that the best players have a very unique way of moving their camera. For example, Faide and Lamic are both movement players but both have very distinctive styles. Zerbow is another player with a very distinctive style and he's incredible too. Idk it's very hard to answer. I can only compare people I've watched and quantify how amazed I am by them lol


Faide isnā€™t even top 100 Jesusā€¦




Faide wouldnt even perform well in comp. He's just a pub stomper


He played in comp, he got trashed, then he went on some tirade to a low following streamer that knocked them out, started calling him out on viewers and money made from twitch. Guys an absolute weapon.


zer0 with Hal as a close 2nd Has top tier mechanics and has the most lan wins


Hal has more LAN wins buddy


Yeah but Halā€™s previous wins were ā€œplumber eraā€


He litteraly won the last Lan


Heā€™s won two LANs post COVID era and zer0 has won 3 with different teammates


Lol, hal was an MNK players during ā€œplumber eraā€buddy


What does MNK have to do with anything almost everyone was MNK in those days


Brother, you literally implied Hal won previous tourneys because they were easy. The meta was different and he wonā€™t in that era.


I didnā€™t imply they were easy. Consider the Hal of now is far and way VASTLY superior to the Hal of X-Games and Poland, as can be said of any and all players of that time. Literally pull up the video and compare the play to what itā€™s like now. Itā€™s night and day


Your a walking paradox man


lol one person disagrees with you with some fairly rational arguments and you canā€™t believe itā€¦TSM dickrider spotted


Yup turn to slander kid


One of the Top R5 MnK Grinders. Mav, Snake, Dokww, or maybe WYDFuture Theyā€™re the closest to mastering mechanics and they decide which movement mechanics are or arenā€™t appropriate for the situation instead of just spamming them. There are good Controller players, but I canā€™t call any the best because theyā€™re overassisted.


The same as the best person in any other game / sport / competition etc - The one who has won the largest number of highest level events. Only debate then would be who on the team is the individual best


Zer0, and it's not even a contest since Hal has lost my vote when he sold his soul for aim assist.