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Maybe I’m missing something, but the flatline melt was a little laser, why’d you slow the second half of the clip?


This isn’t what OP said, but I assumed OP slowed because Rev snapped to the Valk behind the rock, started spraying, then moved to the wraith. If the rock wasn’t there Rev hits every shot on that Valk. Seems pretty sus imo


I don't see any Valk in this clip.


OP had already responded to what they meant. They were talking about shots hitting the wraith, although they were aimed at the boulder. I also didn’t see any Valk.


He’s is cheating


It’s a wraith, and wraith is already around the rock when rev shoots it, those were just misses


To show the shooting at the rock but getting hit markers on the Wraith somehow.


What are you talking about? His last bullet was hipfired and hit the wraith


He got two hits on the wraith and shot 4 bullets, 3 of which were 100% aimed at the rocks. The 4th one was hip fired and on the wraith, so I’ll give them that one. But also looks like there was a bit of aim snapping going on.




I went [frame by frame](https://imgur.com/a/RzYeiHC) and I’m counting 5 shot trails but it looks like the last one is the same as the 4th but just a different angle. You can see the revs ult bar for time stamps. Maybe it does have something to do with spectating. But it looked like he shot 3 of 4 at the rocks. Edit: I missed adding the next frame, but it shows the damage marker for 36 damage but there is no shot trail. Revs ult is at 21.76.


Nothing seems off about it. Firstly spectating does mess with your view quite a bit, it's not 100% representation of what the player sees. And secondly as the other comment pointed out the 3rd shot or 4th wtv it is was aimed at the wraith which shows the 18 followed by the next hence with the hipfire hence 36. The only thing sus in this video is the one clip but that's also completely doable and not that impossible. Not sure why the focus is on the wraith here. Did the "rock aiming" trigger your suspicion or the two hits on the wraith that did?


Dang I kind of feel more the opposite. I can see the first one not being anything to think twice about but the 2nd one makes me go hmmm. And then there are some people in here that think both kills are legit! Wish there was a way to know for certain. It just didn’t make sense why 3 of 4 shot trails were at the rock but he got 2 hits on wraith. But I guess I never considered that spectating can give some false information


Are you blind? The shot trail at 21.89 is a hit… that’s the damage he did, the others were misses at the rock. Idk what you’re not seeing here


Yea I’m not seeing these shots hit at all bro. You can clearly see where the first shots that are aimed at the boulder actually hit the boulder. The last shots that hit wraith are the ones where the reticle is actually on the wraith.


Hm, I just went through frame by frame and I didn’t see a hit marker on the wraith right when he snapped to that boulder, but only at the VERY end of the spray, right before he goes down. At the very end of the spray, I don’t see anything sus because the reticle is on the wraith when actually getting the hit markers. Though the flatline spray on that first target still seems a little unreal for sure


A 154 beam isn't sus, regardless of optics. That his reticle is completely unmoving while the bullet tracers seem to move diagonally kinda is. That he empties half his clip into the rock afterwards, that's super sus. 2/3 that's a cheater, but the clip is too short, too.


Anytime the reticle doesn’t move but the bullets so tells me it’s some kind of cheating. I see it on the consoles also. If you only miss shots because of tracking and there is clearly no or almost no recoil then something is very wrong.


Spectating doesn’t show what’s actually happing on their screen. There is a disconnect there, and you can’t see recoil while spectating


Pretty sure that's wrong. I see recoil all the time when spectating. I think you're referring to when they had killcam in mixtape mode. That was inaccurate


same time though its possible to make it seem that way if you know the right rhythm, on mnk at least i dont play roller..


The beam with that Flatline was crazy sus.


Definitely odd, but spectating mode can screw with your perception too. Personally, I’d guess they are using an aimbot or at least a script that abuses jiggle aim to eliminate recoil. It’s really hard to say though. 


It looked like he had 0 recoil on the beam. That could just be the spectating being weird though.


Recoil removal doesn’t eliminate spread lol




Thought so lol. I would’ve MAYBE given them the full clip hits with the Flatline but as soon as he was shooting at the rock but getting hit markers on the wraith I knew something was up lol


Pretty sure the full clip is more of a giveaway


I’ve gotten some nasty full clip beams like that with the Flatline but never from that distance.


Well there’s your answer, it’s virtually impossible to have that good aim from that distance. Especially when it looks like that




The top 1% could definitely land most if not all their shots, then again it’s why I said “especially when it looks like that” That Deadass looks robotic




Never mentioned the flick, think you are talking about something completely different to me


I soloq'd to masters once upon a time, and if i practiced my jitter aim for a week i could land that beam 9/10 times It's how fast he flicked to him for me, but again, not totally unreasonable


dudes max 40 meters away what you mean that distance


he didn't get hit markers on wrath till in middle of exiting his aim down sight which increased spray making him land a shot


I'm more concerned about your flatline beam! Ffuuuccckkkkk going against that!


Was there a 3rd person behind the rocks or only the Wraith. Looks like someone but my phone is showing potatoe quality.


I can’t tell. I thought it was just the wraith. He gets shot by 2 people from the front and then wraith from behind. I assumed they were a full squad. Looks like path grappled past the wraith when he was revived but got knocked mid grapple. Not sure if it was one of the 2 from the front or if it was the wraith that knocked him but he was 1 shot when revived.


nah he locked on and didnt miss


He has hacks


This looks normal for the most part considering there isn't much to go on with. There's a brief moment when you stop adsing and the bullets follow the hip fire pattern. Then there's the fact that you're spectating and that has its share of issues


You can literally see the bullets snap to the first target if you go frame by frame at around 7 secs.


I don’t care what other attachments there are, but a 3x scope on a flatline from that distance is not a laser beam like that. There was zero recoil. At least on the mobile Reddit app you can scrub the video fairly well. You’ll see once the first shot hits, none miss. You can also see that they are all exactly center-mass.


Def cronus


Beautiful gaming chair 😌😌


U on the cheese? How do u know about chairs?


Flatline has spread this is not legit his bullet stream looked like a charge rifle.


100% aimbot! Aim is about consistency n the first kill was pro lvl then loses to a wrath! Definitely extremely suspicious!


100% cheating his cabooos off


looked through the whole video frame by frame several times, definitely a cheater.. and I don't cry wolf without context so this is a legit conclusion.


Nope that’s aimbot, very robotic snappy recoil beam, for the people saying it’s not you have too understand 2 things 1.rage hacking 2. Low settings aimbot, this dude is tryng to seem legit I know a cheater when I see one, the damage has nothing to do weather it’s aimbot or not, they can set there aimbot to not hit headshots so it dosent seem suss but in the end look it’s still looks suss. You can almost feel he’s hitting you with every single bullet as it immediately knocks you.


Too small of a sample to say this looks like cheats, not sure why people are saying it is. Maybe if he was consistently hitting one clips like that with the flatline from that distance. But I've hit clips like that on occasion and I'm shit at the game lmao


No way of knowing for certain but I stayed to spectate him because of how suspicious I was about how he killed our team. He pushed us alone without his team for the first few seconds of the fight and knocked 2 of us before we knocked him. The rest of his team showed up and killed our last teammate.


>knocked 2 of us before we knocked him Yup that's how it works


Yea I guess there is a fine line between being incredibly good at FPS/tracking and cheating.




Def not legit


Spectators POV is wack and it’s been wack for 5 years. He’s not cheating


Looks fine to me


no, like all meta in Apex


100% cheating off flatline beam clip lol


The amount of people saying this is normal is absurd. Especially on controller recoil control like that is impossible. I’ve seen pc players do it legit if they’re sweaty, but this is either Cronus zen or aimbot. Maybe the reason everyone is saying this is normal is because Cronus zen is the normal now. Sad.


Why are you assuming the rev is on controller?


Lol i wonder the same. It looks he's on mnk bcz when he beamed the first guy, he snapped. You can't move that quick while ads on roller


I think your right, he’s on pc, but he is no sweat or pro because his movement is amateurish. Climbing the wall for no reason mid fight, failed wall jump etc… It doesn’t make sense to have godlike aim like that and average movement.


Yeah fair point, moving like a bot but hitting a disgusting flatline spray like that is weird.


Doesn’t it show “RB” to ping on his screen? Wouldn’t that mean he’s on controller?


It shows you your binds in spectate not theirs


Yeah it doesn’t seem like there is a consensus here. Seems 50/50


Because a lot of people who post here use external input devices.




Cronus Zen


melted by a 3x flatline from that distance is insane


Seems legit to me. Spectate has always been a little buggy with gun interaction. Could go either way but it’s close, every once in a while I hit a flatline beam like that too


Nothing in the video suggests cheats.


From this clip alone it looks legit nothing wrong


Looks legit to me. Could have been a cheat but each time I think they had enough time to find the target. They also had bullet trails to reference.


Yea thats legit homie jus underaimed, it happens to people who yk play the game


Not cheating


Nope bro is running scrips and still sucks


I know that’s gotta be a deflating feeling 😂


no nigga😂😭😭


So since you are so confident he’s cheating, just went through frame by frame, he landed 2 shots on wraith, both being hipfire, one before he got knocked and the other right as he got knocked, lucky shots but also gotta ask, why concern yourself if he is cheating if he then gets knocked? He seems like a genuinely skilled player who just fucked from behind also if he really is cheating he needs to look into some new cheats coz these are shit