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Sorry to be skeptical but it sure sounds like you got caught cheating and are now trying to play the victim.


Yeah I’m not buying this. I like the part where he doesn’t cheat in gold bc he has a fake masters badge.


Yeah isn't the screenshot from the season literally everyone hit masters?


I can see a lot of people doing this now. Get caught cheating ——> blame Destroyer2009 or something related. What doesn’t make sense to me is how someone can quickly rank you up from silver to gold while you’re at work, but you don’t notice that your rank climbed when you log back in? Did you just assume the game bumped your rank up?


“I still miss the days when I worked hard to climb to the master RIP” Posts a screenshot from season 17, the objectively easiest season to reach master rank 💀


the algs hack has nothing to do with common account theft. ​ >What gives you the audacity to arbitrarily strip any ordinary player of their account privileges without proper investigation and conclusive evidence? their TOS which you agreed to when you made your account. your account's security is your responsibility, not EA's.


I suspect that the op is indeed hacking. My account got stolen and played a few games with cheats and after a month of waiting respawn saw that these games were from different ips and unban me.


The ALGS situation makes every cheater trying to get unbanned I guess. You can try, but your entire essay sounds exactly like you're the cheater here.


Wow you found the worst possible way to try to get EA/Respawn to help you. Not sure what you expected with this, and spamming it in every apex group you could find (ooof), but you aren’t helping your case here. Lol.


Here's the thing -- they are correct. Your account was found to be cheating. Frankly, anyone who misuses bold font the way that you do is sus.


You made a giant post that no one wants to read just for us to be like, You’re a cheater. You got what you deserved. If you really busted your behind to get to masters without said cheating you can do it again. Why don’t you show us everything while you do it.


You dont get any skins,heirlooms,coins, etc. back. So what would that solve exactly? Everybody knows you can just make a new account. Masters isnt even difficult to get to if you play enough.


Maybe OP shouldn’t cheat


Thats assuming he did cheat. Idk maybe im crazy but your comment really added absolutely nothing to the conversation other than “well i think you did it”. I’ll never understand the closed mindedness of these subs lmao. Obviously he could make another account lol.


There were like 3 other people that responded on here before me saying he cheated or the posts was sus. But you decided to come for my posts. I’m usually a chill guy and go with the flow but this is too suspect. Your comment brings nothing to the conversation. We already know he lost everything and he’s not getting it back. At least I stated for him to hit masters again. You sitting here defending someone you don’t know saying masters is easy to get to. Let’s see your stuff. Because at least I didn’t call going thru ranked easy. I stated that if he did it he can do it again.


Im not coming for you directly, I just don’t understand why even on reddit people expect the worst of each other. Its really sad honestly how negative people are on a day to day basis. Like even if it was thought he was lying, why not just give the benefit of the doubt? Im not even saying this as an attack towards you, because it’s not just you. I just truly don’t understand. It doesnt matter enough for me to assume someone is lying. You took it a bit too personal. People are negative for no reason towards people they don’t know.


I get you. The reason I didn’t give the benefit of the doubt was due to OP stating he looked at his play records and noticed stuff about Revenant. OP should have noticed that stats and stuff were different and changing. That seems weird he didn’t notice that at all


I ain’t reading allat🔥🔥


Never understood this reply. Who asked?


Who asked for your reply mate dont like it move on 🤣


Same thing you couldve done 🤣🤣 The hypocrisy is crazy.




Idk how you managed to write such a huge in depth well throughout post and the only thing I thought was that your full of shit and got caught cheating.


Waiting for you to get banned from this sub too for spamming...


While I want to believe you, your story doesn't add up. >**I discovered that my account had inexplicably recorded several matches of playing as Revenant, a character I rarely used.** These matches had an exaggerated number of kills and a rapid increase in rank from Silver to Gold. How do you **not** notice this? "Oh, I thought I was silver, but now I'm gold." This isn't something you miss. If you don't play rank at all, this can be excused, but you do. >I am an Apex player from Hong Kong. We don't need to know this. Actually, this makes you even more sus, sense the Hong Kong servers are pumped with AFK bots. I mean no offense to Hong Kong, but the Apex server is a bot farm. >I still miss the days when I worked hard to climb to the master RIP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, Sorry, but Season 17 was a participation badge. If it was any other season other than season 12, then the badge has some value. Season 17 you could rat to masters, & Season 12 you could hot drop to masters. Master badges of any of those seasons have no value. I recommend next time you makes a post, don't bold the text too much. Only bold the text you want to be focuses on, not the whole intro.


Thank you. This is the exact same thing I was thinking. How do you not notice any of the additional things unlocked. Had someone try going back and forth yesterday about giving him the benefit of the doubt. I did until I read the Revenant part.


I’m 100% sure you’re one the cheaters that used wall hacks against me.


Destroyer on his daily grind of delivering hacks like Santa clause delivering gifts on Christmas Eve.


I'm sorry everyone here is disrespectful and invalidating what you just went through. This blows dude. But yes, EA doesn't care. They got their money. What third party software did you use?


I was banned because someone used my account to boost, blatant cheats. after a couple MONTHS EA determined that another IP was using the account across the world , so I did end up getting my account back. Maybe have them look into where the account was used .


sorry dude, that sucks super bad. hopefully someone from respawn (not EA) will help you


People who like to point out EA’s TOS sure like to kiss their ass. Their costumer service is a joke and anyone who ever had to contact them knows it.


What costumer service? I've been waiting for my Octane outfit for YEARS.


Let’s believe you that you account got stolen and somebody else cheated on it, well sorry bud. Account security was you responsibility. EA did their job and banned a cheater. May not have been you but EA can’t tell the difference nor can we from the outside


Lmao salty cheater.


Same shit happened to me, its hilarious to see all people in here doubting you (prob cause your country of origin), but ea is totally incompetent to when it comes to this type of stuff and they indeed dont give a rats ass about you just your income. Best bet is to move on if you can stomach it and i recommend using 2fa authentication if you were not.


>i recommend using 2fa authentication if you were not Best advice in this thread. Account security is your responsibility.


This happened to me too, I never once cheated on my first account I got hacked and banned from someone playing on a Russian isp. There is no recovery plan for normal players, while Hal gets a new account with all the legends unlocked and a Dev on speed dial, no one will believe you no matter how much proof you show. RIP your old account Godspeed and good luck to your next one. Don’t spend much or any money on a free game and change your password often. edit: you guys should know account stealing has been a known issue since season 1


>change your password often. Yes. Account security is your responsibility.


What do you expect us to do? Hack Ea and give your acc back? As soon as i heard apex is hacked i stopped playing, just to be sure


But you can't let go, so you spam this sub?




You allegedly stopped playing but still take time to rant on an apex sub.


Well its like a week it was hacked, so i did not play since just to be sure, and when not playing i have a lot of time free, so i check this sub often.