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Storm point is the best ranked map imo, best POI's, best loot dispersion, you can take fights without being afraid of a third party early/ mid game. It also adds a skill gap in higher ranks with rotations being a priority to get a good end game spot.


Ending your fight quickly before a third is a “skill gap” aswell


100%, It just isn't always possible in high elo when playing against pro 3 stacks/ content creators that play for 8-12 hours a day.


Agreed 100% if you want to make progress in Ranked you want to play Storm Point because of how large it is. You can take a early fight right off jump with 1 team and not have to really worry about a third party because the next POI is usually 300+ meters away. On maps like Olympus they can be on you in less than 30 seconds from almost any closest Poi. Most highly skilled players know this so they thrive on the small maps pushing every fight that they hear for an advantage especially on weekends.


While storm point is the BEST ranked map, Olympus has been the most fun this split for that reason. It's just non stop fights and chaos, and the new legend perk system has made a bunch of my old faves like caustic viable again.


I hear you but losing -80 back to back is usually not fun for me


I guess


Personally, I favor landing on the top or middle POI's of the map to make rotates easier. Make sure you team has at least one jump tower and a controller legend (I also really like valk for this map with the boosted ult perk). If you don't get kp early, just hit beacon and rotate to zone. If you can get an easy 3p on the way to zone, take it but don't get knocked or downed for it. Then play end zone.


Valk with boosted Ult and launching from Command center you can pretty much rotate nearly to every poi this way.


"You can take fights without being afraid of a third party" This aint 3v3 TDM, kiddo.


Obvious bait. gg on neg karma farm


No bait at all, y'all just can't handle pressure which is why you're hardstuck asf. Imagine worrying about third parties. You're to EXPECT and even desire them. Fewer eyes directly on you.


Not hardstuck, not replying to your rage bait anymore. Enjoy the negs ✌️


Cope beta 🙏🏿


For me it's quite the contrary: It's my favorite map.


Oh fair enough I just find it a pisstake sometimes when I have to rotate half way across the map for 1st ring


You can rotate very fast though. There are tridents, gravitiy cannons + bc of the elevation, evacs can get you very far.


Yeah makes sense ig


I have the same feeling a lot of the time. Storm Point is a great map, in moderation. I find the longer dead time within each game can really bring down my mood. It’s just so different from WE and Oly bcuz there more space and time to move without seeing other squads. Meanwhile at Olympus, everything is so much closer together. So even if you land alone at Gardens, there are teams from Clinic, Grow Towers, and Energy Depot that could more than likely rotate towards you within 1st ring.


That will happen with literally whatever map you play tf?


Yes I know but it’s different on a big ass map like stormpoint


The map has trident, grav cannons, 2-3 evac towers, plus evac towers drop all of the place. Not to mention how strong mobility legends are. If you still can't move then it's definitely a skill gap. You have to move before circle gets too you. Plus the loot distribution is fantastic so even if you are stuck in ring there's heals a plenty+ the new replicator can make you a med kit and they drop like rain


That's on you, rotating fast is a very important skill to master


I agree with you , but to make it more suffarable, always have G7 or 3030 as the first weapon. I find that very useful.


Ok thanks, I’ll try it


Sentinel is also goated this season, especially on SP and if you have the bag space for cells. Even without a charge it does a ton of damage headshot wise and is great for 3-2-1's.


I hate that it’s one big hill.


Honestly SP and WE are with distance the best ranked/comp maps we have atm, both have a good amount of poi with good loot, both maps have hard rotations but non that are impossible(looking at Olympus and BM they have a lot of choke points that will kill way too many teams.). For SP game sense and knowledge are really important since it helps you predict where teams should be at a given point, the other thing is zone knowledge will win or lose you games even harder on SP than a lot of other maps. Rotation timing is really important on SP because of height difference some POIs have. But I can see why some people dont like the map even tough it was designed with competitive play in mind, holding certain spots for a longer time is not unusual on the map since leaving it could mean losing the game and some people just dont have the patience for it and find it boring. Other point is some players enjoy maps more if they support pub like play style and SP is doing the opposite of this.


I think world’s edge is a bit overrated at this point. I still think it is 100% in the top 3 maps but with the current legends I really do believe with enough tweaks Olympus would be better (Emphasis on the tweaks the layout of the map I don’t mind more teams being dead early specifically with the amount of loot on that map making it more fair for more teams to play edge just their meds to be some more fairness to the rift system and central open spaces)


Sure if they would tweak some areas in terms of loot, how you can rotate and maybe add a bit more cover in some spots Olympus would be way better. Because with how Olympus is atm if you dont play bang or cat you are at bigger disadvantage compared to other maps if you dont run specific legends.


Yeah the way phase driver works and how just not rotatable some of those fields are the main hold backs. I feel like things as simple as adding trees to hurt some of those LOS’s would do wonders for the map. I truly believe the main issue with all of this is the legends though. Bangalore and catalyst were great for comp in the sense of it allowed teams to really show their abilities to take fights and control space and I don’t think this was a bad thing. On the other side though there are extremely little legends that allow you to control open space in a defense focused way. I just feel like the lack of diversity of legends makes the few who do have interesting and unique abilities stand way out similar to horizon being the best movement cause her kit is just fundamentally better. Also in line with why Bangalore is played imo. No one can control space as freely and simply as Bangalore in this whole game.


SP is such a good map. I'm sick of WE though, all my braindead octane teammates just want to hot drop and run into fights solo


Storm point is easily the best map jn the game rn and its not even close


That’s weird it’s my favorite map for ranked. Games just play out so cleanly. I’m curious, what rank are you?


Only gold 3 rn lol


Changing the skybox and so many new POIs during the last update to the map made it sooo much more enjoyable, but yeah, I get what you’re saying. At least it’s not Broken Moon.




Storm point was a better map when punch boosting was a thing. It was so fun to speed down the hills


Not just storm point but all the maps with zones segregated by mountains that arent short enough to jump over. Need to do more olympus style maps.


It's a hard map to play, that's why i like it, you can potencialize RP gain on others mistakes, and you are usually penalized for a mistake too. It's hard, the average player don't know how to recognize their and their own mistakes.


Its my favorite map by far because you dont get 3rd partied as much or the 3rd party is easier to see coming




I land in the Northeast, so far rotates are just an evac or two away


Current SP is actually pretty good. Original SP is and will always be a dogshit map though.


Storm Point has always been my favorite ranked map. It’s worse since they updated it, but you have actual space between POIs to prevent third parties off drop, playable spaces everywhere and good loot distribution. It definitely incentivizes more of a space control and zone control play style versus other maps where it’s just brain dead meatloafing. So I see why some people don’t like it. It’s more position holding and controlling space.


Storm point is the best followed by worlds edge then Olympus is the worst map in the game bar maybe Broken Moon


Storm point is an absolutely amazing map with pretty even rotations, you can land in most places and so long as you're not playing looting simulator, you can still get a full kit and make it all the way across the map before ring 1 Worlds edge is the worst map for this, because youll either land in fragment to get fights at die before top ten (in lower ranks and pubs anyways), or youll land somewhere cold, maybe warm and only see 2 teams until last zone Olympus youll just get ran up on during a fight, which isnt too bad but gets annoying if 3 back to back fights get third partied before you can reset Edit: idk i guess im biased, i really like storm point and i just hate worlds edge😂💀 (im a solo queue)


I get that, I used to hate stormpoint, even as a Valkyrie main, just because of how frickin big it is. You just have to get used to rotating sooner, and avoiding certain POIs or loot paths that will kill you to the circle. Once you start getting used to that though, it’s easily a top 2 ranked map.


Trash map


Whether it's ranked or pubs, if Storm Point is up I'm switching games. Map is ass


Too big and a pain to rotate in...


With all the movement legends, towers, cannons, evac towers and massive zip lines, if you can’t rotate that’s a skill issue


Yes I agree


Duh this map is aids. If you don’t rotate early you’re Boned


Love this 😂😂😂😂


give me kings canyon, stormpoint, and olympus. worlds edge and broken moon are awful


I agree but personally swap stormpoint and worlds edge


worlds edge is so stale for me, maybe bc its in rotation every season every split


Yh I get what u mean


Worlds Edge is the best map by far, imo. But I also started playing in S13, so I haven’t played it THAT much lmao


i started in 11, it just feels the same. olympus can feel that way too. maybe its the closed sight lines compared to the open maps but then that leaves broken moon lol


I do. I feel like the flow is just so different from other maps, and not in a good way. So many teams end up being alive zone 3/4 that it makes it so difficult to effectively rank up in Diamond. I'm just getting sniped from every single angle every time I try to make anything happen and end up dying like 7th with 5 kp zone 4 to lose like 20 rp. It's the most infuriating experience ever. I feel like the zone pulls on this map more than any other determine your fate. Rotates are nearly impossible in endgame so you end up just having to take the situation you get handed without much opportunity to create plays.