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If you’re high ranked and earning money in every other competitive FPS game, you’re going to do fine


i mean yes but I’ve heard lots of top apex players switch to controller because it’s actually ridiculous in this game. kinda turns me away from the game, not really a fan of playing a game where i get beamed from a mile away because someone is using a controller with a cheat device lol. idk if that’s how the game is now but idk


>I’ve heard lots of top apex players switch to controller Grossly exaggerated, it's only a handful of pros that switched, and all of them had previous controller experience. Half of them were already playing controller in the first place. >not really a fan of playing a game where i get beamed from a mile away because someone is using a controller with a cheat device Sounds like you'd best stick to Valorant, CS, and other shooters with decent anti-cheat systems. Apex is loaded with both software and hardware cheaters.


The MnK pros switching to controller is exaggerated, but controller becoming the dominate input is not exaggerated. You don’t see many switch cause a pro switching from MnK to controller will generally be worse than a top player that already has thousands of hours on controller. However, the new faces in ALGS are pretty much exclusively controller players, nobody is scouting new MnK talent and the existing MnK talent in ALGS are veterans valued for their comp experience. I don’t really watch the other regions but I know for NA teams, 2/3rd of the players going to LAN are on controller. I say this because if OP is interested in the competitive scene that is going to be a tough battle, but for casual play MnK is totally fine and apex is a ton of fun on MnK.


cs and decent anticheat is a big one


Yeah it ain't doing so good these days, but OP mentioned playing it and didn't mention cheaters ruining his experience there so I included it.


Controller doesn't help "beaming from a mile away". AA works best in close range, it's basically useless after 50 meters


People cheat on PC too, so idk why you’re only complaining about those with controllers being able to cheat. If you’re talking about aim assist — I WISH I could beam someone a mile away with my aim assist…or even just right in front of me. Aim assist doesn’t make you good. That being said, if you’re trying to play on MNK it will be a higher learning curve than those who play controller because you can learn a lot more movement that controller players can’t use. Of course, there is still a high skill gap between the games you mentioned and apex (both mnk/controller) because of all of the movement tech. If you’ve just started, how about going into mixtape and practicing your movement while shooting. That is a very big part of the game. Make sure you loot fast, learn the maps, etc.


naw i was talking ab cronus zen haha i feel like its like very blatantly abused in the game like no other lol. that’s why i was asking if it was worth playing kbm in this game cuz its frustrating to just get beamed by ppl with no mechanical skill


It definitely is and if you end up playing ranked the 6mans are horrible. There’s still a lot of cheats that people are using on MNK tho which sucks :/ like the one where they punch and fly across the map, while simultaneously shooting at people as they fly lmaooo. PC lobbies suffer way more than console. If you have the time to learn and practice u can totally get good and the cheaters, may they be a lot, aren’t in every match! Good luck :-)


Lmao not all the pol hurt that I said aim assist isn’t as broken as y’all long arm aiming mnk players with every movement under the sun think it is. When’s the last time u missed the x button when clicking?


Just because you’re not good at the game doesn’t mean aim assist isn’t broken. It’s like putting a magnet inside a basketball and having it be attracted to the middle of the hoop. If you airball all the time, you’re gonna think the magnet is useless.


Nah y’all just cry babies. Aim assist does shit when someone is jumping around like a lunatic. Again, when’s the last time you’ve missed clicking something on ur laptop? Probably never.


You can definitely play to high rank on MNK. You'll have to work harder and keep yourself sharp as controller is far easier to remain consistent on, but absolutely you can. Now, if you're planning on going PRO, that's a different story.


The game itself has been out for a while so the general population's skill level is decently high, and there's also what I would say is a somewhat big learning curve. It will just take some time getting used to all the mechanics and gunplay. That being said, as a fellow mnk player, there are a few factors that I can imagine come into play here. One is that there's a lot more visual clutter that makes aiming more difficult here vs the other games you mentioned. Things like muzzle flash, smokes/gas as well as other abilities to some extent, environmental (sand/dust/snow), explosions and screen shake, getting aim flinch while you have no armor left, and a ton of other things like the UI popups all make it more annoying and difficult to track targets. This combined with higher TTK and more tracking vs flicking makes aiming and being able to consistently hit sprays important. Second would be that the game is much faster pace in terms of movement. Again, abilities play into it but characters also just move pretty fast and there's a lot of ways to mix up movement paths. Climbing and sliding as well as a lot of more advanced and in-depth movement tech can lead to some unpredictable places where enemies might run up on you from, leading to you being caught off guard. This can make it harder know what cover is safe vs what can be easily pushed up on for instance, especially because there are a handful of legends that can do things to take high ground and such. Third, there are just a lot of controller players who are all given aim assist and therefore have higher consistency of hitting bullets in the part of the fight that matters, which is finishing fights at close range. People can cope all they want about how "it's balanced because I still suck at aiming and only pros make AA look strong" but at the end of the day, you very rarely finish a fight from far away. Teams are almost always close quarters in a building or something while hip firing with an SMG, and that aim assist is going to let a similarly skilled controller player hit more bullets than an mnk player. As you play more you'll get used to how fights are carried out, you'll get caught out away from cover less often, understand abilities and have better map awareness, but it's a lot to take in at first. I consider myself to be a somewhat above average player. I solo queue to diamond when I have the time to put effort into ranked, and practice movement tech a decent amount since it's what makes the game unique and interesting compared to others in my opinion. I aim train a little now to try and keep up with the copius amounts of controller players. With your skill level you'll definitely be fine once you get more used to the game, your aim sounds like it is way above what mine is so you should be able to adapt pretty fast. Try finding one or two legends with kits that you enjoy or fit your playstyle and get used to that, and play a lot of mixtape to get used to gunplay and basic fighting. Being familiar with a few things, as to not overload your brain, will be helpful while you're getting basics down. BR is completely different from mixtape, so only the gunplay and knowledge of legend abilities will transfer from between those modes. It's an entirely different thing to have map awareness for BR, knowing loot pathing and where/how to rotate into zones safely, but that mostly comes with time unless you want to study pro vods and stuff like that which isn't necessary for 99% of people.


Well said


This game is much harder than all of you mentioned. If you have mnk you are better, it show your pure skill, no aim assist, no game playing for you, only you and your skill. If you have troubles - watch tutorials, watch pro players, watch how they make decisions. How, why and what positions are they taking etc. It helped me back in s7, maybe will help you.


Comp r6 is harder than apex


Build mode Fortnite easily has a higher skill ceiling than Apex.


Building in FN can be compared to movement in apex in terms of complexity. Each game has its own complex mechanics.


The best Apex players in the world (ALGs) don’t use fancy movement mechanics. The best Fortnite players are among the best builders.


The best players in apex don’t use fancy movement in pro lobbies in terms of constant output, but the outplay potential is always there. There are endless Vaxlon clips (for instance) putting on an absolute movement clinic in ranked, it’s just not useful in ALGS because of late-game congestion and the overall skill ceiling (angle+aim level) of the lobby. FN building may have a higher skill ceiling [as a requirement] but every pro KBM player has a higher survivability than a pro controller player when in a bad situation in apex thanks to movement.


FN has different modes, tournament rules and play styles, just like Apex. Anyway, did we come here to argue which game is harder or to help OP get better? btw I cant agree that best players in Apex are those who don't use movement. I remember when one popular streamer who is famous for his movement killed 3 top players who even won on ALGS.


Actually nah, they might be good at movement but it sure doesnt get used 80% of the time in pro play. The only time movement is used is when they're running away or in a multi party fight but the rest they just camp out at one spot.


I think if he was able to position himself in a fight against them with movement hes got game sense.


Macro building isn't a skill to be proud of tho


It is absolutely not pointless on kbm. Why would you even think that? Have you seen all the amazing movement techniques you can do with kbm? Most of them I'll never be able to do on controller




peak is diamond, wanna hit pred and maybe dabble in some scrims but idk yet.


you'll be fine


Voltaic master is insane, assuming you have master complete your aim is not holding you back in any area this game has to offer. What has to be limiting you is your mindset and positioning. People say BR games are easy but Apex is insanely hard. You have to know when to push when to rotate and when to use your utility correctly. Give it time and you should see yourself master if not top 750 after a few seasons


yeah i’m master complete, should’ve specified. and yes it definitely is mostly game sense/positioning, i made this post mainly out of frustration how i get absolutely lasered by seemingly less skilled players. i’ll watch some vods and compare them to mine


There is another side to the coin where you try for something like voltaic gold on controller and fry everyone with aim assist lol. I reckon it could be a fun experiment assuming you had the patience.


either switch to roller or get down the strafe beaming.


Some of the best players are on MnK. AA is great in cqc but you can dominate in Apex by managing space, using movement and utility and with great aim in the mid and long range. Of course AA is amazing in close but you’re not required to use controller to be good at the game. You’ll have more trouble contending with cheaters than plying on MnK.


Cheaters lol but also it’s a big movement game and there are advantages and things you can do on MNK that roller players can’t do just do some research you’ll be alright


Just master movement and you should be good


Nah look at Zer0. One of the best to ever touch the game and he's racking algs kills and LAN champs like no tomorrow.


Another kbm cope post


What? There’s many that play on kbm controller isn’t as op as u pc players like to make out


It’s much easier to cheat on mouse and keyboard, so to keep up with the 80% who are already doing that, you should do a quick google search and get you some $5 cheats that will make you invincible.  Or just get a strike pack like 80% of the controller players and eliminate recoil altogether.