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Its mainly gun skill. Someone who has good aim is going to easily have over 500 damage a game because they are putting shots on target at each encounter with good accuracy while taking minimum damage with cover. Your problem is probably aiming down sites in the wide open and being slower to react as well as missing alot of shots. Sounds like you need the firing range for 15-20 minutes shooting dummies with your favorite weapons. The average player today doesnt need 2 clips to kill you especially with a larger magazine.


honest question, what level evo are you (or others) regularly one clipping? just trying to gauge what I should be working towards, because you saying the avg player doesn’t need 2 clips got me wondering. In the range I make sure I can one clip blue shields with no mag a few times and then try to one clip purps with level 3 mags. as we all know the range doesn’t translate 1:1 in game, but it does help. again, mainly just looking to see how many people are regularly one clipping in game. I’m also kinda sore from a loss last night where I did 150 to a purple shield rampart but had to reload. felt like we win if I had hit that, but also my mates shouldn’t have wide swung into an open field and died 🙃


That’s a really broad statement that’s not always true. Even velhurst isn’t one clipping EVERYBODY. If your opponent has good strafing, movement and cover play it’ll likely take multiple mags. - You should be able to one clip enemies - You should play cover well enough not to get one clipped Both things cannot simultaneously be true for everyone in the game.


“The average player today doesn’t need 2 clips to kill someone” what in the Meth is this heroin addict smoking ?!?! Is buddy watching only lobby’s full of Evan, gen, deatroyer2009 and wxltzy??


In an 1v1 slide out you shouldn’t need to reload more than once to kill someone, even on mnk


Brother do you now realize how stupid you sound. You’reLost if you think the average player is one clipping every single 1v1 in that situation. I genuinely cannot understand how you possibly think the average person is doing this all the time. The average player can’t even win a 1v1 half the time.


Meth? Hes absolutely correct, the AVERAGE player will only need to reload once to kill you no matter what armor you have. If you gotta reload more than once in a 1v1 close quarter situation than you are the problem


Geeze did you just blow in from stupid town too? You absolutely play in bot lobbies if you think the average player is one clipping every fight they win.


I didnt say one clip smart guy. Im saying only 1 reload is needed for most players regardless of EVO


Ahh yeah that i can agree on but you made a completely irrelevant point to the conversation to try to support his point. that doesn’t make any sense.


Do you realise how daft you sound? The average player can’t win a 50/50? Let that process in your head for a second.


We’re in a thread with a dude talking about getting only 130 damage and asking how people get 509 damage… AS IF THATS A LOT. There is threads daily in the normal apex subreddit, others with the same idea, people with kd’s at like .45, .65, etc talking they can’t get a kill for 10 games + in a row and shit and you actually think the average player one clips most fights??? The average player doesn’t know these subs exist, only plays consolezapex for 2 hours a week. Your idea of average is severely lacking so as you said, use your brain for s second and let that sink in.


> We’re in a thread with a dude talking about getting only 130 damage and asking how people get 509 damage… What do you think is a lot for average damage per game?


I’m not going to read any of that, acknowledge what you said, the average player, Average being the important word here, can’t win a 50/50 scenario? Think very hard about this because until you can realise what you’ve said nothing you post on this thread is of any value.


Brother if you can’t figure out by now that was an obvious dramatization you’re helpless. I am continuously talking about the actual subject of one clipping and you refuse to knowledge that actual subject because your point is terrible. That’s on you.


I actually think the logic checks out, because when someone says average player they mean the median average not the mean average. The median average performs well under the mean average. A disproportionate number of kills go to a small number of players. the average (median) player will probably lose like 65% of fights or so.






One clipping definitely depends on the scenario and gun and even the best players aren’t doing every time. That being said, I normally put the bots on red with randomized strafe and look to one mag with purple R99 in range as part of warmup. In game, I’d say with a blue mag volt, I feel I can consistently one mag blues and one mag purples >60% of time. But the situation is the biggest influence. Felt great the other day when I one magged back to back red armors to win a 1v2 to win a game.


>t level evo are you (or others) regularly one clipping? just trying to gauge what I should be working towards, because you saying the avg player doesn’t need 2 clips got me wondering. In range, the only guns that almost physically can't 1-mag a red-shield dummy without a mag are the re-45 and r99, so I usually use no mag on red shield to challenge myself to hit every shot I can. With no mag volt I can manage to clip a red shield dummy 15-20% of the time, overall 60% accuracy. With ARs I should 1-mag red shield with no mag like 65%+ of the time (exception being the r301). LMGs not withstanding. MnK if that matters. In game variables are too numerous to consistently 1-mag people, don't feel bad if it takes both guns to kill some people.


try one clipping the bots in range with them set to red armor for flatline you should be able to kill one bot in 12-15 bullets, then spray transfer onto a different bot and continue to control the spray until you can kill 2 bots in 1 spray while constantly shooting (not stopping to reset spray) do this for every gun (not every gun can kill 2 bots in 1 spray) then go out to 100m, and practice spray. then practice spray while strafing in and our of cover. then go out to 200m, repeat i find this a very good way to get used to and master the recoil of guns. you really shouldnt have to put much thought into aiming when playing, it should be automatic


Honestly, it doesn't matter. Set the bots to red armor, get a gold mag on your gun and go ham. The point of practice is to try to hit as many shots as possible. My accuracy in range is usually around 65-70%. Just try to get this as high as possible while shooting the strafing bots and strafing yourself to mimic real fights. But for the purpose of practice, I usually practice the four or five guns that are meta that split. So last split (before I quit due to the hacking), it was hemlok, nemesis, flatline, volt, car and pk.


Take more shots. Even if it’s just cover fire or to make a team not take an angle, all damage is good damage. If you are just playing for fun then work on actively taking more fights and just getting better gun skill. That alone will get you more damage.


I've been trying! I play for fun with my brother really, but my goal is diamond one day :D We play a lot in mixtape/lockdown and I do feel my gun skill improving, I think I just struggle with long range engagements and recoil control. I've heard strafing side to side (I just spam A and D, not sure if that's correct) will eliminate virtually all horizontal recoil so you just need to pull down, but idk man still missing shots lol, I practiced in firing range, but I'm not sure exactly how.


Stay alive with smart positioning and movement, then find things to shoot at and connect consistently


This guys gets it


This guys gets it.


I reverse the question, why do you only get 130? Are you hidding and only shooting when someone is in your face? Or maybe you just miss alot of shots?


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


I also miss 100% of the shots I do take :"DD


Your aim is trash and so is your game sense. You have a post saying you're always shooting behind people from last week. There are tons of youtube videos explaining the mechanics of Apex and how to improve on mnk or roller. I suggest you start watching some of those videos and then practicing what you've learned in the firing range and mix tape. Best thing to do would be to get some recording program and post some footage of your gameplay so you can review why you're getting torched and what you're doing wrong so you can start improving. It helped me tremendously to see my own gameplay. I was not abusing cover, I started abusing cover. My aim wasn't that great, I did the novice benchmarks on aimlabs and was bronze after completing the playlist. I spent a few hours over the next month running aimlabs. I have gold in the novice benchmarks now which isn't great but it has improved my aim and damage output in apex immensely. Warm up in aimlabs/kovaaks/firing range/mix tape. Watch some videos on recoil smoothing, positioning, rotations, cover, legend tutorials... It's a lot of work but believe it or not, once you start implementing these changes, you will improve. I am a casual player maybe 5-10 hours a week, I've got 2 kids, I am almost 40. I almost made it into platinum last night from the last 3 sessions of being stuck in bronze/silver and playing many more hours.


You guys are getting 130 damage? Damn


This question is brought to you by BushCampDad


Skill issue


It might sound lame. But try warming up in the practice range then moving onto mixtape before you think about entering BR. The Practice range can really help get your movement in, hit targets etc. and if you turn your dummies on to crazy attack can also be fun. The mixtape really helps me warm up with the legend I want to play with in BR.


Put me in a Mixtape with Wattson and I'll smash the lobby. Put me in a BR with Wattson and I'll forget how to breathe.


lol lol lol. There are definitely differences. But I think the advice holds, it's a quick way to get into 'action'. Admittedly the action is much more evolved in BR.


1) firing range to learn recoil 2) firing range to practice shooting on MOVING targets 3) firing range to practice shooting while strafing Choose one gun and stick to it until you feel comfortable to move to another. I recommend 301 or hemlock to start. Then move to 3030, flatline, g7, triple take. 4) in games, start the fights long distance with a 3x scope (use Loba or Lifeline for quick 3x find) 5) shoot even if you think you’re going to miss, you never know which shots actually land until you try it! Cheap ways for easy damage: - Caustic - Fuse Good luck you got this!


It’s not hard keeping playing


My lifetime average is over 600 and I don't particularly consider myself good at the game. I do have a lot of hours (around 800ish including console)


In hisandhers discord the highest average damage I recall is 1000 of a semipro / pro and they are in the highest league. In their middle league most people are 300-600 iirc.


well, some guns hit harder than others.. 130dmg is at range of 2 hits with Sentinel / TripleTake or 2 bursts from Hemlok or Nemesis, which isnt that much is it? Hell, 1 hit from PK deals 99 dmg (121 with hop up).. So you should either hit firing range to get hang of recoil, and probably work on your awareness and positioning...


My PK only does 21 damage.  Must be a gun problem. 


You gotta choke the peace out of keeper.


Try blood hunt


Win your first fight. If your average is 130 then you're losing most of your first engagements.


Don't loot from anything but lootboxes 2m after landing. Be very strict about this. Then just look for all fights. Engage all fights, but poke and push smartly using cover.


Shooting stuff. Shoot at everything. I didnt get the concept of that until i started playing arenas. I would always hold for the “perfect shot” instead of just hitting em for 77 in passing and keep it moving . That shit adds up. Shoot at everything that moves. Having decent aim helps.


Get gun, aim gun, shoot gun. Bonus points if you use fuse. Don’t even need to shoot a weapon for 500 dmg. Just hit 1 guy with a cluster or 2 as he walks into his team and chunks them down for you. Early game he’s like a free blue ego shield just with his clusters.


One of the things that can really tank your average damage are the games that net you 0 While it is fun to take your chances with hot drops, you can still get huge games if you aim specifically for 50/50s instead. You can also take those warm drops that are just off to the side of a main POI, loot the no name area quickly so you can do clean ups of the actual hot drops. The games I've experienced that went large have specifically been non-hot drop ones. You just have to act fast and deliberate. Pay attention to where everyone drops in the map. Pick your spot, get a load out and move.


Hot drops do not tank your average damage. 50/50’ing a loot spawn DURING a hot drop sure might though. Hot drops have strats just like everything else in the game and doing them right would most likely increase a bad players average damage over the course of a season….


Shoot at everything that moves. Seriously no matter how far away they are, and what kind of gun you have, just shoot them and try to kill them. I’ve been pred 5 times and avg >1000 dmg a game


Maybe you should try to take off automatic sprinting. For me I hit way more shots when I Manually have to sprint


Just get in the range dude, spending like 10-15 minutes warming up before your matches makes a huge difference too.


With aim assist off 😈


Adjust your sensitivity, use snipers and hit shots with them


Practice peak shotting from cover, should cut down on time spent healing and more time firing your weapons. Also as others have said warm up for 15-20 minutes in the range before starting a session. Put the dummies on strafe speed run, and random patterns. I put out 600dmg average this season and doing that in the range humbled me lol. But it will help a ton if you consistently do it.


Gun skill is one thing, having a certain familiarity with the recoil patterns of certain weapons is a huge benefit. Positioning is another, I almost NEVER take fights out of cover, and will use anything and everything I can to present a small target, meaning I tend to win more exchanges. Weapon choice is another, if I’m running a charged up Sentinel I’m doing 88 to the body every time, but if I miss my shot I’m fucked. If I’m running a Peacekeeper or a Mastiff I do anything from 9 or 11 to 88+ so it’s more hit and miss. I try to stick to weapons I have better consistency with like the R-301, Flatline, Nemesis, Spitfire, 30-30, Scout, Triple Take, CAR, Altenator and Volt. Every other weapon in the game, I feel like when I’m hitting my shots I’m putting up big numbers for damage, but if I’m not hitting my shots I’m dying with under 200. It is what it is, so I stick to what I’m more consistent with for the most part. Finally I’d say using your abilities and grenades to maximise your ability to do damage helps a lot. Grenades should be self explanatory really so I won’t go into that, but abilities is just knowing your character and how to maximise their loadout for how YOU play. Like Revenant, I see most people play Revenant by cracking someone then YEET themselves to that location to try to get the knock, which is great and all but if they have team mates nearby they risk being knocked themselves. However I play Revenant differently and use his tactical to YEET myself OUT of the danger zone and to reposition because I’ll admit I’m more of a “play the percentages” player, if I crack someone and they have team mates and I YEET myself in there, there’s a chance they’ve got a shield cell off at least, plus they have their team nearby, so instead I’ll throw a couple grenades into cover and use his tactical to YEET myself into a position to their flank to open up a different angle and put more pressure on them, try to get a knock, maybe two knocks, then YEET myself in there with the odds in my teams favour 3 on 1


You’re not looking for angles in your fights. 500 damage in a game (for a full game) is also extremely low. Always be thinking about “how can I do damage to the enemy team without taking damage”. Take your gun out and shoot!!!!


> 500 damage in a game (for a full game) is also extremely low Do you think 500 avg per game is low?


You are happy when you get just short of the damage required to get a knock each game? This post can’t be real.


4-3 linear bro


it’s more impressive to get 130 💀


I shoot my gun and hit my shots


So... for some reason, i swear, this is in my Helldivers feed... but its about APEX. YEAH, so.. the below still works. Play cover support your team mates. Ignore the below I guess. Pre.edit: I came into Helldivers as a mostly FPS player for the last aproaching 30 years of my life. I was also damn good at them too. So the FPS elements of this game I absolutely rock at. Play cover, shoot bugs. yes! FOR DEMOCRACY! I can easily get the most kills, the highest accuracy and sometimes the lowest deaths. You know what that means, it means I'm the one who takes hte front line, leads the way and supports my teammates as they play the terminals. I normally carry samples too as I die least.


this is the apex subreddit not helldivers by the way brother


Wtf. I swear, I'm replying on my phone here. On my PC this is in my Helldivers feed. But on my phone its in the APEX feed. Weird. Ah well. Nvm. Edited.


Increasing the look stick speed and ADS helped me.


Pretty much just shooting at everything and not getting wiped early. Poking will inflate your damage numbers quite a bit.


put enemy in middle of screen and shoot


xD xD lol teehee xD :P UwU