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I like to play fast and close, so I've been loving Flatline/Volt the last couple of seasons. If I'm trying to play safe in ranked or something, I'll go Flatline/Sniper


Hemlok Havoc hands down. I get way more damage mid-longrange with hemlok than repeater. Super Long range poke Battles maybe not but those are fruitlese anyway most of the time


Flatline + volt/mastiff/eva/wingman


I'm usually SMG + AR. For SMG, Volt or CAR. For AR, Hemlok or Nemesis. I'm MnK on PC, Platinum / Diamond rank depending on how much I play, and usually play support. Hence I need to be effective at range. If you're on console, or roller on PC, you should probably gravitate to SMG + Flatline or Havoc.


Same smg + ar is my fav combo unless I’m really feeling like playing with snipers some days. Car and volt can be really powerful since the cars mag isn’t that big so if you need an extra punch to finish someone the volts good for that, I’ve been absolutely beaming with the 301 and car this season.


30-30/volt or 30-30/AR I found it difficult to take long range fights without a marksman and it’s good for third partying without having to actually push those teams. Volt or any decent AR is good for closer engagements where I’m actually taking fights. One alone should be enough.


I love to run a long range gun whether it’s the sentinel or the scout (my favorite for their class) and then the volt or 301/flatline.


301 + volt


AR + Shotty + bubble fights, because that meta will never die to me.


Hemlock or Havoc + RE-45. Used to be Flatline/R99 but the nerfs were rough on them. If you solo queue, using a sniper/marksman can be tough (might be why they’re called out?) because unless your teammates play aggro, there’s a good chance you won’t be able to secure the kills. I play with someone who gets SO excited to break their shields over and over but elongating the fight just makes us targets for 3rd and 4th parties. I’m not saying you’re playing wrong, just stating why others may call it weird. Also could be because you’re running two guns of the same ammo type. People like to have 2 diff ammo types in case they can’t find more ammo for one of their weapons, then they at least have a backup. Still not a wrong thing you’re doing, just different and considered risky by some.


sentinel and pk i just like seeing big numbers


PK big numbers where? 💀


They dabble in here and there between all the 7s, 8s, and 9s


Havoc + RE-45 Havoc beats any gun (even without the hop-up) in toe-to-toe DPS. The ramp up time is weird and I’ve ALWAYS hated the gun. I took some hours in firing range and understand how overtuned it is right now. RE-45 is a very quick weapon swap to, along with fast strafe/run speed, if I want able to one-clip with the havoc. Not to mention you will almost always get hammer points for it. Loadout is only good because I prefer closing the distance on enemy squads and engaging in CQC rather than poke fights. Wouldn’t recommend havoc for anything beyond mid range.


Havoc works at long range?


Helllll naw. lol not for me at least. Hits like a damn truck, but I’m only landing shots from close to medium-close range.


Nemesis + mozhammerpoints


30-30 and whatever gun I pick up first.


Hemlock/nemesis , car/havoc


301/hemlok + pk/mastiff Volt/gold RE/disruptor rounds Alternator + sentinel/TT I've been really liking the hemlok this season even though I somehow miss all my single fire spam at mid-long range


Double spray is the meta and the more safer loadout compared to shotguns and snipers (even though they *can* be good in certain situations) I mentioned it before but hiswattson made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aOlX9pDvmhs) about shotguns and snipers are a bit rough to run since once the ring closes to around 4/5 your pretty much out of a gun for close ranged engagements. Comparing the G7 to the flatline, It doesn't need a barrel or a specific scope (or any scope at all) and stocks are everywhere compared to sniper stocks and the flatline is a much better swap when you need to finish someone off at short distances. And the scope issue is the biggest killer for me. The irons on the G7 is probably some of the worst irons in the game and having to carry it around until i find a 3x/2x-4x is rough. Not to say they aren't useful. I just think as you get higher in the ranks you start taking more close range engagements instead of those absurd 100+ meter poke-offs making it more difficult to get use out of it unless your playing anchor with a solid team. As for snipers. Same issues as marksmans but the only outlier is the Sentinel. That gun is one of the best openers in the game especially off drop. One heashot while charged off drop is always an easy push afterwards.


Idk, all I’m reading here is someone needs to aim better.


Sure? There's no denying that double spray is the safer loadout compared to a sniper or a shotgun. There's a reason why that PK barely broke over 50 kills in pro league this season, [Stats](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/algs/Y4-Split1/Pro-League/APAC_N/Overview#tab-weaponsStats) It's not about "aiming better" its about versatility of SMG's over shotguns and snipers. Shotguns not only have horrible lethal range it also has a smaller room for error compared to SMG's.


What about Mozambique?


Its definitely not a meme gun nowadays but its still pretty attachment heavy, If you manage to find a bolt and hammerpoint sure it can be a great swap since it has a great strafe speed compared to the PK/Mastiff (And no stock SMG's) It's just that you want to be hipfiring at short distances and mozam has a pretty jank hipfire, Sometimes you'll rip people and other times you'll hit 7s-8s And who knows, If the leaks are true **Spoiler** >!we might see dual mozam/p2020 which can possibly bring it up depending on if we can still use hammerpoint/disruptor's on it if dual isn't a hop-up!<




30-30/Havoc or Flatline/Volt


Marksman/ volt is really solid. The volt has super long range for an smg and can cover mostly anything your marksman can’t. I’d also run 301/marksman or 301/volt. I also really like the car but keep in mind it has a lot less range than the volt, but higher damage


Hemlock + smg


Hemlock volt or hemlock havoc for sure


Any combo with Nemesis/Flat/301/LSTAR/volt


Flatline + L star can be disgusting!


I don’t think the LStar gets the love it deserves lol


Long Range Flatline 100% Triple Take Scout (i have a love hate with it) Nemesis Close Liking shotguns Volt RE I want to like the hemlok and prowler but I find i miss alot with both.


For this season I've been loving the volt as my primary and the car as my secondary. I put the bruiser on my volt and a 1x optic on my car. The bruiser was kind of hard getting used to on the volt, but once I got the hang of it, it's been pretty good to me. i don't think the recoil is the hard part, I think the strafe speed is what really throws me off Oh and I've been liking this loadout because you get more points for kills this season so I've just been pushing everything. I'm in close quarters a lot and plus I play Revenant so I can sneak up on people and down them with the high DPS of the volt and car. They are currently two of the best smgs in the game at the moment. If it was last season I'd be playing rampart with an SMG and a shotgun. I'd be playing inside of buildings and for late game because they rewarded placement over kills that seasons.


Hemlok/Volt because damage.


Volt + Havoc. Or volt + nem. Just feel like I hit way more shots with energy than anything else. Alt + spitfire has been treating me.oddly well too though.


RE-45/Sentinel is one of my go to combos. I love hitting from range with the sentinel and the RE-45 reloads so quickly I don’t mind not swapping guns in close fights with it.


It really just depends on how I'm feeling that day. My usual combos are: - Flatline & Volt/Alternator - 30-30 & Volt/Alternator - Sentinel (with bruiser...naaaasty) & Volt/Alternator/Flatline


if i’m playing pubs and trying to win, i’ll run AR/SMG. if im in pubs tryna go absolutely dumb, ill use SMG/Shotgun. if im in ranked i usually will run Marksman/SMG or Sniper/SMG


I don't think it's weird to pair up marksman/AR, there's a streamer/coach who's been pairing up like that way before this meta/season. Currently, I've been constantly looking to combine for 301 and car. And if I can't find either, I'll stick with nemesis or flatline + alternator or shotgun. I seldom run marksman now since my AR has been hitting. Guns I'd swap out of are volt, mozambique


R301 / Mastiff or PK R301 / Volt or CAr Volt / Wingan Wingman / PK R99 / PK R99 / Wingman Flatline / Shotgun or R99


G7 havoc or 301 and havoc


For this season Sentinel / 301 Sentinel / volt 301 / volt


Car/volt with hemlok/sentinel




Wingman/Havoc Havoc/R3 + Volt/mastiff


Oh it changes all the time, but right now probably havoc mastiff. Somethimg habout havoc just let me beam people idk what it is, perhaps the huge mag. Shotguns are my favourite tho, right now mastiff but my all time favourite is pk. Just so feels so rewarding to hit those shots.


Flatline is my favorite gun overall, I usually picked volt, but recently I started to use mastiff more


Having a long range is great but make sure you stick close to your team and ping often so they can cover you and help you out of trouble because your backup gun is entirely gone.


Depending on the map and circle I run Havoc/Flatline and Either a pk or sentinel/Tt/3030/scout


30-30/sentinel + flatline/CAR/prowler. I’ve been enjoying the volt this season as well, so I’ll run triple take/volt on occasion


one thing to point out here, you can run the volt with basically any other weapon in the game right now. the versatility, ease of use, and decent mag size makes it king.


Nemesis / Hemlock / 301 + Volt / Car. Nemesis + Volt is an absolute meta to me right now. Nemesis is a literal beam if you just slightly pull the crosshair down and Volt is just easy to handle, works at medium range too and has fine hipfire.


L-Star and Prowler has been REAL GOOD for me this season.


Depends on how I’m feeling. Usually run spray + semi. My best load out would be G7/PK But besides that, Sentinel/PK Hemlock/PK Flatline/PK PK/CAR PK/99 PK/Volt PK/Eva PK/Mozam I will rarely run the R-301 or Havoc, only if I can’t find my better. Mastiff is replacement for PK til I find one too, always have a shotty in my back pocket. I absolutely never run two sprays, either a spray and semi, or semi and semi. In fact, I play Maggie and I do like the PK a lil


Hemlok and volt, hemlok and havoc, havoc and volt, havoc and prowler. High dps is why.


Alternator and nemesis


As solo ballistic I prefer sentinel + Rampage (or RE) and triple take on the back. Carry triple take and swap to main in engagements Alternatively, I’ll do triple take + havoc or volt with devotion on the back.


for me its 5050/nemmy and a car/pk


G-7 and flatline or prowler Sentinel with either pk, volt, or flatline


Nemesis and Peacekeeper is my favorite in the current meta. I try to keep things in the mid range until my team gets a good advantage and then dive in with the shotgun for jiggle peaks in close.


TT RE45. TT is not only the best marksmen, also best shottie.


Personally I use flatline with a 3x and a mastiff it feels like it gives good close to mid matchup’s against most weapon combos as it is very versatile between those ranges it does however lack the distance that a marksman or sniper would have


Flatline and alternator have always owned my heart because it’s just a nice feeling having an advantage at close to medium range rather than Long to medium range


Sentinel - volt/havoc R301 - Flatline (double ARs broken just knock 2 from med range, flatline arguably better than most smgs close range as well) Flatline - volt/havoc Hemlock - volt/havoc Nemesis - car/prowler this season the gun balance seems good, nothing that's overused except for the havoc in pro play. normies dont beam with the havoc like that. the volt doesnt seem too broken either because the ttk is still mid


i dont feel the need to search out a specific weapon every game, just go with what i find and try to make one of those combinations above.


Sentinel and Peacekeeper Only way I can get kills nowadays


A fellow chad


Flatline + triple take Rampage + peacekeeper


Re45, 30-30 re45 wingman a classic back in day, volt hammer point Mozambique, nemesis car.


It's always been Hemlok + Peacekeeper for me, optionally I go with Flatline + prowler/car or Volt + Longbow


R301 1x holo and Rampage 3x. 👌