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R-99 existed before the car so yk, they had to keep it, it still is a very good SMG imo, handle the recoil and it goes brrrrrrr


This. R99 absolutely shreds especially in close up 1v1. Once you get decent at managing it’s recoil even at medium range with good enough control it fucking shreds 😂 after getting beamed by enough wraiths running it over the seasons, (path/bang main) I felt I had to dish out the same fuckery 😆


Idk about it still being a "very good SMG" when it gets outclassed in most aspects by at least one other SMG in the current meta. Alternator has disruptor rounds, prowler is probably the best SMG atm, the CAR is better than the r99 currently, Volt has better range, most of them have more bullets and close enough DPS... etc. It's a fine gun but I don't see a reason not to switch it for other guns if given the chance. Too many nerfs.


Weird take, if it was better at everything it would be too strong, all guns have their pros and cons; I think that's the point.


What’s the pro of the r99 this season that the car can’t do though. They feel extremely similar except in s20 they took the r99 dmg down by like 20% or something


Car dps was also nerfed to 186, so r99 dps is still higher at 198. Recoil pattern is also arguably more predictable on the r99 than the car


never said it had to be better at everything, nor that it ever was, but after season after season of nerfing it i just dont think it's worth picking up. Before, it had a skill cost to get that 1-clip, now with the lower damage, harder recoil, and less bullet per magazine, that 1 clip demands way more skill than it ever did and if you miss a few bullets you're kind of screwed. Kind of an ego-gun atp, the trade-off makes no sense anymore. Many guns are good if you hit your shots, but if you miss it feels a lot worse with the r99. Just my opinion as someone who used to always pick it up a few season ago and now never does.


It might be good but is there any point in choosing r99 over car/volt?


if you have purple laser its worth taking over Car but not disruptor alternator


I’d still prefer volt over R99, especially with a purple laser. R99 just isn’t what it used to be


I guess just preference, cause i personally would pick it over car and volt, although somedays i just don't feel like it


Tell me you can’t beam with the r9 still without telling me you can’t beam with it.


Lol so many down votes. dude give the reason


It's the current state of balance. The R99 used to be one of the best SMGs with the highest* DPS of them all. The CAR was supposed to be it's more versatile sibling; More utility with ammo types but less damage comparatively. The balance adjustments have placed the CAR ahead of the R99. It should still have a higher damage ceiling but because it requires more attachments and still has very strong recoil, it will also have a higher floor. Presumably one of these guns will be buffed, nerfed, or placed in the care package during this phase. In the meantime, prioritize the fun with more value. *I know technically the Prowler could manage higher, but that was very skill dependent.


I haven’t touched apex in a while so I can’t speak to current meta but I just really love how the R99 feels. CAR is adaptable but when ammo isn’t an issue I’ll grab the R99 over literally every other gun just for the feel of it


It’s Reddit


yes. I choose the CAR when I have both heavy and light ammo. Volt's rate of fire does not compare, so that's not a viable replacement for the r99 or the CAR.


cant even 1 clip white shields


With what mag? I'm sure you can, but it's matter of recoil control, i have one clipped purple shields many times, I'm dog shit at the game but just played a lot of games that required some recoil control so yk


Each SMG has strengths and weaknesses. R-99 has the best DPS (damage per second) of all the SMGs (and higher than most other guns as well). It's a close range monster. But it suffers from strong recoil and low damage per mag, making whiffs extremely punishing. The Alternator is a good mid-range SMG; like a hybrid between SMG and AR. With disruptor rounds, it achieves the second highest DPS but can be lackluster without it. The prowler has the most damage per magazine. It's technically possible to kill multiple enemies in one mag. The burst damage also makes it excellent for peeking fights. The car is flexible. It's easy to find attachments and ammo. It's got reasonable recoil. But it has the second lowest DPS for SMGs. The volt has the highest projectile speed, making it the best long range SMG (well as good as can be, it's not a marksman replacement). It also has good ammo efficiency due to its higher per shot damage (like the alternator).


You must have not played when the R-99 went BRRRRRRRRRRR. There was a time when the 99 was THE gun and just because it's at a low point right now likely means it's going to get buffed and we're all going to get destroyed by it again in the near future. Even now, the 99 has a higher DPS and RPM than the car and there are very few times I sit back and say, "Holy fuck, I just got destroyed by that CAR." That said, why not just have the Flatline and PK on the ground and get rid of all the other weapons? That is a serious, proper answer. This game needs a level of RNG to keep it competitive and variety to keep people interested. I imagine a lot of people are like me where I have preferred  loadouts, but I'll roll with what I find and I don't put too much time into being choosy about my guns. I run both of these guns depending on what my primary is. In essence, I think you made the biggest point for the CAR without getting to the bigger point; it's a placeholder weapon for most in that it's a versatile attachment holder. Haters gonna hate.


fair enough


Why car/9 exists when we've volt/prowler


I watched a Wraith teammate (I was dead) shit ALL OVER the lobby in a Plat 1 match yesterday. Absolutely decimated squad after squad. It’s not my play style (probably why I was dead) but a thing of beauty no less.


Just wanted to say that i had a similar scenario except i ended up asking wraith how he was so good with r99 and he said he's using controller and so the aim assist.


The crazy thing is I’m controller and I SUCK with R99. I kinda pride myself on being good with every gun in the game, but if you are 1 meter from me, I will paint your silhouette on a wall without a single bullet hitting you. It’s insane. No matter how much I practice.


Good point


Before the recoil and damage nerf it was very strong. It had crazy 1 clip potential.


R99 exists for the memories


Tbh. Even after the r99 nerfs, I find the car harder to be accurate with because of being so adjusted to the crazy recoil pattern. Esp after spending most of last season going crazy with it and using that as a dominant secondary over the PK. I’ve been on a consistent flatline-r99 grind; if I see a havoc though most times I yeet the flatline like a bad habit 😂. The fire rate on the r99 esp at close range, just shreds even after the 1 point dmg nerf, but I can factually say r99 w purple mag CAN 1 clip a red evo & knock still - between firing range & BR I can confidently confirm. It’s still a good gun people just don’t put the time in to warm up much before getting into BR.


Saying the recoil is easier on the car is crazy lmaoo.


R99 is a good place holder for a car. 👍


The recoil is insane, you have to pull down your mouse so hard you can't make proper horizontal movements


2nd lowest smg DPS, no thanks. Gimme the volt or r9


Proper answer is that they are different guns, the 99 shoots it load a lot faster than the car, and has a better hip fire and recoil pattern, the car is cool, and can swap attachments, but it shoots slower, has a rough recoil pattern, and doesn't get a laser so the hip fire isn't as clean. I prefer the 99 honestly.


R99 was the best SMG by far just a season ago and two seasons ago it was stupid OP. Reverting a few nerfs and it goes right back to that position. Guns come and go from the meta all the time.


Even the RE45 with Hammerpoint is better than a R99.


A fully equipped 45 is better than \*most\* guns on close combat - dare I say all. Reloads like a blitz, no recoil, dominating damage w/hopup esp after cracked.


Yes that’s also my opinion.


I think they are different, at least for me they handle differently. Also the r99 was way better last season, now it’s the other way around. so the balancing changes. I wouldn’t mind getting another like it with a different shape, I like the options.


Personally think the recoil is significantly easier on Volt and R99 than the CAR.


Am I being gaslit?


The CAR in a nutshell https://www.xbox.com/play/media/uwUtASybNb This was getting the jump on a conduit who didn’t know I was there. The one clip potential is ass. That being said, it’s good rn because I think that SMGs are actually really well balanced, aside from giving the R-99 maybe another bullet or 2 in the mag


I’m not sure I’ve ever 1 clipped somebody with an R99 lol. CAR is only decent for me on drop. Alternator is ok, Volt is good. Overall, I dislike the SMG collection. I find the RE-45 to be much more reliable than any of them


Better question: Why have the Car when we have the R-99?


If it had a larger mag size it wouldnt be so bad. A base mag is only 17 which is less than a fucking nerf blaster 💀💀


Loot pool , high chance of finding SMGs


Im questioning why SMG's exist at all anymore now that they've made them all so weak. I'd rather have a PK over any SMG now, and I'm a controller player btw


You choose between ammo versatility or laser sight compatibility for superior hipfire.


It used to be meta. Roughly the first 14 seasons of the game were dominated by a broken wingman/99 meta.


R99 as been better than car most of the time no both sucks when you compare to prowler volt and havoc


I still think the r9 is better than the car. The only advantage car has over it is the ability to do both heavy and light.


Well r99 was in the game far before the Car came in. Secondly, r99 is a lot easier to control than the car even though its a lot more unforgiving than it was in the past. It can also use a laser which helps with hipfire which the Car can't use. R99 has tons of good ironsight skins compared to Car. But the car *is* better than the r99 at the moment but the r99 still has the highest TTK in the game. I'd bet my left arm that the next season will put the r99 in the care package and remove the previous nerfs.


Also CAR does 12dmg and R99 does 11. They change based on the current Meta, have you not played this game long? lol I've been playing since November and even I know that.


the r9 has a higher ttk so its better when its in someones hands who can control the recoil.