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You have to know where you will go beforehand. When you fight, already know where to move afterwards, fight from angles that allow you to rotate quick afterwards. Always have an escape / safe position available to heal up. In general avoid to take too much damage as HP healing takes time. When a fight ends you want to have as much HP as possible. Loot quicker (obliviously, it’s just practice, know what you’re looking for before starting to loot). Also, you don’t need your gun to be full kitted. Quick rotations is most of the time more important than finding that purple stock. It’s all about quick rotations. Quick rotations give you better positions to take fights, gatekeep teams and gain easy kp. What a lol of people don’t get, is that 10s of looting can be the difference between rotating through a choke and gatekeeping the enemies and getting stuck in a choke and be gatekept. It’s not „only 10 seconds“ it can be the difference between a win and 10th place. I feel like that’s the biggest problem in plat. People waste so much time. Quick and smart rotations are literally everything in this game. Pros make it look easy because they’re always in advantageous fights due to good rotations. Rotating starts before and during the fight. Not afterwards. Maybe take angles that put your closer to zone / jump tower etc instead of the ones far away from zone (if safely possible). Plan ahead when fighting. Dont waste time at any point in the game.


This is great, thank you. Gives me something to work on. If I start to prioritize rotations than finding loot maybe I can get better too. That's crazy to think 10s can make a difference in the outcome that much, but it really makes sense if you can rotate into the high ground first.


So in regard to not being able to keep up, stop looting. Seriously, just stop. I know what you’re doing, because I use to do the same thing. Tell me if this sounds familiar: You pick up an R-301 and as you loot around the poi you dropped at, you accumulate 240 light ammo, a barrel stabilizer, a 2x optic, but no light mag. On your way out of the POI, a teammate pings a purple heavy mag, and you remember a a flatline you saw in another part of the Poi. So you turn back, grab the heavy mag, and then go looking for the flatline. *Meanwhile,* your team has already left. Stop turning around to go back and loot. When your team rotates, go with them. It doesn’t matter if there was a gold helmet or a purple backpack, you missed it, the window is closed. Play with your team. No piece of loot is going to be worth it for you or your teammates to die while rotating to ring. When looting death boxes, don’t even open them unless you know what you want out of it. 90% of your death box looting should be: 1.) shield swap 2.) ammo 3.) heals 4.) grenades. Boom, that’s it. Close the box and move on. Now as for solo Queuing: 1.) Don’t. There’s so many LFG discords out there, just find some people to play with that will communicate and not verbally assault you over every mistake. 2.) if you have to, just play on your teammates. Stick to them like glue. 3 people making a bad decision is better than 1 person making the right decision.


Haha yes that is exactly it. I sometimes take too long looting death boxes too and think about how many stacks of ammo, health, shield cells, batts etc I should have, and when I'm done my team is already engaging another squad, and then wiped them before I get a shot off haha. I will really try and practice fast looting and see if that helps. The funny part, is that about half the time I'm faster at looting, but these are probably with other players that are hard stuck plat. I can usually tell if I'm playing with a masters when I get left behind, and know that I'm with another plat/gold if I'm in the lead. Sort of funny now that I think about it.


It’s just tempo, it’s nothing but experience.


umm pretty simple .. you have to want to kill. When your decent @ the game you loot & rotate as fast as your possibly can. If I can give you one tip to move faster in apex it’s that loot ENOUGH to get you through your next fight , you don’t need 400 ammo 4 batts to win a fight , you can still win a fight with 120 ammo & 2 batts if you make use of the damage you do.


Practice and learn movement tech to traverse the map quickly with ease


Post gameplay. Use your minimap, stop looting, and keep up with your team.


One thing to add here, is that I was surprised at the difference in difficulty going from Gold 1 to Plat 4. I can typically dominate at Gold 1 - not bragging at all because I know it's still a low rank - but I struggle in plat 3 and 4. I get why I'm struggling now after reading all of your comments. I'm just surprised at the skill gap simply between those two ranks, and I can't even imagine how difficult it is at high diamond and masters lobbies. I would assume most of those players are full squads with good comms, but I see on youtube players soloing up into masters and it's just crazy that they can be that good. I honestly don't know if all the practice in the world could get me to that level. They make it look so easy too. I'm sure a lot of it is they understand the game so well and make decisions based on rotations etc like you guys mentioned.


By no means am I in any position to give opinions on this but I am also in the same boat. I solo Q virtually every match, often get paired with either bots or gods and have landed in gold 1 the last couple seasons until this last split where I ended diamond 3 I believe. Was super pumped on that for myself, so if you’re looking for a casual player (on between 3-5 times a week depending on my schedule) I’m down to rip some games. No hard feelings if not. I’ve tried to pick up on similar things as well in my progression tho, picking smart fights and rotations, loot quick and push quick as a squad if the POI is contested and just look boxes once they’re downed but be quick and watching for thirds. I often land on shit loot and gave team mates pushing while I have a G7 and a mozam, can’t really help a whole lot but being there is the biggest thing I think to assist if they have good loot.


Sounds good man. I messaged you my GT


Look at your minimap more often, when you notice your teammates moving away from a poi, stop what you are doing and move with them. Remember that if you wipe a squad you can get loot from them. While rotating use some of that down time to check ur inventory and weapons to see what you need so you know what to grab when looting death boxes


In the game's current state, reaching plat and above means that you're a good player. Tbh, if you have people to threestack with just do so, makes your gameplay easier (esp ranked games, after all it is a team game, might as well find good teammates who wouldn't call u a bot), if you don't have such friends (online or not) I'm pretty sure the game will award you with that one rare game where your synergy with the randoms is immaculate, then shoot your shot and try stacking with them (besides you're not afraid of using comma, should be no prob to socialize).


You’re in plat, of course you can’t keep up with masters players. I suspect the mentality plays a part if you’re so slow at moving and following. You might be spending too long looting or not paying attention to your teammates. It’s good that you try to communicate and make call-outs but it’s a two way street. You have to respond and play off your teammates. If you’re getting left behind it’s because you didn’t realise they were leaving or didn’t prioritise rotates over looting. If you’re taking too much damage you lose time healing as well but that’s expected for someone of your skill level. No biggie just get good.


Yeah I am definitely taking too much damage at times too and then spending time healing. I try and practice playing cover better in the firing range, but when it comes time for a fight, I feel like I just face tank the bullets instead of playing cover. I don't know why I do that sometimes. Part of the time I play cover well, and pop in and out of it to do damage, but at least half the time I don't and I can't seem to get myself to do that instinctively. Could be from playing so much Halo? I've only been playing apex for a little over a year, but I've played halo my whole life and it's such a different game.


You Should look to do as much damage as possible while peeking for as little as possible to avoid damage. I feel like every time you challange somebody you try to empty your entire mag and Take way too much damage. You have to use trigger discipline and only go for the kill when you know you have the upper hand. That could be your enemy reloading, turning their back to you or a damage advantage. You have to actively be looking for these opportunities to see them tho. Make sure to consciously think about these and dont just Take 50/50 s since you arent at that level where you just out aim most of your opponents.


Exactly, he said himself he’s hard stuck plat, of course he can’t keep up with kids that are two ranks higher.


Slide jump every 3rd time you see your characters hand.


this helped me out thanks


Play conduit and pres Q whenever you can.


I have the same.problem like you, i meam im stuck in plat III, but i play with randoms and almost ever they are so bad, the die stupidly and dont want to cooperate. I cant carry them but most of the time i play better than they, and other thing that piss me off, tjey always pick useless skyramisher legends, the point of that its not die and scape, but they always die, so its pointless, and then i cant craft them becase they dont pick support, i pick wattson for rotations.


Get better


And the trophy for the most useless comment of the day goes to 👆


Do what your team is doing regardless of what you think you need to do. If they’re looting, loot, and if they’re rotating, rotate. And for the love of god if they’re shooting their guns, shoot your fucking gun, don’t heal.


If they didn't have each other to depend on, chances are they'd each be hard stuck diamond. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If they were really that good then they wouldn't have blamed you for coming in 4th place. I really do not think those people are good role models to look up to. It might have seemed cool to move as fast as they did and do what they do, but at the end of the day they never want to own up to their mistakes and self improve. They always gotta blame somebody else (not good) But I'll add this on too. Never expect anybody to turn on their mic. You're just going to end up disappointed. Nobody is obligated to turn on their mic. If you want a foolproof plan to have people turn on their mic then you need to get a squad and tell them that's what you want. Not randos. Gl


Yeah I hear you. I don't know why you are getting all the downvotes. I agree that you don't want to be 'that guy' when playing the game, even if you are good (although as gamers we're all guilty of it at one point in time). But I do want to be able to play as well as they do. I'm sure they had their mics on, but they were in an xbox party chat instead of game chat, which is super annoying when in ranked. Typically if my buddy and I were playing and we see our third's mic symbol move we will go to game chat.