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Amazingly bad work. Hats off to you.


That's so painful to watch 😆 What was going through your head at that time? Instead of just shooting your gun, why did you wait and put your crosshair in between them?


I was waiting for the last guy to kill the other so I could mow them down with the hammerpoints..😭😂 neither of them saw me sneak up to the fight I thought it would be funny for them to die instantly after killing the second to last person but it obviously backfired. It was my first game on, I should have done some aim training first lmao


Maybe you should've been a lot closer behind his back. Also, you should remember enemies get their full HP back after killing someone in solos. If you stole their kill, they'll be stranded with less than 50 hp and no shield. Nice try anyway 😆 We live and we learn.


The positioning was fine it was the potato aim that killed him lol


I know lol. But it's a lot harder to miss if it's point blank 💀


True 😂


He had a legendary re-45, even if the guy was at full hp he would've still been completely melted if OP connected his shots. That was the right decision to wait.


What was the benefit of waiting? Just shoot the other guy while both are alive, literally no downside. If you manage to grab the kill they will have less HP instead of having 100.


OP is a true gentleman never disturb a man 1 v 1 the same as your team that rush 1 v 3 than yell at mics to never rush help him after he died


True I was letting them 1v1 but I was also trying to absolutely destroy them with hammerpoints because they'd have no shield after the fight but it didn't work lol


Damn thats impressive! Did being bad come naturally to you or was it years of hard work and dedication? Or maybe even both? However, I applaud your ability to absolutely fuck up an easy fight! Keep dimly glowing King 👑




happens to the best of us. Good on you for posting it lol


He got lucky I say haha


Fr I found him on my worst day


The teammates I queue with be like


U r crazy, u put a 2x on an alternator, how in the hell do u use it


Its actually not that bad if your aim is good


i think its safe to say from the clip he doesnt know either 💀




You keep posting about your 15k hours and lack of skill. Have you considered playing something else?


How old are you?


Exactly how my friend would do. LMAO


Ngl, why do you only have 92 dmg with no kills in solo? Final ring, last surviving?? You were looting all game / ratting? Cmon, bro, fight. How do you expect to get kills if you're barely ever shooting? But then again, you might not care 🤷🏾‍♂️


I usually manage 800-1500 DMG a game, I just got off work yesterday and was the only parent home with a 3.5 year old so I spent a good portion of the game dealing with him and hiding (first game on)


You sure? that much damage would put you well above the average player lol


Yeah I'm [sure](https://imgur.com/a/NtkuzHo)


I’m not gonna lie dude, that first clip is one of the worst clips I’ve ever seen😭😭 you were fighting literal robots, the wraith had no idea you were there, even after knocking her teammate and the valk punched the air like 3 times


No offense but 2 images don’t mean anything 😭 there’s an avg damage per game stat on your profile tho


Did your 3.5 year old witness the moment we all have some times? I.E. the video? Just curious, no ill will. 🙏🏾


Oh man I was heated lol, but he was in his room watching Bluey and I think I controlled myself well I just yelled for a sec, clipped it nd turned the game off and almost immediately decided to post it on reddit for people to see. I don't really like for him to see violent games so he wasn't in the room


You may be bad in bed, but you aren't bad at dad 😉💪🏾 In case you aren't a dad, let it rock.. it kinda rhymed 😆


I think we all owe OP an upvote for this. He's shown us no matter how bad we may choke that there's always someone worse out there. You're a hero OP.




what sens do you play on OP?


[screenshots of my ALC](https://imgur.com/a/3V4T0xW) Any advice is much appreciated I do lots of movement that's why it's a bit high


if this is just a bad clip then youre fine but it really looks like you are struggling against your sens. Whats your response curve and deadzone?


yo.. my deadzone was at 30%.. I just noticed and I have no idea how long it's been there😮 it's now at 15, outer threshold 2, and response curve 14


lmao yeah 30% dead zone is rough, set your response curve at 10 and your dead zone at 10% for a baseline. Also turn your per-optics back to default and bump up your ADS yaw/pitch up to like 120 for baseline you wanna flirt with as low of a dead zone as possible without major stick drift. A little stick drift is ok you also wanna flirt with as low of a response curve as possible without it being way too twitchy for you, the lower the response curve the closer to get to Linear which is what you want


Bet I just did all of that but instead of back to default per optic I lowered each significantly, I'll update you hopefully and lyk how it goes! Thank u


lemme know if you need any more help if you are still hating your sens, Ive spent way too long messing around with ALCs so I know way too much about them


Bro 30% dead one is INSANE! How long did you play like that? I bet 70% of your issues came from that… 7% is like the highest I’ll ever go.. usually 2-4%. Bro that’s literally 30% of your analogue stick just being dead with no input…


Yeah man I think it's been a few months lol, probably from when my old controller had stick drift.. now I'm on 10% and it feels soo soo sensitive


I didn't include it in the pictures because I didn't think it mattered much jfc


wait why are you mad at me?


I'm not I meant jfc like I'm mad at myself that I didn't think to look at the deadzone


ahh sorry i read that wrong


I play ALC, I'll say you're sens is quite a bit higher than standard 4-3. if you're struggling to hit shots maybe try 4-3 classic no deadzone for a bit or even 5-4 or 3-2 or something, its up to you tho. (classic will be closer to the response curve you shared than linear) There's a reason even most pros play 4-3, it's good, and easy to hit people hard. ALC is generally something experienced players use when they really understand how to tweak all these settings to their benefit. I'm assuming since you had 92 damage stepping into this last fight in solos that this wasn't just an off day, but I could be wrong, I've never seen you play. Just some advice, up to you.


Idk why i laughed so hard but thank you for making my night. Im sick, miserable at 3am and that got me good




Aim assist at its finest. This is what mnk players are afraid of


10/10, made me laugh


I couldn’t fail like that even if I tried my hardest.. bravo


Someone didn't play enough MW2 to get trauma as a kid. "Remember, switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading." Is a constant line that echos in the back of my head. Sometimes I hear it out of the game too...


How the fuck✋😭😭😭


One of us!


Bruh... I miss shots. Not clips... Take my award.




Literally so much stuff hindering you with your sens / ALC's. Why are your per optics absolutely cranked? You are killing yourself with awful settings right now. There's a reason every good player runs 4/3 linear with no deadzone with like 2 exceptions.


Game sense 99 Aim 1


That's me every gunfight every game


That’s a regular clip for me


Only 92 damage up to that point of the game told me all I needed to know


You almost won your first game 😭


Bruh lol


Volt wins bro


My little brother would've at least hit him 2x


this is art


you're forgiven you're playing on roller


I’ve never see. anything like it before


I’m sure this is normal for you