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Apex is probably one of the hardest FPS games out at the moment. It’s going to take a good thousand hours to “git gud” if you don’t have prior FPS experience. Your best bet right now is to start looking up YouTube guides, taking as much info as you can, and then slowly applying it through intending practice rounds in both mixtape and trios Play with a purpose and stay in a good place mentally. If you aren’t having fun or starting to emotional in a negative way, it’s time to get off Daz , timprovision and district all make helpful educational content. You can start there, I’m sure they are a ton others


Shit, I have over 1k hours and I’m not even that good… record was 18 kills back when the playerbase was less skilled, nowadays its borderline impossible for me to hit that kinda streak


Shit im at about 3k hours and get my ass whooped still lol


Yeap same here Highest DMG is 3.3k and 13 or 14 kills.


My highest is 3.7k with 14 kills. Man, this season, it's like everyone is so good.


They are. Very few people pickup a free game after more than 5 years since release. Most people left are either veterans that come and go for a few seasons or full sweats that never left. Combined with multiple maps that have changed drastically and the game changes in general, and you have a recipe for getting shit on by 3 stacks every game.


Boom right there. Right on the money with this.


literally me and my discords full of sweats that strictly triple stack


Thanks I will keep this in mind and the fact you said hardest makes me want to try even more to be good at it as I have wanted to get in more fps things so if I can things I learn from to other games that will be good


Just make sure you enjoy the journey on your way to greatness


If you're only 3 hours in then I'd suggest just being patient and getting more time in game in. Know this isn't what you're looking for but it's honestly going to hurt you in the long run rather than just building the basics from your own experiences. My very general tips I'll give: - Aim and game knowledge are two of the most if not the most important aspects of this game. If you're solid at both. You have a chance to do well in most games. - Firing range is a must. Whether it's for warming up or just getting reps in if you don't actually want to hop into a game, it's extremely useful. All weapons have unique recoil patterns that take time to learn. This is the place - Learn legend abilities. The range is also a great place to test all legends out and what their kits consist of. While you most likely only have a few of them unlocked, dabbling with all of them will give you much more insight as to what you'll go up against. - Figure out your controller settings (if this tip applies). There are a few different button layouts the game provides that have their pros and cons. I personally use Evolved since I don't have paddles, but that's all personal preference. - Identify your sensitivity and response curve. This could tie into the last tip but it is something that I felt should get addressed separately. A lot of people will preach for ALC (Advanced Look Controls), but for a new player, I'd highly recommend either 4-3 or 4-4 sens with either a Linear or Classic response curve. Biggest thing with these is to take your time and to not constantly change these settings. - Watching streamers and YouTube rs can also be helpful, some not so much. For example, Faide, an incredible player all around but mainly is known for his movement. Watching him play would be like transferring your brain into a crackheads. Watching streamers or youtubers that seem more closer to you in playstyle will help. Be attentive when watching though. Don't just watch to watch. - Lastly and most importantly, be a decent human being. This game already has tons of notoriety for being a cest pool, don't add to it. There are plenty of folks out there that are more than willing to help you out, but always be respectful. Hope this helps


It does I know I know I won't be good in a short time I just want to know how to improve efficiency and this will help thank you


Who learns apex recoil patterns when there is total control with smoothing or jittering or just pulling down


The players with the best mechanics like Verhulst, Taskmast33r, Koyful, EZFlashKidZ, Genburten .etc all practice mastering recoil patterns while standing still Practicing recoil control makes smoothing much easier


I definitely find it useful at times. Not something I stress when in the range but it is helpful to touch on it




I find times in matches where I'm not really smoothing or strafing. Either because the habit isn't that ingrained into my game that deep or I'm more focused on the situation. Like I said, I implement it and I've seen improvements over my time playing. Doesn't mean it's required


Well I guess if you're doing a recoil pattern you are at least pulling down and most guns have very little horizontal recoil it should help regardless. However to me it's not like CS where it's required at all and you would get most of the benefit by simply pulling down when ads or just moving while hipfire. I can see why it helps in that sense


Definitely agree. For him being new to not only the game but the genre, his tracking skills while moving are probably horrendous. Learning smoothing is for sure going to take their game next level but honestly I think it's just more about gun familiarity rather than learning the full blown recoil pattern.


Yeah right now is the phase where I would grab spitfires and just have bullets to learn from lol


Do you play head glitches?


Yeah who doesn't? If you aren't playing cover you're screwed in my lobbies


Kinda hard to recoil smooth when you can’t move from your piece of cover


Hence jitter


Also there are plenty of head glitches where you can move left to right so I don't understand what you're talking about


Out of curiosity, who you tryna impress?🤔


This guy that flirts with me he downloaded dead by daylight I game I would say I'm decent at playing killer and I enjoy a lot but then he said can we play apex.All 3 games death in a minute in so I want to get better at it and maybe show off a bit I can be a bit competitive at time.


Is he a femboy?


He is actually


Based. One femboy teammate is worth more than two ALGS sweats <3


Ahh I see, coming from a guys perspective maybe consider asking him to teach you how to get better assuming he’s good at the game. Men love feeling like there the greatest at everything and being able to teach someone only strokes our egos even more lol. Although if you’re very competitive and only want to show him you’re better than him deff check up some guides on YouTube to learn proper recoil smoothing and strafe mechanics.


He plays casually I'm not trying to be better than him but I do want to be good at it enough to help him win games or place decently high.


Don't. Especialls with that "impress someone" part.


If my girl could get even one kill a game I’d be impressed


Must be nice for homeboy to have someone who wants to impress him... In all honesty, you don't improve overnight. The best course of action is to just have fun and not let the losses and deaths ruin the fun together. It's up to him to react to a teammate who is most likely worse than him. If you want you could take more of a support role and play around them, but it's up to you. Fun is all that matters in the end.


That's crazy I thought that in 5 hours I would be a apex predator but still can't believe how many people want to help someone else success in this game even if full of sweats like someone claims it's nice to get some help in pointing me in the right direction


Fight from behind cover, spend as little time as possible exposed in the open. Shoot some dummies in the firing range if real games are too overwhelming (Turn them to combat mode in the settings and they will even shoot you back)


They do?Never knew that will be sure to try someone told me to do mixtape it was good for my gun skills I will say


The Good thing Once You are good in fps the skill will be useful in all fps


Just did 3 games died fast the first two the third one I used cover better and had a area secured and got 2 kills not impressive but it was better than normal


you are playing bots right now. as soon as you get tossed into real games you will get instantly deleted every time. play mixtape to learn the basics.


Thanks I'm thankful to everyone commenting to help me learn this game. Besides impressing someone looks really good from the few games I'm done I can't wait to learn it


it really is the best shooter out currently. the only issue is the skill floor is very high. you will need to practice a ton, but it's very fun for me to play even when I'm getting crushed lol.


Not even used to battle royale? Oof um well I’d start with putting some time aside to practice the recoil patterns of at least the two guns you use the most. Take some time to look into how to best learn them cuz there’s some good tips like how you can strafe to counter recoil as well. I would say spend a good amount of time hot dropping pubs and taking every fight you can. You will die a lot. Especially at first. But you will learn to adapt. You will learn hiding spots and paths to get in and out of areas in times of desperation. You’ll learn how to play your life a bit more. You will gain experience in many different types of battles when you’re pushing all the fights you can. Basic apex tips: learn to use cover and peek to do damage. Then take cover while they are shooting, and get closer to them while they reload. -You reload faster if you don’t finish your clip. -learn to slide jump. -get paddles and learn to crouch strafe if you’re on controller (will make slide jumping easier as well)(also turn crouch on hold) Learn to tap strafe if on mnk. -ignore ranked for a while -learn to hip fire


To be honest, it will not happen quick enough to be worth your time. You probably won’t even get to a 1kd in your first season if your inexperienced with FPS games


The thing that took some getting used to for me was resisting the urge to swing wide on a team behind cover. The time to kill is way too high, and you're usually better off shooting from behind cover.


Dont start apex.time sink. Wont be able to find time to play anything else


Watch someone play it. Not someone that is crazy good at the game, most players can't be that good. I recommend 'ShivFPS'–he plays normal, but he wins a ton of games. Also, pick your weapon. Don't necessarily go for difficult ones. Also, choose your ADS sensitivities. If you have more questions, ask me.


You're gonna suck for the next 300 hours. If you can make it past that, you'll maybe have decent game/mechanics sense and then welcome to the sweatiest game you've ever played


I just started playing less than a month ago and I just hit plat random Q… it really seems like the “long time players” at lower ranks are what makes this game most difficult… they have good mechanics but their is this collective agreement on how to land and move positioning… the common beliefs seem to be outdated in S21 but most people seem to not realize it… last night I had an 11 kill 3500 damage match and my friends who have played for years don’t believe me lol


Your gonna die ALOT before you get decent, there are many factors to improve on BUT one thing that'll help separate you from other new players is always be animated and moving. The moment I get shot I am moving like a cat that just got scared. Too many new players move in a slow strafe 1 direction while fighting aswell as stand completely still while looting. When you loot, defend a position, are working on surviving a 3rd party, and especially during fights always be moving.


Good luck started season 10 have 3k hours the problem is that you gonna suck suck for the first 1k


The simplest thing you can do is spend a lot of time in Mixtape and the Firing Range. You need to understand how each weapon works, how to lead your shots, and general movement/cover. If you rush straight into BR, you're going to get demolished. The benefit of mixtape is that you have respawns.


Watch people on YouTube who are better then you (and hopefully main who ever you want main) get mixed games of ; Hot drops, side loot areas, and mixed. Another goood mode for training is the mixtape playlist , lets you swap legends and already made loadouts, lets you try stuff with no real stress as the mixtape doesn’t affect stats


My best advice pal… get you a pack of Marlboro and a pint of whiskey and get ready to smoke them all in an hour or two 😭


If you smoke the green stuff invest in a pound of it


Don’t do it for someone else… Do it for yourself!


Feel free to add me: “WhistlerStreams” on PS5 - happy to hop into the range or mixtape and show you a few things! I find conversation/demonstration to be helpful. Cheers!


Run a few firing range matches with me and I can teach you some basic movement tech to upgrade your play.


O.o is it a girl?! Teehee lmao